ct angiography

CT 血管造影
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The 4th update of the guidelines of the German Medical Association on the diagnosis of irreversible loss of brain function (brain death, BD) has introduced important new regulations regarding the required qualification of the examiners, approved procedures for ancillary testing, and a clarification regarding the sequencing of diagnostic steps.
    OBJECTIVE: Investigation of the implementation and practical effects on the diagnosis of brain death.
    METHODS: Descriptive evaluation of the routine documentation of the German Organ Procurement Organization, comparing the periods July 2011-June 2015 (3rd update) and July 2015-June 2019 (4th update).
    RESULTS: Patient numbers decreased from 6100 to 5403. The largest decrease affected hospitals without neurosurgery. Children were not affected. With the 4th update, clinical diagnostics were increasingly performed during on-call hours by external neurologists. Of the patients 83.8% now received ancillary tests compared to 80.1% previously. Computed tomography angiography (CTA), first introduced in the 4th update, was applied in 23.2% and established complete loss of cerebral circulation in 89.4%. The time between first documentation of the clinical signs of BD and certification of BD increased from 7.0 ± 12.7 h to 8.2 ± 14.2 h. The diagnosis was slightly less frequent with 95.3% compared to 96.6%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The updated standards were implemented in accordance with the guidelines. The demand for external consulting neurologists and neurosurgeons as well as the time required for BD assessment have increased. Negative effects on pediatric BD diagnostics were not apparent. CTA is widely and successfully used in adults as a new ancillary diagnostic procedure.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Seit Inkrafttreten der 4. Fortschreibung der Richtlinie der Bundesärztekammer gelten in Deutschland wesentliche neue Normierungen in der Diagnostik des irreversiblen Hirnfunktionsausfalls (IHA). Hierzu zählen die Qualifikationsanforderungen an die Untersucher, zugelassene Verfahren zur apparativen Zusatzdiagnostik und eine Präzisierung zur Abfolge der Prozessschritte.
    UNASSIGNED: Untersuchung der Auswirkungen auf die Praxis der IHA-Feststellung.
    METHODS: Deskriptive Auswertung der Dokumentation der Deutschen Stiftung Organtransplantation über IHA-Diagnostik im Vergleich der Zeiträume Juli 2011 bis Juni 2015 (3. Fortschreibung) und Juli 2015 bis Juni 2019 (4. Fortschreibung).
    UNASSIGNED: Die Zahl der erfassten Patienten sank von 6100 auf 5403. Die stärkste Abnahme betraf Krankenhäuser ohne Neurochirurgie. Kinder unter 14 Jahren waren nicht betroffen. Die klinische Diagnostik erfolgte ab Juli 2015 vermehrt im Bereitschaftsdienst durch externe neurologische Konsiliare. Zusatzdiagnostik erhielten nun 83,8 % der Patienten, zuvor 80,1 %. Die neu etablierte CTA wurde bei 23,2 % eingesetzt. Sie wies in 89,4 % den zerebralen Zirkulationsstillstand nach. Die Zeitdauer zwischen erstmaliger Feststellung der klinischen Ausfallzeichen und Feststellung des IHA stieg von 7,0 ± 12,7 h auf 8,2 ± 14,2 h. Der IHA wurde mit 95,3 % gegenüber 96,6 % geringfügig seltener festgestellt.
    CONCLUSIONS: Die neuen Normierungen wurden richtlinienkonform umgesetzt. Der Bedarf an konsiliarischer Unterstützung durch Neurologen und Neurochirurgen sowie der Zeitbedarf für die IHA-Feststellung haben zugenommen. Negative Effekte auf die pädiatrische IHA-Diagnostik wurden nicht deutlich. Die CTA wird bei Erwachsenen als neues zusatzdiagnostisches Verfahren flächendeckend erfolgreich eingesetzt.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This multidisciplinary consensus statement was produced following a recommendation by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine to develop a UK guideline for ancillary investigation, when one is required, to support the diagnosis of death using neurological criteria. A multidisciplinary panel reviewed the literature and UK practice in the diagnosis of death using neurological criteria and recommended cerebral CT angiography as the ancillary investigation of choice when death cannot be confirmed by clinical criteria alone. Cerebral CT angiography has been shown to have 100% specificity in supporting a diagnosis of death using neurological criteria and is an investigation available in all acute hospitals in the UK. A standardised technique for performing the investigation is described alongside a reporting template. The panel were unable to make recommendations for ancillary testing in children or patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) is the European specialist society of cardiac and vascular imaging. This society\'s highest priority is the continuous improvement, development, and standardization of education, training, and best medical practice, based on experience and evidence. The present intra-society consensus is based on the existing scientific evidence and on the individual experience of the members of the ESCR writing group on carotid diseases, the members of the ESCR guidelines committee, and the members of the executive committee of the ESCR. The recommendations published herein reflect the evidence-based society opinion of ESCR. We have produced a twin-papers consensus, indicated through the documents as respectively \"Part I\" and \"Part II.\" The first document (Part I) begins with a discussion of features, role, indications, and evidence for CT and MR imaging-based diagnosis of carotid artery disease for risk stratification and prediction of stroke (Section I). It then provides an extensive overview and insight into imaging-derived biomarkers and their potential use in risk stratification (Section II). Finally, detailed recommendations about optimized imaging technique and imaging strategies are summarized (Section III). The second part of this consensus paper (Part II) is focused on structured reporting of carotid imaging studies with CT/MR. KEY POINTS: • CT and MR imaging-based evaluation of carotid artery disease provides essential information for risk stratification and prediction of stroke. • Imaging-derived biomarkers and their potential use in risk stratification are evolving; their correct interpretation and use in clinical practice must be well-understood. • A correct imaging strategy and scan protocol will produce the best possible results for disease evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) is the European specialist society of cardiac and vascular imaging. This society\'s highest priority is the continuous improvement, development, and standardization of education, training, and best medical practice, based on experience and evidence. The present intra-society consensus is based on the existing scientific evidence and on the individual experience of the members of the ESCR writing group on carotid diseases, the members of the ESCR guidelines committee, and the members of the executive committee of the ESCR. The recommendations published herein reflect the evidence-based society opinion of ESCR. The purpose of this second document is to discuss suggestions for standardized reporting based on the accompanying consensus document part I. KEY POINTS: • CT and MR imaging-based evaluation of carotid artery disease provides essential information for risk stratification and prediction of stroke. • The information in the report must cover vessel morphology, description of stenosis, and plaque imaging features. • A structured approach to reporting ensures that all essential information is delivered in a standardized and consistent way to the referring clinician.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Brain death/death by neurologic criteria (BD/DNC) guidelines are routinely analyzed, compared and updated in the majority of countries and are later implemented as national criteria. At the same time, extensive works have been conducted in order to unify clinical procedures and to validate and implement new technologies into a panel of ancillary tests. Recently evaluated computed tomography angiography and computed tomography perfusion (CTA/CTP) seem to be superior to traditionally used digital subtraction angiography (DSA), transcranial Doppler (TCD) and cerebral perfusion scintigraphy for diagnosis of cerebral circulatory arrest (CCA). In this narrative review, we would like to demonstrate scientific evidence supporting the implementation of CTA/CTP in Polish guidelines for BD/DNC diagnosis. Research and implementation process: In the first of our base studies concerning the potential usefulness of CTA/CTP for the confirmation of CCA during BD/DNC diagnosis procedures, we showed a sensitivity of 96.3% of CTA in a group of 82 patients. CTA was validated against DSA in this report. In the second study, CTA showed a sensitivity of 86% and CTP showed a sensitivity of 100% in a group of 50 patients. In this study, CTA and CTP were validated against clinical diagnosis of BD/DNC supported by TCD. Additionally, we propose our CCA criteria for CTP test, which are based on ascertainment of cerebral blood flow (CBF) < 10 mL/100 g/min and cerebral blood volume < 1 mL/100 g in regions of interest (ROIs) localized in all brain regions. Based on our research results, CTA/CTP methods were implemented in Polish BD/DNC criteria. To our knowledge, CTP was implemented for the first time in national guidelines.
    CONCLUSIONS: CTA and CTP-derived CTA might be in future the tests of choice for CCA diagnosis, proper and/or Doppler pretest might significantly increase sensitivity of CTA in CCA diagnosis procedures. Whole brain CTP might be decisive in some cases of inconclusive CTA. Implementation of CTA/CTP in the Polish BD/DNC diagnosis guidelines does not show any major obstacles. We believe that in next edition of \"The World Brain Death Project\" CTA and CTP will be recommended as ancillary tests of choice for CCA confirmation during BD/DNC diagnosis procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In stroke patients, extensive interventions for incidental thyroid nodules can be burdensome and costly. It appears that the risk of malignancy has not been reported in angiographically detected nodules and outcomes have not yet been described in patients, receiving acute stroke work-up.
    UNASSIGNED: Incidental thyroid nodules were found on neck computerized tomography angiography or magnetic resonance angiography performed during inpatient stroke workup (January 2017 to September 2019). These patient cases were reviewed based on sonography reports, diagnosis, and follow-up care.
    UNASSIGNED: Of the 13 563 patients, 192 had incidental thyroid nodules (prevalence 1.4%). Twenty-six died from comorbidities and 22 received thyroid sonography. Twelve nodules from 10 patients had sonographic characteristics for biopsy: 10 benign, 1 indeterminate, and 1 papillary thyroid cancer (risk of malignancy: 8%). The cancer patient underwent hemithyroidectomy and is disease-free. Follow-up of the remaining patients showed no worsening or suspicious nodules. The American College of Radiology (ACR) guidelines would have prevented 8 unnecessary sonograms and 1 biopsy without missing malignancy.
    UNASSIGNED: Although a small risk of malignancy was noted, 95% of patients undergoing additional diagnostic thyroid testing had clinically insignificant results. The ACR guidelines can prevent unnecessary interventions. Given the 14% mortality rate in the study cohort, it is proposed that a clinical evaluation of patients is important before undergoing further diagnostics, as comorbidities may be worse than a thyroid cancer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blunt cerebrovascular injury (BCVI) is a non-penetrating injury to the carotid and/or vertebral artery that may cause stroke in trauma patients. Historically BCVI has been considered rare but more recent publications indicate an overall incidence of 1-2% in the in-hospital trauma population and as high as 9% in patients with severe head injury. The indications for screening, treatment and follow-up of these patients have been controversial for years with few clear recommendations. In an attempt to provide a clinically oriented guideline for the handling of BCVI patients a working committee was created. The current guideline is the end result of this committees work. It is based on a systematic literature search and critical review of all available publications in addition to a standardized consensus process. We recommend using the expanded Denver screening criteria and CT angiography (CTA) for the detection of BCVI. Early antithrombotic treatment should be commenced as soon as considered safe and continued for at least 3 months. A CTA at 7 days to confirm or discard the diagnosis as well as a final imaging control at 3 months should be performed.






