clinical medicine

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The World Health Organization recognises that sexual harassment is an occupational hazard in medicine, but the prevalence of sexual harassment by patients is unknown. This global meta-analysis found that a pooled prevalence of 45.13% of 18 803 physicians from several specialities (e.g. internal medicine and surgery) have ever experienced it. Hospitals should implement protective measures such as panic alarms for night shifts and isolated wards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current literature on the utilisation of ChatGPT in the fields of clinical medicine, urology, and academic medicine, while also addressing the associated ethical challenges and potential risks.
    METHODS: This narrative review conducted an extensive search of the PubMed and MEDLINE databases, covering the period from January 2022 to January 2024. The search phrases employed were \"urologic surgery\" in conjunction with \"artificial intelligence\", \"machine learning\", \"neural network\", \"ChatGPT\", \"urology\", and \"medicine\". The initial studies were chosen from the screened research to examine the possible interaction between those entities. Research utilising animal models was excluded.
    RESULTS: ChatGPT has demonstrated its usefulness in clinical settings by producing precise clinical correspondence, discharge summaries, and medical records, thereby assisting in these laborious tasks, especially with the latest iterations of ChatGPT. Furthermore, patients can access essential medical information by inquiring with ChatGPT. Nevertheless, there are multiple concerns regarding the correctness of the system, including allegations of falsified data and references. These issues emphasise the importance of having a doctor oversee the final result to guarantee patient safety. ChatGPT shows potential in academic medicine for generating drafts and organising datasets. However, the presence of guidelines and plagiarism-detection technologies is necessary to mitigate the risks of plagiarism and the use of faked data when using it for academic purposes.
    CONCLUSIONS: ChatGPT should be utilised as a supplementary tool by urologists and academicians. However, it is now advisable to have human oversight to guarantee patient safety, uphold academic integrity, and maintain transparency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The rise of accessible, consumer facing large language models (LLM) provides an opportunity for immediate diagnostic support for clinicians.
    UNASSIGNED: To compare the different performance characteristics of common LLMS utility in solving complex clinical cases and assess the utility of a novel tool to grade LLM output.
    UNASSIGNED: Using a newly developed rubric to assess the models\' diagnostic utility, we measured to models\' ability to answer cases according to accuracy, readability, clinical interpretability, and an assessment of safety. Here we present a comparative analysis of three LLM models-Bing, Chat GPT, and Gemini-across a diverse set of clinical cases as presented in the New England Journal of Medicines case series.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results suggest that models performed differently when presented with identical clinical information, with Gemini performing best. Our grading tool had low interobserver variability and proved a reliable tool to grade LLM clinical output.
    UNASSIGNED: This research underscores the variation in model performance in clinical scenarios and highlights the importance of considering diagnostic model performance in diverse clinical scenarios prior to deployment. Furthermore, we provide a new tool to assess LLM output.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When the goal is to help patients improve their quality of life, it makes sense to focus directly on the activities and relationships that are most important to each patient. This can be accomplished most effectively by following a three-step process that includes 1) connecting with the patient around what matters to them, 2) co-creating a goal-oriented plan, and 3) collaborating with patient, family, team members, and consultants to increase the probability of success. Once this approach has been mastered and the necessary systems, processes, and relationships are in place, this should not take more time than a problem-oriented approach, and it will almost certainly be more satisfying for both physician and patient. The impact on population-based quality metrics is uncertain. Though fewer patients may choose to follow standard recommendations, those who do may be more likely to adhere to them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The De Ritis ratio, defined as the serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) to alanine aminotransferase (ALT) ratio, is a widely recognized biochemical marker with significant applications in diagnosing and managing various diseases, particularly liver disorders. This comprehensive review synthesizes current knowledge surrounding the clinical relevance of the De Ritis ratio, examining its historical development, diagnostic utility, and prognostic significance across various medical conditions, including liver diseases, cardiovascular disorders, and muscular pathologies. Through an in-depth analysis of literature spanning several decades, this review highlights the role of the De Ritis ratio not only in differential diagnosis but also as a prognostic indicator for disease progression and patient outcomes. The ratio\'s ability to distinguish between different types of liver pathology, aid in early disease detection, and its potential use in monitoring treatment response are discussed. Additionally, the review addresses the methodological considerations, such as confounding factors and interpretation challenges, that impact the clinical utility of the De Ritis ratio. Given the evolving landscape of clinical diagnostics and the push toward more personalized medicine, the review concludes with recommendations for further research. These include longitudinal studies to explore the ratio\'s changes over time, comparative research across diverse populations, and technological integration to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient care. This review aims to reaffirm the importance of the De Ritis ratio in modern clinical practice and encourages continued exploration into its potential applications and benefits in healthcare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Drug incompatibility, a significant subset of medication errors, threaten patient safety during the medication administration phase. Despite the undeniably high prevalence of drug incompatibility, it is currently poorly understood because previous studies are focused predominantly on intensive care unit (ICU) settings. To enhance patient safety, it is crucial to expand our understanding of this issue from a comprehensive viewpoint. This study aims to investigate the prevalence and mechanism of drug incompatibility by analysing hospital-wide prescription and administration data.
    METHODS: This retrospective cross-sectional study, conducted at a tertiary academic hospital, included data extracted from the clinical data warehouse of the study institution on patients admitted between January 1, 2021, and May 31, 2021. Potential contacts in drug pairs (PCs) were identified using the study site clinical workflow. Drug incompatibility for each PC was determined by using a commercial drug incompatibility database, the Trissel\'s™ 2 Clinical Pharmaceutics Database (Trissel\'s 2 database). Drivers of drug incompatibility were identified, based on a descriptive analysis, after which, multivariate logistic regression was conducted to assess the risk factors for experiencing one or more drug incompatibilities during admission.
    RESULTS: Among 30,359 patients (representing 40,061 hospitalisations), 24,270 patients (32,912 hospitalisations) with 764,501 drug prescriptions (1,001,685 IV administrations) were analysed, after checking for eligibility. Based on the rule for determining PCs, 5,813,794 cases of PCs were identified. Among these, 25,108 (0.4 %) cases were incompatible PCs: 391 (1.6 %) PCs occurred during the prescription process and 24,717 (98.4 %) PCs during the administration process. By classifying these results, we identified the following drivers contributing to drug incompatibility: incorrect order factor; incorrect administration factor; and lack of related research. In multivariate analysis, the risk of encountering incompatible PCs was higher for patients who were male, older, with longer lengths of stay, with higher comorbidity, and admitted to medical ICUs.
    CONCLUSIONS: We comprehensively described the current state of drug incompatibility by analysing hospital-wide drug prescription and administration data. The results showed that drug incompatibility frequently occurs in clinical settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fusion of mythology and ancient Indian medicine, particularly Ayurveda, is a fascinating synthesis of cultural heritage and scientific endeavor. Ayurveda encompasses a wide range of practices, including pharmacology, anatomy, physiology, surgery, and obstetrics, and integrates the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology, providing a comprehensive understanding of health and disease. The inclusion of mythological figures and narratives in the discourse of ancient Indian medicine offers a unique perspective on the integration of spiritual and empirical knowledge, highlighting the role of mythology in shaping the foundational principles of clinical medicine. The discourse explores the profound impact of Ayurveda and its mythological underpinnings on contemporary clinical practices, underscoring the timeless wisdom embedded in ancient narratives. These stories represent the bedrock of holistic medical practices, emphasizing the parity between mind, body, and spirit that is increasingly validated in modern therapeutic paradigms. The philosophy and methods detailed in the age-old texts of Sushruta and Charaka, coupled with the allegorical tales of Dhanvantari and Bharadwaja, contribute significantly to the foundational principles underpinning today\'s holistic medical approaches. The enduring legacy of Ayurveda and its mythological narratives continues to influence and inspire a holistic approach to health care, underscoring the indelible connection between ancient wisdom and modern medical practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The paper analyses publications data related to issues of application of AI and machine learning systems in medical science and practice. The particular attention is paid to key points of AI application in health care: diagnostics, telemedicine, development of new medications, medical rehabilitation and management decision-making process. Despite broad perspectives of applying the given systems in clinical practice and pharmaceutical industry, there are a number of such unsolved problems as ensuring information security, risk of making erroneous decisions and necessity to change existing normative legal base of health care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Health care professionals receive little training on the digital technologies that their patients rely on. Consequently, practitioners may face significant barriers when providing care to patients experiencing digitally mediated harms (eg, medical device failures and cybersecurity exploits). Here, we explore the impact of technological failures in clinical terms.
    OBJECTIVE: Our study explored the key challenges faced by frontline health care workers during digital events, identified gaps in clinical training and guidance, and proposes a set of recommendations for improving digital clinical practice.
    METHODS: A qualitative study involving a 1-day workshop of 52 participants, internationally attended, with multistakeholder participation. Participants engaged in table-top exercises and group discussions focused on medical scenarios complicated by technology (eg, malfunctioning ventilators and malicious hacks on health care apps). Extensive notes from 5 scribes were retrospectively analyzed and a thematic analysis was performed to extract and synthesize data.
    RESULTS: Clinicians reported novel forms of harm related to technology (eg, geofencing in domestic violence and errors related to interconnected fetal monitoring systems) and barriers impeding adverse event reporting (eg, time constraints and postmortem device disposal). Challenges to providing effective patient care included a lack of clinical suspicion of device failures, unfamiliarity with equipment, and an absence of digitally tailored clinical protocols. Participants agreed that cyberattacks should be classified as major incidents, with the repurposing of existing crisis resources. Treatment of patients was determined by the role technology played in clinical management, such that those reliant on potentially compromised laboratory or radiological facilities were prioritized.
    CONCLUSIONS: Here, we have framed digital events through a clinical lens, described in terms of their end-point impact on the patient. In doing so, we have developed a series of recommendations for ensuring responses to digital events are tailored to clinical needs and center patient care.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    A whole series of processes lead to the decrease in the use of traditional medicine by the indigenous peoples of Mexico, including the reduction in the number of traditional healers and the direct and indirect expansion of biomedicine. This essay addresses the central role these processes play in the relations of hegemony/subalternity that occur in different fields of reality, and especially in the health-illness-care-prevention processes, given that counter-hegemonic processes are not generated, or those that do arise have been ineffective in confronting social hegemony in general and biomedical hegemony in particular.
    Toda una serie de procesos conducen a la disminución del uso de la medicina tradicional por los pueblos indígenas de México, incluyendo la reducción del número de curadores tradicionales y la expansión directa e indirecta de la biomedicina. En este ensayo se aborda el papel nuclear que tienen estos procesos en las relaciones de hegemonía/subaltenidad que se dan en los diferentes campos de la realidad y, especialmente, en los procesos de salud-enfermedad-atención-prevención, dado que no se generan procesos contrahegemónicos o, los que surgen, han sido ineficaces para enfrentar la hegemonía social en general y biomédica en particular.





