
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reduced piglet feed intake immediately postweaning (pw) leads to disruption of small intestine structure and function and reduced growth. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of providing supplemental milk or liquid starter diet for either 4 or 11 days pw, on intestinal parameters of newly weaned piglets and growth to slaughter. At weaning (28 ± 0.6 days old), five hundred and eighty-seven piglets ((Large White × Landrace) × Duroc) were divided into 59 pen groups, each containing 9-10 same sex (entire male or female) piglets. The pen groups were blocked by sex and weaning weight and provided with ad-libitum access to one of five dietary treatments: (1) Dry pelleted starter diet (control; CON); (2) CON+liquid milk replacer for 4 days pw (M4); (3) CON+liquid milk replacer for 11 days pw (M11); (4) CON+liquid starter diet for 4 days pw (S4) and (5) CON+liquid starter diet for 11 days pw (S11). Pen groups were weighed at weaning, days 11, 20, 28, and 47 pw and at target sale weight. Feed disappearance (on a DM basis) was recorded on each weighing day. On day 7 pw, 10 piglets per treatment were euthanised to collect small intestine tissue samples for determination of villus height (VH), crypt depth and brush-border membrane enzyme activity. Data were analysed using SAS-version 9.4. Between days 0 and 11 pw, M11 increased average daily feed intake by 48% and average daily gain (ADG) by 57% compared to CON (P < 0.05), and increased ADG by 54% (P < 0.05) compared to S4. Piglets on M11 also had improved feed conversion efficiency compared with CON piglets between days 0 and 11 pw. Treatment did not affect growth performance after day 28 pw, or carcass parameters at slaughter. At day 7 pw, M11 piglets had 37% higher jejunal VH than CON piglets (P < 0.05) and S11 piglets had 28% higher ileal VH than S4 piglets (P < 0.05). M11 piglets had up to 150% higher ileal sucrase activity than M4, S4 and S11 piglets (P < 0.05) and 180% higher ileal maltase activity than S4 piglets (P < 0.05). In conclusion, M11 reduced the immediate negative effects of weaning, as it was associated with increased feed intake, growth, brush-border membrane enzyme activity and improved intestinal structure early pw. However, there were no carryover effects of any of the liquid supplements on growth or feed efficiency or carcass weight at slaughter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The semitendinosus tendon is one of the most used autografts in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Although recent evidence indicates that young patients, especially in females, may experience high rates of revision and residual instability, the reasons for the inferior outcomes in these patients remain unclear. To address this issue, we aimed to compare the mechanical properties of the semitendinosus tendon used for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in male and female patients of various ages.
    METHODS: The semitendinosus tendons harvested from 31 male and 29 female patients who underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery using the semitendinosus tendon autografts were used in this study. Using the distal part of the harvested semitendinosus tendon, the extent of cyclic loading-induced elongation (i.e., the extent of the increase in slack length) and the Young\'s modulus were measured during cyclic tensile testing.
    RESULTS: Spearman correlation analyses revealed that the Young\'s modulus (|ρ| = 0.725, P < 0.001), but not elongation (|ρ| ≤ 0.036, P ≥ 0.351) positively correlated with the patient age in male tendon samples. In contrast, for female tendon samples, the elongation (|ρ| ≥ 0.415, P ≤ 0.025), but not the Young\'s modulus (|ρ| = 0.087, P = 0.655) negatively correlated with the patient age.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the semitendinosus tendon used for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in young male patients is compliant, whereas that in young female patients is susceptible to elongation induced by cyclic loading.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines a class of time-dependent constitutive equations used to describe viscoelastic materials under creep in solid mechanics. In nonlinear elasticity, the strain response to the applied stress is expressed via an implicit graph allowing multi-valued functions. For coercive and maximal monotone graphs, the existence of a solution to the quasi-static viscoelastic problem is proven by applying the Browder-Minty fixed point theorem. Moreover, for quasi-linear viscoelastic problems, the solution is constructed as a semi-analytic formula. The inverse viscoelastic problem is represented by identification of a design variable from non-smooth measurements. A non-empty set of optimal variables is obtained based on the compactness argument by applying Tikhonov regularization in the space of bounded measures and deformations. Furthermore, an illustrative example is given for the inverse problem of isotropic kernel identification. This article is part of the theme issue \'Non-smooth variational problems with applications in mechanics\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diesel engines in heavy-duty vehicles are predicted to maintain a stable presence in the future due to the difficulty of electrifying heavy trucks, mine equipment, and railway cars. This trend encourages the effort to develop new aluminum alloy systems with improved performance at diesel engine conditions of elevated temperature and stress combinations to reduce vehicle weight and, consequently, CO2 emissions. Aluminum alloys need to provide adequate creep resistance at ~300 °C and room-temperature tensile properties better than the current commercial aluminum alloys used for powertrain applications. The studies for improving creep resistance for aluminum casting alloys indicate that their high-temperature stability depends on the formation of high-density uniform dispersoids with low solid solubility and low diffusivity in aluminum. This review summarizes three generations of diesel engine aluminum alloys and focuses on recent work on the third-generation dispersoid-strengthened alloys. Additionally, new trends in developing creep resistance through the development of alloy systems other than Al-Si-based alloys, the optimization of manufacturing processes, and the use of thermal barrier coatings and composites are discussed. New progress on concepts regarding the thermal stability of rapidly solidified and nano-structured alloys and on creep-resistant alloy design via machine learning-based algorithms is also presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-temperature creep refers to the slow and continuous plastic deformation of materials under the effects of high temperatures and mechanical stress over extended periods, which can lead to the degradation or even failure of the components\' functionality. AlxCr0.2NbTiV (x = 0.2, 0.5, or 0.8) refractory high-entropy alloys were fabricated by arc melting. The effects of Al content on the microstructure of AlxCr0.2NbTiV alloys were studied using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and electron backscatter diffraction. The microhardness, compression properties, and nanoindentation creep properties of AlxCr0.2NbTiV alloys were also tested. The results show that the AlxCr0.2NbTiV series exhibits a BCC single-phase structure. As the Al content increases, the lattice constant of the alloys gradually decreases, and the intensity of the (110) crystal plane diffraction peak increases. Adding aluminum enhances the effect of solution strengthening; however, due to grain coarsening, the microhardness and room temperature compressive strength of the alloy are only slightly improved. Additionally, because the effect of solution strengthening is diminished at high temperatures, the compressive strength of the alloy at 1000 °C is significantly reduced. The creep mechanism of the alloys is predominantly governed by dislocation creep. Moreover, increasing the Al content helps to reduce the sensitivity of the alloy to the loading rate during the creep process. At a loading rate of 2.5 mN/s, the Al0.8Cr0.2NbTiV alloy exhibits the lowest creep strain rate sensitivity index (m), which is 0.0758.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We explore the effect of stress-recovery schedule on the cumulative creep response of lumbar tissues. Twelve participants performed a 48-minute protocol that consisted of 12 min of full trunk flexion and 36 min of upright standing. Two stress-recovery (work-rest) schedules were considered: a) three minutes of full trunk flexion followed by twelve minutes of upright standing (3:12), and b) one minute of full trunk flexion followed by four minutes of upright standing (1:4). Lumbar kinematics and EMG activity of erector spinae muscles were collected. Cumulative creep deformation was explored by considering the changes in peak lumbar flexion angles during full flexion and changes in the angles of flexion-relaxation (EMG-off) of the lumbar extensor musculature after the 48-minute protocol. The results of time-dependent lumbar flexion angle during full flexion revealed a noticeable creep response in both work-rest schedules, but the cumulative creep response was significantly greater in the 3:12 schedule (Δ3.5°) than in the 1:4 schedule (Δ1.6°). Similarly, the change in the EMG-off lumbar flexion angle in the 3:12 schedule was significantly greater than in the 1:4 schedule (Δ2.5° vs -Δ0.2°, respectively). These results indicate that the passive lumbar tissues recover their force producing capability more rapidly with shorter cycle times.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large number of tectonically mixed rock belts and complex tectonic zones are distributed in the southwestern part of China. In these areas, high geostress and tectonic stresses have caused some underground rock layers to be crushed and broken, eventually forming crushed rock zones. Which may undergo creep deformation under long-term loads. The manuscript is based on a typical crushed rock in the southwestern China. Firstly, the factors affecting creep deformation were analysed, and the response law of each influencing factor to rock creep is demonstrated. Then, the theory of uncorroborated measures and hierarchical analysis were used to systematically correlate the factors influencing creep. Thereby, a creep level qualitative evaluating model of crushed rock is established. Finally, this model was used to qualitatively evaluate the creep level of the crushed rock in the study area. It is concluded that the creep level qualitative evaluating of this crushed rock is rated as Class II, which is characterised by a low creep level and small creep deformations (0-10 mm). The research results can provide a reference for the creep analysis of crushed rock and provide a basis for the safe construction of engineering slopes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, a masonry panel under a high compressive stress to strength ratio is considered. The panel is modeled as a composite structure by considering a repeated unit cell of mortar and brick. Load redistributions due to creep in mortar and brick as composite materials are accounted for. A step-by-step in-time analysis is performed to calculate the load redistribution in the composite masonry. Time-dependent system reliability analysis of the masonry panel is performed by defining the component and system limit state functions at each time step. While the reliability index of ductile materials depends on the load level in each part of masonry, the reliability index of brittle materials depends only on the overall load. By proposing the reliability index of quasi-brittle materials being between these two reliability index bounds, the reliability index of quasi-brittle materials depends on both the load level in each part and the overall load. Using the proposed reliability index of quasi-brittle materials, partial safety factors for masonry panel design considering creep and damage are calibrated based on the Hasofer and Lind method. A design example using the proposed partial safety factor is presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ductility and exhibition of the multiple, fine, self-controlled cracking of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCCs) under tension has made them attractive for enhancing the durability of civil infrastructure. These fine cracks are key to preventing the ingress of water and harmful chemicals into the structure and thereby achieving steel reinforcement. However, several studies have suggested that the short-term fine cracks shown in the laboratory may end up exceeding the acceptable crack widths that are specified in design codes when SHCC members are subjected to sustained constant loads. In real structures, however, the load is also shared by the steel reinforcement in the member, so the SHCC within may not be under a constant load; therefore, the crack widening will not be as severe. This study focuses on the creep behaviour of SHCCs when they are applied as an external layer on reinforced concrete to enhance durability. A novel approach to simulate various stress-strain regimes in such systems is developed by using a fixture to share a sustained moment exclusively between a reinforcement member and SHCC. The developed load-sharing system allows stresses within the reinforcement and SHCC to be monitored against time during the imposed loading, while ensuring access to the SHCC layer for instrumentation and monitoring of strain/cracking. The time-dependent widening of cracks in the SHCC layer is found to be much less significant than that under constant loading, so resistance to water/chemical penetration can still be ensured in the long term. The obtained information on the variation in stress, strain, and crack opening with time will be useful for the development of a general model for the creep behaviour of SHCC members.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural adhesives characterized a turning point in the post-connection of structural elements due to their excellent performances and ability to transfer stress without losing their integrity. These materials are typically particle-reinforced composites made by a thermoset polymer matrix and fillers. During the in-situ application of this material, the thermal activation of the polymer is typically not possible, leading to an undefined degree of cure and therefore to a variation of the mechanical performance over time. This altering means that after applying a sustained load on a bonded anchor system installed at regular temperature, the adhesive changes material properties. Ample studies convince that the progressive increase of the degree of cure of the thermosetting polymer leads to higher strength and stiffness. However, limited studies have been dedicated to the post-curing effects on the long-term behavior. The main goal of this work is to investigate the tensile and shear creep behavior of two commercially available structural adhesives and the influence of curing conditions on their long-term performances. An extensive experimental campaign comprising short and long-term characterizations has been carried out on specimens subjected to three different curing and post-curing protocols, with the scope of imitating relevant in-situ conditions. The results demonstrate that structural adhesives cured at higher temperatures are less subjected to creep deformations. As a material equation, the generalized Kelvin model is utilized to fit the tensile and shear creep data, and two continuous creep spectra have been selected to represent the creep behavior and facilitate extrapolations to the long-term behavior.





