adolescent health

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: The proliferation of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has presented new challenges in public health, particularly among adolescents and young adults. While marketed as safer than tobacco and as cessation aids, e-cigarettes have raised concerns about their long-term health and psychosocial impacts, including potential links to increased suicidal behaviors. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between e-cigarette use and suicidal behaviors by conducting a systematic review of the current literature.
    METHODS: We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and EMBASE for studies up to March 10, 2024, examining the relationship between e-cigarette use and suicidal behaviors. Eligible studies included cross-sectional, longitudinal, retrospective, prospective, and case-control designs. Meta-analysis was performed to calculate pooled odds ratios (ORs). Newcastle Ottawa scale was used to assess the quality of studies. R software (V 4.3) was used to perform the meta-analysis.
    RESULTS: Our analysis included fourteen studies, predominantly from the US and Korea, with participants ranging from 1,151 to 255,887. The meta-analysis identified a significant association between e-cigarette use and an increased risk of suicidal ideation (OR = 1.489, 95% CI: 1.357 to 1.621), suicide attempts (OR = 2.497, 95% CI: 1.999 to 3.996), and suicidal planning (OR = 2.310, 95% CI: 1.810 to 2.810). Heterogeneity was noted among the studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: E-cigarette use is significantly associated with the risk of suicidal behaviors, particularly among adolescents. The findings underscore the necessity for caution in endorsing e-cigarettes as a safer smoking alternative and call for more extensive research to understand the underlying mechanisms. Public health strategies should be developed to address and mitigate the risks of suicidal behaviors among e-cigarette users.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Adolescence is a period of growing independence and maturity, within the period of legal minority. As parents or guardians are socially and legally responsible for adolescents\' medical decisions, shared decision-making in adolescent healthcare could be ethically challenging. This review aims to identify and map the ethical tensions in shared decision-making in adolescent healthcare.
    METHODS: We systematically searched the literature following the PRISMA guidelines to identify relevant articles, which were analyzed using the review of reasons methodology Strech and Sofaer (J Med Ethics 38(2):121-6, 2012).
    RESULTS: We included 38 articles which involved adolescents, healthcare professionals and parents as being the main stakeholders. Shared decision-making was influenced not only by individual stakeholders\' characteristics, but by tensions between stakeholder dyads. Most studies supported the involvement of the adolescent in decision-making, depending on their life experience, decision-making capacity and clinical condition.
    CONCLUSIONS: Shared decision-making in adolescent health is receiving increasing attention. However, questions remain on what this concept entails, the roles and involvement of stakeholders and its practical implementation.
    BACKGROUND: • Although adolescents wish to be involved in health decisions, shared decision-making in adolescents is underexplored • Adolescent shared decision-making is different from pediatric and adult shared decision-making, and is ethically complex due to the adolescent\'s growing autonomy What is new: • Adolescent SDM involves three-way interactions between the adolescent, healthcare professional and parents • In adolescent shared decision-making, involving or excluding a stakeholder and sharing or withholding information are ethically value-laden steps • Research is needed to further understand the roles of adolescents\' personal value systems, extended or reconstituted families and decision aids in shared decision-making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The use of patient-facing health technologies to manage long-term conditions (LTCs) is increasing; however, children and young people (CYP) may have preferences about health technologies which they interact or engage with, that influence their decision to use these technologies.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify CYP\'s reported preferences about health technologies to self-manage LTCs.
    METHODS: We undertook a scoping review, searching MEDLINE, PsycINFO and CINAHL in July 2021. Searches were limited to papers published between January 2015 and July 2021. We included any health technologies used to manage physical and mental LTCs. Qualitative content analysis of study data was undertaken to categorise data into themes and quantitative data were described and visually represented. We engaged CYP with LTCs to support the review design, interpretation of findings and development of recommendations.
    RESULTS: 161 journal articles were included, describing preferences of CYP. Most included studies were undertaken in high-income countries. CYP\'s main preferences and needs were: design and functionality; privacy and sharing; customisation and personalisation of the technology; and interaction options within the technology.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review highlights important preferences and needs that CYP may have before using technologies to self-manage their LTC. These should be considered when developing technology for this population. Future research should involve CYP throughout the development of the technologies, from identifying their unmet needs through to final design, development, evaluation and implementation of the intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Unhealthy diets pose a significant public health risk among European children, contributing to the increasing prevalence of overweight and non-communicable diseases. Children spend a substantial amount of time at school daily, including lunchtime, so the school setting becomes crucial for promoting healthy diets and lifestyle habits. While there is a large body of literature on the impact of school food policies on health and non-health outcomes, it is essential to identify which policies are effective and can be recommended for implementation to ensure the efficient use of resources. This article presents a protocol for a scoping review that aims to map the current published literature on the effects of school food policies on health outcomes, acceptance and affordability in secondary school children in Europe. Moreover, the scoping review will map the measurements used to assess health outcomes, acceptance and affordability.
    METHODS: The scoping review protocol and review follow the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Review. To identify eligible studies, we will search MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and Web of Science. The reference lists of the included articles will be checked for additional studies. In addition, country-specific ministry reports from Member States of the European Union, the UK, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland will be identified. The WHO and European Commission websites will also be searched for relevant reports. The scoping review will include literature published until 20 September 2023. No restrictions to study design and language will be applied. Screening and data extraction will be carried out independently by three reviewers. Disagreements will be resolved by discussion. A pretested data charting table will be used to extract key information. Findings will be presented in tabular and visualised summaries and a narrative summary.
    BACKGROUND: This scoping review does not require ethical approval. Our dissemination strategy comprises peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations and recommendations to policy-makers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Less than 1% of studies on child and adolescent health report the involvement of adolescents in health research. This is attributed to barriers experienced by researchers and adolescents in the engagement process. To address this under-involvement of adolescents, we first need a better understanding of the factors that hinder adolescent involvement in health research.
    OBJECTIVE: We conducted an umbrella review of reviews to consolidate the review-level evidence on the barriers to meaningful involvement of adolescents in health research.
    METHODS: We preregistered this umbrella review of reviews with PROSPERO (CRD42021287467). We searched 11 databases; Google Scholar; and PROSPERO; supplemented by a hand search of the reference lists of eligible reviews, relevant journals, websites of 472 organisations, and input from experts. This resulted in the inclusion of 99 review articles exploring adolescent involvement in studies on adolescent physical or mental health, which were narratively synthesised. Adolescent coresearchers were engaged at all stages of the review.
    RESULTS: We found that adolescent involvement in health research is impeded by several challenges experienced by researchers and adolescents. Some challenges experienced by researchers were organisational issues which included limited resources, gatekeeping and paying adolescents. Some barriers were related to a lack of preparedness among researchers and included a lack of awareness of adolescent involvement, the need for training and guidance, and negative attitudes towards participatory research. There were also barriers around how adolescents can be involved, such as researchers finding it challenging to adapt to new methods, issues with recruitment and retention of adolescents, inclusiveness and accessibility. There were also challenges specific to adolescents, such as adolescents\' skills and expertise, training, motivations and study goals. Finally, barriers related to the ethical involvement of adolescents included issues with power dynamics, confidentiality, safety and protection of adolescents. Some of the barriers reported by adolescents included tokenistic involvement, inaccessibility of adolescent involvement, and their competing demands.
    CONCLUSIONS: Researchers may find this review useful in understanding and planning for potential challenges of involving adolescents in research. Despite many identified barriers to adolescent engagement, few mitigation strategies were identified to address these barriers. There is a clear need to establish best practices for meaningful adolescent involvement in health research.
    UNASSIGNED: Adolescents were involved at multiple stages of this umbrella review of reviews. They reviewed the protocol, screened 25% of the articles at title and abstract screening stage, screened 10% of full-text articles, and worked on data analysis. They also helped plan and conduct a participatory workshop with an adolescent advisory group to discuss the challenges experienced by adolescents in health research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sibling support for transgender and nonbinary (TNB) youth has the potential to improve TNB youths\' mental health. A scoping review was conducted to map the knowledge of TNB youths\' sibling relationships to create a foundation for the development of sibling-based support interventions for TNB youth. Nine included articles covered two areas: TNB youths\' perceptions of sibling support (n = 5) and cisgender siblings\' lived experience with a TNB sibling (n = 4). Siblings were perceived to support TNB youth, and their support was associated with less depression, suicidal ideation, and externalizing problems. Siblings of TNB youth lacked knowledge of TNB identities and support for their own understanding and acceptance. Siblings may experience unique stressors around their TNB sibling\'s changing gender identity. Overall, having a TNB sibling was perceived as a positive experience. None of the studies included intervention with or for siblings of TNB youth. Sibling support can be helpful for TNB youths\' mental health. However, cisgender siblings\' unique needs are rarely addressed. Providing cisgender siblings with knowledge of TNB identity, a place to process fears and concerns, and skills to navigate situations that may arise in relation to their sibling\'s gender, has the potential to benefit both siblings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a feeding and eating disorder with known acute and longstanding physical health complications in children and young people (CYP) and commonly presents to paediatricians.
    OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the published literature on physical health complications in CYP with ARFID using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines.
    METHODS: A systematic search of PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, PsycINFO and Cochrane Library was performed on 14 February 2024. Studies reporting physical health complications in CYP ≤25 years with ARFID were included. We pooled studies for meta-analysis comparing ARFID with healthy controls or anorexia nervosa (AN).
    RESULTS: Of 9058 studies found in searches, we included 132 studies. We found evidence for low weight, nutritional deficiencies and low bone mineral density. CYP with ARFID can present across the weight spectrum; however, the majority of CYP with ARFID were within the healthy weight to underweight range. Most studies reported normal range heart rates and blood pressures in ARFID, but some CYP with ARFID do experience bradycardia and hypotension. CYP with ARFID had higher heart rates than AN (weighted mean difference: 12.93 bpm; 95% CI: 8.65 to 17.21; n=685); heterogeneity was high (I2: 81.33%).
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a broad range of physical health complications associated with ARFID requiring clinical consideration. Many CYP with ARFID are not underweight yet still have complications. Less cardiovascular complications found in ARFID compared with AN may be related to chronicity.
    UNASSIGNED: CRD42022376866.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Teen pregnancy is often considered an adverse health outcome that accentuates gender inequities, diminishes opportunities, and jeopardizes the safety of adolescent and young adult birthing people. Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC) have been hailed as a panacea for teen pregnancy. However, adolescents and emerging adults intersect with multiple assaults on their health and well-being due to gender inequity and racism. To establish equitable care, it is imperative to discern all barriers that influence their reproductive autonomy. This study evaluates the measurement, operationalization, and quality of research conducted on adolescents and emerging adults that analyzed the use of LARC within the social determinant of health framework (SDOH) in the US. SDOH were assessed using the Dahlgren and Whitehead model, and reports were analyzed using a modified version of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal tools. Nineteen articles were included in this study. Researchers found the insufficient measurement of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender among studies on LARC and SDOH in adolescents and emerging adults. Future studies must measure a full range of identities in data collection to generate knowledge on the impact of SDOH and LARC use among diverse populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Our previous work synthesized published studies on well-being interventions during COVID-19. As we move into a post-COVID-19 pandemic period there is a need to comprehensively review published strategies, approaches, and interventions to improve child and youth well-being beyond deleterious impacts experienced during COVID-19.
    METHODS: Seven databases were searched from inception to January 2023. Studies were included if they: (1) presented original data on an approach (i.e., approach applied) or (2) provided recommendations to inform development of a future approach (i.e., approach suggested), (3) targeted to mitigate negative impacts of COVID-19 on child and youth (≤18 year) well-being, and (4) published on or after December 2019.
    RESULTS: 39 studies (n = 4/39, 10.3% randomized controlled trials) from 2021 to 2023 were included. Twenty-two studies applied an approach (n = 22/39, 56.4%) whereas seventeen studies (n = 17/39, 43.6%) suggested an approach; youth aged 13-18 year (n = 27/39, 69.2%) were most frequently studied. Approach applied records most frequently adopted an experimental design (n = 11/22, 50.0%), whereas approach suggested records most frequently adopted a cross-sectional design (n = 13/22, 59.1%). The most frequently reported outcomes related to good health and optimum nutrition (n = 28/39, 71.8%), followed by connectedness (n = 22/39, 56.4%), learning, competence, education, skills, and employability (n = 18/39, 46.1%), and agency and resilience (n = 16/39, 41.0%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The rapid onset and unpredictability of COVID-19 precluded meaningful engagement of children and youth in strategy development despite widespread recognition that early engagement can enhance usefulness and acceptability of interventions. Published or recommended strategies were most frequently targeted to improve connectedness, belonging, and socialization among children and youth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Discriminatory gender norms can intersect and interact with other dimensions of discrimination-such as age, race, ethnicity, disability, education status, and sexual orientation-to shape individuals\' experiences and impact their health and wellbeing. This interaction is referred to as intersectionality. Although the theory has been in circulation since the late 1980s, only recently has it gained traction in low-income and middle-income settings, and it has yet to fully penetrate global research on adolescence. The social and structural intersectional drivers of adolescent health and wellbeing, particularly during early adolescence (age 10-14 years), are poorly understood. The evidence base for designing effective interventions for this formative period of life is therefore relatively small. In this Review, we examine how gender intersects with other forms of disadvantage in the early stages of adolescence. Analysing data from hybrid observation-intervention longitudinal studies with young adolescents in 16 countries, our aim is to inform the health and wellbeing of girls and boys from a range of social contexts, including in conflict settings. Adolescents\' perceptions about gender norms vary by context, depend on individual opinion, and are shaped by socioecological drivers of gender inequalities in health. Shifting those perceptions is therefore challenging. We argue for the importance of applying an intersectionality lens to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for young adolescents and conclude with five practical recommendations for programme design and research.





