degenerative diseases

  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this work was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of panoramic radiography in detecting degenerative diseases of the temporomandibular joint.
    METHODS: The protocol was registered at the PROSPERO website. To consider the eligibility of studies to be included/excluded from this review, the acronym \"PIRDS\" was used and appropriate word combinations and truncations were adapted in the following electronic databases: PubMed/Medline, EMBASE, Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences, Web of Science, Scopus, and Cochrane Library.
    RESULTS: A total of 2572 references, after the removal of duplicates, were retrieved from the eight electronic databases. After reading the titles and abstracts, a total of 26 articles were selected for full reading, of which ten were excluded, resulting in 16 articles included for qualitative synthesis. All in vivo studies were classified as having a low risk of bias. Regarding in vitro studies none of the included studies scored below 80% in the overall evaluation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both in vitro and in vivo studies consistently report a low accuracy in detecting degenerative diseases of the temporomandibular joint using panoramic radiography.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cone-beam computed tomography offers a superior image quality without overlapping structures and a higher accuracy compared to panoramic radiography. However, panoramic radiography can still serve as an initial examination when combined with a clinical assessment. CBCT should be reserved for cases where there are evident clinical and/or radiographic alterations that recommend its use. This approach ensures a judicious and cost-effective use of CBCT resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increase in the number of elderly patients with degenerative diseases has brought additional medical and financial pressures, which are adding to the burden on society. The development of sports rehabilitation robotics (SRR) is becoming increasingly sophisticated at the technical level of its application; however, few studies have analyzed how it works and how effective it is in aiding rehabilitation, and fewer individualized exercise rehabilitation programs have been developed for elderly patients. The purpose of this study was to analyze the working methods and the effects of different types of SRR and then to suggest the feasibility of applying SRR to enhance the physical abilities of elderly patients with degenerative diseases. The researcher\'s team searched 633 English-language journal articles, which had been published over the past five years, and they selected 38 of them for a narrative literature review. Our summary found the following: (1) The current types of SRR are generally classified as end-effector robots, smart walkers, intelligent robotic rollators, and exoskeleton robots-exoskeleton robots were found to be the most widely used. (2) The current working methods include assistant tools as the main intermediaries-i.e., robots assist patients to participate; patients as the main intermediaries-i.e., patients dominate the assistant tools to participate; and sensors as the intermediaries-i.e., myoelectric-driven robots promote patient participation. (3) Better recovery was perceived for elderly patients when using SRR than is generally achieved through the traditional single-movement recovery methods, especially in strength, balance, endurance, and coordination. However, there was no significant improvement in their speed or agility after using SRR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carotenoids are natural lipid-soluble pigments that produce yellow to red colors in plants as well as providing bright coloration in vegetables and fruits. Lutein belongs to the xanthophyll subgroup of the carotenoid family, which plays an essential role in photosynthesis and photoprotection in nature. In the human body, lutein, together with its isomer zeaxanthin and its metabolite meso-zeaxanthin, accumulates in the macula of the eye retina, which is responsible for central, high-resolution, and color vision. As a bioactive phytochemical, lutein has essential physiological functions, providing photoprotection against damaging blue light, along with the neutralization of oxidants and the preservation of the structural and functional integrity of cellular membranes. As a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, lutein unfortunately has a low bioavailability because of its lipophilicity and a low stability as a result of its conjugated double bonds. In order to enhance lutein stability and bioavailability and achieve its controlled delivery to a target, nanoscale delivery systems, which have great potential for the delivery of bioactive compounds, are starting to be employed. The current review highlights the advantages and innovations associated with incorporating lutein within promising nanoscale delivery systems, such as liposomes, nanoemulsions, polymer nanoparticles, and polymer-lipid hybrid nanoparticles, as well as their unique physiochemical properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tomatoes are consumed worldwide as fresh vegetables because of their high contents of essential nutrients and antioxidant-rich phytochemicals. Tomatoes contain minerals, vitamins, proteins, essential amino acids (leucine, threonine, valine, histidine, lysine, arginine), monounsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids), carotenoids (lycopene and β-carotenoids) and phytosterols (β-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol). Lycopene is the main dietary carotenoid in tomato and tomato-based food products and lycopene consumption by humans has been reported to protect against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cognitive function and osteoporosis. Among the phenolic compounds present in tomato, quercetin, kaempferol, naringenin, caffeic acid and lutein are the most common. Many of these compounds have antioxidant activities and are effective in protecting the human body against various oxidative stress-related diseases. Dietary tomatoes increase the body\'s level of antioxidants, trapping reactive oxygen species and reducing oxidative damage to important biomolecules such as membrane lipids, enzymatic proteins and DNA, thereby ameliorating oxidative stress. We reviewed the nutritional and phytochemical compositions of tomatoes. In addition, the impacts of the constituents on human health, particularly in ameliorating some degenerative diseases, are also discussed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging is an inevitable process characterized by the accumulation of degenerative damage, leading to serious diseases that affect human health. Studies on aging aim to develop pre-protection or therapies to delay aging and age-related diseases. A preventive approach is preferable to clinical treatment not only to reduce investment but also to alleviate pain in patients. Adjusting daily diet habits to improve the aging condition is a potentially attractive strategy. Fruits and vegetables containing active compounds that can effectively delay the aging process and reduce or inhibit age-related degenerative diseases have been identified. The signaling pathways related to aging in Caenorhabditis elegans are evolutionarily conserved; thus, studying antiaging components by intervening senescence process may contribute to the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases in humans. This review focuses on the effects of food-derived extracts or purified substance on antiaging in nematodes, as well as the underlying mechanisms, on the basis of several major signaling pathways and key regulatory factors in aging. The aim is to provide references for a healthy diet guidance and the development of antiaging nutritional supplements. Finally, challenges in the use of C. elegans as the antiaging evaluation model are discussed, together with the development that potentially inspire novel strategies and research tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (roselle) belonging to the Malvaceae family is widely grown in many countries. This plant is often used in the traditional medicine being rich in phytochemicals like polyphenols especially anthocyanins, polysaccharides and organic acids thus having enormous prospective in modern therapeutic uses. The study aimed to review and document all the available evidence and information about the calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa (roselle) with the special focus on their nutritional composition, bioactive constituents and therapeutic uses. The electronic database was searched up to 2017, using keywords Hibiscus sabdariffa, chemical constituents of roselle, therapeutic uses of roselle. Journals, books and conference proceedings were also searched. The review provides valuable information about the nutraceutical component of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. and their utilization for curing various degenerative diseases like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cancer and other inflammatory diseases of liver and kidney. Their toxicological effects have also been discussed from a safety point of view. Most studies supported and provided the scientific basis for the statement that Hibiscus sabdariffa and their active constituents play an important role in the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases that are associated with oxidative stress. Our study suggests, that good research is needed, to establish a potential strategy that can balance the pharmacological and toxic effects of roselle and standardized fingerprint of Hibiscus sabdariffa is required internationally for quality control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transformation of polypeptide chains from their globular native structure to fibrillar aggregates has been a matter of great concern because of the involvement of these aggregates in the onset of several degenerative diseases. These aggregates exhibit highly ordered cross β sheet structures and are known as \'amyloids\'. Formation of amyloids in the body is associated with cytotoxicity due to direct interaction of the aggregated species with the cell membrane leading to cellular permeability or due to loss of functionality of the proteins involved in the amyloid formation. The preference of polypeptide chains to remain in their native conformation or to aggregate into amyloids is guided by several factors such as its conformation at specific condition, concentration, physicochemical properties of the amino acid sequence and so on. In the current review, we have reviewed the different factors that guide the transition of proteins from their natively folded state to the amyloidogenic state. Understanding the critical determinants of amyloidogenesis is vital towards deciphering the molecular mechanism of amyloidogenesis and for the development of effective therapeutics against amyloidosis.





