
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is an ongoing debate regarding whether ICD-11 complex PTSD and DSM-5 borderline personality disorder (BPD) are the same syndrome. Little is known about the extent to which these two conditions overlap and whether they exhibit distinct clinical correlates in Asian cultures. This study examined the co-occurrence of ICD-11 complex PTSD and DSM-5 BPD in a sample of treatment seekers in Hong Kong (N = 220). Participants completed validated self-report measures which assessed if they met the respective diagnostic criteria. In this sample, 30.9 % met the ICD-11 criteria for complex PTSD only, 10.0 % met the DSM-5 criteria for BPD only, and 28.2 % met the criteria for both conditions. Complex PTSD symptoms were most strongly associated with depressive symptoms (β =.347, p <.001) and trauma-related maladaptive beliefs (β =.337, p <.001), while BPD symptoms were most strongly associated with dissociative symptoms (β =.281, p <.001). This study is the first to show that ICD-11 complex PTSD and DSM-5 BPD commonly co-occurred but were not the same construct in the Asian context, and their symptoms were associated with different sets of demographic and clinical factors. Future editions of DSM and ICD should not merge the two conditions into a single diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vestibular migraine (VM) and Menière\'s disease (MD) are characterized by episodes of vertigo of similar duration. It is well known that differentiation between both diseases is not always possible based only on the patient history, physical examination, and audiological testing. In addition, the quantification of the vestibular function can also be helpful since, among patients with MD, there is often a dissociation between a normal/pseudo-normal video head impulse test (vHIT) and reduced caloric testing. The goal of this confirmatory study was to determine the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) of this dissociation to differentiate between MD and VM as well as between MD and other vestibular diseases. We performed a retrospective analysis of 2,101 patients. The examination group consisted of 1,100 patients; of these, 627 (57%) had MD according to the diagnostic criteria of the Bárány Society and 473 (43%) had VM. The comparison group consisted of 1,001 patients with other peripheral, central, or functional vestibular disorders. Statistical analysis revealed the following findings for the dissociation: MD vs. VM: specificity: 83.5%, sensitivity: 58.9%, PPV: 82.6%, and NPV: 60.5%, and MD vs. all other vestibular disorders (VM plus others): specificity: 83.5%, sensitivity: 58.9%, PPV: 60.3%, and NPV: 82.7%. The dissociation between a normal vHIT and a reduced caloric response is due to the high specificity and PPV suited for the differentiation between MD and VM. This part of the study confirms previous findings in a large cohort of patients. When it comes to differentiating between MD and all observed vestibular disorders, if there is no dissociation, the diagnosis of MD is unlikely.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immunodetection of cardiac isoforms of troponin I (cTnI) and troponin T (cTnT) in blood samples is widely used for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. The cardiac troponin complex (ITC-complex), comprising cTnI, cTnT, and troponin C (TnC), makes up a large portion of troponins released into the bloodstream after the necrosis of cardiomyocytes. However, the stability of the ITC-complex has not been fully investigated. This study aimed to investigate the stability of the ITC-complex in blood samples. A native ITC-complex was incubated in buffer solutions, serum, and citrate, heparin, or EDTA plasma at various temperatures. Western blotting and gel filtration were performed, and troponins were detected using specific monoclonal antibodies. The ITC-complex dissociated at 37 °C in buffers with or without anticoagulants, in citrate, heparin, and EDTA plasmas, and in serum, into a binary cTnI-TnC complex (IC-complex) and free cTnT. In plasma containing heparin and EDTA, the IC-complex further dissociated into free TnC and cTnI. No dissociation was found at 4 °C or at room temperature (RT) in all matrices within 24 h except for EDTA plasma. After incubation at 37 °C in EDTA plasma and serum, dissociation was accompanied by proteolytic degradation of both cTnI and cTnT. The presence of anti-troponin autoantibodies in the sample impeded dissociation of the ITC-complex. The ITC-complex dissociates in vitro to form the IC-complex and free cTnT at 37 °C but is mostly stable at 4 °C or RT. Further dissociation of the IC-complex occurs at 37 °C in plasmas containing heparin and EDTA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effects of tetrahydrofuran (THF) concentration on the mixed methane hydrate formation, dissociation, and stability were investigated. The experiment was conducted at 286.2 K and 6 MPa in a quiescent reactor. The presence of THF below 2.5 mol% did not show the evidence of hydrate formation. However, the concentration above 2.5 mol% enhanced the methane formation rate and the methane consumption. Increasing the THF concentration decreased the induction time as the result of the decrease in the surface tension. Moreover, the methane uptake and formation rate increased with the THF concentration due to the higher degree of hydrate nucleation. The methane recovery after the dissociation experiment showed up to 96%. Furthermore, the hydrate stability increased, and the hydrate dissociation kinetics decreased with the increase in the THF concentration. The optimum THF concentration to enhance and improve the hydrate formation kinetics and stability is its stoichiometric concentration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Dissociative symptoms are both a pathological consequence of exposure to psychological trauma as well as a side effect of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist medications; therefore, accurate and valid assessment of these symptoms is important. The psychometric properties of the 23-item Clinician Administered Dissociative States Scale (CADSS) have been characterized in the ketamine and esketamine literatures. Here, we examine its performance in a sample with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a history of exposure to psychological trauma.
    METHODS: Participants with a history of psychological trauma with (N = 148) and without (N = 100) the diagnosis of PTSD and healthy participants without a psychiatric disorder or history of trauma (N = 28) were assessed with the 23-item CADSS and other psychometric and neuropsychological assessments. Analyses were performed to examine internal consistency, convergent and discriminant validity, factor structure, differential performance in populations reported to be more or less likely to report dissociative symptoms (e.g., patients with and without PTSD), and sensitivity to change resulting from exposure to trauma-related sights and sounds.
    RESULTS: The 23-item CADSS was found to have high internal consistency (Cronbach\'s alpha 0.91) and a single-factor structure. CADSS total scores in trauma-exposed participants with PTSD were higher than those in trauma-exposed participants without PTSD and non-traumatized non-PTSD participants. Finally, veterans with Iraq combat-related PTSD showed a significant increase in CADSS total score after exposure to combat-related slides and sounds.
    CONCLUSIONS: The 23-item CADSS, already validated as a tool to measure dissociation related to administration of NMDA receptor antagonist medication, performs in a reliable and valid manner in the assessment of dissociation in psychologically traumatized participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of music as an aid to recovery during and after exercise is an area of growing scientific interest. We investigated the effects of in-task, asynchronous music and respite-active music (i.e., music used for active recovery in between high-intensity exercise bouts) on a range of psychological, psychophysical and psychophysiological outcomes. Participants (N = 28; 14 females) made five laboratory visits for: (a) pre-test/familiarisation; (b) fast-tempo music during supramaximal exercise bouts and medium-tempo during active-recovery periods; (c) fast-tempo during exercise and no music during recovery; (d) no music during exercise and medium-tempo during recovery; and (e) a no-music (throughout) control. A cycle ergometer-based HIIT protocol comprising 6 × 60-s bouts at 100% Wmax with 75-s active recovery was administered. Measures were taken at the end of supramaximal bouts and active recovery periods (RPE, state attention, core affect, state motivation), then upon cessation of the protocol (remembered pleasure and exercise enjoyment). Heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) measures were taken throughout. The music manipulations only had an effect on state motivation, which was higher (p = .036) in the fast tempo-medium tempo condition compared to no-music control (Cohen\'s d = 0.49), and the SDNN component of HRV, which was lower (p = .007) in the fast tempo-no music condition compared to control (Cohen\'s d = 0.32). Collectively, the present findings do not support any of the study hypotheses regarding the music-related manipulations, and do not concur with the findings of related studies (e.g., Karageorghis et al., 2021). The unexpected results are discussed with reference to extant theory, and recommendations are offered in regard to music-related applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Global Psychotrauma Screen (GPS) is a brief transdiagnostic screener that covers a broad range of trauma-related disorders as well as risk factors known to influence the course of symptoms.
    UNASSIGNED: We analyzed data from African war refugees in Australia (n = 70), including the GPS, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders (SCID-5), the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5), and the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS).
    UNASSIGNED: Using the Youden\'s J Index to examine the clinical validity of the GPS subscales measuring PTSD, dissociation, depression, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), we found that a PTSD subscale score of 3 or higher, and a depression and dissociation subscale score of 1 or higher, was optimally efficient for detecting a probable diagnosis (Youden\'s J = 0.76, J = 0.72, and J = 0.90, respectively) with high sensitivity and specificity. We were unable to test the GPS clinical validity for GAD due to the low GAD occurrence. The GPS resilience item was not related to the total score (r = 0.02), indicating low convergent validity for resilience. Risk factors, including current stressors and childhood trauma history, were related to more severe GPS symptom scores, while lack of resilience, social support, and history of mental illness were not.
    UNASSIGNED: We conclude that the GPS may be a useful screening tool for PTSD, depression, and the dissociative subtype in refugees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From the perspective of a poet and first-year psychoanalytic training candidate, this paper develops Jeremy Safran\'s ideas about the dialectic between psychoanalysis and Buddhism by drawing an analogy between their processes and those of a poetry practice to define an alternative to pathological dissociation under capitalist systems of value. The paper details the writer\'s experience of working a day job in an office and the pathological dissociation which she subsequently attempts to overcome and critique through writing poetry. Various poems written at work are shared and analyzed as evidence. Drawing from Safran\'s edited volume, Psychoanalysis and Buddhism, the author then identifies aspects of Zen Buddhist meditation practice and the psychoanalytic process that focus on connecting with reality, however conflicted, as opposed to escaping it. This paper was written under the mentorship of the psychoanalyst and Zen teacher Barry Magid.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mechanism of Y on H/H2 adsorption performance of Mg17Al12 were studied by the density functional theory. We obtained that for the Y-adsorbed systems, Y tended to occupy on the bridge site between adjacent Mg atoms. For the Y-substituted surfaces, Y atoms inclined to replace Mg atoms on the surfaces. We found that hydrogen (H/H2) absorption on the Mg17Al12(110) systems were improved by adding Y, the order of adsorption energy was as follows: clean Mg17Al12(110) > the Y-substituted surfaces > the Y-adsorbed surfaces. In addition, H2 molecules could dissociate on the Y-containing systems without barrier energy. Electronic properties showed that for H2 adsorption, the s states of atomic H mainly hybridized with the d states of Y. The formations of the Y-H bonds and the interactions between Y and H atoms could expound the mechanism for the promoted hydrogenation performance of the Y-containing surfaces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are no studies that have experimentally tested how temporal integration/segregation of sensory inputs might be linked to the emergence of dissociative experiences and alterations of emotional functioning. Thirty-six participants completed 3 sensory integration tasks. Psychometric thresholds were estimated as indexes of temporal integration/segregation processes. We collected self-report measures of pre-task trait levels of dissociation, as well as pre- post-task changes in both dissociation and emotionality. An independent sample of 21 subjects completed a control experiment administering the Attention Network Test. Results showed: (i) a significant increase of dissociative experiences after the completion of sensory integration tasks, but not after the ANT task; (ii) that subjective thresholds predicted the emergence of dissociative states; (iii) temporal integration efforts affected positive emotionality, which was explained by the extent of task-dependent dissociative states. The present findings reveal that dissociation could be understood in terms of an imbalance between \"hyper-segregation\" and \"hyper-integration\" processes.





