• 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Previous studies have reported alterations in brain structure in major depressive disorder (MDD) patients with suicide attempts. However, age-related changes in suicidal MDD patients remain unclear.
    UNASSIGNED: We performed a systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Embase, PubMed, and Web of Science were searched to identify relevant studies from inception to January 2023. All voxel-based and surface-based morphometry studies comparing suicidal MDD patients to MDD or healthy controls were included. Studies were then grouped by age range (old, middle-age, adolescent) and the commonalities and age-related structural brain alterations were summarized. The included studies were evaluated using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS).
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 17 studies met the inclusion criteria, including 3 of late-life depression (LLD) patients, 11 of middle-aged depression (MAD) patients, and 3 of adolescent depression (AOD) patients. The majority of studies had moderate to high NOS scores, indicating good quality. Patients in all three age groups exhibited extensive alterations in the lateral, medial, and orbital regions of the frontal lobes. Furthermore, suicidal MAD patients showed a specific decrease in the gray matter volume of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex compared to suicidal LLD patients. Cortical thickness and left angular gyrus volume were decreased in suicidal MAD and suicidal LLD patients, but increased in suicidal AOD patients.
    UNASSIGNED: This systematic review summarizes structural brain changes in suicidal MDD patients at three age groups: elderly, middle-aged, and adolescent. These findings help elucidate the common circuitry of MDD related to suicide over the lifespan and highlight unique circuitry associated with different ages. These findings may help predict the risk of suicide in MDD patients at different ages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In advancing our understanding of tinnitus, some of the more impactful contributions in the past two decades have come from human brain imaging studies, specifically the idea of both auditory and extra-auditory neural networks that mediate tinnitus. These networks subserve both the perception of tinnitus and the psychological reaction to chronic, continuous tinnitus. In this article, we review particular studies that report on the nodes and links of such neural networks and their inter-network connections. Innovative neuroimaging tools have contributed significantly to the increased understanding of anatomical and functional connections of attention, emotion-processing, and default mode networks in adults with tinnitus. We differentiate between the neural correlates of tinnitus and those of comorbid hearing loss; surprisingly, tinnitus and hearing loss when they co-occur are not necessarily additive in their impact and, in rare cases, additional tinnitus may act to mitigate the consequences of hearing loss alone on the brain. The scale of tinnitus severity also appears to have an impact on brain networks, with some of the alterations typically attributed to tinnitus reaching significance only in the case of bothersome tinnitus. As we learn more about comorbid conditions of tinnitus, such as depression, anxiety, hyperacusis, or even aging, their contributions to the network-level changes observed in tinnitus will need to be parsed out in a manner similar to what is currently being done for hearing loss or severity. Together, such studies advance our understanding of the heterogeneity of tinnitus and will lead to individualized treatment plans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Brain imaging studies on eating disorders (EDs) often reported volumetric and functional changes involving the cerebellum. Nevertheless, few studies performed in-depth examinations and suggested a cerebellar role in the EDs\' pathophysiology.
    METHODS: A systematic literature search on volumetric changes and functional alterations involving the cerebellum in individuals with EDs was conducted using PubMed, PsychInfo and Web of Science. This review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) statement and Rayyan web application for screening studies.
    RESULTS: Twenty-four papers reporting cerebellar alterations in individuals with EDs were included in the study: 9 assessing brain volumetric changes, 9 investigating task-based functional brain activation and 6 investigating brain functional connectivity at rest. Most studies focused on anorectic-type EDs (n.22), while fewer involved bulimic-type EDs (n.9) and eating disorders not otherwise specified (n.2), revealing subtypes-specific patterns of altered cerebellar volume and functionality.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review proposes critical arguments to consider the cerebellum as a key structure in the pathophysiology of EDs that requires further forthcoming exploration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain structural features of healthy individuals are associated with olfactory functions. However, due to the pathophysiological differences, congenital and acquired anosmia may exhibit different structural characteristics. A systematic review was undertaken to compare brain structural features between patients with congenital and acquired anosmia. A systematic search was conducted using PubMed/MEDLINE and Scopus electronic databases to identify eligible reports on anosmia and structural changes and reported according to PRISMA guidelines. Reports were extracted for information on demographics, psychophysical evaluation, and structural changes. Then, the report was systematically reviewed based on various aetiologies of anosmia in relation to (1) olfactory bulb, (2) olfactory sulcus, (3) grey matter (GM), and white matter (WM) changes. Twenty-eight published studies were identified. All studies reported consistent findings with strong associations between olfactory bulb volume and olfactory function across etiologies. However, the association of olfactory function with olfactory sulcus depth was inconsistent. The present study observed morphological variations in GM and WM volume in congenital and acquired anosmia. In acquired anosmia, reduced olfactory function is associated with reduced volumes and thickness involving the gyrus rectus, medial orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and cerebellum. These findings contrast to those observed in congenital anosmia, where a reduced olfactory function is associated with a larger volume and higher thickness in parts of the olfactory network, including the piriform cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and insula. The present review proposes that the structural characteristics in congenital and acquired anosmia are altered differently. The mechanisms behind these changes are likely to be multifactorial and involve the interaction with the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optimism is a personality trait strongly associated with physical and psychological well-being, with correlates in nonhuman species. Optimistic individuals hold positive expectancies for their future, have better physical and psychological health, recover faster after heart disease and other ailments, and cope more effectively with stress and anxiety. We performed a systematic review of neuroimaging studies focusing on neural correlates of optimism. A search identified 14 papers eligible for inclusion. Two key brain areas were linked to optimism: the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), involved in imagining the future and processing of self-referential information; and the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), involved in response inhibition and processing relevant cues. ACC activity was positively correlated with trait optimism and with the probability estimations of future positive events. Behavioral measures of optimistic tendencies investigated through the belief update task correlated positively with IFG activity. Elucidating the neural underpinnings of optimism may inform both the development of prevention and treatment strategies for several mental disorders negatively associated with optimism, such as depression, as well as help to foster new resilience promotion interventions targeting healthy, vulnerable, and mentally ill individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A previous systematic review revealed that lutein intake leads to improved cognitive function among older adults. However, the association between lutein intake and brain health remains unclear.
    METHODS: We searched the Web of Science, PubMed, PsycInfo, and Cochrane Library for research papers. The criteria were (1) an intervention study using oral lutein intake or a cross-sectional study that examined lutein levels and the brain, (2) participants were older adults, and (3) brain activities or structures were measured using a brain imaging technique (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or electroencephalography (EEG)).
    RESULTS: Seven studies using MRI (brain activities during rest, cognitive tasks, and brain structure) and two studies using EEG were included. We mainly focused on MRI studies. Three intervention studies using MRI indicated that 10 mg lutein intake over 12 months had a positive impact on healthy older adults\' brain activities during learning, resting-state connectivity, and gray matter volumes. Four cross-sectional studies using MRI suggested that lutein was positively associated with brain structure and neural efficiency during cognitive tasks.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although only nine studies that used similar datasets were reviewed, this systematic review indicates that lutein has beneficial effects on healthy older adults\' brain health.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is a potential mental disorder currently included in the third section of the latest (fifth) edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as a condition that requires additional research to be included in the main manual. Although research efforts in the area have increased, there is a continuing debate about the respective criteria to use as well as the status of the condition as mental health concern. Rather than using diagnostic criteria which are based on subjective symptom experience, the National Institute of Mental Health advocates the use of Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) which may support classifying mental disorders based on dimensions of observable behavior and neurobiological measures because mental disorders are viewed as biological disorders that involve brain circuits that implicate specific domains of cognition, emotion, and behavior. Consequently, IGD should be classified on its underlying neurobiology, as well as its subjective symptom experience. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review the neurobiological correlates involved in IGD based on the current literature base. Altogether, 853 studies on the neurobiological correlates were identified on ProQuest (in the following scholarly databases: ProQuest Psychology Journals, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts, and ERIC) and on MEDLINE, with the application of the exclusion criteria resulting in reviewing a total of 27 studies, using fMRI, rsfMRI, VBM, PET, and EEG methods. The results indicate there are significant neurobiological differences between healthy controls and individuals with IGD. The included studies suggest that compared to healthy controls, gaming addicts have poorer response-inhibition and emotion regulation, impaired prefrontal cortex (PFC) functioning and cognitive control, poorer working memory and decision-making capabilities, decreased visual and auditory functioning, and a deficiency in their neuronal reward system, similar to those found in individuals with substance-related addictions. This suggests both substance-related addictions and behavioral addictions share common predisposing factors and may be part of an addiction syndrome. Future research should focus on replicating the reported findings in different cultural contexts, in support of a neurobiological basis of classifying IGD and related disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inter-hemispheric asymmetries are a common phenomenon of the human brain. Some evidence suggests that neurodegeneration related to aging and disease may preferentially affect the left-usually language- and motor-dominant-hemisphere. Here, we used activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis to assess gray matter (GM) loss and its lateralization in healthy aging and in neurodegeneration, namely, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer\'s dementia (AD), Parkinson\'s disease (PD), and Huntington\'s disease (HD). This meta-analysis, comprising 159 voxel-based morphometry publications (enrolling 4,469 patients and 4,307 controls), revealed that GM decline appeared to be asymmetric at trend levels but provided no evidence for increased left-hemisphere vulnerability. Regions with asymmetric GM decline were located in areas primarily affected by neurodegeneration. In HD, the left putamen showed converging evidence for more pronounced atrophy, while no consistent pattern was found in PD. In MCI, the right hippocampus was more atrophic than its left counterpart, a pattern that reversed in AD. The stability of these findings was confirmed using permutation tests. However, due to the lenient threshold used in the asymmetry analysis, further work is needed to confirm our results and to provide a better understanding of the functional role of GM asymmetries, for instance in the context of cognitive reserve and compensation. Hum Brain Mapp 38:5890-5904, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stuttering is a disorder that affects millions of people all over the world. Over the past two decades, there has been a great deal of interest in investigating the neural basis of the disorder. This systematic literature review is intended to provide a comprehensive summary of the neuroimaging literature on developmental stuttering. It is a resource for researchers to quickly and easily identify relevant studies for their areas of interest and enable them to determine the most appropriate methodology to utilize in their work. The review also highlights gaps in the literature in terms of methodology and areas of research.
    We conducted a systematic literature review on neuroimaging studies on developmental stuttering according to the PRISMA guidelines. We searched for articles in the pubmed database containing \"stuttering\" OR \"stammering\" AND either \"MRI\", \"PET\", \"EEG\", \"MEG\", \"TMS\"or \"brain\" that were published between 1995/​01/​01 and 2016/​01/​01.
    The search returned a total of 359 items with an additional 26 identified from a manual search. Of these, there were a total of 111 full text articles that met criteria for inclusion in the systematic literature review. We also discuss neuroimaging studies on developmental stuttering published throughout 2016. The discussion of the results is organized first by methodology and second by population (i.e., adults or children) and includes tables that contain all items returned by the search.
    There are widespread abnormalities in the structural architecture and functional organization of the brains of adults and children who stutter. These are evident not only in speech tasks, but also non-speech tasks. Future research should make greater use of functional neuroimaging and noninvasive brain stimulation, and employ structural methodologies that have greater sensitivity. Newly planned studies should also investigate sex differences, focus on augmenting treatment, examine moments of dysfluency and longitudinally or cross-sectionally investigate developmental trajectories in stuttering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social and affective research in humans is increasingly using functional and structural neuroimaging techniques to aid the understanding of how hormones, such as testosterone, modulate a wide range of psychological processes. We conducted a meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of testosterone administration, and of fMRI studies that measured endogenous levels of the hormone, in relation to social and affective stimuli. Furthermore, we conducted a review of structural MRI i.e. voxel based morphometry (VBM) studies which considered brain volume in relation to testosterone levels in adults and in children. In the included testosterone administration fMRI studies, which consisted of female samples only, bilateral amygdala/parahippocampal regions as well as the right caudate were significantly activated by social-affective stimuli in the testosterone condition. In the studies considering endogenous levels of testosterone, stimuli-invoked activations relating to testosterone levels were noted in the bilateral amygdala/parahippocampal regions and the brainstem. When the endogenous testosterone studies were split by sex, the significant activation of the brain stem was seen in the female samples only. Significant stimuli-invoked deactivations relating to endogenous testosterone levels were also seen in the right and left amygdala/parahippocampal regions studies. The findings of the VBM studies were less consistent. In adults larger volumes in the limbic and temporal regions were associated with higher endogenous testosterone. In children, boys showed a positive correlation between testosterone and brain volume in many regions, including the amygdala, as well as global grey matter volume, while girls showed a neutral or negative association between testosterone levels and many brain volumes. In conclusion, amygdalar and parahippocampal regions appear to be key target regions for the acute actions of testosterone in response to social and affective stimuli, while neurodevelopmentally the volumes of a broader network of brain structures are associated with testosterone levels in a sexually dimorphic manner.





