frequency tagging

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The perception of biological motion requires accurate prediction of the spatiotemporal dynamics of human movement. Research on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) suggests deficits in accurate motor prediction, raising the question whether not just action execution, but also action perception is perturbed in this disorder.
    OBJECTIVE: To examine action perception by comparing the neural response to the observation of apparent biological motion in children with and without DCD.
    METHODS: Thirty-three participants with and 33 without DCD, matched based on age (13.0 ± 2.0), sex and writing hand, observed sequences of static body postures that showed either fluent or non-fluent motion, in which only the fluent condition depicted apparent biological motion. Using a recently validated paradigm combining EEG frequency tagging and apparent biological motion (Cracco et al., 2023), the perception of biological motion was contrasted with the perception of individual body postures.
    UNASSIGNED: Children with DCD did not show reduced sensitivity to apparent biological motion compared with typically developing children. However, the DCD group did show a reduced brain response to repetitive visual stimuli, suggesting altered predictive processing in the perceptual domain in this group. Suggestions for further research on biological motion perception in DCD are identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Frequency tagging has been successfully used to investigate selective stimulus processing in electroencephalography (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG) studies. Recently, new projectors have been developed that allow for frequency tagging at higher frequencies (>60 Hz). This technique, rapid invisible frequency tagging (RIFT), provides two crucial advantages over low-frequency tagging as (i) it leaves low-frequency oscillations unperturbed, and thus open for investigation, and ii) it can render the tagging invisible, resulting in more naturalistic paradigms and a lack of participant awareness. The development of this technique has far-reaching implications as oscillations involved in cognitive processes can be investigated, and potentially manipulated, in a more naturalistic manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A traditional view on sentence comprehension holds that the listener parses linguistic input using hierarchical syntactic rules. Recently, physiological evidence for such a claim has been provided by Ding et al.\'s (2016) MEG study that demonstrated, using a frequency-tagging paradigm, that regularly occurring syntactic constituents were spontaneously tracked by listeners. Even more recently, this study\'s results have been challenged as artifactual by Frank and Yang (2018) who successfully re-created Ding\'s results using a distributional semantic vector model that relied exclusively on lexical information and did not appeal to any hierarchical syntactic representations. The current MEG study was designed to dissociate the two interpretations of Ding et al.\'s results. Taking advantage of the morphological richness of Russian, we constructed two types of sentences of different syntactic structure; critically, this was achieved by manipulating a single affix on one of the words while all other lexical roots and affixes in the sentence were kept the same. In Experiment 1, we successfully verified the intuition that due to almost complete lexical overlap the two types of sentences should yield the same activity pattern according to Frank and Yang\'s (2018) lexico-semantic model. In Experiment 2, we recorded Russian listeners\' MEG activity while they listened to the two types of sentences. Contradicting the hierarchical syntactic account and consistent with the lexico-semantic one, we observed no difference across the conditions in the way participants tracked the stimuli properties. Corroborated by other recent evidence, our findings show that peaks interpreted by Ding et al. as reflecting higher-level syntactic constituency may stem from non-syntactic factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the course of development, children must learn to map a non-symbolic representation of magnitude to a more precise symbolic system. There is solid evidence that finger and dot representations can facilitate or even predict the acquisition of this mapping skill. While several behavioral studies demonstrated that canonical representations of fingers and dots automatically activate number semantics, no study so far has investigated their cerebral basis. To examine these questions, 10-year-old children were presented a behavioral naming task and a Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation EEG paradigm. In the behavioral task, children had to name as fast and as accurately as possible the numbers of dots and fingers presented in canonical and non-canonical configurations. In the EEG experiment, one category of stimuli (e.g., canonical representation of fingers or dots) was periodically inserted (1/5) in streams of another category (e.g., non-canonical representation of fingers or dots) presented at a fast rate (4 Hz). Results demonstrated an automatic access to number semantics and bilateral categorical responses at 4 Hz/5 for canonical representations of fingers and dots. Some differences between finger and dot configuration\'s processing were nevertheless observed and are discussed in light of an effortful-automatic continuum hypothesis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The robust steady-state cortical activation elicited by flickering visual stimulation has been exploited by a wide range of scientific studies. As the fundamental neural response inherits the spectral properties of the gazed flickering, the paradigm has been used to chart cortical characteristics and their relation to pathologies. However, despite its widespread adoption, the underlying neural mechanisms are not well understood. Here, we show that the fundamental response is preceded by high-gamma (55-125 Hz) oscillations which are also synchronised to the gazed frequency. Using a subdural recording of the primary and associative visual cortices of one human subject, we demonstrate that the latencies of the high-gamma and fundamental components are highly correlated on a single-trial basis albeit that the latter is consistently delayed by approximately 55 ms. These results corroborate previous reports that top-down feedback projections are involved in the generation of the fundamental response, but, in addition, we show that trial-to-trial variability in fundamental latency is paralleled by a highly similar variability in high-gamma latency. Pathology- or paradigm-induced alterations in steady-state responses could thus originate either from deviating visual gamma responses or from aberrations in the neural feedback mechanism. Experiments designed to tease apart the two processes are expected to provide deeper insights into the studied paradigm.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many sensorimotor functions are intrinsically rhythmic, and are underlined by neural processes that are functionally distinct from neural responses related to the processing of transient events. EEG frequency tagging is a technique that is increasingly used in neuroscience to study these processes. It relies on the fact that perceiving and/or producing rhythms generates periodic neural activity that translates into periodic variations of the EEG signal. In the EEG spectrum, those variations appear as peaks localized at the frequency of the rhythm and its harmonics.
    Many natural rhythms, such as music or dance, are not strictly periodic and, instead, show fluctuations of their period over time. Here, we introduce a time-warping method to identify non-strictly-periodic EEG activities in the frequency domain.
    EEG time-warping can be used to characterize the sensorimotor activity related to the performance of self-paced rhythmic finger movements. Furthermore, the EEG time-warping method can disentangle auditory- and movement-related EEG activity produced when participants perform rhythmic movements synchronized to an acoustic rhythm. This is possible because the movement-related activity has different period fluctuations than the auditory-related activity.
    With the classic frequency-tagging approach, rhythm fluctuations result in a spreading of the peaks to neighboring frequencies, to the point that they cannot be distinguished from background noise.
    The proposed time-warping procedure is as a simple and effective mean to study natural non-strictly-periodic rhythmic neural processes such as rhythmic movement production, acoustic rhythm perception and sensorimotor synchronization.





