hiv aids

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background In 2018, the World Health Organisation (WHO) released interim guidelines, advising a change of regimens to dolutegravir-based first- and second-line antiretroviral therapy (ART), based on which, in 2021, the National Aids Control Organisation (NACO) updated its guidelines to include the tenofovir + lamivudine + dolutegravir (TLD) regimen as a first line of therapy for all people living with HIV (PLHIV) and second- and third-line regimens to dolutegravir-based regimens. Considering this change of regimen, the adverse drug reaction (ADR) profiling and longitudinal prescription pattern of antiretroviral and concomitant medications in adult patients at the ART centre of a tertiary care hospital were assessed in this study. Methods Ninety-seven PLHIV out of all the patients who attended the ART centre from September 2021 to July 2022 were enrolled and followed up for six months. The ADRs that occurred during this period were collected along with details of prescription patterns and analyzed by descriptive statistics. Causality assessment for ADR was done using the World Health Organisation-Uppsala Monitoring Centre (WHO-UMC) scale. Results Seventy-eight percent (n=76 out of 97) of patients experienced at least one ADR, and 128 ADRs were seen in 97 patients. The most common ADRs were increased alkaline phosphatase (39.0%, n=128), dyslipidaemia (12.5%, n=128), and nephrotoxicity (10.1%, n=128). The drug most suspected of causing ADRs was dolutegravir (27.5%, n=342). The most common therapeutic regimen was TLD (71.2%, n=97). The most prescribed drug was lamivudine (30.6%, n=1183). The most prescribed concomitant medication was cotrimoxazole (15%, n=312). Conclusions Dolutegravir-based regimens have been implemented for PLHIV in a phased-out manner from previous non-dolutegravir-based ART regimens, which is in line with the recent NACO guidelines. However, it has also led to an increase in dolutegravir-associated ADRs like increased alkaline phosphatase, dyslipidaemia, and nephrotoxicity. Continuous monitoring of prescriptions and ADRs can add to our knowledge regarding their use and ADRs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Following antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, HIV-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), indicated by an array of opportunistic infections, may occur, presenting as either paradoxical, a worsening of a previously treated infection, or unmasking, a flare-up of an underlying, previously undiagnosed infection. The impact of ART as the backbone of HIV treatment and prevention has prolonged the survival of people living with HIV. In pregnancy, benefits have been shown by slowing HIV progression and preventing perinatal transmission; however, there have been risks of adverse reactions with ART, including immune responses to both the fetus and mother. This study sought to estimate the incidence of HIV-IRIS cumulatively and by type either paradoxical or unmasking IRIS, determine the baseline maternal and HIV clinical markers as predictors of, and analyze the log-rank test for survival time to IRIS outcome assessed by relying on an increase in CD4 count and/or a rapid decrease in viral load.
    METHODS: An active records study was conducted between June 2019 and March 2020 among ART-naïve pregnant women attending the antenatal care units (ANCu) at the Kenyatta National and Mbagathi Hospitals, Nairobi, Kenya. Participants were aged between 20 and 49 years and had a confirmed HIV-positive test. To ascertain a true case of IRIS, the diagnosis was adjudicated for accuracy and consistency by an independent review committee. Plasma HIV viral load, CD4 counts, and routine laboratory evaluations (hemoglobin, white blood cell count (WBC)) were performed by each hospital\'s clinical laboratory. The IRIS incidence was assessed using the International Network for Studies Against HIV-Associated IRIS (INSHI) during the first three months after ART initiation. Multivariate Cox regression with IRIS as the outcome, using the SPSSSurvival package, examined the relationship between baseline maternal characteristics and HIV clinical markers before ART initiation and IRIS, and finally, decision-tree analysis for predicting IRIS was performed.
    RESULTS: From a pool of 532 ART-naïve pregnant women, 133 (25%) developed IRIS, and 97 (72.9%) were in the unmasking category. The accumulated risk of experiencing IRIS symptoms increased from week two (hazard ratio (HR)=0.0287) to week 12 (HR=3.6158). Participants with a maternal BMI (MBMI) of 25-29.9 kg/m2 at baseline were at a higher risk of unmasking IRIS (HR=2.478; P=0.010). The WHO-HIV clinical stages 1 and 2 skewed towards paradoxical IRIS (regression coefficients =-0.111 and -0.276 (P<0.05)), while stage 4 skewed towards unmasking IRIS (regression coefficient=0.047, HR=1.048, P=0.941). A CD4 count > 500 cells/mm^3 skewed towards unmasking IRIS (regression coefficient=0.192, HR=1.211, P=0.416), while RNA-HIV viral loads >50 copies/ml towards paradoxical IRIS (regression coefficient=-0.199, HR=0.820, P=0.360. On decision tree analysis, 85% (P=0.001) of ART-naïve pregnant women with a baseline CD4 count below 500 copies/mm^3 presented with unmasking IRIS.
    CONCLUSIONS: For ART-naïve pregnant women, unmasking IRIS is the most common type, and an MBMI of 25-29.9 kg/m2, advanced HIV infection, a CD4 count <500 cells/mm^3, and a higher parity at baseline may be clinically useful predictors. The higher proportion of ART-naïve pregnant women experiencing unmasking as compared to paradoxical IRIS supports the need for earlier assessment based on potential predictors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected healthcare services, including HIV patient care. This study assessed the impact of the pandemic on diverse aspects of care for individuals living with HIV (PLWH).
    METHODS: Patient data from 2019 to 2021 were collected using the Cascades template, provided by the New York State Department of Health, focusing on viral testing and suppression outcomes. Age, ethnicity, sex, and race were considered variables and analyzed via chi-square analysis, logistic regression model, and F test.
    RESULTS: The pandemic significantly reduced viral testing in 2020 due to restrictions and closures, but telemedicine and tele-pharmacy helped maintain care. Age was a crucial factor, predicting higher viral testing and suppression odds for older individuals, but no significant differences were observed between patient gender, race, or ethnicity in obtaining viral testing or achieving suppression.
    CONCLUSIONS: While limitations existed, this study provides insights into sustaining care during crises, highlighting the importance of innovative healthcare delivery methods and age-sensitive approaches for PLWH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction HIV-related stigma and discrimination among healthcare providers are some of the strongest obstacles to effectively responding to HIV and achieving health-related quality of life. In the Pakistani context, HIV-related discrimination has been explored mainly among people living with HIV (PLHIV), and no study has investigated HIV-related stigma from the perspective of dental healthcare providers. Aim This study aimed to investigate the HIV-related stigma among dental healthcare workers in Pakistan and understand the factors associated with it. Methodology This cross-sectional study was conducted for a period of three months (December 2021 to February 2022) among 601 consenting dental healthcare providers in all public and private dental healthcare facilities in Islamabad, Pakistan. Pretested questionnaires collected information on demographics, work-related characteristics, knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding HIV/AIDS. HIV-related stigma was assessed through \"the stigma index\" developed by USAID and was measured as a continuous variable. Multivariate linear regression analysis evaluated the independent effect of different factors associated with HIV-related stigma. Results HIV-related stigma remains highly prevalent within both public and private dental healthcare facilities in ICT and among all cadres of dental healthcare providers. Among associated factors, misconceptions in HIV knowledge are highly significant (p < 0.001) and those with a higher score of incorrect HIV knowledge had higher levels of stigma. Healthcare providers who read any HIV-related manual or guidelines were found to be less stigmatized as compared to those who have not been exposed to any such literature (p=0.029). Dentists (p=0.04) showed higher levels of stigma as compared to dental assistants and dental hygienists, while employees of private hospitals (p=0.0) and private clinics (p=0.0) were far more stigmatized by HIV in comparison to dental healthcare providers in public hospitals. Conclusion This study provides the first-ever analysis of HIV-related stigma and its drivers in the dental healthcare settings in Pakistan and highlights multiple individual, clinical, and policy-level factors associated with it. In order to address this stigma, it is essential for healthcare institutions to create supportive and inclusive healthcare settings, by providing education and training to care providers in order to increase their understanding of the disease itself. In addition, healthcare institutions can take steps to ensure that their policies and practices are inclusive and non-discriminatory, such as implementing policies that prohibit discrimination based on HIV status and providing confidential care. On the other hand, care providers must work to recognize their own biases and strive to provide non-discriminatory and culturally sensitive care to all patients. The findings of this study could be used as a baseline and insight by organizations like the National AIDS Control Program into possible targets for future exploration and interventions to effectively reduce the stigma toward PLHIV in dental healthcare settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background With the advent of modern era of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) and increased longevity of people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV), human immunodeficiency virus-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) is commonly observed. This study explores the prevalence of HAND and the demographic and treatment variables in people with HAND, in Central India. Research methodology PLHIV on cART visiting HIV clinic underwent screening for substance abuse using CAGE-AID, and depression using PHQ-2 followed by PHQ-9. The screening rules out overt conditions which might interfere with cognitive abilities of the individual and thereby act as confounding factor. Thus, a sample population of 96 was obtained, on whom International HIV Dementia Scale (IHDS) was applied to screen for dementia. Out of 96, 16 individuals detected to suffer from HAND. Quality of Life was assessed by Patient\'s Assessment of Own Functioning Inventory (PAOFI). Results Prevalence of HAND was estimated to be 16/96 (16.66%). It was more common amongst unmarried individuals (p < 0.001) and lower educational status (p < 0.01) among social variables; while shorter duration of ART (<3 years) (p < 0.01) and lower CD4 nadir (≤200 cell/mm3; p<0.01) showed significant correlation among clinical variables. PAOFI revealed significant association between HAND and quality of life (p-value < 0.01, CI = 95%). Modified Mental State Examination (3MS), which determines cognitive ability in various domains based on tasks, was mostly affected for - similarities and read and obey (for 43.75% population). Conclusion Social and clinical variables play a significant role in development of HAND. Routine screening for HAND in PLHIV will help in early identification and management of the disease. The quality of life for those suffering from the burden of HIV and HAND can be significantly improved if approached and treated early in the course of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess and understand the prevalence and clinical presentation of ocular morbidity in patients suffering from tuberculosis and compare it with ocular involvement in patients coinfected with tuberculosis and HIV AIDS.
    METHODS: This was a non-comparative, observational, cross sectional study done on 580 patients, who were diagnosed cases of tuberculosis, pulmonary or extrapulmonary, on or off treatment, visiting the Ophthalmology OPD, Tuberculosis OPD and ART Centre of the institute in the period from March 2015 to March 2018, screened for ocular morbidity.
    RESULTS: Out of 580, 408 patients had only tuberculosis and 172 had tuberculosis with HIV AIDS. 108 patients were found to have ocular involvement (18.6%) out of which 63 were males and 45 were females. The prevalence of ocular morbidity in patients with only tuberculosis was found to be 16.4% and in those having both tuberculosis and HIV AIDS was found to be 23.8%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study concludes that posterior uveitis, pan uveitis, periphlebitis and vitritis are the most common ocular manifestations in tuberculosis. In patients with both tuberculosis and HIV most common ocular findings included vitritis and herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Our study also concludes that lower CD4 counts (less than 200) in HIV AIDS patient is significantly associated with ocular involvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This article analyses the composition of healthcare costs for HIV/AIDS infected patients in a country with limited resources and attempts to identify the factors that influence these costs. The aims are to calculate medical care costs, analysing how they vary depending on patients\' income, and to evaluate the factors explaining healthcare consumption.
    METHODS: This is a prospective cohort study focusing on patients who were admitted to hospital for a short stay between January 2010 and June 2011, before their integration into a specialised program. The patients were selected randomly. Free consent was obtained from all participants. Data were analysed using the SPSS 19.0 software. The significance threshold was set at 5% and the CI (Confidence Interval) at 95%. We used Kruskal-Wallis tests, Fisher\'s exact test and multiple linear regression.
    RESULTS: We monitored 209 patients. Their average age was 36.37 years (SD: 8.72). The sex ratio was 0.58 and the women patients were generally younger than the male ones (p=0.011). The overall cost of healthcare amounted to $US 41,922. The cost of Antiretroviral Therapy represented 21.6% ($US 9,045). The price of para-clinical examinations represented 46% ($US 19,136) of the overall cost. The patient\'s average monthly income was $US 157.40 whereas the average direct cost per patient was$US 201.45. Both monthly income (t=4.385; p=0.0000) and education level (t=3.703 p=0.0003) were statistically significant predictive factors for healthcare consumption. The medical care costs for patients with opportunistic infections were nine times higher than those for patients who presented none. The presence of opportunistic infections increased healthcare consumption by approximately 31$ US (CI 95%: 15-46.9).
    CONCLUSIONS: The average direct cost for patients on each short-term stay was higher than the average monthly income. To be able to access the necessary services, the patients need additional resources, which are derived from various sources. Monthly income and the level of education were both statistically significant predictors for healthcare consumption. The analysis allows us to extend the study by using different analytical accounting approaches such as by case and by pathology.





