microvascular anastomosis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Major gastrointestinal surgical resections and subsequent reconstruction can occasionally need arterial or venous resection, can encounter variant anatomy, or may lead to injury to vessels. These can lead to arterial and/or venous insufficiency of viscera like the stomach, liver, colon, or spleen. Left unaddressed, these can lead to, partial or total, organ ischemia or necrosis. This can trigger a cascade of systemic clinical complications resulting in significant morbidity or even mortality. The aim of this case series is to highlight the utility of microvascular plastic surgical principles and practices in countering these vascular insufficiencies in emergency situations. Retrospective analysis of consecutive cases from March 2014 to May 2022, where intervention for emergency salvage of viscera was done. Microvascular surgical intervention for the vascular insufficient organ was performed, either by primary repair of vessels, use of interposition vein grafts, or anastomosis to a new source vessel (supercharging/super-drainage). Patients were monitored postoperatively for any signs of necrosis of viscera. Microvascular intervention was done in 21 cases: seven cases of supercharging of the gastric tube following esophagectomy, two cases of stomach salvage following pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodectomy, eight cases of hepatic artery restoration, two cases of splenic artery repair, and one each of colon salvage during coloplasty, etc. We were able to salvage the viscera of 20 cases. Arterial and venous insufficiencies can be predictably and safely reversed by precise microvascular techniques. Potentially, many greater numbers of patients can benefit from a microvascular approach to complex resections, injury, and viscera salvage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Effective vascular anastomosis is crucial for successful hand surgery, particularly in traumatic injuries where rapid restoration of blood flow is essential. The Synovis microvascular anastomotic coupler system presents a novel approach by potentially offering faster and more reliable outcomes than traditional suturing methods. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness and safety of the Synovis coupler for microvascular anastomoses in the wrist, evaluating anastomosis time, patency rates, and complication rates.
    UNASSIGNED: This retrospective study examined 25 microvascular anastomoses (22 arteries and 3 veins) in 24 patients at a major trauma center. The primary outcomes measured were anastomosis time and vascular patency, which were assessed immediately post-operation and at subsequent follow-ups.
    UNASSIGNED: The average time required for anastomosis using the coupler was 7.3 min. Immediate post-operative vascular patency was 100%, with a long-term patency rate of 88%. Complications included arterial narrowing at the coupler site in 3 arteries, and complete occlusion in 3 arteries, accounting for a 12% long-term complication rate.
    UNASSIGNED: Although the Synovis coupler demonstrated a significant reduction in anastomosis time and high patency rates, our data suggest that its effectiveness is more pronounced in venous anastomoses. The higher complication rates in arterial anastomoses warrant cautious use in these cases. Further research, including prospective randomized controlled trials, is needed to validate these findings and optimize patient selection criteria for using couplers in microvascular surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Microanastomosis presents a challenge in neurosurgical procedures, requiring specialized skills. Regular practice outside the operating room is crucial. This study aims to provide a detailed description of the side-to-side anastomosis technique and analyze its advantages in preventing failures compared with other variations.
    METHODS: We examined the technique, characteristics, and outcomes of side-to-side bypass procedures for complex aneurysms in the anterior cerebral artery territory at our institution over the past decade. We compared our technique with those described in the literature by other groups.
    RESULTS: The Far East Neurosurgical Institute (FENI) technique was used in 15 patients, with 17 side-to-side anastomoses performed. The average anastomosis time was 27.5 minutes, with 100% patency in follow-up. Our technique demonstrated safety and effectiveness in treating intracranial aneurysms, yielding satisfactory short- and long-term functionality outcomes. We highlight the importance of maintaining a curvilinear arteriotomy shape, at least 3 times the diameter of the artery, and utilizing an interrupted suturing technique on the anterior wall.
    CONCLUSIONS: This paper presents the first comprehensive description of the side-to-side anastomosis technique, supported with images and videos for training and replicability. Our technique enhances flow dynamics and reduces the risk of acute thrombus formation. Training in simulators and microsurgery practice centers outside the operating room is essential for acquiring and refining microsurgical skills.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The surgical 3D exoscopes have recently been introduced as an alternative to the surgical microscopes in microneurosurgery. Since the exoscope availability is still limited, it is relevant to know whether even a short-term exoscope training develops the skills needed for performing exoscope-assisted surgeries.
    METHODS: Ten participants (six consultants, four residents) performed two laboratory bypass test tasks with a 3D exoscope (Aesculap Aeos®). Six training sessions (6 h) were performed in between (interval of 2-5 weeks) on artificial models. The participants were divided into two groups: test group (n = 6) trained with the exoscope and control group (n = 4) with a surgical microscope. The test task was an artificial end-to-side microsurgical anastomosis model, using 12 interrupted 9-0 sutures and recorded on video. We compared the individual as well as group performance among the test subjects based on suturing time, anastomosis quality, and manual dexterity.
    RESULTS: Altogether, 20 bypass tasks were performed (baseline n = 10, follow-up n = 10). The median duration decreased by 28 min and 44% in the exoscope training group. The decrease was steeper (29 min, 45%) among the participants with less than 6 years of microneurosurgery experience compared to the more experienced participants (13 min, 24%). After training, the participants with at least 1-year experience of using the exoscope did not improve their task duration. The training with the exoscope led to a greater time reduction than the training with the microscope (44% vs 17%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Even short-term training with the exoscope led to marked improvements in exoscope-assisted bypass suturing among novice microneurosurgeons. For the more experienced participants, a plateau in the initial learning curve was reached quickly. A much longer-term effort might be needed to witness further improvement in this user group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Good visualization is a prerequisite for performing microvascular anastomosis. The most commonly used dye, methylene blue, has several limitations: it is washed off quickly and stains all the vessel layers. The objective of our study is to use 2 new novel dyes for improving visualization.
    After ethical committee approval, 2 Dyes (2% cresyl violet, 1% eosin) were studied in 3 groups, 20 rats in each group and 5 rats in the combined group. End-to-side anastomosis was performed in the classic fashion in 45 rats. After venotomy, the dye was applied to the raw surface of the vessels and subsequently, anastomosis was performed. The improvement in visualization was judged by 3 blinded experts and nonexperts in 4 groups on a scale of 1-10. Scores were statistically analyzed. After 2 weeks, animals were re-explored to check the delayed patency, and segments were harvested for histopathologic analysis.
    The immediate and delayed patency rates were 100% (45/45) and 97% (33/34), respectively. In statistical analysis, the combined group (P = 0.005)was judged statistically significant because of the contrast in color. All the layers were stained by both dyes, staining lasted until the end of the surgery. Visibility of the cut ends was better in cresyl violet. All histopathologic findings suggested normal changes at the anastomotic site.
    This study showed that the use of these 2 dyes was not only feasible but highly efficacious. Even though all the layers were stained by both the dyes, the visibility of the cut ends was better. In both dyes, staining lasted until the end of surgery. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that has used these 2 novel dyes to improve visualization in microvascular anastomosis in an experimental setting.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    This prospective randomized study evaluates surgical outcomes of head and neck free tissue transfer surgery performed by a single head and neck reconstructive surgeon comparing the use of surgical loupes and the operating microscope.
    Cases using surgical loupes were performed under ×3.5 magnification, whereas cases using the microscope were done using the standard operating microscope. Patient demographics, comorbidities, operative details, surgical outcomes, and flap failure were assessed.
    Eighty-five free tissue transfer surgeries were included. Of these, 51.8% (n = 44) free tissue transfers were performed using loupe magnification and 48.2% (n = 41) were performed using the operating microscope. Total cases requiring intraoperative microvascular anastomosis revision was 12 (15.4%)-of these, 41.7% (n = 5) were originally performed with surgical loupes and 58.3% (n = 7) were with microscope (p = 0.24).
    The current study provides novel, prospective data regarding a single head and neck reconstructive surgeon\'s experience at a single academic institution. From this, surgical loupes or the operating microscope can be used to perform head and neck microvascular reconstruction with no significant difference in rates of free tissue transfer failure or perioperative complications or outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perfused placentas provide an excellent and accessible model for microvascular dissection, microsuturing and microanastomosis training - particularly in the early microsurgical learning curve. This way, a significant amount of live animals can be spared.
    We present the Zurich Microsurgery Lab protocol, detailing steps for obtaining, selecting, cleaning, flushing, cannulating, and preserving human placentas - as well as microsurgical training examples - in a tried-and-true, safe, cost-effective, and high-yield fashion.
    Our technique enables highly realistic microsurgical training (microdissection, microvascular repair, microanastomosis) based on readily available materials. Proper handling, preparation, and preservation of the perfused placenta models is key.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to elucidate the vasodilatory effects and cytotoxicity of various vasodilators used as antispasmodic agents during microsurgical anastomosis. Rat smooth muscle cells (RSMCs) and human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) were used to investigate the physiological concentrations and cytotoxicity of various vasodilators (lidocaine, papaverine, nitroglycerin, phentolamine, and orciprenaline). Using a wire myograph system, we determined the vasodilatory effects of each drug in rat abdominal aortic sections at the concentration resulting in maximal vasodilation as well as at the surrounding concentrations 10 min after administration. Maximal vasodilation effect 10 min after administration was achieved at the following concentrations: lidocaine, 35 mM; papaverine, 0.18 mM; nitroglycerin, 0.022 mM; phentolamine, 0.11 mM; olprinone, 0.004 mM. The IC50 for lidocaine, papaverine, and nitroglycerin was measured in rat abdominal aortic sections, as well as in RSMCs after 30 min and in HCAECs after 10 min. Phentolamine and olprinone showed no cytotoxicity towards RSMCs or HCAECs. The concentrations of the various drugs required to achieve vasodilation were lower than the reported clinical concentrations. Lidocaine, papaverine, and nitroglycerin showed cytotoxicity, even at lower concentrations than those reported clinically. Phentolamine and olprinone show antispasmodic effects without cytotoxicity, making them useful candidates for local administration as antispasmodics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microsurgery is usually performed in experimental research models and clinical surgery. It requires meticulous technical skills and continuous training. Inert materials such as Shirataki noodles are readily available and low-cost consumables regularly used for practice. The objective of this study was to evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of a simplified evaluation grid of suture on inert material (Shirataki Konnyaku noodle) under smartphone magnification.
    Ten students performed end-to-end suture on inert material with magnification via their smartphone. Each suture was filmed, and the videos were randomized. Each student was evaluated on each video three times over three consecutive days, using a simplified evaluation grid. Intra- and inter-observer agreement was evaluated on Concordance Correlation Coefficients. Values were assessed on Pearson\'s correlation coefficient.
    Intra-observer correlation was weak for 2 items (0.288 and 0.246) and moderate for the other 2 (0.419 and 0.529). Inter-observer correlation was weak for 3 items (0.344, 0.358, and 0.276) and close to zero for the other (0.034).
    This simplified evaluation grid for microsurgery training on inert material via smartphone was poorly repeatable and reproducible. Loss of certain items in the grid due to the use of inert material probably impaired relevance.





