medical rehabilitation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this study was to develop a question prompt list (QPL) to support patients undergoing work-related medical rehabilitation in obtaining relevant information and to explore how patients and physicians rate the QPL regarding its usefulness, practicability, and perceived (additional) effort.
    UNASSIGNED: An initial item pool was assessed by rehabilitation patients (N = 3) in cognitive interviews, rated by physicians and other health professionals (N = 11), and then further modified. The final QPL version (16 items) was used by patients (N = 36) in medical admission interviews in an inpatient medical rehabilitation facility and then evaluated. Physicians evaluated the QPL after each interview with a study participant (N = 6; k = 39 interviews).
    UNASSIGNED: The QPL was used by 50% of patients who rated its usefulness and comprehensibility positively. Neither the need for information nor satisfaction with the information received was correlated with QPL use. The physicians\' assessment showed a positive evaluation regarding the provision of information and structuring of the conversation, but also a higher perceived time expenditure.
    UNASSIGNED: While initial testing of the QPL in work-related medical rehabilitation as a tool to support patient-provider communication generally showed a favorable evaluation by patients using it and physicians, future research should address its validity and effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: In order to optimize rehabilitation measures for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) it is advisable to use natural therapeutic factors in the medical rehabilitation programmes of this category of patients, which is due to the pronounced psycho-corrective effects of climatic landscape therapy and nitrogen-thermal waters.
    OBJECTIVE: To study psycho-corrective effects of a new rehabilitation technique for the patients suffering from PTSD using natural therapeutic factors of Nalchik resort.
    METHODS: Thera has been carried out a randomized controlled trial that included 74 patients with PTSD. Two groups were formed by simple randomization: in the control group (CG/n=38) the patients had standardized pharmacotherapy, physical training and individual psychocorrection in accordance with federal clinical recommendations; in the main group (MG/n=36) terrencourt in the natural park of Nalchik resort and nitrogen-thermal baths were additionally prescribed. The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures was monitored using a questionnaire to assess the therapeutic dynamics of PTSD, the Beck Hopelessness scale, as well as the Neurotech Kolibri wireless BFB complex (Russia).
    RESULTS: A comparative analysis of monitoring of psycho-emotional status indicators proved the feasibility of the developed medical rehabilitation programme for PTSD patients. A significant improvement in psychoemotional status was observed according to the questionnaire for assessing the therapeutic dynamics of PTSD (on average by 2 times, p<0.01), according to the Beck hopelessness scale, according to which the clinically assessed suicidal risk and hopelessness level were reduced by 1.7 (p<0.01) times with the patients in the MG. According to the analysis of brain biopotentials during the primary training, the patients had insufficient control over the course of mental activity (63%), and at the end of the course the indicator improved to 97% (p<0.01). In the CG positive dynamics on both scales of psychological testing and analysis of brain biopotentials was significantly lower (by 12-15%, p<0.05-p<0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: After including in the standardized rehabilitation programme controlled walking in the mid-mountain Natural Park and nitrogen-thermal baths of Nalchik resort, there was a significant improvement in the psycho-emotional status of the patients suffering from PTSD, which indicates their psychocorrective effects and provides great opportunities to improve the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation.
    С целью оптимизации реабилитационных мероприятий при посттравматическом стрессовом расстройстве (ПТСР) целесообразно использование природных лечебных факторов в программах медицинской реабилитации данной категории пациентов, что обусловлено выраженными психокорригирующими эффектами климатоландшафтотерапии и азотно-термальных вод.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучить психокорригирующие эффекты новой реабилитационной методики для пациентов с ПТСР с применением природных лечебных факторов курорта «Нальчик».
    UNASSIGNED: Проведено рандомизированное контролируемое исследование, в которое было включено 74 пациента с ПТСР. Методом простой рандомизации было сформировано 2 группы: в контрольной группе (КГ, n=38) были назначены стандартизированная фармакотерапия, физические тренировки и индивидуальная психокоррекция в соответствии с федеральными клиническими рекомендациями; в основной (ОГ, n=36) — дополнительно были назначены терренкур в природном парке курорта «Нальчик» и азотно-термальные ванны. Контроль эффективности реабилитационных мероприятий осуществляли с использованием опросника для оценки терапевтической динамики ПТСР, шкалы безнадежности Бека, а также беспроводного комплекса БОС «Колибри» («Нейротех», Россия).
    UNASSIGNED: Проведенный в сравнительном аспекте анализ мониторирования показателей психоэмоционального статуса доказал целесообразность разработанной программы медицинской реабилитации для пациентов с ПТСР. Достоверно значимое улучшение психоэмоционального статуса отмечалось по опроснику для оценки терапевтической динамики ПТСР (в среднем в 2 раза, p<0,01), по шкале безнадежности Бека, по которой у пациентов ОГ отмечалось снижение клинически оцениваемого суицидального риска и уровня безнадежности в 1,7 (p<0,01) раза. По анализу биопотенциалов мозга при проведении первичного тренинга у пациентов отмечалась недостаточность функции контроля за протеканием психической деятельности (63%), а по завершению курса показатель улучшился до 97% (p<0,01). В КГ положительная динамика по обеим шкалам психологического тестирования и анализу биопотенциалов мозга была значимо ниже (на 12—15%, p<0,05 — p<0,01).
    UNASSIGNED: Значимое улучшение психоэмоционального статуса пациентов с ПТСР при включении в стандартизированную реабилитационную программу дозированной ходьбы в среднегорном природном парке и азотно-термальных ванн курорта «Нальчик» констатирует их психокорригирующие эффекты, что предоставляет большие возможности для повышения эффективности медицинской реабилитации.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High dropout rates are a common problem reported in web-based studies. Understanding which risk factors interrelate with dropping out from the studies provides the option to prevent dropout by tailoring effective strategies.
    This study aims to contribute an understanding of the predictors of web-based study dropout among psychosomatic rehabilitation patients. We investigated whether sociodemographics, voluntary interventions, physical and mental health, digital use for health and rehabilitation, and COVID-19 pandemic-related variables determine study dropout.
    Patients (N=2155) recruited from 4 psychosomatic rehabilitation clinics in Germany filled in a web-based questionnaire at T1, which was before their rehabilitation stay. Approximately half of the patients (1082/2155, 50.21%) dropped out at T2, which was after the rehabilitation stay, before and during which 3 voluntary digital trainings were provided to them. According to the number of trainings that the patients participated in, they were categorized into a comparison group or 1 of 3 intervention groups. Chi-square tests were performed to examine the differences between dropout patients and retained patients in terms of sociodemographic variables and to compare the dropout rate differences between the comparison and intervention groups. Logistic regression analyses were used to assess what factors were related to study dropout.
    The comparison group had the highest dropout rate of 68.4% (173/253) compared with the intervention groups\' dropout rates of 47.98% (749/1561), 50% (96/192), and 42.9% (64/149). Patients with a diagnosis of combined anxiety and depressive disorder had the highest dropout rate of 64% (47/74). Younger patients (those aged <50 y) and patients who were less educated were more likely to drop out of the study. Patients who used health-related apps and the internet less were more likely to drop out of the study. Patients who remained in their jobs and patients who were infected by COVID-19 were more likely to drop out of the study.
    This study investigated the predictors of dropout in web-based studies. Different factors such as patient sociodemographics, physical and mental health, digital use, COVID-19 pandemic correlates, and study design can correlate with the dropout rate. For web-based studies with a focus on mental health, it is suggested to consider these possible dropout predictors and take appropriate steps to help patients with a high risk of dropping out overcome difficulties in completing the study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Measuring the quality of provided healthcare presents many challenges, especially in the context of medical rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is based on a holistic biopsychosocial model of health that includes a person\'s long-term functioning; hence, outcome domains are very diverse. In Germany, rehabilitation outcomes are currently assessed via patient and physician surveys. Health insurance claims data has the potential to simplify current quality assurance procedures in Germany, since its comprehensive collection is federally mandated from every healthcare provider. By using a cross-sectoral approach, quality assessments in rehabilitation can be adjusted for the quality provided in previous sectors and individual patient risk factors.
    METHODS: SEQUAR combines two studies: In a prospective longitudinal study, 600 orthopedic rehabilitation patients and their physicians are surveyed at 4 and 2 time points, respectively, throughout rehabilitation and a follow-up period of 6 months. The questionnaires include validated instruments used in the current best-practice quality assurance procedures. In a retrospective cohort study, a nationwide claims database with more than 312,000 orthopedic rehabilitation patients will be used to perform exploratory analysis for the identification of quality indicators. The identified SEQUAR claims data quality indicators will be calculated for our prospective study participants and tested for their ability to approximate or replace the currently used, best-practice quality indicators based on primary data.
    CONCLUSIONS: The identified SEQUAR quality indicators will be used to draft a novel, state-of-the-art quality assurance procedure that reduces the administrative burden of current procedures. Further research into the applicability to other indications of rehabilitation is required.
    BACKGROUND: WHO UTN: U1111-1276-7141; DRKS-ID: DRKS00028747 (Date of Registration in DRKS: 2022/08/10).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The musculoskeletal system is affected in over 40% of patients with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). There is an increased need for post-acute rehabilitation after COVID-19, especially in elderly people with underlying health problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefits of an early and goal-orientated rehabilitation program using combined approaches, robotic medical devices together with other rehabilitation techniques and therapies, in elderly people after acute COVID-19. Ninety-one patients (62.64 ± 14.21 years) previously diagnosed with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection were admitted to the Medical Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital Baile Felix, Romania, for medical rehabilitation, but only six patients (85.33 ± 3.07 years) met the inclusion criteria and participated in the study. The rehabilitation treatment was complex, performed over 4 weeks, and included combined approaches: exercise therapy, robotic gait training, occupational therapy, and massages. Activity and participation evaluation were performed using the Barthel Index and Functional Independence Measure for activities of daily living (ADLs). Assessments were performed at admission and discharge from the rehabilitation clinic. Lokomat patients\' reports revealed that the patients had improved motor control (with one exception). The measurement of functional ability revealed an improvement in most cases. This study presents some of the first data on outcomes of COVID-19 patients\' musculoskeletal rehabilitation in our country. Early complex medical rehabilitation improved functional independence and autonomy in ADLs in very old patients, post-COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    Because the clinical patterns and symptoms that persist after a COVID-19 infection are diverse, a diagnosis of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) is difficult to implement. The current research project therefore aims to evaluate the feasibility and the practicability of a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral treatment program consisting of a low-threshold online screening and holistic assessment for PACS. Furthermore, it aims to evaluate digital interventions and the use of so-called personal guides that may help to facilitate the recovery of PACS.
    This German study consists of a low-threshold online screening for PACS where positively screened participants will be supported throughout by personal pilots. The personal pilots are aimed at empowering patients and helping them to navigate through the study and different treatment options. Patients will then be randomly assigned either to an intervention group (IG) or an active control group (ACG). The IG will receive a comprehensive assessment of physiological and psychological functioning to inform future treatment. The ACG does not receive the assessment but both groups will receive a treatment consisting of an individual digital treatment program (digital intervention platform and an intervention via a chatbot). This digital intervention is based on the needs identified during the assessment for participants in the IG. Compared to that, the ACG will receive a more common digital treatment program aiming to reduce PACS symptoms. Importantly, a third comparison group (CompG) will be recruited that does not receive any treatment. A propensity score matching will take place, ensuring comparability between the participants. Primary endpoints of the study are symptom reduction and return to work. Secondary outcomes comprise, for example, social participation and activities in daily life. Furthermore, the feasibility and applicability of the online screening tool, the holistic assessment, digital trainings, and personal pilots will be evaluated.
    This is one of the first large-scale studies to improve the diagnosis and the care of patients with PACS by means of empowerment. It is to be evaluated whether the methods utilized can be used for the German and international population. Trial registration Identifier: NCT05238415; date of registration: February 14, 2022.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The present study examined the relationship of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQue-SF) and academic achievement (GPA). Analyses were performed using a sample of Saudi-origin medical rehabilitation undergraduate students (N = 130). The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQue-SF). Analyses were performed using a sample of undergraduates (N = 585) recruited from four universities across China.
    UNASSIGNED: One hundred thirty medical rehabilitation students completed the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (TEIQue-SF). Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were carried out to elucidate relationships (or the lack of the same) between various variables.
    UNASSIGNED: Whole sample alpha coefficient value for global trait EI was 0.84, while the same for trait EI factors ranged from 0.51 to 0.76. Global Trait EI was found higher in males than in females (Female students median score: 17 ± 2.56 VS Male students median score: 18 ± 3.67; U: 1667, p 0.04). A positive and statistically significant relationship was found between Well-being and the three other factors (with Self-control [r(128), 0.413, p 0.01]; with Emotionality [r(128), 0.518, p 0.01], with Sociability [r(128), 0.490, p 0.01]). Sociability was found to have a similar positive relationship with Self-control [r(128), 0.239, p 0.05] and Emotionality [r(128), 0.490, p 0.01] respectively. Furthermore, GPA was found to have a negative (not statistically significant) relation with Sociability. Overall, there was no association found between trait EI and GPA.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study is one of two studies that has investigated the train EI-academic achievement link in healthcare-related students. Our findings resonate with existing literature on the subject.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sickness absence, disability pensions, and use of healthcare due to disabling back pain are a high economic burden in Germany. Assessment are needed to identify employees who are likely to need intensive support.
    OBJECTIVE: The cohort study examined whether rehabilitation, disability pensions and death can be predicted by a simple self-reported rating of work ability in employees with back pain in Germany.
    METHODS: Employees aged 45 to 59 years who reported back pain in the last 3 months completed the Work Ability Score in 2017 (0-10 points). Individual scores were categorized into poor (0-5 points), moderate (6-7) and at least good (8-10) work ability. Outcomes were extracted from administrative records covering the period until the end of 2018. Proportional hazard models were fitted to determine the prognostic benefit of the Work Ability Score.
    RESULTS: Data for 6,917 participants were included (57.8% women). The median follow-up time was 20 months. Of the participants, 52.1% had a good or excellent, 27.7% a moderate, and 20.2% a poor Work Ability Score. During follow-up, 548 persons were granted rehabilitation measures, 57 persons disability pensions, and 23 died. Fully adjusted analyses showed an increased risk of a rehabilitation measure (hazard ratio = 2.65; 95% CI 2.11; 3.34) and a disability pension (HR = 4.12; 95% CI 2.02; 8.39) in employees with poor work ability. A premature death was not associated with poor work ability.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Work Ability Score is a potential tool to identify individuals, reporting back pain, with an increased risk of health-related early retirement and work disability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Medical rehabilitation (MR) by the German Pension Insurance is approved to maintain and to restore work ability and to avoid disability pensions. Studies on the rehabilitation utilization by people with a migration background (PMB) compared to people without a migration background (non-PMB) showed heterogeneous results, which may be partly due to different definitions of migration status. The aim of this paper was to test whether there are differences in utilization of MR between employed PMB and non-PMB with self-reported back pain.
    UNASSIGNED: We used data from a large German cohort study that analyzed the effectiveness of MR for individuals with back pain and was conducted between 1st January 2017 and 31st December 2019. Employees aged 45 to 59 years who reported back pain in the last three months completed the baseline questionnaire in 2017. We used four definitions of migration background (MB) to differentiate by first- and second-generation migration, by one- and two-sided migration background, by language, or by nationality. Data on rehabilitation utilization was extracted from administrative records covering the period until the end of 2018.
    UNASSIGNED: Data of 6,713 participants were included, and 514 individuals utilized MR during follow-up. Adjusted analyses showed a decreased risk of rehabilitation utilization in people with a first-generation MB (HR = 0·46; 95% CI 0·29; 0·72), people with a two-sided MB (HR = 0·47; 95% CI 0·31; 0·72), people whose native language was not German (HR = 0·52; 95% CI 0·30; 0·91), and people without German nationality (HR = 0·29; 95% CI 0·12; 0·72) when compared to non-PMB.
    UNASSIGNED: This study showed that employees with a MB reporting back pain had a significantly reduced risk for utilization of rehabilitation services. This underutilization could be observed considering different definitions of MB. Future research on rehabilitation utilization by PMB should consider the impact of different definitions on the results.
    UNASSIGNED: The study was funded by the German Research Foundation (grant numbers: BE 5885/2-1; MA 6981/2-1). The German Research Foundation functions as a self-governing institution for the promotion of science and research in Germany.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence for health-related effects of German medical rehabilitation programs for back pain is inconclusive. This cohort study aimed to examine the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation in residents with back pain (German Clinical Trial Register: DRKS00011554).
    A sample of 45 000 people aged 45-59 years was randomly drawn from two pension agencies. We used propensity score matching to compare persons with back pain who completed a medical rehabilitation program with similar untreated subjects. Questionnaire data were assessed in 2017 and 2019, and linked with administrative data. The primary outcome was pain disability.
    In total, 6610 persons with back pain were considered for matching and we finally compared 200 persons treated in a medical rehabilitation program with 200 untreated subjects. Pain disability was reported more favorable in the control group without medical rehabilitation compared to the intervention group (difference = 4.2; 95% CI -0.8-9.2), as well as other secondary outcomes.
    At first glance, the findings suggest that medical rehabilitation was ineffective in improving health, pain and work ability among employed persons with back pain, but we found plausible explanations indicating that the estimated effects in favor of the untreated subjects are methodologically induced.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONPropensity score matching can be used to assess the effects of multimodal interventions in persons with back pain in routine care.Inappropriate recruitment of controls may underestimate treatment effects.When using observational data and propensity score matching to analyze the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation, baseline survey should be conducted directly before the start of rehabilitation to identify comparable controls.





