C - fos
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pain experience increases individuals\' perception and contagion of others\' pain, but whether pain experience affects individuals\' affiliative or antagonistic responses to others\' pain is largely unknown. Additionally, the neural mechanisms underlying how pain experience modulates individuals\' responses to others\' pain remain unclear. In this study, we explored the effects of pain experience on individuals\' responses to others\' pain and the underlying neural mechanisms. By comparing locomotion, social, exploration, stereotyped, and anxiety-like behaviors of mice without any pain experience (naïve observers) and mice with a similar pain experience (experienced observers) when they observed the pain-free demonstrator with intraperitoneal injection of normal saline and the painful demonstrator with intraperitoneal injection of acetic acid, we found that pain experience of the observers led to decreased social avoidance to the painful demonstrator. Through whole-brain c-Fos quantification, we discovered that pain experience altered neuronal activity and enhanced functional connectivity in the mouse brain. The analysis of complex network and graph theory exhibited that functional connectivity networks and activated hub regions were altered by pain experience. Together, these findings reveal that neuronal activity and functional connectivity networks are involved in the modulation of individuals\' responses to others\' pain by pain experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Distinguishing familiar from novel stimuli is critical in many animals\' activities, and procedures based on this ability are among the most exploited in translational research in rodents. However, recognition learning and the underlying brain substrates remain unclear outside a few mammalian species. Here, we investigated one-trial recognition learning for olfactory stimuli in a teleost fish using a behavioural and molecular approach. With our behavioural analysis, we found that zebrafish can learn to recognise a novel odour after a single encounter and then, discriminate between this odour and a different one provided that the molecular structure of the cues is relatively differentiated. Subsequently, by expression analysis of immediate early genes in the main brain areas, we found that the telencephalon was activated when zebrafish encountered a familiar odour, whereas the hypothalamus and the optic tectum were activated in response to the novel odour. Overall, this study provided evidence of single-trial spontaneous learning of novel odours in a teleost fish and the presence of multiple neural substrates involved in the process. These findings are promising for the development of zebrafish models to investigate cognitive functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Although the co-occurrence of interstitial cystitis (IC) and endometriosis (ENDO) is remarkably high, the exact pathophysiology for this co-occurrence is unknown. The convergence of the inputs from the involved structures to the same neuronal centers may suggest neuronal hyperexcitability as a mechanism for this co-occurrence.
    METHODS: The present study aimed to investigate the association between IC and ENDO, by studying the changes in brainstem responses to cystometry in a rat model of ENDO and cyclophosphamide (CYP)-induced IC using c-fos immunohistochemistry.
    RESULTS: Following cystometry the brainstem areas that had significant increase in c-fos expression in ENDO alone included: periaqueductal gray (PAG) nuclei, dorsal raphe nucleus, raphe obscurus nucleus, kolliker- Fuse areas, and area postrema. However, the brainstem areas that had increased significantly in the c-fos expression in the ENDO and CYP treated animals included: gigantocellular nucleus, lateral paragigantocellular nucleus, caudoventrolateral nucleus, rostroventrolateral/caudoventrolateral nucleus, lateral reticular nucleus, locus coeruleus, lateral PAG, raphe pallidus nucleus, raphe magnus nucleus, rostroventrolateral nucleus, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and solitary tract nucleus. Whereas only lateral parabrachial nucleus showed significant increase in c-fos expression in CYP treated animals alone.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study demonstrate the overlap of brainstem nuclei that are excited by urinary bladder under ENDO and IC conditions. The pattern of hyperexcitability of the brainstem nuclei may help in understating the pathophysiology of IC and ENDO conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    B-vitamins have been evaluated as a useful adjuvant therapy to treat pain. In spite of clinical and experimental evidence indicating the analgesic effect of B-vitamins, few studies have investigated their effect on aspects of the inflammatory pain response. In the present study, we investigated the analgesic effect of chronic application of B-complex vitamins (Neurobion) using an inflammatory experimental pain model in rats. Nociceptive behavioral responses were evaluated in male Wistar rats after plantar injection of formalin, comparing the treatment group (TG) with Neurobion pretreatment to the control group (CG) without the pretreatment. In addition, neuronal activity in the central pain pathway was evaluated using c-Fos immunohistochemical reactivity and NADPH-d histochemistry. A highly significant reduction of painful behaviors such as licking and flinching were observed in TG, especially during the secondary phase of the formalin test compared to CG. Results suggest that long-term pre-treatment using Neurobion can have a beneficial effect in reducing the chronic phase of pain. In addition, we observed a downregulation of c-Fos and NADPH-d in dorsal spinal neurons, suggesting that the antinociceptive effect induced by Neurobion could be due to a suppression of nociceptive transmission at the spinal level, particularly in the afferent regions of the dorsal spinal horn, which these neurons utilizing nitric oxide at least as one of their pain neurotransmitters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Although recent literature provides increasing evidence concerning urinary bladder innervation by vagal afferents, the functional aspects and the conditions at which these afferents are recruited are still unclear.
    METHODS: In the present study, the neuronal responses of nodose ganglion following cystometry, under different models of rat\'s urinary bladder irritation, cyclophosphamide (CYP), cyclophosphamide with cervical vagotomy (Vx), chronic HCl, and acute HCl, were investigated using c-fos immunohistochemistry.
    RESULTS: The c-fos expression in the nodose ganglion, following cystometry, was increased significantly in the CYP and chronic-HCl groups compared to the intact, Vx, and acute-HCl groups. In addition, the acute-HCl group showed a significant increase compared to intact animals. Following cervical vagotomy, the expression in the Vx group decreased significantly compared to the CYP group, but was significantly higher than that in the intact group.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate the innervation of the vagus afferents to the urinary bladder. This innervation is activated under urinary bladder irritation conditions, which may indicate a possible role of the vagus nerve during urinary bladder pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ethanol activates various opioid peptide-containing circuits within the brain that may underlie its motivational and rewarding effects. One component of this circuitry consists of neurons located in the arcuate nucleus (ArcN) of the hypothalamus which express pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), an opioid precursor peptide that is cleaved to form bioactive fragments including β-endorphin and α-melanocyte stimulating hormone. In this study, we sought to determine if ethanol intake activates ArcN POMC neurons as measured by expression of the immediate early gene c-fos. Male and female POMC-EGFP mice underwent drinking-in-the-dark (DID) procedures for 3 consecutive days (2 h/day) and were allowed to consume either ethanol (20% v/v), saccharin (0.2% w/v), or water. On the fourth day of DID procedures, animals were allowed to consume their respective solutions for 20 min, and 1 h following the session brains were harvested and processed for c-fos immunohistochemistry and co-localization with EGFP. Our results indicate that ethanol intake activates a subset (~15-20%) of ArcN POMC neurons, whereas saccharin or water intake activates significantly fewer (~5-12%) of these neurons. The percent of activated POMC neurons did not correlate with blood ethanol levels at the time of tissue collection, and activation appeared to be distributed throughout the rostrocaudal axis of the ArcN. No sex differences were observed in the degree of neuronal activation across drinking solutions. These findings indicate a preferential activation of ArcN POMC neurons by ethanol consumption, strengthening the notion that ethanol activates endogenous opioid systems in the brain which may underlie its motivational properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ethanol (EtOH) has been linked to neurotoxic effects on the fetus and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) has a negative impact on brain neurodevelopment. Therefore, the present study was aimed to focus on the underlying mechanisms of alcohol-induced oxidative stress and apoptotic cell death in addition to shedding the light on the modulatory effect of nanocurcumin in rats\' offspring prefrontal cortices. The current study investigated the effects of prenatal maternal exposure to EtOH intragastric (i.g.) administration of 0.015 mL/g of a 10 % v/v ethanol solution throughout gestation and the concomitant use of nanocurcumin, on 21-day-old offspring Wistar rat prefrontal cortex parameters. CYP2E1, DBN1, DNMT1, miRNA-335, miRNA-21, c-Fos and Cox-2 gene expression as well as the accompanying histological and ultrastructural alterations were assessed. The implemented experimental setting has revealed that ethanol exposure caused significant alterations in the above mentioned parameters. Changes observed in nanocurcumin-treated animals were significantly different to the ethanol-treated group when nanocurcumin was concomitantly administered.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The interpeduncular nucleus (>1840) (IPN) has been shown to modulate the behavioral effects of nicotine withdrawal in male rodents. To date, the contribution of this brain structure to sex differences in withdrawal is largely unexplored.
    This study compared neuronal activation, as reported by observable Fos expression in the IPN of nicotine-dependent female and male rats experiencing withdrawal. We provisionally localized the Fos-expressing cells to certain IPN subnuclei within Swanson\'s standardized brain atlas (2018). Adult female and male rats were prepared with a pump that delivered nicotine (3.2 mg/kg/day; base) continuously. Controls received a sham surgery. Fourteen days later, the rats received administration of saline or the nicotinic receptor antagonist, mecamylamine (3.0 mg/kg; salt), and physical signs and anxiety-like behavior were assessed. The rats were then euthanized and brain sections containing the IPN were processed for Fos immunofluorescence to infer the possible IPN subnuclei displaying differential activation between sexes.
    Both female and male rats displayed withdrawal-induced Fos expression within the IPN. Compared to males, female rats displayed greater numbers of withdrawal-induced Fos-positive cells within a circumscribed portion of the IPN that may fall within the cytoarchitectural boundaries of the central subnucleus (>1840) (IPNc). The withdrawal-induced activation of the IPN was correlated with negative affective states in females, but not males.
    These data suggest that a centrally located group of IPN cells, presumably situated partly or completely within the IPNc, play a role in modulating sex differences in negative affective states produced by withdrawal.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The transcription factor c-Fos controls the differentiation of osteoclasts and is expressed in periodontal ligament cells after mechanical stimulation in vitro. However, it is unclear how c-Fos regulates orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) in vivo. The aim of this study was therefore to analyse OTM in transgenic mice with overexpression of c-Fos.
    METHODS: We employed c-Fos transgenic mice (c-Fos tg) and wild-type littermates (WT) in a model of OTM induced by Nitinol tension springs that were bonded between the left first maxillary molars and the upper incisors. The unstimulated contralateral side served as an internal control. Mice were analysed by contact radiography, micro-computed tomography, decalcified histology and histochemistry.
    RESULTS: Our analysis of the unstimulated side revealed that alveolar bone and root morphology were similar between c-Fos tg and control mice. However, we observed more osteoclasts in the alveolar bone of c-Fos tg mice as tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive cells were increased by 40%. After 12 days of OTM, c-Fos tg mice exhibited 62% increased tooth movement as compared with WT mice. Despite the faster tooth movement, c-Fos tg and WT mice displayed the same amount of root resorption. Importantly, we did not observe orthodontically induced tissue necrosis (i.e. hyalinization) in c-Fos tg mice, while this was a common finding in WT mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overexpression of c-Fos accelerates tooth movement without causing more root resorption.
    CONCLUSIONS: Accelerated tooth movement must not result in more root resorption as higher tissue turnover may decrease the amount of mechanically induced tissue necrosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The production of new neurons and their incorporation into preexisting neuronal circuits occur throughout adulthood in the olfactory bulb and the hippocampal dentate gyrus of the mammalian brain. To determine whether the adult-born neurons are engaged in the acquisition and retrieval of olfactory associative memory, we developed and validated a single-trial olfactory fear conditioning protocol in mice which allows to detect activation of newborn neurons during a specific episode of memory acquisition. Using c-Fos mapping of neuronal activity, we then examined the activation of new and preexisting neurons during training and testing sessions. We found that a single trial of olfactory fear conditioning did not lead to a significant increase in the number of c-Fos-positive granule cells (GCs) of the olfactory bulb and the dentate gyrus. However, the activity of these two cell populations was dramatically increased during memory retrieval. Activation of neurons in the dentate gyrus during memory retrieval was observed mainly in the suprapyramidal blade. In the olfactory bulb, 1.6-2.7% of newborn GCs marked with thymidine analogues (2, 4, and 6 weeks old) expressed c-Fos during memory retrieval, while in the dentate gyrus no newborn neurons were found among the c-Fos-positive cells. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that adult-born GCs of the olfactory bulb are less involved in odor-cued associative fear memory than in odor-cued operant behavior memory.





