developmental cyst

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Complete resection of presacral epidermoid cysts is recommended due to the potential for infection or malignancy. Transsacral and transabdominal approaches have been used to treat presacral tumors. However, there are no standard surgical approaches to resection. We present the case of a presacral epidermoid cyst in an obese male patient who underwent laparoscopic transabdominal resection.
    METHODS: A 44-year-old man was referred to our hospital for treatment of a cystic tumor on the pelvic floor. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed a 45 × 40-mm tumor on the left ventral side of the rectum, right side of the ischial spine, dorsal side of the seminal vesicles, and in front of the 5th sacrum. Enhanced magnetic resonance imaging revealed a multilocular cystic tumor with high and low signal intensities on T2-weighted images. The tumor was diagnosed as an epidermoid cyst. We considered the transsacral or laparoscopic approach and decided to perform a laparoscopic-assisted transabdominal resection since the tumor was in front of away from the sacrum, and a transsacral approach would result in a larger scar due to poor visibility from the thickness of the buttocks. The entire tumor was safely resected under laparoscopic guidance, because the laparoscopic transabdominal approach can provide a good and magnified field of view even in a narrow pelvic cavity with small skin incisions, allowing safe resection of the pelvic organs, vessels, and nerves while observing the tumor contour.
    CONCLUSIONS: The laparoscopic transabdominal approach is an effective method for treating presacral tumors in obese patients.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Reconstruction of the entire dentition with odontogenic keratocyst is a very challenging quandary. Most cases of odontogenic keratocyst are often reported to be benign, resulting in severe occlusal discrepancies with the maxillary and mandibular dentition. Dental radiographs occasionally reveal an uncommon, locally aggressive developing cyst termed as odontogenic keratocyst, which is typically located in the posterior jaw. When this cyst occurs in the anterior region, it is often misdiagnosed with other periapical lesions due to its lack of response to pulp vitality tests.
    METHODS: This clinical case scenario demarcates the endodontic management of a patient diagnosed with odontogenic keratocyst. A 37-year-old Indian male patient reported to the department with throbbing pain in the lower left posterior tooth requiring endodontic therapy. This patient also presented with odontogenic keratocyst in the anterior region of the jaw, for which he had undergone surgical rehabilitation. This case report highlights the clinical protocol for the endodontic therapy in patient diagnosed with ododntogenic keratocyst. Masticatory impairment was not visible after the follow-up period and the treatment outcome was successful.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case report details the presentation, characteristic radiographic findings, and endodontic management of a patient with an extremely rare condition of odontogenic keratocyst. The management involves multidisciplinary approach for the rehabilitation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Dentigerous cysts are a common cystic pathology that develop between the first and third decade of life and are mainly associated with impacted or erupted mandibular third molars followed by maxillary canines and maxillary third molars. These kinds of cysts are the result of the proliferation of enamel epithelium after its formation, the pathogenesis of which is not clear. Few of these cysts have been reported in pediatric patients. The following case report presents the rare occurrence of a dentigerous cyst in a 6-year-old boy and describes the treatment administered.
    Los quistes dentígeros son una patología quística común que se desarrolla entre la primera y la tercera década de la vida, y se asocian principalmente con terceros molares mandibulares incluidos o erupcionados, seguidos de caninos superiores y terceros molares superiores. Este tipo de quistes son el resultado de la proliferación del epitelio del esmalte después de su formación, cuya patogenia no está clara. Se han informado pocos de estos quistes en pacientes pediátricos. El siguiente reporte de caso presenta la rara ocurrencia de un quiste dentígero en un niño de 6 años y describe el tratamiento administrado.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Spinal bronchogenic cysts are rare entities arising from errors in embryogenesis and consisting of respiratory epithelial cells. To date, there are three other published accounts of intramedullary cysts, which were partially resected and thereby warrant close follow-up and monitoring. The authors present an illustrative case of a patient presenting with Klippel-Feil anomaly and a large intramedullary bronchogenic cyst in the upper cervical spine.
    METHODS: The authors noted fusion of the C5-6 laminae as they performed the C2-6 laminectomy. After dural opening, an intramedullary lesion with a smooth, fibrous component emerging from the dorsal spinal cord was immediately observed. The dorsal spinal columns were not involved with this cyst wall or the other smaller cysts, which all contained gray fluid. The cyst walls were partially resected and sent for pathological examination.
    CONCLUSIONS: Spinal developmental cysts are associated with other anatomical anomalies, such as Klippel-Feil anomaly, arising from errors in embryogenesis. For intramedullary lesions such as this patient\'s bronchogenic cyst, partial resection and decompression are the goals of surgery because aggressive debulking may lead to neurological compromise. Close imaging follow-up is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Lateral Periodontal Cyst (LPC) is considered as a rare developmental odontogenic cyst. It is often diagnosed as an incidental radiographic finding, presenting as a circumscribed round radiolucent area between the roots of vital teeth. LPC usually does not present any clinical features. Differentiating the origin of the lesion from an endodontic or periodontal perspective presents as clinical challenge.
    METHODS: A female patient presented with an asymptomatic gingival swelling in the lingual aspect of mandibular anterior region. The associated tooth (#34) was endodontically treated 3 years back. A periapical radiograph showed a well-defined round radiolucency on the tooth. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) revealed extensive bone destruction. The lesion was surgically excised and histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of LPC. The site healed satisfactorily post-operatively. The case was followed up for a year without any recurrence seen.
    CONCLUSIONS: LPC is a very rare clinical entity, the diagnosis of which requires a detailed case history taking, clinical and radiographic examination are essential to get proper assessment of the pathology. It is said to originate from either the remnants of dental lamina, reduced enamel epithelium or rests of Malassez. LPC presents with a typical histological picture which ensures the confirmatory diagnosis. Surgical enucleation with thorough curettage is the treatment of choice.
    CONCLUSIONS: By reporting this rare case, we would like to stress to clinicians that there are a wide range of cysts and anatomic structures are present in the canine-premolar region of mandible of which LPC is a rare possibility.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Rectal mucinous adenocarcinoma is a subtype of colorectal adenocarcinoma, which is more aggressive and prone to invade adjacent normal organs or tissues compared with non-mucinous adenocarcinoma. Retrorectal dermoid cyst is a rare congenital disease, which usually are benign but with a potential for malignant degeneration. In this article, we report a case which presented a rectal mucinous adenocarcinoma invading into retrorectal dermoid cysts, indicating that besides adjacent normal organs or tissues, malignancies can also invade adjacent tumors, making their diagnosis and management more complicated. In such cases, double primary tumors should be considered, and they should be removed surgically.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The best approach for resecting epidermoid cysts is still controversial. We describe a case of an epidermoid cyst in which laparoscopic resection was performed successfully.
    METHODS: 63 × 55-mm well-defined cystic mass was incidentally detected by computed tomography in the presacral cavity of a 50-year-old woman during evaluation for upper abdominal pain. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a cystic tumor with a low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and, high signal on T2-weighted images in the left dorsal side of the rectum. This tumor was diagnosed as a developmental cyst, and laparoscopic resection was performed. Resection of the tumor was performed with negative margins. This tumor was histopathologically diagnosed as an epidermoid cyst. There was no evidence of malignancy, and no postoperative event or signs of recurrence occurred 6 months postoperatively.
    CONCLUSIONS: In our patient, there was no difficulty in the field of view and forceps operability during laparoscopic surgery. Furthermore, it is possible to perform laparoscopic surgery with minimal damage to the muscles, nerves, and rectum, leading to the preservation of anal function.
    CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic resection of an epidermoid cyst may be a better option in carefully selected cases with consideration of the tumor size and location.







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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Tailgut cyst (cystic hamartoma) is a rare congenital pathology that arises -from post-natal primitive gut remnants in the retrorectal-presacral space. Because of the rarity of the lesion and the variability of the anatomical position, its diagnosis and surgical treatment are often difficult. Complete surgical excision of the multilocular and multicystic process prevents recurrent draining sinuses and eliminates the possibility of malignant change. We describe a case in which a tailgut cyst localized in the retrorectal and presacral space was characterized by abscess, repeated urinary tract infection, and rectal pain.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The lateral periodontal cyst (LPC) is a nonkeratinized, noninflammatory developmental cyst occurring adjacent or lateral to tooth root. It is a relatively uncommon lesion found in the maxillary incisors and found mostly in adults during 5th to 7th decades. In this case, 45-year-old male patient reported with occasional mild discomfort between left maxillary central and lateral incisor region since 1 year. Interproximally, a well-defined round radiolucent area with corticated borders was determined radiographically between vital tooth #21 and #22. Preliminary diagnosis of LPC was established based on clinical and radiographical findings. Following enucleation of the lesion, an anticipated residual tunnel osseous defect was observed, which was managed successfully utilizing bone graft and guided tissue regeneration-assisted technique. Cystic tissue removed was examined histologically; hematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections showed features suggestive of LPC. Complete healing of tunnel defect was achieved at 1 year follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A case of an unusually large expansile nasopalatine duct cyst (NPDC) causing extensive destruction of the hard palate with involvement of the nasal cavity, perforation of the alveolar process and mucosa of the maxilla by pressure of the maxillary anterior teeth is being presented.





