high altitude

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human-wildlife conflict studies of high-altitude areas are rare due to budget constraints and the challenging nature of research in these remote environments. This study investigates the prevalence and increasing trend of human-wildlife conflict (HWC) in the mountainous Gaurishankar Conservation Area (GCA) of Nepal, with a specific focus on leopard (Panthera pardus) and Himalayan black bear (Ursus thibetanus laniger). The study analyzes a decade of HWC reports and identifies goats as the livestock most targeted by leopards. The Dolakha district of GCA received the highest number of reports, highlighting the need for mitigation measures in the area. In GCA, livestock attacks accounted for 85% of compensation, with the remaining 15% for human injuries. We estimate that the number of reported wildlife attacks grew on average by 33% per year, with an additional increase of 57 reports per year following the implementation of a new compensation policy during BS 2076 (2019 AD). While bear attacks showed no significant change post-rule alteration, leopard attack reports surged from 1 to 60 annually, indicating improved compensation may have resulted in increased leopard-attack reporting rates. The findings emphasize the economic impact of HWC on local communities and suggest strategies such as increasing prey populations, promoting community education and awareness, enhancing alternative livelihood options, developing community-based insurance programs, and implementing secure enclosures (corrals) to minimize conflicts and foster harmonious coexistence. This research addresses a knowledge gap in HWC in high-altitude conservation areas like the GCA, providing valuable insights for conservation stakeholders and contributing to biodiversity conservation and the well-being of humans and wildlife.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Wang, Bowen, Mengjia Peng,, Liheng Jiang,, Fei Fang,, Juan Wang,, Yan Li,, Ruichen Zhao,, and Yuliang Wang,. A Rare Case of High-Altitude Polycythemia Complicated by Spontaneous Splenic Rupture. High Alt Med Biol. 25:247-250, 2024.-High-altitude polycythemia, a condition characterized by an increase in red blood cellRBC mass, can occur after prolonged exposure to high altitudes. While several studies have explored the complications associated with high-altitude polycythemia, there is currently no literature available on spontaneous spleen rupture caused by high-altitude polycythemia. Here, we reported a case of acute abdominal pain and hemodynamic instability in a 36-year-old male who had been residing at high altitude for 6 years, without any recent history of trauma. Computed tomography imaging revealed significant fluid accumulation in the abdomen, and a tear of the splenic capsule was identified during the following laparotomy. Subsequent evaluations confirmed the presence of polycythemia secondary to prolonged high-altitude exposure as the underlying etiology. This case served as an important reminder that high-altitude polycythemia could lead to serious complications, such as spontaneous spleen rupture. Clinicians should be aware of this potential complication and consider it in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with abdominal pain and hemodynamic instability in this population.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR) causing cyanosis with patent foramen ovale (PFO) and right-to-left atrial shunting requires a precise diagnosis for optimal therapy. Tricuspid valve prolapse (TVP) can lead to TR and is sometimes overlooked, especially in complex cases with factors like pulmonary hypertension (PH). We present an infant with cyanosis and profound TR after high-altitude exposure, initially misattributed to PH but found to be primarily due to spontaneous chordae tendineae rupture and TVP. This case underscores the challenges in diagnosing TR-induced cyanosis.
    UNASSIGNED: The 3-month-old infant rapidly developed cyanosis, hypoxemia, right atrial enlargement, severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR), and patent foramen ovale (PFO) shunting after high-altitude exposure. Although echocardiography revealed tricuspid valve prolapse (TVP), initial consideration linked TR and right-to-left shunting to pulmonary hypertension (PH) due to the temporal correlation with rapid altitude exposure. Despite hemodynamic stability and the absence of respiratory distress after respiratory support and combined PH medication therapy, the persistent hypoxemia did not reverse as expected. This treatment outcome and repeated echocardiograms reminded us that TR was primarily caused by TVP rather than PH alone. Intraoperative exploration confirmed that TVP was caused by a rupture of TV chordae tendineae and anterior papillary muscle head, and the chordae tendineae/papillary muscle connection was reconstructed. After surgery, this patient was noncyanotic with an excellent long-term prognosis, a trivial TR with normal TV function being observed echocardiographically.
    UNASSIGNED: TR-induced cyanosis can be not only a consequence of PH and right-sided heart dilation but also a primary condition. Repetitive reassessment should be undertaken with caution, particularly when patients are not improving on therapy in the setting of conditions known to predisposition to secondary TR. Since TVP caused by rupture of the chordae or papillary muscles is rare but fatal in children, early diagnosis is clinically substantial to proper management and satisfactory long-term outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    High-altitude cerebral edema (HACE) is serious, sometimes fatal clinical condition visualized in unacclimatized individuals climbing high altitudes. The current case report highlights a 39 year old male with a recent history of high-altitude mountain climbing and presented with memory impairment. The radiological findings revealed edema and microhemorrhages at genu and splenium of corpus callosum. Two months later the subject displayed complete resolution of edema, with persistent microhemorrhages. Herein, we report the radiological features of this rare clinical event. The lack of advanced imaging centers at higher altitudes elicit this clinical condition as less described entity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The hematologic and metabolic benefits of high altitude exposure have been extensively studied in athletes due to their promising performance enhancing effects. However, despite the increased research and development of various high altitude protocols for achieving peak performance, the reproducibility of the results at the individual level remains sparse. To systematically address this limitation and establish a more effective method to achieve consistent results at the individual level, we conducted a multi-dimensional study of one elite endurance athlete in two Phases. In Phase 1, we applied the standard protocol of LHTH (Live-High-Train-High) using a commercially available, at-home, normobaric, high altitude simulation tent under the SHTL (Sleep-High-Train-Low) model. Then, we developed the athlete\'s personalized protocol for peak hematologic parameters during their off-season. This protocol determined the exact total high altitude exposure time required to achieve peak hematologic parameters, which in the case of this athlete, amounted to 45 nights with approximately 8hrs per night. In Phase 2, we replicated the Phase 1 protocol during the athlete\'s in-season and observed the same or even higher hematologic and metabolic benefits compared to Phase 1. During both phases, we collected thousands of multi-dimensional data points to ensure that the athlete\'s lifestyle and environmental factors remained stable, and to increase the likelihood that physiological changes resulted primarily from the high altitude exposure. The data trends in both Phases validated that, for this athlete, hematologic measures such as red blood cell count, hematocrit, and hemoglobin, as well as electrolyte content, body weight and gut microbiome composition improved to their personal best values after a total of approximately 15 days of high altitude exposure (45 nights with roughly 8hrs per night totaling 360hrs or 15days). These improvements did not occur after the 21 days recommended by the LHTH protocol highlighting the significance of personalization in high altitude protocols that are designed for peak performance parameters. Therefore, to maximize the benefits in hematologic and other metabolic values and thus increase muscle oxygen supply and peak aerobic capacity through high altitude exposure, each athlete may require a unique total duration of high altitude exposure tailored to their individual physiology. This duration must be determined by their specific response in hematologic peaking. Therefore, initially establishing a personalized protocol for an athlete by determining their required total duration of high altitude exposure for peak hematologic values during their off-season and applying this protocol during their in-season phase may lead to more successful and reproducible benefits compared to following a generalized protocol alone.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a serious life-threatening disease that occurs after rapid ascent to high altitude; its main early-stage presentations include fatigue, headache, low-grade fever, dyspnea, and cough. X-ray and computed tomography (CT) images show pulmonary shadows and patches, which may be localized (initial right lung field predomination) or generalized to the bilateral lung base.
    In this report, we present a case of a 25-year-old man diagnosed with HAPE combined with spontaneous pneumomediastinum. After a quick descent and effective medical treatment, this patient made a full recovery. The case may provide helpful information for the prevention and treatment of this disease since an increased number of people, especially young men, currently travel and work at high altitudes.
    After accurate clinical diagnosis with the help of CT or X-ray, immediate descent and appropriate oxygen supplementation are the most effective treatments for HAPE at high altitude.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pulmonary embolism is a life-threatening emergency and, if not identified and treated, can cause catastrophic consequences. The most common cause of pulmonary embolism is deep vein thrombosis (DVT). There are established criteria to diagnose pulmonary embolism. One of the rare causes of pulmonary embolism is exposure to high altitude (HA). We present a case of a 51-year-old male without any co-morbidities, who, after traveling to an HA destination, developed acute onset dyspnea and was labeled as a case of HA pulmonary edema (HAPE). Further investigations in our hospital revealed a massive pulmonary embolism. Post thrombolysis, the patient was comfortable. After 48 hours, the patient started to walk at a normal pace without any symptoms and was discharged after seven days. This case report emphasizes the importance of keeping rare possibilities, such as pulmonary embolism, in such rare scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    High altitude cerebral edema (HACE) is a clinical spectrum of high-altitude illness. The working diagnosis of HACE should be based on the history of rapid ascent with signs of encephalopathy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be crucial in the timely diagnosis of the condition. A 38-year-old female was airlifted from Everest base camp due to sudden onset of vertigo and dizziness. She had no significant medical or surgical history, and routine laboratory tests showed normal results. MRI was performed, which showed no abnormalities except for the detection of subcortical white matter and corpus callosum hemorrhages on susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI). The patient was hospitalized for 2 days and treated with dexamethasone and oxygen, and had a smooth recovery during follow-up. HACE is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that can occur in individuals who rapidly ascend to high altitudes. MRI is a valuable diagnostic tool in the evaluation of early HACE, and can detect various abnormalities in the brain that may indicate the presence of HACE, including micro-hemorrhages. Micro-hemorrhages are tiny areas of bleeding in the brain that may not be visible on other MRI sequences but can be detected on SWI. Clinicians especially radiologists, should be aware of the importance of SWI in the diagnosis of HACE, and ensure that it is included in the standard MRI protocol for evaluating individuals with high altitude-related illnesses for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment to prevent further neurological damage and improve patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kingdonia uniflora is an endangered alpine herb that is distributed along an altitudinal gradient. The unique traits and important phylogenetic position make K. uniflora an ideal model for exploring how endangered plants react to altitude variation. In this study, we sampled nine individuals from three representative locations and adopted RNA-seq technology to sequence 18 tissues, aiming to uncover how K. uniflora responded to different altitudes at the gene expression level. We revealed that genes that responded to light stimuli and circadian rhythm genes were significantly enriched in DEGs in the leaf tissue group, while genes that were related to root development and peroxidase activity or involved in the pathways of cutin, suberin, wax biosynthesis, and monoterpenoid biosynthesis were significantly enriched in DEGs in the flower bud tissue group. All of the above genes may play an important role in the response of K. uniflora to various stresses, such as low temperatures and hypoxia in high-altitude environments. Furthermore, we proved that the discrepancy in gene expression patterns between leaf and flower bud tissues varied along the altitudinal gradient. Overall, our findings provide new insights into the adaptation of endangered species to high-altitude environments and further encourage parallel research to focus on the molecular mechanisms of alpine plant evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High altitude environments provide a fertile ground for investigating the benefits of phenotypic adjustments at several levels of biological organization. Low oxygen partial pressure and low environmental temperature are the main limiting factors that promote phenotypic variation in different organs, such as the lung and heart. Although high-altitude environments act like natural laboratories, most morphological studies conducted to date lack replication. Here, we evaluated organ mass variation in nine populations of Sceloporus grammicus, throughout three altitudinal gradients (mountains) from the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. A total of 84 individuals from three different altitudes at three different mountains were collected. Then, we used generalized linear models to analyze the pattern of variation in internal organs mass as a function of altitude and temperature. We observed a striking pattern of altitudinal variation in the size of cardiorespiratory organs: while heart mass increased with altitude and decreased with temperature, the lung showed a significant statistical interaction between mountain transect and temperature. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that cardiorespiratory organs should be bigger in populations occurring at higher altitudes. Moreover, the study of different mountain systems allowed us to observe some differences in one mountain in relation to the other two.





