care homes

  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Whilst information has been published on the impact, severity and causes of incidents involving medicines in care homes, it has not been systematically described. This review explored whether coroners\' Preventing Future Death (PFD) reports involving medicines for people living in care homes could add to this evidence base.
    METHODS: PFD reports made publicly available between 2017 and 2021 classified as \'care home-related deaths\' were reviewed. Reports describing medicines and/or medicines processes were identified. Contributory factors within these reports were then identified.
    RESULTS: Within the timeframe, 156 reports were published, and 25 described medicines (n = 27) or medicines processes (n = 5) concerning people living in care homes. The impact of medicines and/or medicines processes was quantified as no impact (n = 7), contributory (n = 6) and direct (n = 14) per report. Two key themes emerged. Four deaths had an association between their falls risk, prescribed anticoagulants, and the failure of the service to seek timely emergency care following a fall and two deaths concerned endocrine medicines, where people refused insulin or blood sugar monitoring and staff did not seek timely advice.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated PFD reports provide an insight into the potential association between medicines, and other aspects of the person\'s care in causing harm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: COVID-19 spread rapidly in UK care homes for older people in the early pandemic. National infection control recommendations included remote resident assessment. A region in North-West England introduced a digital COVID-19 symptom tracker for homes to identify early signs of resident deterioration to facilitate care responses. We examined the implementation, uptake and use of the tracker in care homes across four geographical case study localities in the first year of the pandemic.
    METHODS: This was a rapid, mixed-methods, multi-locality case study. Tracker uptake was calculated using the number of care homes taking up the tracker as a proportion of the total number of care homes in a locality. Mean tracker use was summarised at locality level and compared. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals involved in tracker implementation and used to explore implementation factors across localities. Template Analysis with the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) guided the interpretation of qualitative data.
    RESULTS: Uptake varied across the four case study localities ranging between 13.8 and 77.8%. Tracker use decreased in all localities over time at different rates, with average use ranging between 18 and 58%. The implementation context differed between localities and the process of implementation deviated over time from the initially planned strategy, for stakeholder engagement and care homes\' training. Four interpretative themes reflected the most influential factors appearing to affect tracker uptake and use: (1) the process of implementation, (2) implementation readiness, (3) clarity of purpose/perceived value and (4) relative priority in the context of wider system pressures.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study findings resonate with the digital solutions evidence base prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting three key factors that can inform future development and implementation of rapid digital responses in care home settings even in times of crisis: an incremental approach to implementation with testing of organisational readiness and attention to implementation climate, particularly the innovation\'s fit with local contexts (i.e. systems, infrastructure, work processes and practices); involvement of end-users in innovation design and development; and enabling users\' easy access to sustained, high-quality, appropriate training and support to enable staff to adapt to digital solutions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Rapid response services provide opportunities for older people living with frailty to remain in their own homes during an episode of deteriorating health. The government has announced additional funding to increase capacity and responsiveness for these services through the Ageing Well programme as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. Older people living with frailty are particularly at risk of the adverse effects of a hospital admission and evidence is emerging of the benefits of enhanced healthcare support to allow them to remain in their own home. The Hospital at Home model offers short-term, targeted interventions at acute hospital level care that can provide a truly person-centred experience within the home. This article describes a Rapid Response and Treatment service for older people living in care homes in Berkshire West and shares Sid\'s story to demonstrate how such a service is delivered. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented additional challenges and opportunities that highlight the ongoing need for the development of services that will support older people to prioritise what matters to them most.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Up to 80% of care home residents have dementia. Ensuring this workforce is appropriately trained is of international concern. Research indicates variable impact of training on a range of resident and staff outcomes. Little is still known about the most effective approaches to the design, delivery and implementation of dementia training. This study aimed to investigate the features and contextual factors associated with an effective approach to care home staff training on dementia.
    An embedded, collective case study was undertaken in three care home provider organisations who had responded to a national training audit. Data collected included individual or small group interviews with training leads, facilitators, staff attending training, managers, residents and their relatives. Observations of care practice were undertaken using Dementia Care Mapping. Training delivery was observed and training materials audited. A within case analysis of each site, followed by cross case analysis using convergence coding was undertaken.
    All sites provided bespoke, tailored training, delivered largely using face-to-face, interactive methods, which staff and managers indicated were valuable and effective. Self-study booklets and on-line learning where were used, were poorly completed and disliked by staff. Training was said to improve empathy, knowledge about the lived experience of dementia and the importance of considering and meeting individual needs. Opportunities to continually reflect on learning and support to implement training in practice were valued and felt to be an essential component of good training. Practice developments as a result of training included improved communication, increased activity, less task-focussed care and increased resident well-being. However, observations indicated positive well-being and engagement was not a consistent experience across all residents in all sites. Barriers to training attendance and implementation were staff time, lack of dedicated training space and challenges in gaining feedback on training and its impact. Facilitators included a supportive organisational ethos and skilled training facilitation.
    Effective training is tailored to learners\', delivered face-to-face by an experienced facilitator, is interactive and is embedded within a supportive organisational culture/ethos. Further research is needed on the practical aspects of sustainable and impactful dementia training delivery and implementation in care home settings.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the CCSEP on care home staff in two care settings for older people in one nursing home and one residential home.
    BACKGROUND: Care homes provide personal care and accommodation for older people. The English Dementia Strategy aims to improve the quality of service provision for people with dementia. This includes specific mention of improving the quality of life in care homes and as such includes objectives related to developing the workforce knowledge and skills. The Ladder to the Moon Culture Change Studio Engagement Programme (CCSEP) is a staff training approach based on the Positive Psychology framework that uses theatre- and film-based activities.
    METHODS: This study used a wait-list controlled design. However, the data analysis plan was amended to reflect difficulties in data collection, and a quasi-experimental case study approach was consequently utilised. Outcome measures for staff attitudes and beliefs were as follows: Sense of Competence in Dementia Care Staff; Approaches to Dementia Questionnaire; Job Satisfaction Index; Brief Learning Transfer System Inventory; and Scale of Positive and Negative Experience. The Quality of Interaction Schedule (QUIS) was used to observe changes in staff-resident interaction.
    RESULTS: Fifty staff in two care homes completed the questionnaires and forty-one undertook formal CCSEP training. In Home A (nursing home), there was no significant change in any of the measures. In Home B (residential home), the QUIS showed an increase in positive interactions post intervention; a significant increase in the Building Relationship subscale of Sense of Competence; and a significant increase in staff sense of hopefulness towards people with dementia. The Brief Learning Transfer System Inventory showed a significant decrease post-intervention. The intervention did not significantly affect the happiness or job satisfaction of care home staff.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study provide tentative evidence about the efficacy of this staff training programme. Some significant improvement in staff attitudes to people with dementia, staff sense of competence and positive staff-resident interactions were found in one of two homes. It is likely that the organisational problems affecting the other care home limited the implementation and therefore efficacy of the intervention there. The results therefore suggest that when a supportive management structure is in place, CCSEP may be more effective in improving staff attitudes, sense of competence and interactions with residents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article will explore a clinical case study of a home visit carried out by the case manager nurse. In this case, we will discuss the dilemma of finding the balance between autonomy and beneficence from the perspective of principlist ethics, virtue ethics and the \'ethics of care\'. The main conflict in this case study deals with all proposals are unsuitable and it is not necessary for a nurse to pay him a home visit, whereas for the healthcare system it is considered necessary. We could conclude that, during the home visit, the case manager aspires to achieve excellence, and throughout his clinical relationship with Francesc, searches for a series of virtues, respecting certain fundamental principles. In this way, the case managers ensure that Jaume\'s care is more humanised. The case has been anonymised and confidentiality maintained.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This paper examines the use of structured Palliative Care Case Conferences in long-term care. The issues families bring to the Palliative Care Case Conference, their level of distress prior to the conference, the extent to which these issues are addressed by staff and family satisfaction with this process are described.
    BACKGROUND: In most developed countries, up to 30% of older people die in long-term care. A palliative approach generally refers to the resident and family as the \'unit of care\'. Interventions, which include family in palliative care, are required in this setting.
    METHODS: Descriptive and thematic results from the intervention arm of a pre-post, sequential mixed method study.
    METHODS: Examination of documents of 32 resident/family dyads participating in a Palliative Care Case Conference, and interviews with the residents\' family postintervention.
    RESULTS: Main concerns raised by family members prior to a Palliative Care Case Conference were physical and medical needs, pain, end-of-life care planning and nutrition and hydration. Families rated a high level of concern, 7.5 on a 10-point rating scale, prior to the Palliative Care Case Conference. A formalised Palliative Care Case Conference process ensured issues relating to end-of-life care planning, pastoral care, pain and comfort and physical and medical needs were well documented by staff. Issues relating to care processes and the family role in care were less well documented. All families, interviewed postintervention, recommended Palliative Care Case Conferences; and over 90% of families felt their issues were addressed to their satisfaction. Families also reported an increased understanding of the resident\'s current and future care.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Palliative Care Case Conference in long-term care provides an important platform for family to voice concerns. Palliative Care Case Conference documentation indicates that staff are attending to these issues, although more reference to concerns relating to care processes and the family role could be made.
    CONCLUSIONS: Increased communication between staff and family, in the form of a Palliative Care Case Conference, may reduce stress, anxiety and unwanted hospitalisations during the palliative phase.





