healthcare quality

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) is the most common inherited bleeding disorder. However, recognition of the disease by both the public and healthcare professionals lags behind that of other bleeding disorders, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment for patients. Updated national guidelines are needed to highlight an appropriate pathway for managing VWD patients in a timelier manner.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify ways in which care for VWD can be achieved on a more equitable basis.
    METHODS: Using a modified Delphi approach, a panel of VWD experts developed 29 statements across five key themes. These were used to form an online survey that was distributed to healthcare professionals involved in VWD care across the UK and Republic of Ireland (ROI). Stopping criteria comprised 50 responses received, a 3-month window for response (February-April 2022) and 90% of statements passing consensus threshold. Threshold for consensus for each statement was agreed at 75%.
    RESULTS: A total of 66 responses were analysed with 29/29 statements achieving consensus of which 27 attained ≥90% agreement. From the high degree of consensus, eight recommendations were derived regarding how detection and management of VWD can be improved to provide equity of care between men and women.
    CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of these eight recommendations across the VWD pathway has the potential to raise the standard of care for patients in the UK and ROI by reducing delays to diagnosis and treatment initiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concept of second victims (SV) was introduced 20 years ago to draw attention to healthcare professionals involved in patient safety incidents. The objective of this paper is to advance the theoretical conceptualization and to develop a common definition. A literature search was performed in Medline, EMBASE and CINAHL (October 2010 to November 2020). The description of SV was extracted regarding three concepts: (1) involved persons, (2) content of action and (3) impact. Based on these concepts, a definition was proposed and discussed within the ERNST-COST consortium in 2021 and 2022. An international group of experts finalized the definition. In total, 83 publications were reviewed. Based on expert consensus, a second victim was defined as: \"Any health care worker, directly or indirectly involved in an unanticipated adverse patient event, unintentional healthcare error, or patient injury and who becomes victimized in the sense that they are also negatively impacted\". The proposed definition can be used to help to reduce the impact of incidents on both healthcare professionals and organizations, thereby indirectly improve healthcare quality, patient safety, person-centeredness and human resource management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Person-centredness is considered a key component of quality healthcare and the core competence of all healthcare professionals. However, person-centred care (PCC) is not often considered a priority for improving the quality of healthcare. This study aimed to evaluate to what extent the PCC principles are included in the Community Pharmacy Services Quality Guidelines (CPSQG) in Estonia.
    METHODS: The deductive content analysis was performed using the PCC framework developed by Santana et al.
    RESULTS: Approximately 2/3 (n = 78) of the CPSQG indicators (n = 126) in the practical guide used in Estonian community pharmacies support PCC principles. These results demonstrate that quality service itself includes some PCC components, as it forms an integral part of quality care and is directly related to its development. More than half (61.6%) of the CPSQG indicators were divided into process (covering the interaction of pharmacists and patients), one fourth into structure (mainly represented as environment and operation topics), and one tenth into outcome category (access to care). This result is in line with the situation of pharmacies in Estonia, where the current focus is on developing and implementing quality services (e.g., quality guidelines, e-tools supporting dispensing, restructuring of counselling area for private consultations) and finding the necessary resources for described activities.
    CONCLUSIONS: To support a more effective application of PCC principles in the community pharmacy practice, the CPSQG should be supplemented with indicators identifying patients\' individual preferences, values, and needs. Additionally, interactions with other healthcare professionals should be encouraged, and they should be engaged in developing the CPSQG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has been presented as politically independent, asserting it is free from industry influence and conflicts of interest so that its decisions may be led by evidence and science. We consider the ways in which soft political factors operate in guideline development processes at NICE such that guidelines are not truly led by science. We suggest that while NICE procedures explicitly incorporate scientific principles and mechanisms, including independent committees and quality assurance, these fail to operate as scientific practices because, for example, decisions may only be challenged through the courts, which regard NICE as a scientific authority. We then examine what the NICE rapid guideline procedure for COVID-19 reveals about the practical reality of claims about the scientific integrity of NICE guidelines. Changes to guideline development processes during the COVID-19 emergency demonstrated how easy it is to undermine the scientific integrity of NICE\'s decision-making. The cancellation of the guideline programme and the publication of a rapid guideline process specifically to address the COVID-19 pandemic removed scientific checks and balances, including independent committees, stakeholder consultation and quality assurance, demonstrating that the relationship between NICE and the UK government is more complex than a scientific principle truism. We suggest that NICE is not (and indeed cannot be) truly independent of government in practice, nor can it be truly led by science, in part because of its relationship to the state, which it is simultaneously constituted by and constitutive of.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although quality indicators are frequently derived from guidelines, there is a substantial gap in collaboration between the corresponding parties. To optimise workflow, guideline recommendations and quality assurance should be aligned methodologically and practically. Learning from the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC), our objective was to bring the key knowledge and most important considerations from both worlds together to inform European Commission future initiatives.
    METHODS: We undertook several steps to address the problem. First, we conducted a feasibility study that included a survey, interviews and a review of manuals for an integrated guideline and quality assurance (QA) scheme that would support the European Commission. The feasibility study drew from an assessment of the ECIBC experience that followed commonly applied strategies leading to separation of the guideline and QA development processes. Secondly, we used results of a systematic review to inform our understanding of methodologies for integrating guideline and QA development. We then, in a third step, used the findings to prepare an evidence brief and identify key aspects of a methodological framework for integrating guidelines QA through meetings with key informants.
    RESULTS: Seven key themes emerged to be taken into account for integrating guidelines and QA schemes: (1) evidence-based integrated guideline and QA frameworks are possible, (2) transparency is key in clearly documenting the source and rationale for quality indicators, (3) intellectual and financial interests should be declared and managed appropriately, (4) selection processes and criteria for quality indicators need further refinement, (5) clear guidance on retirement of quality indicators should be included, (6) risks of an integrated guideline and QA Group can be mitigated, and (7) an extension of the GIN-McMaster Guideline Development Checklist should incorporate QA considerations.
    CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the work of guideline and QA developers can be integrated under a common methodological framework and we provided key findings and recommendations. These two worlds, that are fundamental to improving health, can both benefit from integration.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2017, the European Commission\'s Joint Research Centre (JRC) started developing a methodological framework for a guideline-based quality assurance (QA) scheme to improve cancer quality of care. During the first phase of the work, inconsistency emerged about the use of terminology for the definition, the conceptual underpinnings and the way QA relates to health questions that are answered in guidelines. The objective of this final of three articles is to propose a conceptual framework for an integrated approach to guideline and QA development and clarify terms and definitions for key elements. This work will inform the upcoming European Commission Initiative on Colorectal Cancer (ECICC).
    METHODS: A multidisciplinary group of 23 experts from key organizations in the fields of guideline development, performance measurement and quality assurance participated in a mixed method approach including face-to-face dialogue and several rounds of virtual meetings. Informed by results of a systematic literature review that indicated absence of an existing framework and practical examples, we first identified the relations of key elements in guideline-based QA and then developed appropriate concepts and terminology to provide guidance.
    RESULTS: Our framework connects the three key concepts of quality indicators, performance measures and performance indicators integrated with guideline development. Quality indicators are constructs used as a guide to monitor, evaluate, and improve the quality of the structure, process and outcomes of healthcare services; performance measures are tools that quantify or describe measurable elements of practice performance; and performance indicators are quantifiable and measurable units or scores of practice, which should be guided by guideline recommendations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The inconsistency in the way key terms of QA are used and defined has confused the field. Our conceptual framework defines the role, meaning and interactions of the key elements for improving quality in healthcare. It directly builds on the questions asked in guidelines and answered through recommendations. These findings will be applied in the forthcoming ECICC and for the future updates of ECIBC. These are large-scale integrated projects aimed at improving healthcare quality across Europe through the development of guideline-based QA schemes; this will help in implementing and improving our approach.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Evidence-based and formally consensus-based clinical practice guidelines (S3-CPGs) are a valuable source for the development of quality indicators (QIs) in Germany. While deriving QIs from guideline recommendations is a mandatory part of the development of S3-CPGs within the National Program for Disease Management Guidelines (DMGP) and the German Guideline Program in Oncology (GGPO), there is no such obligation in the guideline program of the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF) (MS program). Despite that, several S3-CPGs in the MS program have been published with QIs in the last years while some DMGP and one GGPO S3 guidelines have failed to meet this requirement. From the perspective of the guideline authors of all three mentioned programs, the present qualitative study examined why S3-CPGs do or do not contain QIs and explored the factors perceived by authors as either facilitating or hampering in the QI development process.
    METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with authors of 22 S3-CPGs, 11 of which represented guidelines containing QIs and 11 of which represented guidelines without QIs. Authors of guidelines containing QIs (n=11) were asked about the perceived decisive reasons for formulating QIs and about facilitators and barriers during the QI development process. Authors of guidelines without QIs (n=11) gave reasons for not formulating QIs. Interviews were analyzed using structuring qualitative content analysis.
    RESULTS: Within the MS program, not formulating QIs was mainly attributed to the lack of a mandatory requirement and to insufficient funding of guideline projects. Amongst DMGP authors, a low priority of QI development prevailed, which was, for example, due to already existing QIs or to their lacking implementation. In the GGPO guideline examined, not formulating QIs was due to the guideline topic (prevention) - for this topic, there was a lack of suitable evidence and data sources. If QIs were developed, the most important facilitating factor in the development process, across all programs, was the methodological support provided by the guideline program. Important hampering factors included the additional time required for QI development and concerns regarding the implementation of many potential QIs, especially due to a lack of data availability.
    CONCLUSIONS: For regular development of QIs within S3-CPG projects, the incorporation of such a requirement in the guideline program is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition. Other pivotal factors include systematic methodological support, adequate financial and staff resources and the perceived meaningfulness and relevance of guideline-based QI development, measured in terms of the actual implementation of already existing QIs.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study reveals starting points for measures to strengthen the consideration of QI development in German S3-CPG projects, especially within the MS program. Without substantial structural changes, especially of the resources of guideline groups, and without an overall concept covering the entire process from QI development to QI implementation, guideline-based QI development will remain heavily dependent on the (self-)motivation of guideline groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It remains unclear whether insufficient information technology (IT) infrastructure in hospitals hinders implementation of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and affects healthcare quality. The objectives of this study were to describe the present state of IT infrastructure provided in acute care hospitals across Japan and to investigate its association with healthcare quality.
    A questionnaire survey of hospital administrators was conducted in 2015 to gather information on hospital-level policies and elements of IT infrastructure. The number of positive responses by each respondent to the survey items was tallied. Next, a composite quality indicator (QI) score of hospital adherence to CPGs for perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis was calculated using administrative claims data. Based on this QI score, we performed a chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID) analysis to identify correlates of hospital healthcare quality. The independent variables included hospital size and teaching status in addition to hospital policies and elements of IT infrastructure.
    Wide variations were observed in the availability of various IT infrastructure elements across hospitals, especially in local area network availability and access to paid evidence databases. The CHAID analysis showed that hospitals with a high level of access to paid databases (p<0.05) and internet (p<0.05) were strongly associated with increased care quality in larger or teaching hospitals.
    Hospitals with superior IT infrastructure may provide higher-quality care. This allows clinicians to easily access the latest information on evidence-based medicine and facilitate the dissemination of CPGs. The systematic improvement of hospital IT infrastructure may promote CPG use and narrow the evidence-practice gaps.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Systematic implementation of guidelines for opioid therapy management in chronic non-cancer pain can reduce opioid-related harms. However, implementation of guideline-recommended practices in routine care is subpar. The goal of this quality improvement (QI) project is to assess whether a clinic-tailored QI intervention improves the implementation of a health system-wide, guideline-driven policy on opioid prescribing in primary care. This manuscript describes the protocol for this QI project.
    A health system with 28 primary care clinics caring for approximately 294,000 primary care patients developed and implemented a guideline-driven policy on long-term opioid therapy in adults with opioid-treated chronic non-cancer pain (estimated N = 3980). The policy provided multiple recommendations, including the universal use of treatment agreements, urine drug testing, depression and opioid misuse risk screening, and standardized documentation of the chronic pain diagnosis and treatment plan. The project team drew upon existing guidelines, feedback from end-users, experts and health system leadership to develop a robust QI intervention, targeting clinic-level implementation of policy-directed practices. The resulting multi-pronged QI intervention included clinic-wide and individual clinician-level educational interventions. The QI intervention will augment the health system\'s \"routine rollout\" method, consisting of a single educational presentation to clinicians in group settings and a separate presentation for staff. A stepped-wedge design will enable 9 primary care clinics to receive the intervention and assessment of within-clinic and between-clinic changes in adherence to the policy items measured by clinic-level electronic health record-based measures and process measures of the experience with the intervention.
    Developing methods for a health system-tailored QI intervention required a multi-step process to incorporate end-user feedback and account for the needs of targeted clinic team members. Delivery of such tailored QI interventions has the potential to enhance uptake of opioid therapy management policies in primary care. Results from this study are anticipated to elucidate the relative value of such QI activities.







  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to evaluate the extent to which the 2005 recommendations of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences (EFNS) on the multidisciplinary management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are followed in clinical practice.
    METHODS: This was a multicentre observational study involving six French ALS referral centres receiving prevalent and incident cases. Recommendations were translated into ad hoc questions referring to key aspects of management, and their application was evaluated by a clinical research assistant who independently examined the medical charts (MCs). When necessary, an independent board-certified neurologist answered the questions based on examination of the MC and interview of the caring neurologist. Questions regarding diagnosis and communication were put to patients in a self-administered questionnaire.
    RESULTS: In all, 376 patients [176 incident, 200 prevalent cases; median age at diagnosis 62.8 years (interquartile range 55.7-72.3); sex ratio 1.37; 27.3% bulbar onset] were included. All the topics covered in the recommendations were evaluated: diagnostic delay (e.g. mean 13.6 months, associated with age and onset); breaking the news (e.g. criteria for communication quality were satisfactory in more than 90%); multidisciplinary and sustained support (e.g. clinic visits were scheduled every 2-3 months in 90%). Also considered were whether riluzole had been offered, symptom management, genetic testing, ventilation, communication defects, enteral nutrition, palliative and end-of-life care. Characteristics associated with poor compliance with some guidelines (schedule of visits, delayed riluzole initiation) were also identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first evaluation of the application of the EFNS recommendations for the management of ALS in a nationwide sample. The results allow us to highlight areas for improvement.





