
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe compare and assess expert and consumer evaluations of videos the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program in Australia to inform the future development of effective promotional materials.
    METHODS: From July to November, 2022 consumers (n = 487) were randomly assigned to see 3 of 15 videos and 34 \"experts\" (i.e., researchers, clinicians, and health promotion specialists) viewed all 15 videos. Participants completed 22 items reflecting positive and negative perceptions and perceived efficacy in encouraging screening participation. Multiple analyses of covariance assessed mean differences in expert and consumer ratings controlling for age and gender differences.
    RESULTS: Experts and consumers reported similar perceptions about videos, with no difference in the degree to which each would encourage kit completion. However, compared to those containing personal stories, experts rated instructional and informational videos significantly lower than consumers in terms of encouraging actions that facilitate kit completion.
    CONCLUSIONS: Experts may underestimate the degree to which information and personal narratives resonate with consumers viewing bowel cancer screening videos.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is valuable to consult consumers when designing bowel cancer screening promotion and education videos as opposed to relying solely on expert opinion especially in the context of encouraging actions that lead to kit completion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ultra-processed food (UPF) is currently not included in most countries\' dietary guidance. However, there may be growing public interest and consumer avoidance of UPF due to media reporting of studies on the negative health outcomes associated with UPFs.
    METHODS: We surveyed 2386 UK adults (M age = 45 years, 50% female) during February-April 2024. Participants completed measures on awareness of the term UPF, whether the UPF status of foods affects their dietary decision-making, and confidence in identifying UPFs. Participants categorised a list of 10 foods (5 UPFs and 5 non-UPFs) as UPF vs. not, before rating whether information about studies linking UPF to worse health impacts on their negative affect and acts as a deterrent to consuming UPFs.
    RESULTS: Most participants (73%) were aware of the term UPF and 58% reported that their food choices are determined by whether they believe a food is ultra-processed or not. Participants with the highest income and education levels were most likely to report both being aware of, and, avoiding consuming UPFs. Most participants could not accurately categorise whether foods were UPFs. Some sociodemographic groups (e.g., higher education levels) were more likely to accurately categorise UPFs but were also more likely to incorrectly believe that non-UPFs were UPFs. Participants tended to report that UPF-health risk information increases negative affect and acts as a deterrent to consuming UPFs.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, a large number of UK adults reported avoiding consuming UPFs. This was particularly pronounced among those with the highest education and income levels.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    BACKGROUND: Engagement and partnership with consumers and communities throughout research processes produces high quality research meeting community needs and promoting translation of research into improved policy and practice. Partnership is critical in research involving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people (First Nations Peoples) to ensure cultural safety. We present lessons from the design, implementation and progress of the National Health and Medical Research Council funded INtravenous iron polymaltose for First Nations Australian patients with high FERRitin levels on hemodialysis (INFERR) clinical trial.
    METHODS: The trial was designed to understand the benefits and harms of iron therapy in First Nations Australians on haemodialysis with anaemia and hyperferritinaemia. The lack of evidence for treatment was discussed with patients who were potential participants. A key element ensuring safe conduct of the INFERR trial was the establishment of the Indigenous Reference Groups (IRGs) comprising of dialysis patients based in the Top End of Australia and Central Australia. Two IRGs were needed based on advice from First Nations communities and researchers/academics on the project regarding local cultural differences and approaches to trial conduct. The IRGs underpin culturally safe trial conduct by providing input into study materials and translating study findings into effective messages and policies for First Nations dialysis patients. Throughout the trial conduct, the IRGs\' role has developed to provide key mechanisms for advice and guidance regarding research conduct both in this study and more broadly. Support provided to the IRGs by trial First Nations Research Officers and independent First Nations researchers/academics who simplify research concepts is critical. The IRGs have developed feedback documents and processes to participants, stakeholders, and the renal units. They guarantee culturally safe advice for embedding findings from the trial into clinical practice guidelines ensuring evidence-based approaches in managing anaemia in haemodialysis patients with hyperferritinaemia.
    CONCLUSIONS: Active consumer and community partnership is critical in research conduct to ensure research impact. Strong partnership with consumers in the INFERR clinical trial has demonstrated that First Nations Consumers will engage in research they understand, that addresses health priorities for them and where they feel respected, listened to, and empowered to achieve change.
    In this paper, we present the importance of actively involving consumers in the planning, implementation and conduct of research using the example of a clinical trial among Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Australians (First Nations Australians) who have kidney disease and are currently receiving haemodialysis. The study assesses how safe and effective it is for people on dialysis to receive iron given through the vein during dialysis when they have anaemia and high levels of a blood test called ferritin, a test used routinely to measure iron levels. Two consumer reference groups of First Nations patients on dialysis, one based in the Top End of Australia and the other based in Central Australia, are supported by First Nations Research Officers and Research Academics to make sure that the research is performed in a way that involves, respects and values First Nations participation, culture, and knowledge. Active consumer and community partnership in this study has supported robust research governance processes which we believe are crucial for knowledge translation to have a positive impact for patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessments of ecosystem functioning are a fundamental ecological challenge and an essential foundation for ecosystem-based management. Species trophic position (TP) is essential to characterize food web architecture. However, despite the intuitive nature of the concept, empirically estimating TP is a challenging task due to the complexity of trophic interaction networks. Various methods are proposed to assess TPs, including using different sources of organic matter at the base of the food web (the \'baseline\'). However, it is often not clear which methodological approach and which baseline choices are the most reliable. Using an ecosystem-wide assessment of a tropical reef (Marquesas Islands, with available data for 70 coral reef invertebrate and fish species), we tested whether different commonly used TP estimation methods yield similar results and, if not, whether it is possible to identify the most reliable method. We found significant differences in TP estimates of up to 1.7 TPs for the same species, depending on the method and the baseline used. When using bulk stable isotope data, the choice of the baseline significantly impacted TP values. Indeed, while nitrogen stable isotope (δ15N) values of macroalgae led to consistent TP estimates, those using phytoplankton generated unrealistically low TP estimates. The use of a conventional enrichment factor (i.e. 3.4‰) or a \'variable\' enrichment factor (i.e. according to feeding guilds) also produced clear discrepancies between TP estimates. TPs obtained with δ15N values of source amino acids (compound-specific isotope analysis) were close to those assessed with macroalgae. An opposite seasonal pattern was found, with significantly lower TPs in winter than in summer for most species, with particularly pronounced differences for lower TP species. We use the observed differences to discuss possible drivers of the diverging TP estimates and the potential ecological implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The demand for mental health services in Australia is substantial and has grown beyond the capacity of the current workforce. As a result, it is currently difficult for many to access secondary healthcare providers. Within the secondary healthcare sector, however, peer workers who have lived experience of managing mental health conditions have been increasingly employed to intentionally use their journey of recovery in supporting others living with mental health conditions and their communities. Currently, the presence of peer workers in primary care has been limited, despite the potential benefits of providing supports in conjunction with GPs and secondary healthcare providers.
    METHODS: This stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) aims to evaluate a lived experience peer support intervention for accessing mental health care in primary care (PS-PC). Four medical practices across Australia will be randomly allocated to switch from control to intervention, until all practices are delivering the PS-PC intervention. The study will enrol 66 patients at each practice (total sample size of 264). Over a period of 3-4 months, 12 h of practical and emotional support provided by lived experience peer workers will be available to participants. Scale-based questionnaires will inform intervention efficacy in terms of mental health outcomes (e.g., self-efficacy) and other health outcomes (e.g., healthcare-related costs) over four time points. Other perspectives will be explored through scales completed by approximately 150 family members or carers (carer burden) and 16 peer workers (self-efficacy) pre- and post-intervention, and 20 medical practice staff members (attitudes toward peer workers) at the end of each study site\'s involvement in the intervention. Interviews (n = 60) and six focus groups held toward the end of each study site\'s involvement will further explore the views of participants, family members or carers, peer workers, and practice staff to better understand the efficacy and acceptability of the intervention.
    CONCLUSIONS: This mixed-methods, multi-centre, stepped-wedge controlled study will be the first to evaluate the implementation of peer workers in the primary care mental health care sector.
    BACKGROUND: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) ACTRN12623001189617. Registered on 17 November 2023,






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Open-system electronic cigarette (EC) product features, such as battery capacity, maximum output wattage, and so forth, are major components that drive product costs and may influence use patterns. Moreover, continued innovation and monitoring of product features and prices will provide critical information for designing appropriate taxation policies and product regulations.
    OBJECTIVE: This study will examine how product features are associated with the prices of devices sold in web-based vape shops.
    METHODS: We draw samples from 5 popular, US-based, web-based vape shops from April to August 2022 to examine starter kits, device-only products, and e-liquid container-only products. We implemented a linear regression model with a store-fixed effect to examine the association between device attributes and prices.
    RESULTS: EC starter kits or devices vary significantly by type, with mod prices being much higher than pod and vape pen prices. The prices of mod starter kits were even lower than those of mod devices, suggesting that mod starter kits are discounted in web-based vape shops. The price of mod kits, mod device-only products, and pod kits increased as the battery capacity and output wattage increased. For vape pens, the price was positively associated with the volume size of the e-liquid container. On the other hand, the price of pod kits was positively associated with the number of containers.
    CONCLUSIONS: A unit-based specific tax, therefore, will impose a higher tax burden on lower-priced devices such as vape pens or pod systems and a lower tax burden on mod devices. A volume- or capacity-based specific tax on devices will impose a higher tax burden on vape pens with a larger container size. Meanwhile, ad valorem taxes pegged to wholesale or retail prices would apply evenly across device types, meaning those with advanced features such as higher battery capacities and output wattage would face higher rates. Therefore, policy makers could manipulate tax rates by device type to discourage the use of certain device products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: With the capability to render prediagnoses, consumer wearables have the potential to affect subsequent diagnoses and the level of care in the health care delivery setting. Despite this, postmarket surveillance of consumer wearables has been hindered by the lack of codified terms in electronic health records (EHRs) to capture wearable use.
    UNASSIGNED: We sought to develop a weak supervision-based approach to demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of EHR-based postmarket surveillance on consumer wearables that render atrial fibrillation (AF) prediagnoses.
    UNASSIGNED: We applied data programming, where labeling heuristics are expressed as code-based labeling functions, to detect incidents of AF prediagnoses. A labeler model was then derived from the predictions of the labeling functions using the Snorkel framework. The labeler model was applied to clinical notes to probabilistically label them, and the labeled notes were then used as a training set to fine-tune a classifier called Clinical-Longformer. The resulting classifier identified patients with an AF prediagnosis. A retrospective cohort study was conducted, where the baseline characteristics and subsequent care patterns of patients identified by the classifier were compared against those who did not receive a prediagnosis.
    UNASSIGNED: The labeler model derived from the labeling functions showed high accuracy (0.92; F1-score=0.77) on the training set. The classifier trained on the probabilistically labeled notes accurately identified patients with an AF prediagnosis (0.95; F1-score=0.83). The cohort study conducted using the constructed system carried enough statistical power to verify the key findings of the Apple Heart Study, which enrolled a much larger number of participants, where patients who received a prediagnosis tended to be older, male, and White with higher CHA2DS2-VASc (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥75 years, diabetes, stroke, vascular disease, age 65-74 years, sex category) scores (P<.001). We also made a novel discovery that patients with a prediagnosis were more likely to use anticoagulants (525/1037, 50.63% vs 5936/16,560, 35.85%) and have an eventual AF diagnosis (305/1037, 29.41% vs 262/16,560, 1.58%). At the index diagnosis, the existence of a prediagnosis did not distinguish patients based on clinical characteristics, but did correlate with anticoagulant prescription (P=.004 for apixaban and P=.01 for rivaroxaban).
    UNASSIGNED: Our work establishes the feasibility and efficacy of an EHR-based surveillance system for consumer wearables that render AF prediagnoses. Further work is necessary to generalize these findings for patient populations at other sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Health misinformation can adversely affect individuals\' quality of life and increase the risk of mortality. People often fail to assess the content of messages before sharing them on the internet, increasing the spread of misinformation. The problem is exacerbated by the growing variety of digital information environments, especially social media, which presents as an effective platform for spreading misinformation due to its rapid information-sharing capabilities. Educational interventions have been developed to help consumers verify the validity of digital health information. However, tools designed to detect health misinformation on social media content have not been validated. Given the increased use of social media platforms, particularly WhatsApp, it is crucial to develop tools to help consumers assess the credibility of messages and detect misinformation.
    OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study is to develop and assess an educational tool aimed at educating consumers about detecting health misinformation on WhatsApp. The secondary objective is to assess the association between demographic factors and knowledge levels.
    METHODS: The study used a single-arm, pre-post intervention design to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational video in improving participants\' ability to detect health-related misinformation in WhatsApp messages. In the first phase, an educational video intervention was developed and validated. In the second phase, participants were invited to complete a web-based survey that consisted of pre-evaluation questions, followed by the educational video intervention. Subsequently, they were asked to answer the same questions as the postevaluation questions.
    RESULTS: The web-based survey received 485 responses. The completion rate was 99.6% (n=483). Statistically significant associations existed between knowledge level and age, gender, employment, and region of residence (P<.05). The video intervention did elicit a statistically significant change in the participants\' abilities to identify misinformation in WhatsApp messages (z=-6.887; P<.001). Viewing the video was associated with increased knowledge about the following concepts: checking the \"forwarded\" label (P<.001), looking for spelling and grammatical errors (P<.001), analyzing the facts (P=.03), checking links (P=.002, P=.001), and assessing the photos and videos (P<.001). There was a statistically significant difference in knowledge level before and after the intervention (P<.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study developed and evaluated the effectiveness of an educational video intervention to improve health misinformation identification on WhatsApp among the Saudi Arabian population. The results indicate that educational videos can be valuable tools for improving participants\' abilities to identify misinformation. The outcomes of this research can contribute to our understanding of what constitutes an effective tool for enhancing health misinformation awareness. Such interventions may be particularly useful in combating misinformation among Arabic-speaking populations on WhatsApp, which may ultimately improve eHealth literacy. Limiting the prevalence and impact of misinformation allows people to make better-informed health decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nutrition and health claims influence consumer purchasing. Claims include content claims, which refer to the amount of a nutrient contained in a product, and health claims, which refer to health benefits of foods or nutrients in a product. Products that display a health claim must meet the Nutrient Profiling Scoring Criterion (NPSC). The present study aimed to explore consumer perceptions of content claims used on food and beverage labelling and advertisements.
    METHODS: Semi-structured focus groups were conducted with Australian consumers. Analysis involved an inductive, reflexive approach to thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Six focus groups involving 26 participants were conducted. Four main interconnected themes were generated: (1) complex factors influence food choice; (2) content claim scepticism; (3) the difference between content and health claims is unclear; and (4) the regulation of content claims is not common knowledge. Content claims were used, although generally viewed through a lens of scepticism and mistrust, and seen as a promotional tool for the food industry. Product complexity appeared to increase content claim use as a result of consumer uncertainty of the content of complex products, such as ultraprocessed foods. Most participants were aware that content and health claims were in some way regulated. Overall, they did not know further detail, including the relevant regulatory body.
    CONCLUSIONS: For content claims to support the consumer they need to be accurate and their use limited to healthier foods. This can be achieved by requiring products with content claims to meet NPSC thresholds, as required for products making health claims.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The importance and value of involvement of people with lived experience of suicide has been recognized in suicide research and prevention. Nonetheless, clear guidance on research collaboration and co-production is lacking. This study aimed to address this gap by developing a set of guidelines on active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide studies., i.e., conducting research with or by people with lived experience, rather than to, about or for them.
    The Delphi method was used to determine statements on best practice for the active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide research. Statements were compiled through a systematic search of the scientific and grey literature, and reviewing qualitative data from a recent related study conducted by the authors. Two expert panels: people with lived experience of suicide (n = 44) and suicide researchers (n = 29) rated statements over three rounds of an online survey. Statements endorsed by at least 80% of panellists of each panel were included in the guidelines.
    Panellists endorsed 96 out of 126 statements in 17 sections covering the full research cycle from deciding on the research question and securing funding, to conducting research and disseminating and implementing outcomes. Overall, there was a substantial level of agreement between the two panels regarding support from research institutions, collaboration and co-production, communication and shared decision making, conducting research, self-care, acknowledgment, and dissemination and implementation. However, panels also disagreed on specific statements regarding representativeness and diversity, managing expectations, time and budgeting, training, and self-disclosure.
    This study identified consensus recommendations on active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide research, including co-production. Support from research institutions and funders, and training on co-production for researchers and people with lived experience, are needed for successful implementation and uptake of the guidelines.





