facial nerve paralysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background The objective of this retrospective study was to investigate the seasonal patterns of idiopathic facial nerve paralysis, specifically Bell\'s palsy, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The study aimed to determine if there is a correlation between cold weather and the incidence of Bell\'s palsy, as well as to examine the relationship between age, gender, comorbidities, and the development of the disease. Methodology Data were collected from King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, between 2016 and 2021. Electronic medical records of adult patients diagnosed with idiopathic facial paralysis were reviewed. Patients with facial paralysis caused by known illnesses were excluded. Demographic information, clinical characteristics, and the course of the disease were analyzed using SPSS version 25 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Results The study included 136 Bell\'s palsy patients, with a mean age of 39.9 years. Males represented 58.1% (79) of the sample, and the right side of the face was more commonly affected in 71 (52.2%) patients. The majority of patients had House-Brackmann grade III (51, 37.5%). The monthly distribution showed a higher number of Bell\'s palsy cases during the winter months, particularly December, October, and November, but the seasonal distribution did not yield a statistically significant difference in incidence. Conclusions While this study observed a higher incidence of Bell\'s palsy during the winter months, it did not establish a statistically significant correlation between cold temperatures and the onset of Bell\'s palsy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the study found that Bell\'s palsy predominantly affects middle-aged males, and comorbidities did not appear to be significant risk factors for the development of the disease. This research lays the groundwork for future investigations into the relationship between weather and the pathogenesis of Bell\'s palsy in the region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Facial paralysis can affect patients undergoing full mouth rehabilitation, regardless of what caused their paralysis. A procedure known as modified selective neurectomy of the facial nerve can enhance the movement of facial muscles in individuals with facial synkinesis safely and effectively. This approach is proposed as an alternative to more invasive surgical options when used independently as a treatment for incomplete facial palsy. Selective neurectomy offers a promising surgical option for managing nonflaccid facial paralysis and synkinesis, enhancing patients\' quality of life. However, treatment plans should be individually tailored considering the complexity of facial paralysis and the unique needs of each patient, taking into account the timing and type of treatment. The objective of this review is to explore the use of selective neurectomy as a treatment for facial paralysis based on previously published papers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The facial nerve is the seventh of 12 cranial nerves found in the head and neck region that facilitates several nerve fibers and pathways to perform various functions. Iatrogenic facial nerve injury during surgeries of the head and neck is common, ranging from 4-6%, particularly in procedures that involve mobilization or resection of associated anatomical structures. Any injury to the facial nerve or its branches impacts the quality of life and patient satisfaction as the degree of iatrogenic injury may result in partial or complete facial nerve paralysis. Of the various implementable techniques available to avoid injury, electromyography (EMG) has recently been widely used to monitor facial nerve function intraoperatively to determine the degree of injury and predict postoperative weakness. The purpose of this study was to analyze and review existing scientific literature in determining the role of intraoperative facial nerve monitoring (IFNM) with EMG in decreasing the incidence and degree of intraoperative facial nerve injury among commonly performed surgeries involving the facial nerve. A systematic review was conducted from articles published between September 2006 and December 2022. Suitable articles were identified from the MEDLINE/PubMed databases using relevant terms to meet the inclusion criteria. Articles were subsequently coded based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria as well as the type of surgery performed with concurrent use of EMG and the results from intraoperative monitoring. A total of 47 articles were found in relation to the use of IFNM, including studies to reduce the incidence and determine preventative measures to decrease nerve injury. Eleven articles were used to evaluate the use of EMG during various head and neck surgeries in decreasing the incidence of intraoperative facial nerve injury. Sources found were primarily divided based on the type of surgery performed when determining the use of EMG. Four sources tested the efficacy of EMG during parotidectomy, four sources during vestibular schwannoma resection, two sources during cochlear implant surgeries, and one during a lymphatic malformation surgery. IFNM also decreased the duration of surgery, the severity of facial nerve palsy, and the average time of facial nerve paralysis recovery. IFNM was found to not significantly predict facial nerve injury in the setting of intraoperative nerve injury but tended to preserve potential facial nerve function in vestibular schwannoma cases. The surgical setting determined the efficacy and use of IFNM in decreasing the incidence of facial nerve weakness and paralysis. IFNM had the best preventative and prognostic value when used in vestibular schwannoma resection, and the least in cochlear implants, with mixed evidence seen in the setting of parotidectomy. Overall, IFNM using EMG as an adjunct during surgery may reduce the risk of iatrogenic injury; however, additional studies must be performed to determine the degree of long-term patient satisfaction and quality of life achieved in the setting of IFNM.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: Granulomatosis with polyangiitis is associated with otolaryngologic complaints in 70-95 % of cases, with the most common being serous otitis media. In rare cases, patients may experience facial nerve palsy in conjunction with otologic or nasal symptoms; and, often, initially present to an otolaryngologist. It is important for healthcare professionals to be able to recognize the nuisances of facial nerve palsy as a potential presentation of granulomatosis with polyangiitis.
    METHODS: Systematic review.
    METHODS: Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Protocol, PubMed and MED-LINE Databases were queried for articles published from January 2007 to December 2022 describing facial nerve palsy in the context of Granulomatosis with polyangiitis, formerly known as Wegener\'s Granulomatosis. The keywords included \"facial nerve palsy\", \"facial palsy\", \"granulomatosis with polyangiitis\", \"Wegener\'s granulomatosis\", \"ANCA positive\" in the title/abstract. All full-text articles available in English were screened, including single case presentations. Abstracts, commentaries, and publications deemed outside the scope of our study aims were excluded from review. After removal of duplicate articles, a total of 85 articles were screened. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 14 articles were included in the review.
    RESULTS: There were a total of 28 reports of facial nerve palsy in the literature in patients who were eventually diagnosed with granulomatosis with polyangiitis. The patients\' ages ranged from 14 to 68 years old. None of the patients had been previously diagnosed with GPA, and a majority of them presented initially with other otologic symptoms. Hearing loss was reported in 24 patients (86 %), otalgia was present in 11 patients (39 %), and otorrhea was present in 6 patients (21 %). Bilateral facial paralysis was reported in 10 patients in the literature (36 %). In total, 16 patients underwent surgery for facial paralysis: 6 tympanomastoidectomies, 4 mastoidectomies, 2 explorative tympanotomies. Surgery was generally considered ineffective in resolving facial weakness. All patients ended up receiving some combination of steroids and immunosuppressant, most commonly prednisolone and cyclophosphamide or rituximab, which was eventually transitioned to azathioprine for maintenance. Unlike auditory thresholds, which remained decreased in two patients, all patients recovered facial function following appropriate medical treatment of their vasculitis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Facial nerve paralysis in patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis is a rare but treatable phenomenon. In patients with intractable otitis media, unresolving facial palsy, or a combination of otologic issues, it is important to consider GPA as a possible source. The prognosis for facial function appears to be excellent in patients who undergo appropriate treatment for vasculitis, but further studies are needed for confirmation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Moebius Syndrome, is a rare, non-progressive congenital neuropathological syndrome characterized primarily by the underdevelopment of the facial (CN VII) and abducens nerve (CN VI). Other features of Moebius Syndrome include facial nerve paresis, ophthalmoplegias, orthodontic deficiencies (including crowded dentition, swollen and hyperplastic gingiva, dental calculus, etc.), musculoskeletal abnormalities, and impaired mental function. Due to the rarity of the disorder, very few case studies have been reported in the literature. This article summarizes the significant features of the disease according to commonalities in reported cases, along with several newly recognized features cited in recent literature. We have explored the different diagnostic criteria and the newly recognized imaging modalities that may be used. Understandably, the condition detrimentally affects a patient\'s quality of life; thus, treatment measures have also been outlined. This study aims to provide updated literature on Moebius Syndrome MBS and improve understanding of the condition.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Symptoms induced by arachnoid cysts in the fallopian canal are uncommon, and facial nerve paralysis without cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea is comparatively rarer.
    UNASSIGNED: Herein, we present two cases of arachnoid cysts in the fallopian canal with acute severe facial nerve paralysis and review the relevant literature.
    UNASSIGNED: The symptoms and imaging findings of these two cases resembled those of facial nerve schwannomas. Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea occurred upon removal of the arachnoid cyst, and the facial nerve was observed to be separated into multiple filaments or compressed and atrophied. Facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis and decompression were conducted after packing the dehiscence of cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea for the two cases.
    UNASSIGNED: Arachnoid cysts of the fallopian canal rarely cause facial nerve paralysis. Enhanced magnetic resonance imaging is vital for differentiating schwannomas. Different treatment strategies should be adopted for patients with different degrees of facial nerve paralysis; however, concurrent repair of cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea and facial nerves during surgery can occasionally be challenging.






  • 文章类型: Review
    OBJECTIVE: To report 20 years of natural history data for a facial paraganglioma and provide a comprehensive review of the existing literature.
    METHODS: 81-year-old female with a remote history of cardiac arrest while under anesthesia who elected to observe her facial paraganglioma for 20 years.
    METHODS: Observation, clinical documentation, radiographic surveillance.
    METHODS: Tumor progression, patient symptomatology, and review of management options.
    RESULTS: The initial presentation of the facial paraganglioma was facial spasm. Over the course of observation, symptoms progressed to include complete facial nerve paralysis, pulsatile tinnitus, and otalgia on the affected side. Radiologic surveillance demonstrated incremental growth and erosion of surrounding structures, including the posterior external auditory canal, stylomastoid foramen, and lateral semicircular canal with near-dehiscence. Twenty-four cases of facial paraganglioma were identified in the extended literature search and are summarized herein.
    CONCLUSIONS: This unique case contributes to the scarce literature surrounding facial paragangliomas by reporting the extended natural history of this disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bell\'s palsy is an acute, ipsilateral facial paralysis secondary to inflammation of cranial nerve VII. This condition is classically caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV); however, many providers will make a diagnosis in the setting of other underlying conditions that are known to cause similar symptoms. The annual incidence of Bell\'s palsy is 11.5-53.3 per 100,000 persons, with a small subset of individuals being contact sport athletes. A unique challenge to treating Bell\'s palsy in collegiate athletes is finding a way for these players to return to their sport in a timely fashion, while also avoiding traumatic ocular injuries. Athletic goggles may provide a potential alternative option for athletes to return to the play of their respective sport prior to the physical symptoms subsiding. Due to the prolonged duration of most Bell\'s palsy symptoms, athletic goggles have the ability to save up to a full season of eligibility for a player. Aside from ocular injuries, a further challenge which encompasses all cases of Bell\'s palsy is the negative psychosocial effects which accompany the physical symptoms of this condition. Both the patient\'s physical and psychosocial health considerations must be taken into consideration. In this case report, we review the utility of ocular protection in helping collegiate athletes with unilateral facial paralysis return to play prior to the resolution of symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of our polyneural, zone-based reanimation approach for patients with neoplasm-induced facial paralysis.
    A retrospective review of consecutive patients who underwent facial reanimation surgery using multiple donor nerve transfers was undertaken. In each case, the selection of donor nerves was based on the availability of donor nerve and the viability of the motor endplate on the affected side. Sources of the neural inputs utilized included the remnant facial nerve stump, masseteric nerve, partial hypoglossal nerve, and branches of the contralateral facial nerve. Clinical outcomes were scored by expert raters. Ratings were undertaken using the modified House-Brackmann, eFACE and MEEI FACEgram scoring systems.
    Between 2017 and 2020, 12 patients were included in the study (mean age 60 years; range 26-81 years). Eight patients (67%) achieved a grade III outcome on the modified House-Brackmann grading scale. Mean eFACE static and dynamic scores were 76 and 57 respectively, reflecting a high degree of symmetry at rest and moderate restoration of dynamic movement. Mean time to movement was 5.4 months (SD 1.9). Objective FACE-gram measurements confirmed restoration of midface movement with an average improvement in smile excursion and mouth angle excursion of 3.19 mm (SD 3.18) and 4.81° (SD 2.90) respectively.
    Facial reanimation using multiple nerve transfers is effective in achieving improvements in facial function and symmetry.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A variety of physiotherapeutic approaches have been tried out during the past 25 years to alleviate the plight of patients with peripheral facial nerve paresis. The objective of this review was to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy in patients with facial nerve paresis. Trials were identified by computerised searches of biomedical databases, reference lists, and by contacting investigators. Selection criteria were randomised controlled trials of physiotherapy for the improvement of sequelae of facial nerve paresis, comparing the treatment with either another intervention or no intervention. Two reviewers independently assessed the trials using the PEDro scale. Two physiotherapy randomised controlled studies were identified. Interventions used for treatment of patients with facial nerve paresis in the included studies were relaxation, biofeedback and exercise therapy. Neither of the two randomised controlled studies showed scientific evidence of a physiotherapeutic approach in comparison with a control group. Both studies described benefits of the interventions. Further randomised controlled studies are required to determine the effectiveness of physiotherapy in patients with facial nerve paresis.





