digital dermatitis

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) is an emerging infectious foot disease in sheep. To date, CODD has been described in Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden and Germany and now in Switzerland for the first time. Unlike foot rot, the CODD lesions do not spread from the interdigital space, but usually begin at the dorsal/abaxial coronary band. The changes can spread to the hoof wall and the sole and finally can lead to exungulation, similar to foot rot. Treponema spp. are often found in CODD lesions analogous to digital dermatitis (Mortellaro\'s disease) in cattle. Involvement of Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) is considered a risk factor, but the presence of the bacterium is not mandatory. In February 2022, ulcerative lesions in the dorso-axial coronary band area were noticed on both claws of the left forelimb in an ewe. Histology of the biopsy showed hyperkeratosis and erosion with exocytosis and crust formation. Treponema spp. PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were positive for Treponema phylotype 1 (PT1). In addition, D. nodosus and Porphyromonas levii could be detected in the biopsy using PCR. A single local application of chlortetracycline spray led to clinical healing within two weeks, no recurrence was seen within the following two months. Three control sheep, which were kept together with the diseased sheep, did not show any clinical signs of CODD. Treponema spp could not be found in interdigital and coronary band biopsies by PCR or FISH. This is the first description of CODD in Switzerland and aims to sensitize veterinarians to CODD as a differential diagnosis for foot diseases in sheep.
    BACKGROUND: Die kontagiöse ovine digitale Dermatitis (contagious ovine digital dermatitis; CODD) ist eine an Bedeutung gewinnende infektiöse Klauenerkrankung beim Schaf. Bis heute wurde CODD in Grossbritannien, Irland, Schweden und Deutschland beschrieben und nun auch erstmals in der Schweiz. Im Gegensatz zur Moderhinke, breiten sich die Läsionen bei CODD nicht vom Zwischenklauenspalt aus, sondern beginnen üblicherweise am dorsalen/abaxialen Kronsaum. Von dort können sich die Veränderungen auf das Wandhorn und die Sohle ausbreiten und schliesslich bis zum Ausschuhen führen, wie das bei Moderhinke der Fall ist. Analog der Dermatitis digitalis (Mortellaro’sche Krankheit) beim Rind werden in CODD-Läsionen häufig Treponemen nachgewiesen. Eine Beteiligung von Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) gilt als Risikofaktor, jedoch ist ein Vorliegen des Bakteriums nicht notwendig. Im Februar 2022 fielen bei einer Aue an beiden Klauen der linken Vordergliedmasse ulzerative Läsionen im dorso-axialen Kronsaumbereich auf. In der histologischen Untersuchung der Biopsie der CODD-Läsion wurden Hyperkeratose sowie Erosion mit Exozytose und Krustenbildung beschrieben. Sowohl die Treponema spp. PCR als auch die Fluoreszenz-in-Situ-Hybridisierung (FISH) fielen positiv für Treponema Phylotype 1 (PT1) aus. Daneben konnte in der Biopsie D. nodosus und Porphyromonas levii mittels PCR nachgewiesen werden. Nach Entnahme der Biopsie führte eine einmalige lokale Anwendung von Chlortetrazyklin-Spray zur klinischen Abheilung innerhalb von zwei Wochen, wobei auch innerhalb der darauf folgenden zwei Monate kein Rezidiv aufgetreten ist. Als Negativkontrolle dienten drei Schlachtschafe, welche gemeinsam mit dem erkrankten Schaf gehalten wurden, jedoch keine klinischen Anzeichen von CODD zeigten. Bei diesen wurden in Kronsaum- und Interdigitalbiopsien weder in der PCR noch in der FISH Treponema spp. nachgewiesen. Diese Studie ist die Erstbeschreibung der CODD in der Schweiz und hat zum Ziel, die Tierärzteschaft für CODD als Differentialdiagnose bei Zehenerkrankungen des Schafes zu sensibilisieren.
    BACKGROUND: La dermatite digitale contagieuse ovine (contagious ovine digital dermatitis; CODD) est une maladie infectieuse des onglons des moutons d’importance croissante. À ce jour, la CODD a été décrite en Grande-Bretagne, Irlande, Suède et Allemagne, et maintenant pour la première fois également en Suisse. Au contraire du piétain, les lésions de CODD ne s’étendent pas à partir de l’espace interdigité, mais elles commencent en général au bord coronaire dorsal/abaxial. De là, les lésions peuvent s’étendre à la corne de la paroi et à la sole, ce qui peut finalement conduire à une perte complète de la boite cornée de l’onglon, comme en cas de piétain. En analogie à la dermatite digitale (maladie de Mortellaro) chez les bovins, des tréponèmes sont souvent mis en évidence dans les lésions de CODD. La présence de Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) est considérée comme un facteur de risque, mais elle n’est pas indispensable au développement de la CODD. Des lésions ulcératives dans la région du bord coronaire dorso-axial des deux onglons antérieurs d’une brebis ont été remarqués en février 2022. L’examen histologique de la biopsie de la lésion de CODD a montré une hyperkératose ainsi que des érosions avec de l’exocytose et la formation de croûtes. Aussi bien la PCR pour les Treponema spp. que l’hybridisation in-situ à fluorescence (FISH) étaient positives pour Treponema Phylotype 1 (PT1). De plus, D. nodosus et Porphyromonas levii ont été mis en évidence dans la biopsie. Une application locale unique de spray à la tétracycline après le prélèvement de la biopsie a conduit à une guérison clinique en deux semaines, et aucune récidive n’a été observée dans le deux mois suivants. Trois moutons de boucherie qui étaient détenus avec la brebis malade mais ne présentaient pas de lésions de CODD ont servi de contrôles négatifs. Des Treponema spp. n’ont été mis en évidence chez ces animaux, ni dans des biopsies du bord coronaire ni dans celles de l’espace interdigité. Cette étude représente la première description de la CODD en Suisse et est destinée à sensibiliser la profession vétérinaire à la CODD comme diagnostic différentel en cas de maladies des onglons chez les moutons.
    BACKGROUND: La dermatite digitale contagiosa ovina (CODD) è una malattia infettiva podale degli ovini che sta acquisendo sempre più importanza. Ad oggi è stata descritta in Gran Bretagna, Irlanda, Svezia e Germania, e ora per la prima volta in Svizzera. In contrasto con la Zoppina, le lesioni da CODD non si diffondono dallo spazio interdigitale, ma di solito iniziano a livello del cercine coronario dorsale/abassiale. Da qui le lesioni possono estendersi alla parte parietale e alla suola ed eventualmente risultare in un’avulsione completa della capsula cornea, come nel caso della Zoppina. Analogamente alla dermatite digitale (malattia di Mortellaro) nei bovini, i treponemi sono frequentemente rilevati nelle lesioni da CODD. Il coinvolgimento di Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) è considerato un fattore di rischio, ma la presenza del batterio non è indispensabile. Nel febbraio 2022, sono state riscontrate lesioni ulcerative nella regione coronale dorso-assiale su entrambi gli unghioni dell’arto anteriore sinistro di una pecora. L’esame istologico della biopsia delle lesioni ha mostrato la presenza di ipercheratosi ed erosioni accompagnate da esocitosi e croste. Sia la PCR sia l’ibridazione in situ a fluorescenza (FISH) per Treponema spp. sono risultate positive per Treponema phylotype 1 (PT1). Inoltre, D. nodosus e Porphyromonas levii sono stati rilevati nella biopsia mediante PCR. Dopo il prelievo della biopsia una singola applicazione locale di clortetraciclina spray ha portato alla guarigione clinica entro due settimane e non si sono verificate recidive nei due mesi successivi. Tre pecore da macello, che venivano tenute insieme alla pecora affetta da CODD ma non mostravano segni clinici, sono servite da controllo negativo. In questo caso, né la PCR né il FISH per Treponema spp. sono stati messi in evidenza nelle biopsie prelevate a livello del cercine coronario e dello spazio interdigitale. Questo studio rappresenta la prima descrizione della CODD in Svizzera e ha lo scopo di educare la comunità veterinaria sulla CODD come diagnosi differenziale per le malattie podali degli ovini.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Digital dermatitis (DD) is a contagious bovine foot disease causing painful lesions, lameness, and reduced animal welfare. Previous studies indicate a complex aetiology of the disease. The aim of this study was to compare DD negative and DD positive herds to identify factors associated with DD in Norwegian dairy herds by analysing data obtained in a questionnaire and data recorded in the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording System (NDHRS). The questionnaire was e-mailed to the owners of all 380 herds recorded with DD in 2019 and to 1530 randomly selected herds with no recordings of DD. Altogether 559 dairy herds were included in the final study population, of which 113 was classified as DD positive (≥ one cow recorded with DD in NDHRS) and 446 as DD negative. When stratified by housing system, the ratio between DD positive and negative herds was 108/281 in free stalls and 5/165 in tie stalls. Multilevel logistic regression was used to model the association between potential risk factors and variables related to the detection and diagnosis of DD, and the outcome in the free-stall population. Geographical area (county) was included in the model as a random effect.
    RESULTS: In the final study population 108/113 (96%) of the DD positive herds were housed in free stalls versus 5/113 (4%) in tie stalls. The free-stall herds\' DD status was associated with purchase of cattle during the last 5 years (baseline: 0 animals, OR = 2.30 for category 12-27 animals, OR = 4.34 for 28-52 animals, and OR = 5.39 for  ≥ 53 animals). The DD status was also associated with claw trimming frequency (Baseline: 1 < 2/year, OR = 0.41 for category  < 1/year, and OR = 4.09 for  ≥ 3/year), whether the claw trimming was done by a certified professional trimmer or not (baseline:  ≤ 90% of the cows, OR = 3.98 for category  ≥ 90% of the cows), cleaning of feet in the chute before trimming (baseline: no cleaning, OR = 1.98 for category cleaning), and alley flooring (baseline: slatted floor, OR = 2.36 for category solid floor).
    CONCLUSIONS: Digital dermatitis was far more frequent in Norwegian dairy herds housed in free stalls versus those housed in tie stalls. In the free-stall herds purchase of cattle, increasing trimming frequency, use of certified professional trimmer, cleaning of the feet in the chute, and solid flooring in the alleys were associated with increased odds of recorded DD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The association between hoof lesions and lying behaviour was assessed on a Holstein-Friesian dairy farm in England. Twenty-nine cows were included in the study. Cows with claw horn disruption lesions (CHDL, n = 8), soft tissue lesions (STL, n = 6), and no lesions (NL, n = 15) were assessed. Data were collected on parity, days in milk (DIM), and mobility scores. Cows were trimmed and treated, and lesions were recorded by a professional foot trimmer. Lying behaviour was assessed before and after claw trimming. The milking herd (n = 96) prevalence of lameness was 32.3%. Mobility was scored using the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) Mobility Scoring system. Mobility scores were significantly different across lesions groups (p = 0.022). CHDL cows had a mean mobility score of 2.0 ± 0.9 (mean ± SD), STL were scored 1.2 ± 1.3, and NL cows were 0.9 ± 0.7. CHDL were associated with longer lying times (15.00 ± 1.04 h/d; p = 0.0006) and shorter standing times (9.68 ± 2.38 h/d; p = 0.0351) compared with NL lying times (11.77 ± 1.67 h/d) and standing times (12.21 ± 1.67 h/d). STL cows spent significantly less time lying (11.30 ± 2.44; p = 0.0013) than CHDL but not NL cows. No significant differences were found with any of the other lying behaviours. After trimming, CHDL cows spent significantly less time lying down than before trimming (13.66 ± 0.98; p = 0.0125). Cows with NL spent significantly more time lying down (12.57 ± 1.90; p = 0.0398) and had a shorter minimum lying bout duration (0.17 ± 0.09; p = 0.0236) after trimming. In conclusion, lying behaviour in dairy cattle was impacted by type of hoof lesions and hoof trimming.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bovine digital dermatitis (DD) is a contagious infectious cause of lameness in cattle with unknown definitive etiologies. Many of the bacterial species detected in metagenomic analyses of DD lesions are difficult to culture, and their antimicrobial resistance status is largely unknown. Recently, a novel proximity ligation-guided metagenomic approach (Hi-C ProxiMeta) has been used to identify bacterial reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) directly from microbial communities, without the need to culture individual bacteria. The objective of this study was to track tetracycline resistance determinants in bacteria involved in DD pathogenesis using Hi-C. A pooled sample of macerated tissues from clinical DD lesions was used for this purpose. Metagenome deconvolution using ProxiMeta resulted in the creation of 40 metagenome-assembled genomes with ≥80% complete genomes, classified into five phyla. Further, 1959 tetracycline resistance genes and ARGs conferring resistance to aminoglycoside, beta-lactams, sulfonamide, phenicol, lincosamide, and erythromycin were identified along with their bacterial hosts. In conclusion, the widespread distribution of genes conferring resistance against tetracycline and other antimicrobials in bacteria of DD lesions is reported for the first time. Use of proximity ligation to identify microorganisms hosting specific ARGs holds promise for tracking ARGs transmission in complex microbial communities.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A farm-level stochastic simulation model was modified to estimate the cost per case of 3 foot disorders (digital dermatitis, sole ulcer, and white line disease) by parity group and incidence timing. Disorder expenditures considered within the model included therapeutics, outside labor, and on-farm labor. Disorder losses considered within the model included discarded milk, reduced milk production, extended days open, an increased risk of culling, an increased risk of death (natural or euthanized), and disease recurrence. All estimates of expenditures and losses were defined using data from previously published research in stochastic distributions. Stochastic simulation was used to account for variation within the farm model; 1,000 iterations were run. Sensitivity of foot disorder costs to selected market prices (milk price, feed price, replacement heifer price, and slaughter price) and herd-specific performance variables (pregnancy rate) were analyzed. Using our model assumptions, the cost per disorder case over all combinations of parity group and incidence timing, regardless of incidence likelihood, was lowest for digital dermatitis ($64 ± 24; mean ± standard deviation), followed by white line disease ($152 ± 26) and sole ulcer ($178 ± 29). Disorder costs were greater in multiparous versus primiparous cows and were always highest at the beginning of lactation. The greatest contributing cost categories were decreased milk production, an increased risk of culling, and disease recurrence. The contribution of cost categories to the total cost of disorder varied by disorder type, parity group, and incidence timing. For all disorders, the cost per case increased as milk price or replacement heifer price increased and decreased as feed price, pregnancy rate, or slaughter price increased. Understanding how foot disorder costs change according to cow-specific conditions (i.e., disorder type, parity group, and days in milk at incidence) and herd-specific conditions (i.e., market prices and performance variables) can help improve on-farm decisions about treatment and prevention of foot disorders.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





