fragile X mental retardation protein

脆性 X 智力迟钝蛋白
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The symptoms of fragile X syndrome (FXS), caused by a single gene mutation to Fmr1, have been increasingly linked to disordered astrocyte signalling within the cerebral cortex. We have recently demonstrated that the purinergic signalling pathway, which utilizes nucleoside triphosphates and their metabolites to facilitate bidirectional glial and glial-neuronal interactions, is upregulated in cortical astrocytes derived from the Fmr1 knockout (KO) mouse model of FXS. Heightened Fmr1 KO P2Y purinergic receptor levels were correlated with prolonged intracellular calcium release, elevated synaptogenic protein secretion, and hyperactivity of developing circuits. However, due to the relative lack of sensitive and reproducible quantification methods available for measuring purines and pyrimidines, determining the abundance of these factors in Fmr1 KO astrocytes was limited. We therefore developed a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography protocol coupled with mass spectrometry to compare the abundance of intracellular and extracellular purinergic molecules between wildtype and Fmr1 KO mouse astrocytes. Significant differences in the concentrations of UDP, ATP, AMP, and adenosine intracellular stores were found within Fmr1 KO astrocytes relative to WT. The extracellular level of adenosine was also significantly elevated in Fmr1 KO astrocyte-conditioned media in comparison to media collected from WT astrocytes. Glycosylation of the astrocyte membrane-bound CD39 ectonucleotidase, which facilitates ligand breakdown following synaptic release, was also elevated in Fmr1 KO astrocyte cultures. Together, these differences demonstrated further dysregulation of the purinergic signalling system within Fmr1 KO cortical astrocytes, potentially leading to significant alterations in FXS purinergic receptor activation and cellular pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder caused by a premutation of the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome. Despite the pervasive physical and cognitive effects of FXTAS, no studies have examined language in symptomatic males and females, limiting utility as an outcome measure in clinical trials of FXTAS. The goal of this work is to determine (a) the extent to which male and female FMR1 premutation carriers with FXTAS symptoms differ in their language use and (b) whether language production predicts FXTAS symptoms. Thirty-one individuals with the FMR1 premutation (21M, 10F), ages 58-85 years with some symptoms of FXTAS, were recruited from a larger cross-sectional study. Participants completed a five-minute monologic language sample. Language transcripts were assessed for rate of dysfluencies, lexical-semantics, syntax, and speech rate. Multivariable linear and ordinal regressions were used to predict FXTAS-associated symptoms, cognitive functioning, and executive functioning. Males and females did not differ in their language use. Language production predicted FXTAS symptom severity, cognitive functioning, and executive functioning. Language production difficulties may co-occur with FXTAS-associated symptoms and may be a viable outcome measure in future clinical trials, with future research needed.






  • 文章类型: News






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relationship between premature ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI) and premutation in the FMR1 gene is well established. In recent years, though, a potential relationship between the latter and a low ovarian reserve has been suggested. To explore it, we conducted a retrospective study in an IVF program at a university tertiary referral center in Barcelona (Spain). Data were obtained retrospectively from a total of 385 women referred for FMR1 gene testing at our institution from January 2018 to December 2021. We compared the prevalence of FMR1 gene premutation between 93 of them, younger than 35 years, with a diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), characterized by levels of anti-Mullerian hormone < 1.1 ng/mL and antral follicle count < 5; and 132 egg donors screened by protocol that served as the controls. We found a higher prevalence of FMR1 premutation in the DOR group (seven patients (7.69%)) than in the control group (one patient (1.32%)), Fisher-exact test p-value = 0.012). We concluded that compared with the general population represented by young egg donors, the prevalence of FMR1 gene premutation is higher in young patients with a diminished ovarian reserve. Although these findings warrant further prospective validation in a larger cohort of patients within DOR, they suggest that, in clinical practice, FMR1 premutation should be determined in infertile young patients with DOR in order to give them adequate genetic counselling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is the most common inherited form of intellectual disability and is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the Fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein (FMRP). FMRP is an evolutionarily conserved and neuronally enriched RNA-binding protein (RBP) with functions in RNA editing, RNA transport, and protein translation. Specific target RNAs play critical roles in neurodevelopment, including the regulation of neurite morphogenesis, synaptic plasticity, and cognitive function. The different biological functions of FMRP are modulated by its cooperative interaction with distinct sets of neuronal RNA and protein-binding partners. Here, we focus on interactions between FMRP and components of the microRNA (miRNA) pathway. Using the Drosophila S2 cell model system, we show that the Drosophila ortholog of FMRP (dFMRP) can repress translation when directly tethered to a reporter mRNA. This repression requires the activity of AGO1, GW182, and MOV10/Armitage, conserved proteins associated with the miRNA-containing RNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC). Additionally, we find that untagged dFMRP can interact with a short stem-loop sequence in the translational reporter, a prerequisite for repression by exogenous miR-958. Finally, we demonstrate that dFmr1 interacts genetically with GW182 to control neurite morphogenesis. These data suggest that dFMRP may recruit the miRISC to nearby miRNA binding sites and repress translation via its cooperative interactions with evolutionarily conserved components of the miRNA pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), an RNA binding protein (RBP), is aberrantly hyper-expressed in human tumors and plays an essential role in tumor invasion, metastasis and immune evasion. However, there is no small-molecule inhibitor for FMRP so far. In this study, we developed the first FMRP-targeting degrader based on PROteolysis TArgeting Chimera (PROTAC) technology and constructed a heterobifunctional PROTAC through linking a FMRP-targeting G-quadruplex RNA (sc1) to a von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-targeting ligand peptide (named as sc1-VHLL). Sc1-VHLL specifically degraded endogenous FMRP via ubiquitination pathway in both mouse and human cancer cells. The FMRP degradation significantly changed the secretion pattern of cancer cells, resulting in higher expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine and smaller amounts of immunomodulatory contents. Furthermore, sc1-VHLL, when encapsulated into ionizable liposome nanoparticles (LNP) efficiently targeted tumor site and degraded FMRP in cancer cells. In CT26 tumor-bearing mouse model, FMRP degradation within tumors substantially promoted the infiltration of lymphocytes and CD8 T cells and reduced the proportion of Treg cells, reshaping the proinflammatory tumor microenvironment and accordingly transforming cold tumor into hot tumor. When combined with immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy, sc1-VHLL based treatment remarkably inhibited the tumor growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is currently not known whether mRNAs fulfill structural roles in the cytoplasm. Here, we report the fragile X-related protein 1 (FXR1) network, an mRNA-protein (mRNP) network present throughout the cytoplasm, formed by FXR1-mediated packaging of exceptionally long mRNAs. These mRNAs serve as an underlying condensate scaffold and concentrate FXR1 molecules. The FXR1 network contains multiple protein binding sites and functions as a signaling scaffold for interacting proteins. We show that it is necessary for RhoA signaling-induced actomyosin reorganization to provide spatial proximity between kinases and their substrates. Point mutations in FXR1, found in its homolog FMR1, where they cause fragile X syndrome, disrupt the network. FXR1 network disruption prevents actomyosin remodeling-an essential and ubiquitous process for the regulation of cell shape, migration, and synaptic function. Our findings uncover a structural role for cytoplasmic mRNA and show how the FXR1 RNA-binding protein as part of the FXR1 network acts as an organizer of signaling reactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), the most common inherited form of human intellectual disability, is a monogenic neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a loss-of-function mutation of the FMR1 gene. FMR1 is encoding the Fragile X Messenger Ribonucleo Protein (FMRP) an RNA-binding protein that regulates the translation of synaptic proteins. The absence of FMRP expression has many important consequences on synaptic plasticity and function, leading to the FXS clinical phenotype. Over the last decade, a visual neurosensorial phenotype had been described in the FXS patients as well as in the murine model (Fmr1-/ymice), characterized by retinal deficits associated to retinal perception alterations. However, although the transcriptomic profile in the absence of FMRP has been studied in the cerebral part of the central nervous system (CNS), there are no actual data for the retina which is an extension of the CNS. Herein, we investigate the transcriptomic profile of mRNA from whole retinas of Fmr1-/ymice. Interestingly, we found a specific signature of Fmrp absence on retinal mRNA expression with few common genes compared to other brain studies. Gene Ontology on these retinal specific genes demonstrated an enrichment in retinal development genes as well as in synaptic genes. These alterations could be linked to the reported retinal phenotype of the FXS condition. In conclusion, we describe for the first time, retinal-specific transcriptomic changes in the absence of FMRP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is caused by the full mutation in the FMR1 gene on the Xq27.3 chromosome region. It is the most common monogenic cause of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and inherited intellectual disability (ID). Besides ASD and ID and other symptoms, individuals with FXS may exhibit sleep problems and impairment of circadian rhythm (CR). The Drosophila melanogaster models of FXS, such as dFMR1B55, represent excellent models for research in the FXS field. During this study, sleep patterns and CR in dFMR1B55 mutants were analyzed, using a new platform based on continuous high-resolution videography integrated with a highly-customized version of an open-source software. This methodology provides more sensitive results, which could be crucial for all further research in this model of fruit flies. The study revealed that dFMR1B55 male mutants sleep more and can be considered weak rhythmic flies rather than totally arrhythmic and present a good alternative animal model of genetic disorder, which includes impairment of CR and sleep behavior. The combination of affordable videography and software used in the current study is a significant improvement over previous methods and will enable broader adaptation of such high-resolution behavior monitoring methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common genetic cause of autism spectrum disorder engendered by transcriptional silencing of the fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein 1 (FMR1) gene. Given the early onset of behavioral and molecular changes, it is imperative to know the optimal timing for therapeutic intervention. Case reports documented benefits of metformin treatment in FXS children between 2 and 14 y old. In this study, we administered metformin from birth to Fmr1-/y mice which corrected up-regulated mitogen-2 activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase and mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 signaling pathways and specific synaptic mRNA-binding targets of FMRP. Metformin rescued increased number of calls in ultrasonic vocalization and repetitive behavior in Fmr1-/y mice. Our findings demonstrate that in mice, early-in-life metformin intervention is effective in treating FXS pathophysiology.





