extended family

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Having multiple previous generations with depression in the family increases offspring risk for psychopathology. Parental depression has been associated with smaller subcortical brain volumes in their children, but whether two prior generations with depression is associated with further decreases is unclear.
    METHODS: Using two independent cohorts, 1) a Three-Generation Study (TGS, N = 65) with direct clinical interviews of adults and children across all three generations, and 2) the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD, N = 10,626) of 9-10 year-old children with family history assessed by a caregiver, we tested whether having more generations of depression in the family was associated with smaller subcortical volumes (using structural MRI).
    RESULTS: In TGS, caudate, pallidum and putamen showed decreasing volumes with higher familial risk for depression. Having a parent and a grandparent with depression was associated with decreased volume compared to having no familial depression in these regions. Putamen volume was associated with depression at eight-year follow-up. In ABCD, smaller pallidum and putamen were associated with family history, which was driven by parental depression, regardless of grandparental depression.
    CONCLUSIONS: Discrepancies between cohorts could be due to interview type (clinical or self-report) and informant (individual or common informant), sample size or age. Future analyses of follow-up ABCD waves will be able to assess whether effects of grandparental depression on brain markers become more apparent as the children enter young adulthood.
    CONCLUSIONS: Basal ganglia regional volumes are significantly smaller in offspring with a family history of depression in two independent cohorts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how child maltreatment is passed down from one generation to the next is crucial for the development of intervention and prevention strategies that may break the cycle of child maltreatment. Changes in emotion recognition due to childhood maltreatment have repeatedly been found, and may underly the intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment.
    In this study we, therefore, examined whether the ability to recognize emotions plays a role in the intergenerational transmission of child abuse and neglect.
    A total of 250 parents (104 males, 146 females) were included that participated in a three-generation family study.
    Participants completed an emotion recognition task in which they were presented with series of photographs that depicted the unfolding of facial expressions from neutrality to the peak emotions anger, fear, happiness, and sadness. Multi-informant measures were used to examine experienced and perpetrated child maltreatment.
    A history of abuse, but not neglect, predicted a shorter reaction time to identify fear and anger. In addition, parents who showed higher levels of neglectful behavior made more errors in identifying fear, whereas parents who showed higher levels of abusive behavior made more errors in identifying anger. Emotion recognition did not mediate the association between experienced and perpetrated child maltreatment.
    Findings highlight the importance of distinguishing between abuse and neglect when investigating the precursors and sequalae of child maltreatment. In addition, the effectiveness of interventions that aim to break the cycle of abuse and neglect could be improved by better addressing the specific problems with emotion processing of abusive and neglectful parents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Investigated the experiences of Māori (the Indigenous peoples of Aotearoa, New Zealand) patients and whānau (extended family network) engaging with acute hospital inpatient services and their priorities for a Māori-centred model of relational care.
    METHODS: A qualitative Māori-centred research design using a Thought Space Wānanga (learning through in-depth group discussion, deliberation and consideration) approach.
    METHODS: Two wānanga were conducted between May 2022 and June 2022, with 13 Māori patients who had been acutely hospitalized within the past 12 months and their whānau members. The first wānanga utilized storytelling and journey mapping to collect data. The second wānanga refined the initial themes. Wānanga were audio-recorded and then inductively coded and developed into themes.
    RESULTS: Thirteen patients and whānau attended the first wānanga, while 10 patients and whānau participated in the second wānanga). Four themes were developed: (1) Whakawhanaungatanga (establishing connections and relationships), (2) Whakamana (uplifting the status and esteem of Māori), (3) Whakawhitiwhiti kōrero (the importance of communicating, discussing and deliberating) and (4) Kotahitanga (working together with purpose) all provide insights into the importance of effectively engaging and connecting with Māori patients and whānau when acutely hospitalized.
    CONCLUSIONS: The experiences and priorities of Māori patients and whānau affirm the international literature, suggesting that Indigenous relational concepts are critical to building relationships, connections and trust. Despite existing healthcare models for working with Indigenous peoples, their poor application contributes to sub-optimal healthcare experiences at all points of their healthcare journey. A relational mode of practice focused on engagement and forming connections better meets the needs of Indigenous peoples engaging with inpatient health services.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite the existence of Indigenous models of care, Indigenous peoples consistently report a lack of engagement and connection when accessing inpatient health services. Without establishing relationships, applying models of care is challenging.
    UNASSIGNED: What problem did the study address? Internationally, healthcare systems are consistently ill-equipped to deliver culturally safe care for Indigenous and marginalized peoples, evident in ongoing health inequities. Like other reports of Indigenous experiences of health services, Māori express dissatisfaction with care delivery in an acute inpatient setting. This study investigated Māori patients and whānau experiences engaging with acute hospital inpatient services and their priorities for a Māori-centred model of relational care. What were the main findings? Māori patients and whānau recounted negative experiences with healthcare professionals lacking effective relationships and trust. Satisfaction occurred when engagement with health care professionals resembled Indigenous cultural rituals of encounter that considered their holistic, collective and dynamic worldviews. Previous models of relational care, while helpful, are not Indigenous and so do not address their needs, such as engagement as a mode of practice (how) to achieve this. Where and on whom will the research have an impact? This research impacts Indigenous peoples\' health outcomes, particularly Māori, and nurses and clinicians working and interacting within acute inpatient and other hospital settings. Indigenous research methods support co-constructing knowledge for translation into practical outcomes through transformational practices, policies and theory development.
    UNASSIGNED: We used the Consolidated Criteria for Strengthening the Reporting of Health Research Involving Indigenous Peoples (CONSIDER) statement (see File S2-CONSIDER Checklist) and the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) guidelines (see File S3-COREQ Checklist).
    UNASSIGNED: Māori patients and their whānau interviewed about their experiences were involved in data interpretation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Low socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with increased risk for emotional and behavioural problems among children. Evidence from twin studies has shown that family SES moderates genetic and environmental influences on child mental health. However, it is also known that SES is itself under genetic influence and previous gene-environment interaction (G×E) studies have not incorporated the potential genetic overlap between child mental health and family SES into G×E analyses. We applied a novel approach using extended family data to investigate the moderation of aetiological influences on child emotional and behavioural problems by parental socioeconomic status in the presence of modelled gene-environment correlation.
    The sample comprised >28,100 children in extended-family units drawn from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Mothers reported children\'s emotional and behavioural symptoms. Parents\' income and educational attainment were obtained through linkage to administrative register data. Bivariate moderation Multiple-Children-of-Twins-and-Siblings (MCoTS) models were used to analyse relationships between offspring outcomes (emotional and behavioural symptom scores) and parental socioeconomic moderators (income rank and educational attainment).
    The aetiology of child emotional symptoms was moderated by maternal and paternal educational attainment. Shared environmental influences on child emotional symptoms were greater at lower levels of parents\' education. The aetiology of child behavioural symptoms was moderated by maternal, but not paternal, socioeconomic factors. Genetic factors shared between maternal income and child behavioural symptoms were greater in families with lower levels maternal income. Nonshared environmental influences on child behavioural symptoms were greater in families with higher maternal income and education.
    Parental socioeconomic indicators moderated familial influences and nonshared environmental influences on child emotional and behavioural outcomes. Maternal SES and child mental health share aetiological overlap such that shared genetic influence was greater at the lower end of the socioeconomic distribution. Our findings collectively highlight the role that family socioeconomic factors play in shaping the origins of child emotional and behavioural problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nurturing care and protection from parents and community in the early years of life are fundamental for a child\'s development. The article aims to explore what relations parents see as meaningful in their child\'s upbringing and how these are shaped, and how these perspectives are reflected in MANU. MANU is a universal parenting programme in Greenland. Ten of 40 interviews with parents were selected for the analysis of this article\'s objective. Five grandparents were interviewed. Grandparents are the child\'s closest extended family members and provide support to parents. Parents placed between one to 19 extended family members in their child\'s network. Eating and being in nature together, along with familial and intergenerational connectedness, were deemed valuable and important aspects in child-rearing. Parents\' own experiences in childhood can influence and complicate how parents place their new family within the extended family. The MANU materials address aspects in the role of kin that parents and grandparents described in interviews. The format and delivery of MANU aims to be universal and mostly addresses Western epistemologies, but both Western and Inuit epistemologies coexists in Greenland. This article creates a window into the existing context parents navigate in. It is important that initiatives are built within this context to ensure they are relevant to families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Porto-sinusoidal vascular disorder (PSVD) is a group of liver vascular diseases featuring lesions encompassing the portal venules and sinusoids unaccompanied by cirrhosis, irrespective of the presence/absence of portal hypertension. It can occur secondary to coagulation disorders or insult by toxic agents. However, the cause of PSVD remains unknown in most cases. Hereditary cases of PSVD are exceptionally rare, but they are of particular interest and may unveil genetic alterations and molecular mechanisms associated with the disease.
    We performed genome sequencing of four patients and two healthy individuals of a large multigenerational Lebanese family with PSVD and identified a heterozygous deleterious variant (c.547C>T, p.R183W) of FCH and double SH3 domains 1 ( FCHSD1 ), an uncharacterized gene, in patients. This variant segregated with the disease, and its pattern of inheritance was suggestive of autosomal dominant with variable expressivity. RNA structural modelling of human FCHSD1 suggests that the C-to-T substitution at position 547, corresponding to FCHSD1R183W , may increase both messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein stability and its interaction with MTOR-associated protein, LST8 homolog, a key protein of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR pathway). These predictions were substantiated by biochemical analyses, which showed that FCHSD1R183W induced high FCHSD1 mRNA stability, overexpression of FCHSD1 protein, and an increase in mTORC1 activation. This human FCHSD1 variant was introduced into mice through CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. Nine out of the 15 mice carrying the human FCHSD1R183W variant mimicked the phenotype of human PSVD, including splenomegaly and enlarged portal vein.
    Aberrant FCHSD1 structure and function leads to mTOR pathway overactivation and may cause PSVD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of the study was to explore how neglected older people describe the factors contributing to their state of neglect. A Phenomenological qualitative approach making use of a semi-structured interview was adopted. Purposive criterion and snowballing sampling were employed to recruit 12 older people facing neglect from Winneba in Ghana. Thematic data analysis making use of in-vivo and focussed coding was employed. Four major interrelated themes were identified. The themes are (a) \"Since the death of my husband\": neglect as a function of a natural cause; (b) \"I did not plan well by then\": neglect attributed to the self; (c) \"They do to all of us\": neglect resulting from the failure of government institutions; and, (d) \"Our family do not even come to see us\": neglect attributed to the breakdown of the extended family system. Application of the ecological theory in the discussion improves our understanding of holistic factors depriving older people of care and protection in Ghana. The findings draw attention to programs and policies, taking into consideration the personal, health and environmental factors to meet the needs of older people in Ghana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parents may rely on information provided by extended family members when making decisions concerning the health of their children. We evaluate whether extended family members affected the success of an information intervention promoting infant health.
    This is a secondary, sequential mixed-methods study based on a cluster randomised controlled trial of a peer-led home-education intervention conducted in Mchinji District, Malawi. We used linear multivariate regression to test whether the intervention impact on child height-for-age z-scores (HAZ) was influenced by extended family members. 12 of 24 clusters were assigned to the intervention, in which all pregnant women and new mothers were eligible to receive 5 home visits from a trained peer counsellor to discuss infant care and nutrition. We conducted focus group discussions with mothers, grandmothers and peer counsellors, and key-informant interviews with husbands, chiefs and community health workers to better understand the roles of extended family members in infant feeding.
    Exposure to the intervention increased child HAZ scores by 0.296 SD (95% CI 0.116 to 0.484). However, this effect is smaller in the presence of paternal grandmothers. Compared with an effect size of 0.441 to 0.467 SD (95% CI -0.344 to 1.050) if neither grandmother is alive, the effect size was 0.235 (95% CI -0.493 to 0.039) to 0.253 (95% CI -0.529 to 0.029) SD lower if the paternal grandmother was alive. There was no evidence of an effect of parents\' siblings. Maternal grandmothers did not affect intervention impact, but were associated with a lower HAZ score in the control group. Qualitative analysis suggested that grandmothers, who act as secondary caregivers and provide resources for infants, were slower to dismiss traditionally held practices and adopt intervention messages.
    The results indicate that the intervention impacts are diminished by paternal grandmothers. Intervention success could be increased by integrating senior women.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research indicates that active involvement of patients\' relatives generally has a positive impact on patients\' hospitalisation, including patient safety. Campaigns urge relatives to ask questions in relation to nursing care and treatment to enhance patient safety and to increase involvement of both patient and relatives. The question is how nurses experience relatives who ask questions. The aim of this study was to explore how nurses experienced contact with patients\' relatives during admissions to a somatic emergency ward including nurses\' experience of relatives asking questions related to nursing care and treatment. Six nurses were interviewed. The participants gave written consent to participate after receiving both oral and written information about the study. Data were analysed using combined theory and data-driven qualitative content analysis. The findings formed three main themes: (i) relatives\' involvement as a means to efficiency during hospitalisation, (ii) relatives welcomed on the terms of the system and (iii) tension between high ideals and frustrating realities. The six interviews answered the research questions. However, more interviews could have broadened the study and contributed with further details. The nurses experienced relatives as an important resource - \'an ace up the sleeve\', while reality seemed to challenge the relationship between nurses and relatives. The study contributes to discussions before development and implementation of specific initiatives aiming at increasing involvement of relatives of patients in a somatic emergency ward.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Exploring relatives\' experience of interaction with other relatives when writing a diary for the critically ill patient.
    METHODS: Qualitative interview data were analysed using a phenomenological-hermeneutical approach building on the theory of Ricoeur.
    METHODS: Seven relatives, who had written a diary when their close relative was admitted to the intensive care unit at a regional hospital in Denmark, were interviewed after the patient had been discharged.
    RESULTS: Writing a diary for the critically ill patient implied creating the story together, which impacted the relationships of the relatives. However, the relationship between relatives determined who might author the diary and also the content of the diary. Authoring the diary could be both a powerful position to shape the story unfolding in the diary or a burdensome responsibility.
    CONCLUSIONS: Authorship of the diary provided relatives with the power to influence the narrative in the diary. Co-authoring the diary allowed the relatives to incorporate the illness experience into a personal narrative, thereby influencing the formation of a family narrative. However, difficult relationships kept relatives from sharing emotions and understandings and could cause suffering among relatives and co-creation of the diary to fail.





