
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Acceptance of new technologies in health care, by those who use them as part of their role, is challenging with confounding contextual factors surrounding the acceptance of technology. As healthcare is rapidly digitising, stakeholder groups should be included in each stage of evaluation and implementation to allow opportunities to influence and contribute to digital health policies. This research employed a case study methodology to initiate an exploration into the factors associated with implementing a digital application into a mammography service. It examined the initial implementation and subsequent impact of the rollout of a digital application (VA) within a breast service in South Australia.
    METHODS: Stakeholders\' opinions on team performance and feedback mechanisms of the digital application were evaluated through a staff questionnaire distributed through an online survey JISC.
    RESULTS: The incorporation of digitised technology into a service is evidently met with challenges. Although there is potential value in utelising automated feedback for workflow improvement and patient services, it appears imperative to provide targeted and developmental resources for educational development and staff well-being during the implementation phase.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case study approach delves into key discussion areas and serves as the initial insight into the implementation of a digital application. It could be regarded as a foundational reference for future evaluations of digital applications.
    CONCLUSIONS: Research around digital fluency within the radiography profession requires further consideration. Under-utilisation or resistance may result in missed opportunities to enhance patient experiences and care outcomes and support staff wellbeing. Therefore, continued engagement and the encouragement of user feedback during the implementation phase are crucial to demonstrate future acceptance of digital applications in clinical settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emotional distress has been rising since before the COVID-19 pandemic and the public is told that depression is a major public health problem. For example, in 2017 depressive disorders were ranked as the third leading cause of \"years lost to disability\" and the World Health Organization now ranks depression as the single largest contributor to global disability. Although critical appraisals of the epidemiological data raise questions about the accuracy of population-based depression estimates, the dominance of the medical model and the marketing of psychotropics as \"magic bullets,\" have contributed to a dramatic rise in the prescription of psychiatric drugs. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry\'s influence on psychiatric research and practice has resulted in over-estimates of the effectiveness of psychotropic medications and an under-reporting of harms. This is because the principles that govern commercial entities are incongruent with the principles that guide public health research and interventions. In order to conduct mental health research and develop interventions that are in the public\'s best interest, we need non-reductionist epistemological and empirical approaches that incorporate a biopsychosocial perspective. Taking depression as a case example, we argue that the socio-political factors associated with emotional distress must be identified and addressed. We describe the harms of industry influence on mental health research and show how the emphasis on \"scaling up\" the diagnosis and treatment of depression is an insufficient response from a public health perspective. Solutions for reform are offered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hands-on learning environments can challenge learners\' wellbeing in dental education, given their unfamiliarity with students. As today\'s learners are more aware about their wellbeing needs, it is important to explore the depth and complexity of the challenges they experience and provide them with the necessary support strategies. This study aims to identify the challenges and sources of cognitive overload of early years\' dental students across two time-points: 2012 and 2022. We also aim to describe the students\' recommendations for future program revision considerations to support students\' wellbeing.
    METHODS: This study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitatively, we utilized an Interpretive Description approach and conducted focus groups with first-year dental students in 2023. Quantitively, we utilized first-year dental students\' responses to the Study Habits survey administered in 2012/2013.
    RESULTS: Five main concerns and sources of cognitive load emerged from the focus groups and survey data: steepness of the learning curve, inconsistent feedback, stigma around asking for support, structural and organizational challenges, and lack of resources. Students also identified several suggestions to support their wellbeing, including time, instructor support, non-graded exercises, additional resources, and re-organizing the curriculum.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study adopts a wellbeing lens to examine students\' transition into hands-on learning activities. These findings were utilized to propose the TIPSS Support Framework (Time, Instructor Capacity Building, Peer Learning and Other Resources, Safe Learning Spaces, and Spiraling Curriculum). The proposed model can serve as a prototype for future studies to explore its applicability and effectiveness in other dental programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Healthcare innovations often represent important improvements in population welfare, but at what cost, and to whom? Health technology assessment (HTA) is a multidisciplinary process to inform resource allocation. HTA is conventionally anchored on health maximization as the only relevant output of health services. If we accept the proposition that health technologies can generate value outside the healthcare system, resource allocation decisions could be suboptimal from a societal perspective. Incorporating \"broader value\" in HTA as derived from social values and patient experience could provide a richer evaluative space for informing resource allocation decisions. This article considers how HTA is practiced and what its current context implies for adopting \"broader value\" to evaluating health technologies. Methodological challenges are highlighted, as is a future research agenda. Ireland serves as an example of a healthcare system that both has an explicit role for HTA and is evolving under a current program of reform to offer universal, single-tier access to public services. There are various ways in which HTA processes could move beyond health, including considering the processes of care delivery and/or expanding the evaluative space to some broader concept of well-being. Methods to facilitate the latter exist, but their adaptation to HTA is still emerging. We recommend a multi-stakeholder working group to develop and advance an international agenda for HTA that captures welfare/benefit beyond health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The period of home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic made the importance of a high-quality surrounding environment even more evident than before. Several studies have been carried out to assess the (negative) impacts of noise on annoyance, particularly whilst working from home (WFH). The present study takes a step further by (1) investigating the positive and negative impacts of the \"actual\" acoustic environment on a range of activities, i.e., WFH, relaxation, physical, and sexual activities, and (2) identifying the characteristics of an \"ideal\" indoor soundscape. The study is based on the qualitative analysis of verbal descriptions collected from open-ended questions included in a survey administered in January 2021 to 464 respondents living in London, during the COVID-19 lockdown. The range of impacts in the actual scenario varied from no effect on task execution, to disruption, distraction, concern of disturbing others or being heard. Positive impacts included support of concentration, relaxation, motivation, freedom of sound expression, feeling of being connected to the surroundings and comforted by the presence of others, according to mechanisms described in the study. Negative appraisal could trigger coping strategies (e.g., controlling windows, playing music, wearing headphones) and behavioural changes (e.g., lowering the volume of the voice or music, muting oneself during call, changing workout type) that could in turn limit or enhance the freedom of behaviour, affect or foster wellbeing. Negative impacts were most frequently reported on WFH (by 55% of the participants), followed by relaxation activities (40.6%), sexual activities (30.1%), and home workout (20.1%). The ideal soundscape was described as a quiet, well-sound insulated environment, which guarantees access to positive sounds (i.e., natural sounds, music, urban background), thus resulting in privacy, intimacy, and a place where to express themselves without noise-related constraints. The study complements literature findings on housing design directions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, by providing further evidence on the impacts of poor sound insulation at home, the potential benefits of nature-based solutions for positive indoor soundscapes, and opportunities for an activity-based design of domestic environments, inclusive of a broader set of home uses and household compositions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the increase of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic, employees\' interactions with colleagues have shifted almost exclusively to digital channels. Hence, it is critical to understand the underpinnings of successful collaboration and individual wellbeing in digital working structures. Combining qualitative experience reports and quantitative surveys from 145 teleworkers, this study sheds light on teleworking from a psychological perspective, taking social norms as a conceptual frame. The qualitative reports revealed five types of typical conflicts related to communication in the telework context, including both (1) technical problems (e.g., a bad connection) and psychological aspects such as (2) uncertainty or a lack of social feedback, (3) norm violations, (4) a lack of rules or meta-communication about appropriate behavior, and (5) digital communication barriers. Respondents\' quantitative ratings of qualities of telework versus working on-site revealed benefits of telework regarding task fulfillment and efficiency, but lower levels of motivation, conflict management, leadership, team spirit, inspiration and creativity. Participants qualitative reports on perceived challenges in remote work conditions included feelings of loneliness and increased demands related to self-management, creating boundaries between private and working life, motivation and self-regulation. This paper connects these findings with theoretical concepts from psychology and human-computer interaction and discusses implications for leadership and technology design. Practical Relevance: This article discusses practical implications for leadership and technology design, e.g., interventions against conflicts in the context of digital work.
    Mit der Zunahme von Telearbeit im Zuge der COVID-19-Pandemie hat sich die Interaktion mit Kollegen im Arbeitskontext fast ausschließlich auf digitale Kanäle verlagert. Ein umfassendes Verständnis der Grundlagen erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit und individuellen Wohlbefindens in digitalen Arbeitsstrukturen gewinnt somit zunehmende Relevanz. Die vorliegende Studie [N = 145] beleuchtet Telearbeit aus psychologischer Perspektive anhand einer Kombination von qualitativen Erfahrungsberichten und quantitativen Ratings und nutzt das Konzept sozialer Normen als konzeptionellen Rahmen. Eine Kategorisierung der qualitativen Konfliktberichte ergab fünf typische Konflikten im Zusammenhang mit der Kommunikation im Telearbeitskontext, darunter (1) technische Probleme (z. B. schlechte Verbindung) als auch psychologische Aspekte wie (2) Unsicherheit/fehlendes soziales Feedback, (3) Normverletzungen, (4) Mangel an Regeln und Metakommunikation über angemessenes Verhalten und (5) Kommunikationsbarrieren in digitalen Strukturen. Die quantitativen Ratings der Befragten Arbeitsqualitäten von Telearbeit im Vergleich zur Vor-Ort-Arbeit zeigten Vorteile von Telearbeit in Bezug auf Aufgabenerfüllung und Effizienz, jedoch ein geringeres Maß an Motivation, Konfliktmanagement, Führung, Teamgeist, Inspiration und Kreativität. Qualitative Berichte bezüglich wahrgenommener Herausforderungen der Home-Office-Situation bezogen sich auf Gefühle der Einsamkeit und erhöhte Anforderungen in Bezug auf Selbstmanagement, Abgrenzung zwischen Privat- und Arbeitsleben, Motivation und Selbstregulierung. Der vorliegende Beitrag diskutiert diese Ergebnisse in Verbindung mit theoretischen Konzepten aus Psychologie und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und erörtert Implikationen für Führung und Technikgestaltung.Praktische Relevanz: In diesem Artikel werden praktische Implikationen für Führung und Technologiegestaltung erörtert, z. B. Interventionen gegen Konflikte im Kontext der digitalen Arbeit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we use a UK case study to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the mental health (emotional, psychological, social wellbeing) of farmers. We outline the drivers of poor farming mental health, the manifold impacts of the pandemic at a time of policy and environmental change, and identify lessons that can be learned to develop resilience in farming communities against future shocks.
    We undertook a survey answered by 207 farmers across the UK, focusing on drivers of poor mental health and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. We also conducted 22 in-depth interviews with individuals in England, Scotland and Wales who provide mental health support to farmers. These explored how and why the COVID-19 pandemic affected the mental health of farmers. These interviews were supplemented by 93 survey responses from a similar group of support providers (UK-wide).
    We found that the pandemic exacerbated underlying drivers of poor mental health and wellbeing in farming communities. 67% of farmers surveyed reported feeling more stressed, 63% felt more anxious, 38% felt more depressed, and 12% felt more suicidal. The primary drivers of poor mental health identified by farmers during the pandemic included decreased social contact and loneliness, issues with the general public on private land, and moving online for social events. Support providers also highlighted relationship and financial issues, illness, and government inspections as drivers of poor mental health. Some farmers, conversely, outlined positive impacts of the pandemic.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is just one of many potential stressors associated with poor farming mental health and its impacts are likely to be long-lasting and delayed. Multiple stressors affecting farmers at the same time can create a tipping point. Therefore, there is a need for long-term support and ongoing evaluation of the drivers of poor mental health in farming families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The workplace is an important setting for health protection, health promotion and disease prevention. Currently, health and wellbeing approaches at an aviation organisational level are not addressing both human and safety needs. This issue has been intensified since the COVID 19 pandemic. This paper reports on the findings of a survey pertaining to aviation worker wellbeing and organisational approaches to managing wellbeing and mental health. The survey was administered at two different time periods during the COVID 19 pandemic (2020 and 2021). Collectively, feedback was obtained from over 3000 aviation workers. Survey feedback indicates that aviation workers are experiencing considerable challenges in relation to their health and wellbeing. These challenges are not being adequately addressed at an organisational level, which creates risk both from an individual and flight safety perspective. The descriptive findings of both surveys along with a regression analysis is used to make a principled case for augmenting the existing approach to managing aviation worker wellbeing (including mental health), at both an organisational and regulatory level. It is argued that aviation organisations, with the support of the regulator should implement a preventative, ethical and evidence-based strategy to managing wellbeing and mental health risk. Critically, aviation organisations need to advance and integrated health, wellbeing, and safety culture. This necessitates an alignment of human, business, and safety objectives, as articulated in concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and responsible work. Critically, this approach depends on trust and the specification of appropriate protections, so that aviation workers feel safe to routinely report wellbeing levels and challenges, and their impact on operational safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Social Responsibility (SR) commitments of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) alongside their long-standing functions of teaching and research have been recognized in literature. However, University Social Responsibility (USR) remains a relatively unexplored topic, especially in the post-conflict societies of the Great Lakes Region of East Africa (GLREA). The main objective of this paper is to document USR best practices, challenges and opportunities in GLREA universities. To reach this objective, a search was conducted in the major academic databases, where ten studies out of 93 found from 2000 to 2020 were included for review. Additionally, universities\' website materials, particularly Vision and Mission Statements (VMS) were considered to complement the review in a well established sense of USR in GLREA universities. A narrative review was conducted because quantitative data were not feasible due to a significant level of heterogeneity between the included studies. The overall findings indicated that the scholarship of engagement in the regional context is not a luxury of HEIs as it is in many western universities, but rather a necessity in countries which are still undergoing the early stages of reconstruction. Specifically, the results obtained were twofold: First, the integrated SR in GLREA universities is an emerging agenda, despite its potential for growth. Second, the development of USR in the GLREA is connected to and influenced by the history of African Higher Education, and the institutional traces of that history\'s influence can be found in GLREA. Finally, recommendations for USR practitioners are given, and a conclusion is drawn.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Post-menopausal life is fairly long period of life that is marked by poor health and sleep. Fatigue amidst extraordinary pandemic stress had taken a toll on the sleep quality and overall wellbeing. Yogic sleep can be instrumental in relaxing the brain and help in achieving self-control of mind and body in the post-menopausal life. This can be a non-pharmacological intervention to improve the wellbeing of women.
    UNASSIGNED: Effect of 24 weeks of yoga-nidra practice and exercise module was tested in a post-menopausal subject after taking baseline of 4 weeks on parameters like sleep latency, total sleep time, mood on waking and during day, BMI, and activity rhythm of body using 24 h actigraphy and sleep diary.
    UNASSIGNED: After administering the dual protocol, there was remarkable elevation in mood both on waking up and entire day from 5th week onwards. Mood shifted toward a happier state. Latency to sleep decreased after 4 weeks, while total sleep time improved only after 16 weeks of dual management strategy. The BMI was also reduced to 28.4 from initial value of 30.3. Morning awakening patterns did not change, but it was not accompanied by pain or headache.
    UNASSIGNED: The results indicated the therapeutic potential of yoga-nidra and exercise package in this actigraphy-based longitudinal pilot study. Yoga-nidra can be easily practiced at home, and thus, it is a promising non-pharmacological strategy for aging population in improving their wellbeing.





