asylum seekers

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the existence of significant research on the mental health care challenges of migrants, particularly refugees and asylum seekers, less attention has been paid to treatment approaches. We used a case study from the UK to look at the topic from a cultural models approach (which comes from cognitive anthropology) to analyse migrants\' experiences with mental health care. Twenty-five refugees and asylum seekers living in North East England and Northern Ireland were interviewed who had used at least six sessions of talking therapy during the last three years. Our results suggested that adopting a \'cultural models\' approach, which offers a new conceptual and methodological framework of migrants\' experiences and their underlying schemas and expectations, would significantly contribute to building therapeutic alliances and provide relevant and appropriate treatments for migrant clients, particularly for unrecognised pre- and post-migration traumatic experiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Labor exploitation of agricultural migrant workers is a well-documented phenomenon by investigations and field research in several Italian regions, both in the North and the South. Despite the agri-food excellencies of the \"Made in Italy\" brand being a source of pride for Italian entrepreneurship, including the viticulture sector, evidence shows that many of these products are the result of different levels of illegal recruitment and labor exploitation. In this article, the authors analyze the impact of recent waves of vulnerable migrants entering the Italian labor market and present the results of a qualitative field research, conducted in Tuscany between 2021 and 2022. Through 60 interviews with exploited migrant workers and 40 interviews with relevant stakeholders, the authors focus on the recruitment process of vulnerable migrants into the agriculture sector and the labor conditions granted to them regardless of their particular migratory status. The article concludes with the analysis of the peculiarities of the Tuscan case study, characterized by the presence of a legal system of labor exploitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants without status experience precarious living and working conditions that disproportionately expose them to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In the two most populous Canadian provinces (Quebec and Ontario), to reduce the vulnerability factors experienced by the most marginalized migrants, the public and community sectors engage in joint coordination efforts called intersectoral collaboration. This collaboration ensures holistic care provisioning, inclusive of psychosocial support, assistance to address food security, and educational and employment assistance. This research project explores how community and public sectors collaborated on intersectoral initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic to support refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants without status in the cities of Montreal, Sherbrooke, and Toronto, and generates lessons for a sustainable response to the heterogeneous needs of these migrants.
    METHODS: This theory-informed participatory research is co-created with socioculturally diverse research partners (refugees, asylum seekers and migrants without status, employees of community organizations, and employees of public organizations). We will utilize Mirzoev and Kane\'s framework on health systems\' responsiveness to guide the four phases of a qualitative multiple case study (a case being an intersectoral initiative). These phases will include (1) building an inventory of intersectoral initiatives developed during the pandemic, (2) organizing a deliberative workshop with representatives of the study population, community, and public sector respondents to select and validate the intersectoral initiatives, (3) interviews (n = 80) with community and public sector frontline workers and managers, municipal/regional/provincial policymakers, and employees of philanthropic foundations, and (4) focus groups (n = 80) with refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants without status. Qualitative data will be analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings will be used to develop discussion forums to spur cross-learning among service providers.
    CONCLUSIONS: This research will highlight the experiences of community and public organizations in their ability to offer responsive services for refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants without status in the context of a pandemic. We will draw lessons learnt from the promising practices developed in the context of COVID-19, to improve services beyond times of crisis. Lastly, we will reflect upon our participatory approach-particularly in relation to the engagement of refugees and asylum seekers in the governance of our research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic the scientific community had expressed its concerns about increased transmission of the virus within asylum seeker accommodation centers due to substandard living conditions and poor sanitation. Studies regarding management of Covid-19 cases in such facilities are urgently needed in order to guide international strategies on future pandemics within the humanitarian setting. Our study\'s paradigm of Covid-19 case management in a Greek migrant camp aims to add on existing data.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective analysis of epidemiological and demographical data collected as part of a healthcare intervention in a Greek migrant camp during three Covid-19 epidemic waves is presented in this study. Descriptive statistics were generated using STATA 12.
    UNASSIGNED: During the first wave, the camp\'s administration adopted a 2-month strict lockdown strategy and no positive cases were recorded. During the second wave, suspected coronavirus cases were referred for PCR testing and, in case of positivity were hospitalized. 3% (n = 28) of the camp\'s population were referred for PCR, with 1% of the population (n = 10) being tested positive for Covid-19 and admitted to hospital. Close contacts of positive cases were encouraged to comply with non-pharmaceutical interventions and were offered medical care if symptoms developed. During the third epidemic wave, in-camp management was decided by on-site operators, with rapid antigen testing of symptomatic individuals, daily monitoring of positive cases by the medical team and mass screening of their closed contacts. 4% (n = 33) of the camp\'s residents were tested positive, while none was hospitalized. 19% (n = 148) of the camp\'s population were considered close contacts, were advised to self-isolate and were offered mass screening with rapid antigen test, from which another 21 positive cases emerged. In total, 7% (n = 54) of the camp population, (n = 21) female adults, (n = 24) male adults and (n = 9) children, were infected with SARS-CoV-2 during the third epidemic wave, with no deaths being recorded. During the study period, only 50 residents had received one dose of Covid-19 vaccines.
    UNASSIGNED: We recommend an in-camp Covid-19 response featuring regular follow up of positive cases and prompt referral to tertiary centers based on clinical criteria, while overemphasizing the need for equitable access to primary healthcare for asylum seekers in Greece, primarily during the current pandemic. Prolonged camp lockdowns should be avoided as they pose substantial health risks for their vulnerable population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The complex mental health needs of refugee and asylum seeker (RAS) communities, often resulting from past trauma, are not met by overburdened and inadequate service provision. Pre-displacement, in-transit, and post-settlement traumas create a specific set of mental health needs which underfunded mental health services often cannot meet, despite the illusion of access to a range of services. This paper aims to explore how a range of stakeholders responded to inadequate provision at the local level. Interviews and focus groups with regional stakeholders, charities and RAS community groups, which were conducted as part of wider mixed-methods project on international migration in Northern England, revealed several gaps in provision. Findings indicate that charities and community groups are often left to fill the gap and provide signposting and liaison with local authorities. However, these groups are often ill-equipped to provide sufficient support but the absence of commissioned services leaves limited options. We conclude by suggesting that further research is necessary on trauma, RAS communities, and the pathways to mental health support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Despite concerns about the impact of the severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) in refugee camps, data on attack rates and effectiveness of containment measures are lacking. We aimed to (1) quantify the attack rate of SARS-CoV-2 during outbreaks in reception and accommodation centres in Germany during the first pandemic wave, (2) assess differences in the attack rate based on containment measures, and (3) provide an overview of testing strategies, communication, conflicts, and protection measures for refugees with special needs.
    METHODS: Systematic web-based review of outbreak media reports (until June 2020) on confirmed SARS-CoV-2 cases in reception centres for asylum seekers in Germany using the google search engine. Reports were screened for pre-defined inclusion criteria and complemented by snowball searches. Data on facility name, location, confirmed cases, containment measures, communication, protection strategies, and conflicts was extracted for each outbreak and reporting date. Evidence synthesis: meta-analysis and negative binomial regression.
    RESULTS: We identified 337 media reports on 101 SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in 99 reception and accommodation centres in Germany. The pooled SARS-CoV-2 attack rate was 13.1% (95% confidence interval, CI: 9.8-16.7). Outbreak sites implementing mass quarantine (n = 76) showed higher rates (15.7; 95% CI: 11.6-20.2) compared to sites using conventional strategies (6.6; 95% CI: 3.1-11.2), yielding a rate ratio of 0.44 (95% CI: 0.27-0.72) adjusted for testing strategies, type and size of accommodation. Conflicts occurred in at least 11.8% of all outbreaks. Few sites reported specific measures to protect refugees with special needs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Mass quarantine is associated with higher attack rates, and appears to be a counter-productive containment measure in overcrowded camps, but further research with individual-level data is required to rule out residual confounding. Despite available vaccines, reception centres and refugee camps should follow the available guidelines on COVID-19 response and refrain from mass quarantine if physical distancing cannot be guaranteed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asylum seekers and refugees are constantly increasing worldwide because of human rights\' violations and political-related abuses. As a result, some of them show scars due to torture and other forms of maltreatments. In addition, they may also present scars due to ethnical practices, namely ritual scarifications. This case study presents a victim who did not give consent to perform such ethnical practices on her body. The authors aim to enlighten the difficulty to understand the origin and the purpose of these specific injuries and the importance to know how to distinguish them from other forms of abuse. Indeed, it appears that such lesions follow a cultural path, meaning that the lesions are performed methodically and may show macroscopic differences compared to others. The story narrated by the victim can be helpful for the experts\' assessment, regardless, they may present memory-loss issues. This represents the value of a correct injuries\' diagnosis and the importance of cultural anthropology-related analyses. The cultural and social background are relevant since the injuries have their own signification because of their symbolism. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach with a cultural anthropologist may have the possibility to help the forensic experts in understanding and interpreting such stories fostering their ability to better assess asylum seekers stories and their reliability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Twenty-five years ago, the need for health care interpreting in Switzerland increased due to the sharp influx of asylum seekers from war zones and countries of political unrest. Due to complex health needs, there was a need to move away from using volunteers as interpreters towards qualified interpreter services.
    METHODS: A historical qualitative case study design was used to describe the evolution of the language assistance programmes at Geneva University Hospitals, between 1992 and 2017. The aim was to map the evolution of the interpreter services against the Bilingual Health Communication Model with the constructs-Communicative Goals, Individual Agency, System Norms and Quality and Equality of Care-while identifying key factors to optimise interpreter service and patient care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Five phases were identified during the 25 years of service evolution studied: (1) Service initiation-the interpreter services were first used in a small service that cared for refugees and asylum seekers. (2) Growth and formalisation-due to the arrival of high numbers of Albanian-speaking asylum seekers, Albanian-speaking interpreters were provided to all departments of the Geneva University Hospitals. This helped roll out the use of interpreters among doctors and nurses. (3) Ensuring quality-the care for all patients, whether foreign-language speaking or not, became an issue and led to research into the quality of patient-provider communication. (4) Institutionalisation-this phase dealt with challenges including the lack of interpreter financing regulation and the clarification of interpreter roles. (5) Equity-healthcare interpreter services were put in an overall framework of equity standards. The Bilingual Health Communication Model was applied and showed that some items were not implemented: clear shifts (i) towards a culturally sensitive focus, (ii) towards community interpreting, (iii) towards triadic communication, (iv) towards spelling out the right to have an interpreter and (v) towards the involvement of insurance companies. Finally, the inclusion of healthcare interpreting as an essential ingredient in healthcare provision, including chronic disease management, is incomplete or missing.
    CONCLUSIONS: Healthcare interpreting at Geneva University Hospitals has evolved from a \'muddling-through\' approach towards an institutional approach by addressing quality of care, by focussing on the mental health of asylum seekers, training of both interpreters and users of interpreters and institutional policy based on equity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pregnant women and new mothers seeking asylum are highly vulnerable and have special needs, yet there is dearth of research related to this group in Germany. This paper reports on material circumstances and behavioural factors as social determinants of asylum seekers\' health during pregnancy and early motherhood. The study aim was to gain in-depth insights into these women\'s experiences and perceived needs with a focus on material circumstances whilst living in state-provided accommodation in one federal state in Southern Germany.
    METHODS: A qualitative, prospective approach was taken with individual semi-structured interviews of participants during pregnancy and up to the six-week postnatal assessment, aiming at interviewing each woman twice during pregnancy and once after giving birth. Two female interviewers performed interviews assisted by female professional interpreters on the telephone. Interviews were recorded digitally and transcribed verbatim. An inductive approach was taken to perform content analysis of interview material.
    RESULTS: 21 interviews were performed with nine women seeking asylum in pregnancy and early motherhood. Content analysis of women\'s perceived health-related needs revealed significant health challenges due to considerable constraints in two major themes each with associated categories: a) material circumstances and b) behavioural factors. Participants\' experiences of living conditions included significant challenges in terms of housing and neighbourhood quality e.g. poor hygiene standards with fear of disease and restless sleep due to threats of violence. Consumption potential was severely limited because of a minimal living allowance. Food was a major preoccupation for all participants. Catering services in state-provided accommodation were perceived as unsatisfactory and neglecting religious practices. Institutional food provided adequate calorific intake but participants reported loss of appetite due to bland food, limited variety, little choice and unfamiliar tastes. Self-catering was prohibited further exacerbating this problem.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant asylum seekers and new mothers living in state-provided accommodation experienced major restrictions related to material circumstances in this study. Key results identified housing and neighbourhood quality, consumption potential and nutrition as social determinants of health which women perceived to adversely affect their health, especially during pregnancy and early motherhood.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We sought to evaluate the frequency of anxiety, depression, PTSD, and any experiences of violence in women who had undergone Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) and were seeking asylum in the United States. We undertook a retrospective qualitative descriptive study of FGM/C cases seen in an asylum clinic over a 2-year period. Standardized questionnaires provided quantitative scores for anxiety, depression and PTSD. Clients\' personal and physician medical affidavits were analyzed for experiences of violence. Of the 13 cases, anxiety and depression were exhibited by 92 and 100% of women, while all seven women screened for PTSD had symptoms. Qualitative analysis revealed extensive violence perpetrated against these women, demonstrating that FGM/C is only part of the trauma experienced. The high level of mental health disorders and endured violence has implications for providers working with FGM/C survivors and indicates the need for accessible mental health services and trauma-informed care.





