animal testing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The IQ Consortium\'s DruSafe Leadership Group previously reported results of a nonclinical to clinical translational database for First-In-Human (FIH)-enabling animal toxicology studies. We have completed an additional translational database populated with longer duration (>1 month) animal toxicology studies and longer duration (Phase 2 and beyond) clinical trials. The blinded database was composed of 127 molecules. Animal and clinical data were categorized by organ system and animal model (e.g. rodent, dog). The 2 × 2 contingency table (true positive, false positive, true negative, false negative) was used for statistical analysis and both the positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were determined. As also reported in the FIH database, the NPV was the strongest predictive performance measure at 96 %. The PPV was lower than the FIH database with the rodent at 29 %, dog at 21 % and NHP at 20 %. No new additional target organs were observed in 62 % of the entries. A new target organ was identified in 38 % of the entries, with the majority in a rodent (26 %) and fewer in the dog (8 %) or NHP (12 %). However, new target organ data resulted in only a PPV of 13 %, suggesting that current ICH requirements for longer duration animal general toxicology studies should be re-evaluated and better aligned with the 3Rs. A newer paradigm could include an appropriately justified single animal model for longer duration studies, in addition to utilizing New Approach Methods (NAMs) that would provide translational safety data, but additional research is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new accessory was developed to allow implantation of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) without requiring an anastomosis to the ascending aorta. The accessory combines the LVAD inflow and outflow into a dual-lumen device. Initial prototypes encountered reduced pump performance in vitro, but a second-generation prototype successfully addressed this issue. This feasibility study aimed to demonstrate the anatomic fit, safe implantation, and hemodynamic effectiveness of the LVAD with the accessory. The accessory was implanted in ten female pigs (104 ± 13 kg). Following sternotomy and apical coring under cardiopulmonary bypass, a balloon catheter was retrogradely inserted and exteriorized through the coring site, where it was inflated within the distal third of the outflow graft. It was utilized to pull the accessory\'s outflow across the aortic valve. After LVAD attachment, the catheter was removed. Echocardiography revealed no relevant valve regurgitation post-implantation. During ramp testing, pump flow increased from 3.7 ± 1.2 to 5.4 ± 1.2 L/min. Necropsy confirmed correct accessory placement in nine animals. No valve lesions or device thrombosis were observed. The accessory enabled LVAD implantation without compromising pump performance. Future work includes design refinements for implantation without cardiopulmonary bypass and long-term testing in a chronic heart failure model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physiology is a scientific discipline of how people\'s and animals\' bodies function that requires traditionally suitable experimental models that often rely on animals. However, at the end of the 50th of the last century, researchers themselves addressed concerns about the use of animals for biomedical science and physiology in particular. At that time, the so-called 3R strategy was implicated where the three \"R\" stand for replacement, reduction, and refinement. When addressing these concerns, researchers nevertheless realized that a critical dispute about experimental models in the light of the 3R initiative may require further attention to other points such as robustness, registration, reporting, reproducibility, and rigor of the work. The question that has to be addressed now is first whether the use of animals in physiology changed in the post-3R period, whether it led to a replacement, reduction, or refinement of animal handling, and most importantly, how this affected the scientific progress in (patho)physiology. In order to address open questions concerning the relationship between the use of animals and physiological research, complete volumes of the Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology were analyzed every 10 years starting in 1950 and ending in 2020 and compared to volumes of the Journal of Physiology. It analyzed how scientists organize their projects published in the journal and what kind of models they used. The results show that physiological science has dramatically changed in the last 70 years. Replacement, reduction, and refinement were achieved to a certain level. However, during the last years, no further achievement could be seen. It seems that a certain level of animal testing is required for biomedical science and physiology in particular. Physiological studies in the present time are dominated by investigation of the physiological function of small rodents mainly mice and rats with only a few exceptions. The analysis also shows that in the future, researchers must have a critical look at further requirements of their research such as data robustness, improvement of reproducibility of data, and generation of rigor data as a prerequisite to improve our physiological view on life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Lung cancer is the world\'s leading cause of cancer deaths, and diagnosis remains challenging. Lung cancer starts as small nodules; early and accurate diagnosis allows timely surgical resection of malignant nodules while avoiding unnecessary surgery in patients with benign nodules.
    OBJECTIVE: The Cole relaxation frequency (CRF) is a derived electrical bioimpedance signature, which may be utilized to distinguish cancerous tissues from normal tissues.
    METHODS: Human testing ex vivo was conducted with NoduleScan in freshly resected lung tissue from 30 volunteer patients undergoing resection for nonsmall cell lung cancer. The CRF of the tumor and the distant normal lung tissue relative to the tumor were compared to histopathology specimens to establish a potential algorithm for point-of-care diagnosis. For animal testing in vivo, 20 mice were implanted with xenograft human lung cancer tumor cells injected subcutaneously into the right flank of each mouse. Spectral impedance measurements were taken on the tumors on live animals transcutaneously and on the tumors after euthanasia. These CRF measurements were compared to healthy mouse lung tissue. For porcine lung testing ex vivo, porcine lungs were received with the trachea. After removal of the vocal box, a ventilator was attached to pressurize the lung and simulate breathing. At different locations of the lobes, the lung\'s surface was cut to produce a pocket that could accommodate tumors obtained from in vivo animal testing. The tumors were placed in the subsurface of the lung, and the electrode was placed on top of the lung surface directly over the tumor but with lung tissue between the tumor and the electrode. Spectral impedance measurements were taken when the lungs were in the deflated state, inflated state, and also during the inflation-deflation process to simulate breathing.
    RESULTS: Among 60 specimens evaluated in 30 patients, NoduleScan allowed ready discrimination in patients with clear separation of CRF in tumor and distant normal tissue with a high degree of sensitivity (97%) and specificity (87%). In the 25 xenograft small animal model specimens measured, the CRF aligns with the separation observed in the human in vivo measurements. The CRF was successfully measured of tumors implanted into ex vivo porcine lungs, and CRF measurements aligned with previous tests for pressurized and unpressurized lungs.
    CONCLUSIONS: As previously shown in breast tissue, CRF in the range of 1kHz-10MHz was able to distinguish nonsmall cell lung cancer versus normal tissue. Further, as evidenced by in vivo small animal studies, perfused tumors have the same CRF signature as shown in breast tissue and human ex vivo testing. Inflation and deflation of the lung have no effect on the CRF signature. With additional development, CRF derived from spectral impedance measurements may permit point-of-care diagnosis guiding surgical resection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is a European Union regulation that aims to protect human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals. Article 25 clearly states that: \"[i]n order to avoid animal testing, testing on vertebrate animals for the purposes of this Regulation shall be undertaken only as a last resort.\" In practice, however, the standard information requirements under REACH are still primarily filled using animal studies. This paper presents examples illustrating that animal testing is not always undertaken only as a last resort. Six over-arching issues have been identified which contribute to this: (1) non-acceptance of existing animal or non-animal data, (2) non-acceptance of read-across, (3) inflexible administrative processes, (4) redundancy of testing, (5) testing despite animal welfare concerns and (6) testing for cosmetic-only ingredients. We, members of the Animal-Free Safety Assessment (AFSA) Collaboration, who work together to accelerate the global adoption of non-animal approaches for chemical safety assessment, herein propose several recommendations intended to aid the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency and registrants to protect human health and the environment while avoiding unnecessary animal tests - truly upholding the last resort requirement in REACH.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    While the total replacement of animal experimentation was the goal set by the European Directive of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, it has to be said that it is still far from being achieved. The number of animals is not decreasing and alternative methods are struggling to be used. Under pressure from the citizens, the European Commission has just made new commitments to define the stages and specific actions to be put in place to reduce animal testing, a prerequisite for the transition to an animal-free regulatory system. Given the shortcomings and lack of coherence in European policy, mobilising the public is an essential lever for speeding up the implementation of alternative methods.
    UNASSIGNED: Aspects juridiques des méthodes alternatives à l’expérimentation animale.
    UNASSIGNED: Si le remplacement total de l’expérimentation animale était l’objectif visé par la directive européenne du 22 septembre 2010 relative à la protection des animaux utilisés à des fins scientifiques, force est de constater qu’il est encore loin d’être atteint. Le nombre d’animaux ne diminue pas et les méthodes alternatives peinent à être utilisées. La Commission européenne, sous la pression citoyenne, vient de prendre de nouveaux engagements pour définir les étapes et les actions spécifiques à mettre en place pour réduire l’expérimentation animale, condition préalable à la transition vers un système réglementaire sans animaux. Entre dysfonctionnements et manque de cohérence dans la politique européenne, la mobilisation des citoyens représente un levier indispensable à l’accélération de la mise en œuvre des méthodes alternatives.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The use of animals for scientific purposes brings a moral conflict between the necessity for human health and animal rights. Indeed, science has shown that most animals used in research are sentient beings, capable of suffering. Based on the principle of the 3Rs, the European legislation encourages the development of alternative methods to animal testing. French and European public opinions support the development of alternatives and broadly reject the use of animals for scientific purposes when alternatives exist. However, alternative methods to animal testing are still lacking. In order to drastically reduce the use of animals to this end, significant fundings are necessary. As far as this matter is concerned, France comes at the bottom of the class, but the creation of its 3Rs centre gathering all major scientific institutes and launching calls for fundings is a step into the right direction. The European Union funds projects of alternative methods, so do other private stakeholders, such as companies and NGOs. Another matter is the dissemination of alternative methods to scientists so they are aware of these methods. Some French research teams develop innovative methods and try to disseminate them. French and European platforms bring together creators, users and regulators to that end. Funding and disseminating alternative methods to animal testing should be a priority.
    UNASSIGNED: Méthodes alternatives à l’expérimentation animale: un besoin de financement et de diffusion.
    UNASSIGNED: L’utilisation des animaux pour la recherche, l’enseignement et les tests de toxicité des produits engendre un conflit moral entre sa nécessité pour la santé humaine et le respect dû aux animaux. Sur la base du concept des 3R, la législation européenne promeut le développement des méthodes alternatives à l’expérimentation. Le développement de ces méthodes est soutenu par l’opinion publique française et européenne, qui s’oppose globalement à l’expérimentation animale lorsque d’autres méthodes existent. Cependant, les méthodes alternatives sont encore insuffisantes. Pour réduire drastiquement le nombre d’animaux utilisés à des fins scientifiques, des financements importants sont nécessaires. Dans ce domaine, la France fait figure de mauvais élève. Toutefois, la création de son centre 3R, qui réalise des appels à projets, est un signal dans le bon sens. Quant à l’Union européenne, elle finance des projets de méthodes alternatives. D’autres acteurs privés, ONG et entreprises y participent. Un autre enjeu est la diffusion des méthodes alternatives pour que la communauté scientifique s’en empare. En France, des équipes de recherche développent des techniques innovantes. Des plateformes françaises et européennes permettent de rapprocher les concepteurs, les utilisateurs et les régulateurs pour diffuser les méthodes alternatives. Le financement et la diffusion des méthodes doivent se poursuivre et s’accentuer.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Anatomic anomalies in the ascending aorta may impair the implantation and testing of cardiovascular devices in humans and animal models.
    METHODS: We present the rare case of an intra-aortic band in a German Landrace pig. During terminal animal testing, the band hindered the implantation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) with transventricular outflow graft across the aortic valve. After lower partial sternotomy, epicardial echocardiography displayed an intraluminal echogenic structure at the sinotubular junction causing unspecific flow turbulences. Under cardiopulmonary bypass, coring of the left ventricular apex was performed. Due to strong resistance in the proximal aorta, accurate positioning of the transventricular LVAD outflow graft was impossible. After euthanasia, necropsy revealed a fibrous band located at the sinotubular junction, dividing the lumen of the ascending aorta.
    CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of an intra-aortic band represents an extremely rare case of a most likely congenital anomaly. Awareness of such anomalies is important for planning and performing animal testing. Perioperative echocardiography may help to either remove such anomalies or allow discontinuing the procedure prior to device implantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antigen-specific T-cell recognition is restricted by Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules, and differences between CD4 and CD8 immunogenicity in humans and animal species used in preclinical vaccine testing are yet to be fully understood. In this study, we addressed this matter by analyzing experimentally identified epitopes based on published data curated in the Immune Epitopes DataBase (IEDB) database. We first analyzed SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) and nucleoprotein (N), which are two common targets of the immune response and well studied in both human and mouse systems. We observed a weak but statistically significant correlation between human and H-2b mouse T-cell responses (CD8 S specific (r = 0.206, p = 1.37 × 10-13); CD4 S specific (r = 0.118, p = 2.63 × 10-5) and N specific (r = 0.179, p = 2.55 × 10-4)). Due to intrinsic differences in MHC molecules across species, we also investigated the association between the immunodominance of common Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) alleles for which HLA transgenic mice are available, namely, A*02:01, B*07:02, DRB1*01:01, and DRB1*04:01, and found higher significant correlations for both CD8 and CD4 (maximum r = 0.702, p = 1.36 × 10-31 and r = 0.594, p = 3.04-122, respectively). Our results further indicated that some regions are commonly immunogenic between humans and mice (either H-2b or HLA transgenic) but that others are human specific. Finally, we noted a significant correlation between CD8 and CD4 S- (r = 0.258, p = 7.33 × 1021) and N-specific (r = 0.369, p = 2.43 × 1014) responses, suggesting that discrete protein subregions can be simultaneously recognized by T cells. These findings were confirmed in other viral systems, providing general guidance for the use of murine models to test T-cell immunogenicity of viral antigens destined for human use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal testing is required in drug development research and is crucial for assessing the efficacy and safety of medications before they are commercialized. However, the newly furnished Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act 2.0 has given new insight into drug development. It opens a new door by offering an alternative testing method for developing a new drug without using animals. This newly proposed system may potentially significantly impact nondeveloped countries worldwide. In this study, we explore the alternative testing options such as in silico modeling, human tissue-on-chip engineering, animal-free recombinant antibodies, tissue engineering, and artificial intelligence presented by this act and discuss its implications for nondeveloped countries.





