
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the social determinants of health have guided equity work with the tailoring of men\'s health promotion programs, the role of, and potential for, the commercial determinants of health in those interventions is rarely addressed and poorly understood. While four commercial products, tobacco, alcohol, ultra-processed food, and fossil fuels, account for more than a third of global deaths, there is a need to recognize that consumer goods industries can make both positive and negative contributions to health. This article begins much-needed discussions about what we might learn from, and strategically tap in the commercial sector to seed, scale, and sustain men\'s health promotion programs. Three case studies, online sports betting, beer and the rise of the nonny, and athleisurewear, are discussed. Connections between online sports betting and masculinities explain young men\'s disproportionate involvement and gambling addictions with recommendations to legislate an end to gambling advertisements and de-incentivize industry profiteering through penalties and higher taxes. Regarding beer and the rise of the nonny, brewers have innovated with non-alcoholic beer based on shifting consumption patterns and masculinities in their core market-men. The nonny reminds health promoters to know their end-user\'s values and behaviors to bolster program acceptability. Detailing Under Armour and Lululemon, two highly gendered but diversifying athleisurewear brands, the complexities of, and potential for, leveraging public health and industry collaborations are underscored. Taken together, the article findings suggest men\'s health promoters should rigorously explore tapping key commercial entities and tax revenues to advance the health of men and their communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article aims to excavate the lived experience of suffering with steroid-induced erectile dysfunction. By drawing upon original qualitative data, we chart the subjective journey to recovery of a male powerlifter and draw attention to the potential dangers of a self-help approach to treatment. Erectile dysfunction is a common symptom of anabolic-androgenic steroid-induced hypogonadism, a condition not commonly reported or discussed and is therefore a poorly studied health issue. Often considered a taboo subject, detailed accounts of men\'s experience of erectile dysfunction are relatively sparce, and so this paper makes an important contribution to bolstering what is a limited literature base. Links between contemporary conceptions of masculinity, muscularity, and sexual prowess are explored and form the basis of a critical analysis of popular treatment and prevention strategies. Among the central findings, this article suggests that steroids are not consumed despite the well-known risks, but precisely because the risks are well-known and ostensibly mitigated through engagement with \'bro-science\'. We conclude that there is a concerning misalignment in current treatment and prevention strategies that needs to be addressed if the issue of non-prescribed steroid use is to be effectively tackled. This research therefore raises serious questions for the healthcare profession and its approach towards treating and preventing steroid consumption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although there is no lack of research on masculinity and help-seeking behavior, men continue to seek counseling less often than women. It is crucial we find effective therapeutic approaches to connect and meet men where they are, acknowledging the positive aspects of their masculinity while addressing their needs in the counseling setting. In this conceptual research article, we propose a new approach for counselors to utilize with men seeking counseling, the Relational Resilience Approach, which applies tenets of Relational-Cultural Theory, Positive Psychology, and Shame Resilience Theory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In line with the gay glass ceiling effect, sexual minorities are often target of discrimination within work-related contexts, thus potentially undermining their wellbeing at work. For gay men, discrimination may partially be attributed to gay men\'s stereotypical feminine perception, which does not fit with the stereotypically masculine traits required for leadership positions. Yet, when considering lesbian women, the masculine stereotypical view associated with them may come to represent an advantage in work-related contexts, especially when compared to heterosexual women. In Study 1, N = 303 heterosexual participants rated a lesbian vs. a heterosexual woman as a job candidate on stereotypical gender (masculine vs. feminine) traits as well as leadership effectiveness. Results showed that being lesbian was associated with higher levels of masculinity (but not femininity), which in turn was related to high leadership effectiveness. In Study 2, N = 268 lesbian and heterosexual women rated themselves on the same measures. Results showed that both groups associated masculine traits with enhanced leadership effectiveness. These studies provide a better comprehension regarding how lesbian women may be perceived in work-related contexts and shed light on the role played by gender stereotypical perceptions in shaping both heterosexual and lesbian perceptions of leadership effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents a case study of Simon, a 25-year old Black South African male. According to his Pedi customs, Simon underwent traditional male circumcision (TMC) as a 12-year-old adolescent. He tells of his fears relative to this experience and how, over time, he transitioned from a belief in TMC to a strong preference for medical male circumcision (MMC). Using a single-case study design, the aim of the research was to explore the value of the exercise of choice in TMC, which may influence cultural perceptions of gender and masculinity. The study unpacks the way in which the meaning and experience of TMC is shaped by the social and cultural contexts of South Africa. This qualitative exploration complements conventional medical accounts of circumcision, which are often focused on the medical procedure while ignoring cultural and social factors. Issues of gender, particularly the construction of hegemonic masculinity and how it positions men, women, and young boys in relation to each other and their communities, are discussed. Simon\'s case study provides new insights and perspectives on personally and culturally sensitive issues which are not easily accessed nor commonly understood. Data collected via in-depth interviews were transcribed and analyzed thematically. Analysis applied information from the literature and key concepts from the theoretical standpoint of social constructivism. Case study analysis allowed space for unexpected, emergent themes to arise from the data. Four main themes were identified, notably language, silence, patriarchy, and masculinity.







  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    Literature on Latino men and intervention for intimate partner violence/abuse (IPV/A) is slim. Over 100 men have voluntarily sought help for IPV/A perpetration from \"The Men\'s Group\" (TMG) at St. Pius V parish in Chicago, IL (US) and remained engaged for extended periods. Given the rarity of prolonged non-court mandated engagement in batterer intervention programs (BIPs), a case study was conducted to explore how TMG functions. Drawing on multiple data sources, this study examined development and implementation of TMG, while also investigating contextual factors, motivators and facilitators of participants\' involvement. Data revealed that TMG functions within a supportive community context by using a mixture of traditional techniques and innovative practices, creating a unique treatment modality. The program was found to be culturally-sensitive and spirituality-based. Reasons for initial attendance varied but included: (1) fear of losing or actual loss of their partner/family; (2) acknowledging a problem and desiring to change for self or others; and (3) a desire to reach inner peace. Three themes shed light on why men remain engaged in TMG, including: (1) being met with respect by facilitators; (2) experiencing TMG as \"family\"; and (3) gaining benefits. Reliance upon the criminal justice system is not enough to address IPV/A perpetration. This program shows promise as an alternative or supplement to traditional BIPs, which typically rely on clients being court-mandated to attend treatment. Given the widespread nature of IPV/A, understanding the operation of potential community-based alternatives or supplements to BIPs is critical in widening access to treatment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gender and emotion stereotypes suggest that men do not and should not cry, yet men\'s crying seems to be particularly prominent in contexts such as competitive sports. In two studies, I investigated the possibility that men\'s crying is more frequent and seen as more acceptable in these settings because such contexts are perceived to be highly masculine, and can buffer men from the negative consequences associated with violating gender stereotypes. Specifically, I tested the hypotheses that (a) observers would perceive men\'s crying more positively in a masculine-stereotyped than a feminine-stereotyped setting, and following from this, (b) men would report being more likely to shed tears in a stereotypically masculine than a stereotypically feminine setting. To test these predictions, I conducted two between-subjects experiments in which participants (N = 250; N = 192), read a vignette about a man or a woman crying in either a stereotypically masculine (firefighting, weightlifting) or stereotypically feminine (nursing, figure skating) setting, and then rated the target on several emotion-related dependent variables. In line with predictions, results of Study 1 indicated that participants rated crying male firefighters as more emotionally appropriate, emotionally strong, and as higher in workplace status than crying male nurses, and that these effects were mediated by perceptions of the target\'s masculinity and femininity. Study 2 replicated these effects using sports-related vignettes, and showed that male participants reported being more likely to shed tears after losing a competition in weightlifting than in figure-skating. Taken together, these findings suggest that men who are perceived to embody cultural ideals of masculinity may be given more room to cry than those who are perceived as less stereotypically masculine.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Veterans face a range of challenges as they transition out of the military and into civilian life. For some, this period of transition is characterized by loss of identity, loss of daily structure, loss of community, and confusion about where they fit within society. If not attended to, problems associated with the military-to-civilian transition can lead to significant functional impairment. Yet, little is known about how psychotherapy can support this period of adjustment that every veteran will face. This article presents a case study of a veteran struggling to adjust to the civilian world following his service in the military. Critical areas of assessment, conceptualization, and intervention are explicated to help inform best practices for mental health providers working with veterans.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Often, we assume the traumatic nature of first response work has inevitable repercussions. This can lead to assumptions about trauma being the reason for distress, resulting in fixed ideas about diagnosis and treatment, without the complex socio-political and psychodynamic implications being fully considered. This paper challenges such assumptions by exploring the presentation of PTSD in \'old guard\' police officers at the cusp of the post-apartheid era in South Africa. Focusing on long serving \'white\' Afrikaner policemen, an argument is advanced that, while a diagnosis of PTSD may have enabled the old guard to legitimately access care and support for distress, at another level it served to displace core conflicts related to masculinity (and other aspects of identity) triggered by adjustment difficulties inherent in the transition from apartheid to post-apartheid South Africa. A case study is used to illustrate these observations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case study measured the effects of manual laryngeal therapy on the fundamental frequency (fo), formant frequencies, estimated vocal tract length, and listener perception of masculinity of a 32-year-old transmasculine individual. The participant began testosterone therapy 1.5 years prior to the study. Two therapy approaches were administered sequentially in a single session: (1) passive circumlaryngeal massage and manual laryngeal reposturing, and (2) active laryngeal reposturing with voicing. Acoustic recordings were collected before and after each treatment and 3 days after the session. Speaking fo decreased from 124 Hz to 120 Hz after passive training, and to 108 Hz after active training. Estimated vocal tract length increased from 17.0 cm to 17.3 cm after passive training, and to 19.4 cm after active training. Eight listeners evaluated the masculinity of the participant\'s speech; his voice was rated as most masculine at the end of the training session. All measures returned to baseline at follow-up. Overall, both acoustic and perceptual changes were observed in one transmasculine individual who participated in manual laryngeal therapy, even after significant testosterone-induced voice changes had already occurred; however, changes were not maintained in the follow-up. This study adds to scant literature on effective approaches to and proposed outcome measures for voice masculinization in transmasculine individuals.






