
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) via sum parameters like extractable organic fluorine (EOF) in combination with high resolution-continuum source-graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-GFMAS) is highly promising regarding fluorine sensitivity and selectivity. However, the HR-CS-GFMAS method includes several drying and heating steps which can lead to losses of volatile PFAS before the molecular formation step using e.g., GaF formation. Hence, the method leads to a strong discrimination of PFAS within the EOF depending on their physical/chemical properties and is therefore associated with reduced accuracy. To reduce this discrepancy and to indicate realistic PFAS pollution values, an optimization of the HR-CS-GFMAS method for PFAS analysis is needed. Hence, we determined fluorine response factors of several PFAS with different physical/chemical properties upon application of systematic optimization steps. We could therefore improve the method\'s sensitivity for PFAS analysis using a modifier drying pre-treatment step followed by a sequential injection of sample solutions. The highest improvement in sensitivity of volatile PFAS was shown upon addition of a Mg modifier during drying pre-treatment. Thereby, during optimization the relative standard deviation of fluorine response factors could be reduced from 55 % (initial method) to 27 % (optimized method) leading to a more accurate determination of organofluorine sum parameters. The method provides an instrumental LOD and LOQ of β(F) 1.71 μg/L and 5.13 μg/L, respectively. Further validation aimed to investigate several matrix effects with respect to water matrices. Here, substance-specific behavior was observed. For example, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which was used as calibrator, showed signal suppressions upon high chloride concentrations (>50 mg/L). Hence, a thorough separation of Cl from analytes during sample preparation is needed for accurate sum parameter analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growing threat of bacterial resistance to antibiotics has led to the rise of anti-virulence strategies as a promising approach. These strategies aim to disarm bacterial pathogens and improve their clearance by the host immune system. Lipopolysaccharide, a key virulence factor in Gram-negative bacteria, has been identified as a potential target for anti-virulence agents. In this study, we focus on inhibiting HldA and HldE, bacterial enzymes from the heptose biosynthesis pathway, which plays a key role in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis. We present the synthesis of two fluorinated non-hydrolysable heptose phosphate analogues. Additionally, the inhibitory activity of a family of eight heptose phosphate analogues against HldA and HldE was assessed. This evaluation revealed inhibitors with affinities in the low μM range, with the most potent compound showing inhibition constant values of 15.4 μM for HldA and 16.9 μM for HldE. The requirement for a phosphate group at the C-7 position was deemed essential for inhibitory activity, while the presence of a hydroxy anomeric group was found to be beneficial, a phenomenon rationalized through computational modeling. Additionally, the introduction of a single fluorine atom α to the phosphonate moiety conferred a slight advantage for inhibition. These findings suggest that mimicking the structure of d-glycero-β-d-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate, the product of the phosphorylation step in heptose biosynthesis, could be a promising strategy to disrupt this biosynthetic pathway. In terms of the in vivo effects, these heptose phosphate analogues neither demonstrated significant LPS-disrupting effects nor exhibited growth inhibitory activity on their own. Additionally, they did not alter the susceptibility of bacteria to hydrophobic antibiotics. The highly charged nature of these molecules may hinder their ability to penetrate the bacterial cell wall. To overcome this limitation, alternative strategies such as incorporating protecting groups that facilitate their entry and can subsequently be cleaved within the bacterial cytoplasm could be explored.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Riboswitches control gene regulation upon external stimuli such as environmental factors or ligand binding. The fluoride sensing riboswitch from Thermotoga petrophila is a complex regulatory RNA proposed to be involved in resistance to F- cytotoxicity. The details of structure and dynamics underpinning the regulatory mechanism are currently debated. Here we demonstrate that a combination of pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (ESR/EPR) spectroscopies, detecting distances in the angstrom to nanometre range, can probe distinct regions of conformational flexibility in this riboswitch. PELDOR (pulsed electron-electron double resonance) revealed a similar preorganisation of the sensing domain in three forms, i.e. the free aptamer, the Mg2+-bound apo, and the F--bound holo form. 19F ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) was used to investigate the active site structure of the F--bound holo form. Distance distributions without a priori structural information were compared with in silico modelling of spin label conformations based on the crystal structure. While PELDOR, probing the periphery of the RNA fold, revealed conformational flexibility of the RNA backbone, ENDOR indicated low structural heterogeneity at the ligand binding site. Overall, the combination of PELDOR and ENDOR with sub-angstrom precision gave insight into structural organisation and flexibility of a riboswitch, not easily attainable by other biophysical techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although lithium-oxygen batteries (LOBs) hold the promise of high gravimetric energy density, this potential is hindered by high charging voltages. To ensure that the charging voltage remains low, it is crucial to generate discharge products that can be easily decomposed during the successive charging process. In this study, we discovered that the use of amide-based electrolyte solvents containing a fluorinated moiety can notably establish a sustained voltage plateau at low-charging voltages at around 3.5 V. This occurs under conditions that can verify the feasibility of achieving a benchmark energy density value of 500 Wh kg-1. Notably, the achievement of the low-voltage plateau was accomplished solely by relying on the intrinsic properties of the electrolyte solvent. Indeed, synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements have shown that the use of fluorine-containing amide-based electrolyte solvents results in the formation of highly decomposable discharge products, such as amorphous and Li-deficient lithium peroxides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of nontoxic antifouling coatings in static marine environments is urgent. Herein, the successful synthesis of sulfobetaine borneol fluorinated polymers (PEASBF) by a free radical polymerization method is reported. The PEASBF coatings exhibit outstanding antifouling activity, which effectively resists the adhesion of Bovine serum albumin (FITC-BSA adhesion rate: 0.5%), Pseudomonas sp. (Biofilm: 1.3 absorbance) and Navicula sp. (Diatom attachment rate: 33%). More importantly, the PEASBF coatings display outstanding fouling release properties, achieving a release rate of 98% for Navicula sp., and the absorbance of the Pseudomonas sp. biofilm is only 0.2 under 10 Pa shear stress. XPS and MD studies showed that the fluorinated/isobornyl groups induce more sulfobetaine groups to migrate toward polymer surfaces for intensify antifouling. Additionally, the chiral stereochemical structure of borneol enhances antifouling and fouling release ability of amphiphilic polymers. Therefore, the PEASBF has the potential for static marine antifouling applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The first Lewis acid base adducts of MoF6 and an organic base have been synthesized, i.e., MoF6(NC5H5) and MoF6(NC5H5)2. These adducts are structurally characterized with X-ray crystallography, showing that both adducts adopt capped trigonal prismatic structures. The MoF6(NC5H5) and MoF6(NC5H5)2 adducts are fluxional on the NMR time scale at room temperature. Two different fluorine environments could be resolved by 19F NMR spectroscopy at -80 °C for the 1:2 adduct, MoF6(NC5H5)2, whereas MoF6(NC5H5) remains fluxional at that temperature. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations aide the assignment of the infrared and Raman spectra. Natural Bond Order and Molecular Electrostatic Potential analyses elucidate the structures and properties of the MoF6 pyridine adducts. Regions of significantly higher molecular electrostatic potential, i.e., σ-holes, in trigonal prismatic compared to octahedral MoF6 rationalize the capped trigonal prismatic geometry of the adducts. Whereas MoF6(NC5H5) is stable at room temperature under exclusion of moisture, MoF6(NC5H5)2 decomposes at 60 °C in pyridine solvent, and the solid slowly decomposes at room temperature after 24 h.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorine magnetic resonance imaging (19F MRI) is a rapidly evolving research area with a high potential to advance the field of clinical diagnostics. In this review, we provide an overview of the recent progress in the field of fluorinated stimuli-responsive polymers applied as 19F MRI tracers. These polymers respond to internal or external stimuli (e.g., temperature, pH, oxidative stress, and specific molecules) by altering their physicochemical properties, such as self-assembly, drug release, and polymer degradation. Incorporating noninvasive 19F labels enables us to track the biodistribution of such polymers. Furthermore, by triggering polymer transformation, we can induce changes in 19F MRI signals, including attenuation, amplification, and chemical shift changes, to monitor alterations in the environment of the tracer. Ultimately, this review highlights the emerging potential of stimuli-responsive fluoropolymer 19F MRI tracers in the current context of polymer diagnostics research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Active site lids are common features of enzymes and typically undergo conformational changes upon substrate binding to promote catalysis. Iodotyrosine deiodinase is no exception and contains a lid segment in all of its homologues from human to bacteria. The solution-state dynamics of the lid have now been characterized using 19F NMR spectroscopy with a CF3-labeled enzyme and CF3O-labeled ligands. From two-dimensional 19F-19F NMR exchange spectroscopy, interconversion rates between the free and bound states of a CF3O-substituted tyrosine (45 ± 10 s-1) and the protein label (40 ± 3 s-1) are very similar and suggest a correlation between ligand binding and conformational reorganization of the lid. Both occur at rates that are ∼100-fold faster than turnover, and therefore these steps do not limit catalysis. A simple CF3O-labeled phenol also binds to the active site and induces a conformational change in the lid segment that was not previously detectable by crystallography. Exchange rates of the ligand (130 ± 20 s-1) and protein (98 ± 8 s-1) in this example are faster than those above but remain self-consistent to affirm a correlation between ordering of the lid and binding of the ligand. Both ligands also protect the protein from limited proteolysis, as expected from their ability to stabilize a compact lid structure. However, the minimal turnover of simple phenol substrates indicates that such stabilization may be necessary but is not sufficient for efficient catalysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Building blocks have been identified that can be functionalised by sequential nucleophilic aromatic substitution. Some examples are reported that involve the formation of cyclic benzodioxin and phenoxathiine derivatives from 4,5-difluoro-1,2-dinitrobenzene, racemic quinoxaline thioethers, and sulfones from 2,3-dichloroquinoxaline and (2-aminophenylethane)-2,5-dithiophenyl-4-nitrobenzene from 1-(2-aminophenylethane)-2-fluoro-4,5-dinitrobenzene. Four X-ray single-crystal structure determinations are reported, two of which show short intermolecular N-O…N \"π hole\" contacts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The kinetics of the F2 reaction with thiirane (C2H4S) was studied for the first time in a flow reactor combined with mass spectrometry at a total helium pressure of 2 Torr and in the temperature range of 220 to 800 K. The rate constant of the title reaction was determined under pseudo-first-order conditions, either monitoring the kinetics of F2 or C2H4S consumption in excess of thiirane or of F2, respectively: k1 = (5.79 ± 0.17) × 10-12 exp(-(16 ± 10)/T) cm3 molecule-1 s-1 (the uncertainties represent precision of the fit at the 2σ level, with the total 2σ relative uncertainty, including statistical and systematic errors on the rate constant being 15% at all temperatures). HF and CH2CHSF were identified as primary products of the title reaction. The yield of HF was measured to be 100% (with an accuracy of 10%) across the entire temperature range of the study. Quantum computations revealed reaction enthalpies ranging from -409.9 to -509.1 kJ mol-1 for all the isomers/conformers of the products, indicating a strong exothermicity. Boltzmann relative populations were then established for different temperatures.





