
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The importance and value of involvement of people with lived experience of suicide has been recognized in suicide research and prevention. Nonetheless, clear guidance on research collaboration and co-production is lacking. This study aimed to address this gap by developing a set of guidelines on active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide studies., i.e., conducting research with or by people with lived experience, rather than to, about or for them.
    The Delphi method was used to determine statements on best practice for the active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide research. Statements were compiled through a systematic search of the scientific and grey literature, and reviewing qualitative data from a recent related study conducted by the authors. Two expert panels: people with lived experience of suicide (n = 44) and suicide researchers (n = 29) rated statements over three rounds of an online survey. Statements endorsed by at least 80% of panellists of each panel were included in the guidelines.
    Panellists endorsed 96 out of 126 statements in 17 sections covering the full research cycle from deciding on the research question and securing funding, to conducting research and disseminating and implementing outcomes. Overall, there was a substantial level of agreement between the two panels regarding support from research institutions, collaboration and co-production, communication and shared decision making, conducting research, self-care, acknowledgment, and dissemination and implementation. However, panels also disagreed on specific statements regarding representativeness and diversity, managing expectations, time and budgeting, training, and self-disclosure.
    This study identified consensus recommendations on active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide research, including co-production. Support from research institutions and funders, and training on co-production for researchers and people with lived experience, are needed for successful implementation and uptake of the guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traditional food markets frequently have inadequate infrastructure, limited access to potable water, unsanitary conditions, and inadequate storage facilities, making them especially risky places for the growth and spread of foodborne pathogens. Traditional markets also often lack effective government oversight. Government programs are important for providing a foundation to manage food safety by setting and enforcing minimum food safety and quality standards and by establishing uniform standards for the conduct of food businesses. Four regional guidelines developed by the Codex Alimentarius to improve the safety of street-vended food were examined for their application to traditional food markets. These guidelines provide important standards that can be used to improve food safety in traditional food markets in many countries, including advice to governments and market authorities in the areas of policy and regulation, infrastructure, food handling, vendor health and hygiene, and training and education. The guidelines can be supplemented with additional material from the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. However, given the gaps identified in the individual regional guidelines, a uniform international standard is needed for national, regional, and local governments to use when managing food safety in traditional markets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Documentation exists for many chemicals that cause tastes and odors in water, however, water suppliers do not routinely monitor for these chemicals. Effective management of a taste-and-odor (T&O) problem in drinking water often requires good verbal description of the offending sensory experience. Experience demonstrates that obtaining verbal descriptions is challenging. To improve our understanding of communications, sensory science literature was reviewed to obtain descriptors for twenty-one chemicals acknowledged to cause T&O issues in drinking water. The review focused on pure chemicals above their odor threshold concentrations. Results reveal that descriptors follow four general categories. For select chemicals, strong consensus exists around a single or very few appropriate descriptors. Examples are \"salty\" for sodium and \"chlorinous\" for free chlorine. The next category has moderate agreement for several descriptors, with at least one major descriptor. For example the microbiological metabolite 2-methylisoborneol is most commonly described as \"earthy/musty/moldy\" but also \"camphor, grass, and sweet\". Some chemicals have weak agreement on their descriptors, but overall associate words with similar meaning. An example is the chemical toluene with descriptors of \"solvent-like\" words including \"solvent\", \"gasoline\", \"paint-like\", \"cleaning fluid\", and \"etherish\", but also \"vinegar\" and \"sweet\". The last chemical category possesses diverse descriptors with no consensus. For example, the oxylipin n-heptanal is described as \"oily, fatty, chemical, musty/earthy/moldy, rancid, sweaty, grass, sickening, and stale\". While descriptor diversity for select chemicals may not identify the cause of T&O, understanding that certain chemicals are perceived very differently aids in effective communications and eliminates confusion from expecting consumers or utility personnel to respond with consensus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are few evidence-based guidelines for inpatient pediatric eating disorders. The aim was to gain perspectives from those providing and receiving inpatient pediatric eating disorder care on the essential components treatment.
    A modified Delphi technique was used to develop consensus-based opinions. Participants (N = 74) were recruited for three panels: clinicians (n = 24), carers (n = 31), and patients (n = 19), who endorsed three rounds of statements online.
    A total of 167 statements were rated, 79 were accepted and reached a consensus level of at least 75% across all panels, and 87 were rejected. All agreed that families should be involved in treatment, and thatpsychological therapy be offered in specialist inpatient units. Areas of disagreement included that patients expressed a desire for autonomy in sessions being available without carers, and that weight gain should be gradual and admissions longer, in contrast to carers and clinicians. Carers endorsed that legal frameworks should be used to retain patients if required, and that inpatients are supervised at all times, in contrast to patients and clinicians. Clinicians endorsed that food access should be restricted outside meal times, in contrast to patients and carers.
    The findings indicate areas of consensus in admission criteria, and that families should be involved in treatment, family involvement in treatment, while there was disagreement across groups on topics including weight goals and nutrition management. Perspectives from patients, carers, and clinicians may be useful to consider during future revisions of best practice guidelines.





