Vaccinium myrtillus

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The present article presents a case report and discusses the neurobiology underlying the potential neuro-repair induced by combined administration of phytochemicals in a patient undergoing photo-bio-modulation (PBM), which improves anatomical and clinical abnormalities in the course of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). After combined treatments the patient with nutraceuticals and PBM had noticeable improvement of retinal tissue with excellent vision for her age and no worsening of corneal guttae, which was present at the time of diagnosis. The present treatment was tailored, based on translational evidence, to improve the autophagy pathway, which is a key determinant in the onset and progression of AMD. In fact, treatment with specific patterns of light exposure combined with specific phytochemicals, may synergize in improving the microanatomy of the retina by restoring its neurobiology. The combination of light exposure, at selective wavelengths, with the effects produced by the intake of specific phytochemicals to treat AMD is reported here as \"Lugano Protocol\". Such a clinical protocol represents an \"in progress\" development backed up by translational research. In fact, recent evidence indicates that, specific phytochemicals, when administered in combination may promote anatomical and functional integrity within the retina. These in turn synergize with analogous effects produced by specific wavelengths, when administered at specific time intervals. The synergism between specific light and combined phytochemicals is discussed at molecular level, where recent data indicate how these treatments, when delivered according to specific patterns, may enhance autophagy in the retina. The improvement of retinal morphology and visual acuity, observed in this case report is thoroughly discussed in the light of the key role of autophagy in regulating the integrity of the retinal epithelium. Despite exciting, and consistent with translational evidence, the clinical report of a disease modifying effect during AMD owns the inherent limit of a case report, which requires wide validation in large number of patients. The potential effectiveness of \"Lugano protocol\" may apply to other types of retinal degenerations, where common alterations in the autophagy pathway do occur. Thus, such a therapeutic approach may extend to a common late stage of retinal trans-synaptic degeneration, where maladaptive plasticity during several types of retinal degenerative disorders eventually converge.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Age-related macular degeneration represents the main retinal disorder leading to irreversible blindness in people over the age of 50 in the Western World. Here we describe a case report, which suggest that specific nutraceutical compounds may exert beneficial effects on the progression of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), an eye disease with no approved treatment or cure. Specific antioxidants, such as lutein, resveratrol and Vaccinium Myrtillus, which are known to reduce the risk of developing AMD, when co-administered alone, were supplemented to diet of an informed patient suffering from dry AMD. The case report indicates an improvement of visual acuity and a long lasting decrease in druse volume and number. The concomitant intake of lutein, resveratrol and Vaccinium Myrtillus when administered for six months produced a marked decrease in the drusen observed at OCT at the 6-month follow-up. At this time interval, the patient experienced a noticeable improvement in visual acuity, a decrease in eye strain, more color contrast, higher visual definition. The case report indicates the potential benefit for a non-invasive treatment with improved quality of vision in dry AMD. A larger population followed over a long-term period is warranted. The support of nutraceuticals could therefore offer a new non-invasive, adverse effect-free which may restore the pathology affecting the cross talk between choroid and retinal cells. The results of this case report are discussed within the frame of molecular mechanisms synergizing site-specifically at the anatomical border between the outer retina and inner choroid.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Correlations between mast fruiting of bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and peak levels of Clethrionomys-voles have been reported from both Norway and Finland, but there has been a discussion whether this is a bottom-up or a top-down relationship. In a multiple regression model, 65% of the variation in a bilberry production index calculated from game reports from southern Norway 1932-1977 could be explained by the berry index of the two preceding years and climate factors acting during key stages of the flowering cycle. High vole populations in previous years did not contribute to explain the fluctuation in berry production. I used the selected model and climate data to predict bilberry production for the period 1978-2004. Predicted berry indices of the current and previous year explained 38% and the total amount of precipitation in May-June explained 16% of the variation in a log-transformed snap-trapping index of bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus 1980-2004. The vole index was not related to any of the climate variables used to predict berry production. This pattern supports the hypothesis that vole cycles are generated by changes in plant chemistry due to climate-synchronized mast fruiting.





