
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent (BOLD) activation reflects hemodynamic events mediated by neurovascular coupling. During task performance, the BOLD hemodynamic response in a relevant area is mainly driven by the high levels of synaptic activity (reflected in local field potentials, LFP) but, in contrast, during a task-free, resting state, the contribution to BOLD of such neural events is small, as expected by the comparatively (to the task state) low level of neural events. Concomitant recording of BOLD and LFP at rest in animal experiments has estimated the neural contribution to BOLD to ~10%. Such experiments have not been performed in humans. As an approximation, we recorded (in the same subject, N = 57 healthy participants) at a task-free, resting state the BOLD signal and, in a different session, the magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signal, which reflects purely neural (synaptic) events. We then calculated the turnover of these signals by computing the successive moment-to-moment difference in the BOLD and MEG time series and retaining the median of the absolute value of the differenced series (TBOLD and TMEG, respectively). A linear regression of normalized TBOLD vs. TMEG revealed that ~30% of TMEG contributes to TBOLD, accounting for 11.3% of the latter\'s variance. This percentage estimate is close to the ~10% estimate above obtained by direct recordings in animal experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the spatial-temporal pattern variation of whole-brain functional connectivity (FC) during reward processing in melancholic major depressive disorder (MDD) patients, and to determine the clinical correlates of connectomic differences.
    METHODS: 61 MDD patients and 32 healthy controls were enrolled into the study. During magnetoencephalography (MEG) scanning, all participants completed the facial emotion recognition task. The MDD patients were further divided into two groups: melancholic (n = 31) and non-melancholic (n = 30), based on the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.) assessment. Melancholic symptoms were examined by using the 6-item melancholia subscale from the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D6). The whole-brain orthogonalized power envelope connections in the high-beta band (20-35 Hz) were constructed in each period after the happy emotional stimuli (0-200 ms, 100-300 ms, 200-400 ms, 300-500 ms, and 400-600 ms). Then, the network-based statistic (NBS) was used to determine the specific abnormal connection patterns in melancholic MDD patients.
    RESULTS: The NBS identified a sub-network difference at the mid-late period (300-500 ms) in response to happy faces among the three groups (corrected P = 0.035). Then, the post hoc and correlation analyses found five FCs were decreased in melancholic MDD patients and were related to HAM-D6 score, including FCs of left fusiform gyrus-right orbital inferior frontal gyrus (r = -0.52, P < 0.001), left fusiform gyrus-left amygdala (r = -0.26, P = 0.049), left posterior cingulate gyrus-right precuneus (r = -0.32, P = 0.025), left precuneus-right precuneus (r = -0.27, P = 0.049), and left precuneus-left inferior occipital gyrus (r = -0.32, P = 0.025).
    CONCLUSIONS: In response to happy faces, melancholic MDD patients demonstrated a disrupted functional connective pattern (20-35 Hz, 300-500 ms), which involved brain regions in visual information processing and the limbic system. The aberrant functional connective pattern in reward processing might be a biomarker of melancholic MDD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) remains a critical intervention for treatment-resistant depression (MDD), yet its neurobiological underpinnings are not fully understood. This pilot study aims to investigate changes in loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials (LDAEP), a proposed biomarker of serotonergic activity, in patients undergoing ECT.
    UNASSIGNED: High-resolution magnetoencephalography (MEG) was utilized to measure LDAEP in nine depressed patients receiving right unilateral ECT. We hypothesized that ECT would reduce the LDAEP slope, reflecting enhanced serotonergic neurotransmission. Depression severity and cognitive performance were assessed using the 24-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS24) and the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS), respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: Contrary to our hypothesis, findings indicated a significant increase in LDAEP post-ECT (t 8 = 3.17, p = .013). The increase in LDAEP was not associated with changes in depression severity or cognitive performance.
    UNASSIGNED: The observed increase in LDAEP suggests a more complex interaction between ECT and neurobiological systems, rather than a direct reflection of serotonergic neurotransmission. Potential mechanisms for this increase include ECT\'s impact on serotonergic, dopaminergic, glutamatergic, and GABAergic receptor activity, neuroplasticity involving brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and inflammatory modulators such as TNF-α. Our results highlight the multifaceted effects of ECT on brain function, necessitating further research to elucidate these interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Source analysis of magnetoencephalography (MEG) data requires the computation of the magnetic fields induced by current sources in the brain. This so-called MEG forward problem includes an accurate estimation of the volume conduction effects in the human head. Here, we introduce the Cut finite element method (CutFEM) for the MEG forward problem. CutFEM\'s meshing process imposes fewer restrictions on tissue anatomy than tetrahedral meshes while being able to mesh curved geometries contrary to hexahedral meshing. To evaluate the new approach, we compare CutFEM with a boundary element method (BEM) that distinguishes three tissue compartments and a 6-compartment hexahedral FEM in an n = 19 group study of somatosensory evoked fields (SEF). The neural generators of the 20 ms post-stimulus SEF components (M20) are reconstructed using both an unregularized and a regularized inversion approach. Changing the forward model resulted in reconstruction differences of about 1 centimeter in location and considerable differences in orientation. The tested 6-compartment FEM approaches significantly increase the goodness of fit to the measured data compared with the 3-compartment BEM. They also demonstrate higher quasi-radial contributions for sources below the gyral crowns. Furthermore, CutFEM improves source separability compared with both other approaches. We conclude that head models with 6 compartments rather than 3 and the new CutFEM approach are valuable additions to MEG source reconstruction, in particular for sources that are predominantly radial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Some studies have hypothesized that atypical neural synchronization at the delta frequency band in the auditory cortex is associated with phonological and language skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but it is still poorly understood. This study investigated this neural activity and addressed the relationships between auditory response and behavioral measures of children with ASD.
    METHODS: We used magnetoencephalography and individual brain models to investigate 2 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR) in 20 primary-school-aged children with ASD and 20 age-matched typically developing (TD) controls.
    RESULTS: First, we found a between-group difference in the localization of the auditory response, so as the topology of 2 Hz ASSR was more superior and posterior in TD children when comparing to children with ASD. Second, the power of 2 Hz ASSR was reduced in the ASD group. Finally, we observed a significant association between the amplitude of neural response and language skills in children with ASD.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study provided the evidence of reduced neural response in children with ASD and its relation to language skills.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings may inform future interventions targeting auditory and language impairments in ASD population.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A multimodal brain function measurement system integrating functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) is expected to be a tool that will provide new insights into neuroscience. To integrate fMRI and MEG, an ultra-low-field MRI (ULF-MRI) scanner that can generate a static magnetic field (B0) with an electromagnetic coil and turn off the B0 during MEG measurements is desirable. While electromagnetic B0 coil has the above advantages, it also has a trade-off between size and the broadness of the magnetic field homogeneity. In this study, we proposed a method for designing a B0 multi-stage circular coil arrangement that determines the number of coils required to maximize magnetic field homogeneity and minimize the total wiring length of the coils. The optimized multi-stage coil arrangement had an external shape of 600 mm in diameter and a maximum height of 600 mm, with an aperture of 600 mm in diameter and 300 mm in height. The magnetic field homogeneity was <100 ppm over a 210 mm diameter spherical volume (DSV). Compared to a previous two coil pairs arrangement with the same magnetic field homogeneity, the diameter was 1/1.9 times smaller, indicating that the newly designed B0 coil arrangement realized a smaller size and wider magnetic field homogeneity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy surgery is the treatment of choice for drug-resistant epilepsy patients, but up to 50% of patients continue to have seizures one year after the resection. In order to aid presurgical planning and predict postsurgical outcome on a patient-by-patient basis, we developed a framework of individualized computational models that combines epidemic spreading with patient-specific connectivity and epileptogeneity maps: the Epidemic Spreading Seizure and Epilepsy Surgery framework (ESSES). ESSES parameters were fitted in a retrospective study (N = 15) to reproduce invasive electroencephalography (iEEG)-recorded seizures. ESSES reproduced the iEEG-recorded seizures, and significantly better so for patients with good (seizure-free, SF) than bad (nonseizure-free, NSF) outcome. We illustrate here the clinical applicability of ESSES with a pseudo-prospective study (N = 34) with a blind setting (to the resection strategy and surgical outcome) that emulated presurgical conditions. By setting the model parameters in the retrospective study, ESSES could be applied also to patients without iEEG data. ESSES could predict the chances of good outcome after any resection by finding patient-specific model-based optimal resection strategies, which we found to be smaller for SF than NSF patients, suggesting an intrinsic difference in the network organization or presurgical evaluation results of NSF patients. The actual surgical plan overlapped more with the model-based optimal resection, and had a larger effect in decreasing modeled seizure propagation, for SF patients than for NSF patients. Overall, ESSES could correctly predict 75% of NSF and 80.8% of SF cases pseudo-prospectively. Our results show that individualised computational models may inform surgical planning by suggesting alternative resections and providing information on the likelihood of a good outcome after a proposed resection. This is the first time that such a model is validated with a fully independent cohort and without the need for iEEG recordings.
    Individualized computational models of epilepsy surgery capture some of the key aspects of seizure propagation and the resective surgery. It is to be established whether this information can be integrated during the presurgical evaluation of the patient to improve surgical planning and the chances of a good surgical outcome. Here we address this question with a pseudo-prospective study that applies a computational framework of seizure propagation and epilepsy surgery—the ESSES framework—in a pseudo-prospective study mimicking the presurgical conditions. We found that within this pseudo-prospective setting, ESSES could correctly predict 75% of NSF and 80.8% of SF cases. This finding suggests the potential of individualised computational models to inform surgical planning by suggesting alternative resections and providing information on the likelihood of a good outcome after a proposed resection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an idiopathic, fatal, and fast-progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by the degeneration of motor neurons. ALS patients often experience an initial misdiagnosis or a diagnostic delay due to the current unavailability of an efficient biomarker. Since impaired speech is typical in ALS, we hypothesized that functional differences between healthy and ALS participants during speech tasks can be explained by cortical pattern changes, thereby leading to the identification of a neural biomarker for ALS. In this pilot study, we collected magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings from three early-diagnosed patients with ALS and three healthy controls during imagined (covert) and overt speech tasks. First, we computed sensor correlations, which showed greater correlations for speakers with ALS than healthy controls. Second, we compared the power of the MEG signals in canonical bands between the two groups, which showed greater dissimilarity in the beta band for ALS participants. Third, we assessed differences in functional connectivity, which showed greater beta band connectivity for ALS than healthy controls. Finally, we performed single-trial classification, which resulted in highest performance with beta band features (∼ 98%). These findings were consistent across trials, phrases, and participants for both imagined and overt speech tasks. Our preliminary results indicate that speech-evoked beta oscillations could be a potential neural biomarker for diagnosing ALS. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the detection of ALS from single-trial neural signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to investigate gamma oscillations related to face processing of children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developed children using magnetoencephalography.
    UNASSIGNED: We developed stimuli that included naturalistic real-time eye-gaze situations between participants and their mothers. Eighteen young children with autism spectrum disorders (62-97 months) and 24 typically developed children (61-79 months) were included. The magnetoencephalography data were analyzed in the bilateral banks of the superior temporal sulcus, fusiform gyrus, and pericalcarine cortex for frequency ranges 30-59 and 61-90 Hz. The gamma oscillation normalized values were calculated to compare the face condition (children gazing at mother\'s face) and control measurements (baseline) using the following formula: (face - control)/(face + control).
    UNASSIGNED: The results revealed significant differences in gamma oscillation normalized values in the low gamma band (30-59 Hz) in the right banks of the superior temporal sulcus, right fusiform gyrus, and right pericalcarine cortex between children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developed children. Furthermore, there were significant differences in gamma oscillation normalized values in the high gamma band (61-90 Hz) in the right banks of the superior temporal sulcus, bilateral fusiform gyrus, and bilateral pericalcarine cortex between the groups.
    UNASSIGNED: This report is the first magnetoencephalography study revealing atypical face processing in young children with autism spectrum disorders using relevant stimuli between participants and their mothers. Our naturalistic paradigm provides a useful assessment of social communication traits and a valuable insight into the underlying neural mechanisms in children with autism spectrum disorders.





