head and neck tumors

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    文章类型: Comparative Study
    Mucosal melanomas of the head and neck are rare pathological entities that correlate with poor prognosis due to their high propensity for local failure and distant metastases. The exact role of radiation therapy in the management of mucosal melanoma patients has not yet been fully proven, even though in everyday clinical practice these patients are referred for radiotherapy, in an effort to improve locoregional control. The guidelines of various societies on the role of radiation therapy for the treatment of mucosal melanoma of the head and neck region are very limited. We reviewed and analyzed the guidelines developed in the U.S.A. (National Comprehensive Cancer Network), Canada (Cancer Care Ontario and Canadian Medical Association), Europe (European Society for Medical Oncology and European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology) and Australia and New Zealand (Cancer Council Australia) and isolated evidence for the management of mucosal melanomas of the head and neck region with radiation therapy worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2003, a panel of experts published a set of consensus guidelines for the delineation of the neck node levels in node negative patients (Radiother Oncol, 69: 227-36, 2003). In 2006, these guidelines were extended to include the characteristics of the node positive and the post-operative neck (Radiother Oncol, 79: 15-20, 2006). These guidelines did not fully address all nodal regions and some of the anatomic descriptions were ambiguous, thereby limiting consistent use of the recommendations. In this framework, a task force comprising opinion leaders in the field of head and neck radiation oncology from European, Asian, Australia/New Zealand and North American clinical research organizations was formed to review and update the previously published guidelines on nodal level delineation. Based on the nomenclature proposed by the American Head and Neck Society and the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and in alignment with the TNM atlas for lymph nodes in the neck, 10 node groups (some being divided into several levels) were defined with a concise description of their main anatomic boundaries, the normal structures juxtaposed to these nodes, and the main tumor sites at risk for harboring metastases in those levels. Emphasis was placed on those levels not adequately considered previously (or not addressed at all); these included the lower neck (e.g. supraclavicular nodes), the scalp (e.g. retroauricular and occipital nodes), and the face (e.g. buccal and parotid nodes). Lastly, peculiarities pertaining to the node-positive and the post-operative clinical scenarios were also discussed. In conclusion, implementation of these guidelines in the daily practice of radiation oncology should contribute to the reduction of treatment variations from clinician to clinician and facilitate the conduct of multi-institutional clinical trials.





