bystander intervention

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Examination of situations in which bystanders missed intervention opportunities to prevent sexual assault can advance our understanding of how bystanders can prevent sexual assault. The present study utilized an incident-specific approach based on reports from 427 female sexual assault victims (ages 18-25 years) recruited via Mechanical Turk. Results indicate that bystanders had an opportunity to intervene before 23% of sexual assaults, alcohol use in settings with bystanders was widespread (by perpetrators, victims, and bystanders), and several factors were more common in situations involving missed intervention opportunity. Findings provide useful information for continued development of bystander training and new directions in bystander research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Well known in popular culture, the 1964 murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York, became famous because not one of an alleged 38 bystanders called police until it was too late. Within psychology, this singular event inspired the study of bystander intervention. With the spotlight of history focused on Ms. Genovese and bystanders, other events, also profound for what they tell us about human social behavior, have escaped public notice. Based on archival records and current interviews, this article describes the three issues linked to Genovese. First, three false confessions, taken from two individuals, led to their wrongful convictions and imprisonment. One of these individuals was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in Miranda v. Arizona (1966); the other individual is alive and well and wants to clear his name. Second, the narrative of the unresponsive bystander was initiated by police, not by journalists, in response to probing questions about one of these confessions. Finally, there is the ironic fact, which somehow has slipped through the cracks, that the killer of Genovese was ultimately captured as a result of the intervention of two bystanders.





