clinical case

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is characterized by isolated thrombocytopenia manifesting with mucocutaneous bleeding symptoms, generally mild to moderate. The presence of severe symptoms or complications is rare but can be life-threatening and should be promptly diagnosed and treated. We present the case of a 14-year-old female presenting with abdominal tenderness and signs of peritoneal irritation and found to exhibit petechial rash in the buccal mucosa, scant petechiae, and superficial ecchymosis in both arms and legs on physical examination. Laboratory evaluation revealed severe thrombocytopenia and normocytic anemia. Abdominal ultrasound showed a significant peritoneal hematic effusion. The diagnosis of ITP with spontaneous peritoneal hemorrhage was made, and she was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and antibiotic therapy, as well as one packed red blood cell transfusion because of worsened anemia on re-evaluation. A gradual rise in platelet count and hemoglobin was observed, as well as a gradual resolution of the peritoneal hemorrhage, with no further therapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Alopecia areata (AA) has long been considered a challenging clinical condition, with dermatologists traditionally employing corticosteroids and immunosuppressants in search of effective solutions. The introduction of Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKi), specifically the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of baricitinib, marked a significant breakthrough in the treatment of AA. Clinical trials have shown promising results with baricitinib, and reports of relapse after initial success are scarce. We present a unique case of a 30-year-old male with severe patch-type AA who initially responded well to baricitinib treatment but later experienced a relapse despite continued treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthrax remains a threat, especially in countries like Kyrgyzstan with developed livestock farming. Despite preventive efforts, sporadic outbreaks endure on an annual basis, transmitted from infected animals to humans. Here, we report a severe anthrax case in an 8-month-old child known to be caused when a sick calf was slaughtered in the neighborhood without proper protocols, resulting in intra-family infection. This underscores the importance of swift diagnosis, treatment, preventive measures, and awareness of zoonotic infections, animal vaccination and adherence to sanitary and veterinary protocols.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Rendu-Osler-Weber disease or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is a rare autosomal dominant disease. It is characterized by vascular dysplasia with the formation of telangiectasias on the skin, mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in the internal organs, which is manifested by bleeding. Diagnosis is based on Curacao criteria: recurrent and spontaneous nosebleeds, multiple telangiectases on the characteristic localizations, AVMs in one or more of the internal organs, a family history of HHT (i.e. first-degree relative who meets these same criteria for definite HHT). Therapy is aimed at preventing and stopping gastrointestinal, nosebleeds, correction of iron deficiency anemia. A promising method of therapy is the use of angiogenesis inhibitors, in particular bevacizumab. The article presents a description of a clinical case of HHT in a 49-year-old woman with telangiectisia on the mucous membrane of the tongue, gastrointestinal tract and liver AVMs.
    Болезнь Рандю–Ослера–Вебера, или наследственная геморрагическая телеангиоэктазия (НГТ) – редкое генетическое заболевание, наследуемое по аутосомно-доминантному типу. Характеризуется сосудистыми дисплазиями с образованием телеангиоэктазий на коже, слизистых оболочках респираторного и пищеварительного трактов, артериовенозными мальформациями (АВМ) во внутренних органах, что проявляется кровоточивостью. Диагноз устанавливают на основании критериев Кюрасао: спонтанные рецидивирующие носовые кровотечения, наличие множественных телеангиоэктазий характерных локализаций, наличие АВМ, а также семейный анамнез (установленный диагноз НГТ у родственника 1-й степени родства). Терапия заболевания направлена на предупреждение и купирование желудочно-кишечных, носовых кровотечений, коррекцию железодефицитной анемии. Перспективным методом терапии является применение ингибиторов ангиогенеза, в частности бевацизумаба. В статье представлено описание клинического случая НГТ у женщины 49 лет с телеангиоэктазиями на слизистой языка, желудочно-кишечного тракта, а также АВМ печени.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nowadays there is a growing interest worldwide in using bacteriophages for therapeutic purposes to combat antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, driven by the increasing ineffectiveness of drugs against bacterial infections. Despite this fact, no novel commercially available therapeutic phage products have been developed in the last two decades, as it is extremely difficult to register them under the current legal regulations. This paper presents a description of the interaction between a bacteriophage manufacturer and a clinical institution, the specificity of which is the selection of bacteriophages not for an individual patient, but for the entire spectrum of bacteria circulating in the intensive care unit with continuous clinical and microbiological monitoring of efficacy. The study presents the description of three clinical cases of patients who received bacteriophage complex via inhalation for 28 days according to the protocol without antibiotic use throughout the period. No adverse effects were observed and the elimination of multidrug-resistant microorganisms from the bronchoalveolar lavage contents was detected in all patients. A decrease in such inflammatory markers as C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin was also noted. The obtained results demonstrate the potential of an adaptive phage therapy protocol in intensive care units for reducing the amount of antibiotics used and preserving their efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare complication of hepatic diseases with portal hypertension that, however, has a significant influence on prognosis. We present a mini-review of how to diagnose and treat it based on a clinical case.
    METHODS: in early childhood, a patient had portal hypertension associated with cavernous transformation of the portal vein. It was successfully treated by reno-splenic surgery. At the age of 20 years, this patient experienced increased dyspnea at minimal physical activity after the hepatic biopsy due to a hepatocellular adenoma. The examination in the specialized unit showed PAH, which was evaluated as associated with portal hypertension (PAH-PoH). The specific two-drug combination therapy was started with prominent improvement in patient\'s state. Successful surgical tumor treatment was provided some months later. The practical and clinical approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of PAH-PoH are discussed. It was emphasized that not all patients with portal hypertension have pulmonary hypertension, which needs to be treated. A lot of evidence gaps exist in management of these patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: all patients, even with past history of portal hypertension, should be monitored closely and screened for PAH earlier, for better results of treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare cause of renal dysfunction that usually manifests as obstructive nephropathy (sometimes with extrarenal manifestations). Due to the non-specific symptoms at the onset of the disease and often latent course, special laboratory and instrumental examination methods are usually needed to establish a diagnosis. The article describes a clinical case of a relapse of IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis in a 53-year-old patient, who developed bilateral ureterohydronephrosis with postrenal acute kidney injury after the withdrawal of glucocorticoid therapy. The patient underwent bilateral percutaneous nephrostomy and resumed glucocorticoids at a dose of 30 mg/day. Postobstructive diuresis was 22 L. Treatment resulted in a complete normalization of the creatinine level and transient hypokalemia, which was eliminated with potassium medications. At the final stage of the treatment, bilateral stenting of both ureters was performed with a tapering of glucocorticoids to 5 mg per day with CT control of the retroperitoneal space after 5 months. A clinical case demonstrates that an interruption of glucocorticoid treatment in patients with IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis can lead to ureterohydronephrosis with the development of acute kidney injury. In such cases, stenting of the ureters could be considered an optimal therapeutic option.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Campylobacter spp. is the leading cause of foodborne gastrointestinal infections in humans worldwide. This study reports the first case of four family members who had contact with the same source of Campylobacter jejuni contamination with different results. Only the little siblings were infected by the same C. jejuni strain, but with different symptoms. Whereas the daughter was slightly affected with mild enteritis, the son suffered a longer campylobacteriosis followed with a perimyocarditis. This is the first case of the youngest patient affected by C. jejuni-related perimyocarditis published to date. The genomes of both strains were characterized by whole-genome sequencing and compared with the C. jejuni NCTC 11168 genome to gain insights into the molecular features that may be associated with perimyocarditis. Various comparison tools were used for the comparative genomics analysis, including the identification of virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes, phase variable (PV) genes, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identification. Comparisons of the strains identified 16 SNPs between them, which constituted small but significant changes mainly affecting the ON/OFF state of PV genes after passing through both hosts. These results suggest that PV occurs during human colonization, which modulates bacteria virulence through human host adaptation, which ultimately is related to complications after a campylobacteriosis episode depending on the host status. The findings highlight the importance of the relation between host and pathogen in severe complications of Campylobacter infections.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects both humans and animals worldwide. Clinical symptoms of leptospirosis in humans range widely, from mild to severe illness, with symptoms that can include severe jaundice, acute renal failure, hemorrhagic pneumonia, and meningitis. We present a detailed clinical description of a 70-year-old man with leptospirosis. This case presented without the typical prodromal period for leptospirosis, thus making diagnosis more difficult. This isolated case occurred in the Lviv region during the ongoing military conflict between Russia and Ukraine where Ukrainian citizens have been forced to hide in premises that are not properly adapted for their long-term stay, which result in conditions that can potentially lead to the emergence of many infectious diseases. This case highlights the need for heightened awareness into the symptoms of a variety of infectious diseases, including but not limited to leptospirosis.





