Universal Health Insurance

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Morocco is carrying out several actions to generalize basic compulsory health insurance (CHI). Managing this project requires coordination, information sharing, and the commitment of all actors to the goal of covering an additional 22 million people. One of the key factors for achieving this objective is the implementation of a unified registration system.
    The aim is to analyze the existing situation and the feasibility of implementing a unified registration system, and to describe the potential positive impact of the latter on the extension of CHI.
    This work is based on a diagnosis of the current situation. It draws on the legal framework, all available documents and figures, and on an analytical reading supported by existing literature. It reveals that due to the inadequacy or even the absence of an appropriate legal basis, each managing body has its own registration system. The lack of a unified system has given rise to a number of constraints. These concern, among other things: (i) mobility between or within schemes, which does not operate smoothly because it leads to re-registration (ii) inadequate monitoring of double benefit claims, which is the case for more than one scheme, due to insufficient and hesitant anti-fraud action (iii) the sharing and use of reliable data, which hinders decision making, evaluation, and monitoring.
    It is essential to adopt legal texts that will provide the basis for a unified system with regulations enabling the participation of all stakeholders, with the aim of steering the roll-out of CHI effectively and efficiently.
    Le Maroc mène, depuis quelques années, plusieurs actions permettant de généraliser l’assurance maladie obligatoire (AMO). Le pilotage de ce chantier nécessite la coordination, le partage d’informations et l’engagement de tous les acteurs afin de couvrir 22 millions de personnes supplémentaires. L’un des éléments clés pour optimiser la réalisation de cet objectif consiste à mettre en place un système unifié d’immatriculation.
    Analyser l’existant et la faisabilité de la mise en place d’un système unifié d’immatriculation, tout en précisant ses retombées positives sur l’extension de l’AMO.
    Ce travail, fondé sur un diagnostic, appuyé par l’arsenal juridique, des documents et des chiffres disponibles ainsi qu’une lecture analytique renforcée par la littérature existante, a permis de constater que, du fait de l’insuffisance voire l’absence d’un soubassement juridique adapté, chaque organisme gestionnaire a son propre système d’immatriculation. L’absence d’un système unifié gêne notamment : 1) la mobilité entre régimes ou intra-régimes, étant donné qu’elle ne se fait pas de manière fluide car elle génère la ré-immatriculation ; 2) le contrôle du double bénéfice d’un régime insuffisamment organisé et incapable de lutter contre la fraude ; 3) le partage et l’exploitation de données fiables empêchant d’assurer de manière appropriée le suivi, l’évaluation et la prise de décision.
    Il est indispensable d’adopter des textes juridiques pour fonder un système unifié qui permettra l’encadrement et l’engagement de toutes les parties prenantes dans l’objectif de piloter la généralisation de l’AMO avec efficacité et efficience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vietnam\'s primary mechanism of achieving sustainable funding for universal health coverage (UHC) and financial protection has been through its social health insurance (SHI) scheme. Steady progress towards access has been made and by 2020, over 90% of the population were enrolled in SHI. In 2022, as part of a larger transition towards the increased domestic financing of healthcare, tuberculosis (TB) services were integrated into SHI. This change required people with TB to use SHI for treatment at district-level facilities or to pay out of pocket for services. This study was conducted in preparation for this transition. It aimed to understand more about uninsured people with TB, assess the feasibility of enrolling them into SHI, and identify the barriers they faced in this process.
    METHODS: A mixed-method case study was conducted using a convergent parallel design between November 2018 and January 2022 in ten districts of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Quantitative data were collected through a pilot intervention that aimed to facilitate SHI enrollment for uninsured individuals with TB. Descriptive statistics were calculated. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 34 participants, who were purposively sampled for maximum variation. Qualitative data were analyzed through an inductive approach and themes were identified through framework analysis. Quantitative and qualitative data sources were triangulated.
    RESULTS: We attempted to enroll 115 uninsured people with TB into SHI; 76.5% were able to enroll. On average, it took 34.5 days to obtain a SHI card and it cost USD 66 per household. The themes indicated that a lack of knowledge, high costs for annual premiums, and the household-based registration requirement were barriers to SHI enrollment. Participants indicated that alternative enrolment mechanisms and greater procedural flexibility, particularly for undocumented people, is required to achieve full population coverage with SHI in urban centers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Significant addressable barriers to SHI enrolment for people affected by TB were identified. A quarter of individuals remained unable to enroll after receiving enhanced support due to lack of required documentation. The experience gained during this health financing transition is relevant for other middle-income countries as they address the provision of financial protection for the treatment of infectious diseases.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health systems are complex entities. The Mexican health system includes the private and public sectors, and subsystems that target different populations based on corporatist criteria. Lack of unity and its consequences can be better understood using two concepts, segmentation and fragmentation. These reveal mechanisms and strategies that impede progress toward universality and equity in Mexico and other low- and middle-income countries. Segmentation refers to separation of the population by position in the labour market. Fragmentation refers to institutions, and to financial aspects, health care levels, states\' systems of care, and organizational models. These elements explain inequitable allocation of resources and packages of health services offered by each institution to its population. Overcoming segmentation will require a shift from employment to citizenship as the basis for eligibility for public health care. Shortcomings of fragmentation can be avoided by establishing a common package of guaranteed benefits. Mexico illustrates how these two concepts characterize a common reality in low- and middle-income countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This document describes two qualitative programmatic case studies documenting experiences implementing digital financial services (DFS) for health with a focus on expanding access to universal health coverage (UHC). The CBHI 3MS system in Rwanda and the i-PUSH and Medical Credit Fund programs in Kenya were selected because they represent innovative use of digital financing technologies to support UHC programs at scale.
    METHODS: These studies were conducted from April-August 2021 as part of a broader digital financial services landscape assessment that used a mixed methods process evaluation to answer three questions: 1) what was the experience implementing the program, 2) how was it perceived to influence health systems performance, and 3) what was the client/beneficiary experience? Qualitative interviews involved a range of engaged stakeholders, including implementers, developers, and clients/users from the examined programs in both countries. Secondary data were used to describe key program trends.
    RESULTS: Respondents agreed that DFS contributed to health system performance by making systems more responsive, enabling programs to implement changes to digital services based on new laws or client-proposed features, and improving access to quality data for better management and improved quality of services. Key informants and secondary data confirmed that both implementations likely contributed to increasing health insurance coverage; however, other changes in market dynamics were also likely to influence these changes. Program managers and some beneficiaries praised the utility of digital functions, compared to paper-based systems, and noted their effect on individual savings behavior to contribute to household resilience.
    CONCLUSIONS: Several implementation considerations emerged as facilitators or barriers to successful implementation of DFS for health, including the importance of multisectoral investments in general ICT infrastructure, the value of leveraging existing community resources (CHWs and mobile money agents) to boost enrollment and help overcome the digital divide, and the significance of developing trust across government and private sector organizations. The studies led to the development of five main recommendations for the design and implementation of health programs incorporating DFS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 infections remains a significant health challenge worldwide. There is paucity of evidence on the influence of the universal health coverage (UHC) and global health security (GHS) nexus on SARS-CoV-2 infection risk and outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the effects of UHC and GHS nexus and interplay on SARS-CoV-2 infection rate and case-fatality rates (CFR) in Africa.
    METHODS: The study employed descriptive methods to analyze the data drawn from multiple sources as well used structural equation modeling (SEM) with maximum likelihood estimation to model and assess the relationships between independent and dependent variables by performing path analysis.
    RESULTS: In Africa, 100% and 18% of the effects of GHS on SARS-CoV-2 infection and RT-PCR CFR, respectively were direct. Increased SARS-CoV-2 CFR was associated with median age of the national population (β = -0.1244, [95% CI: -0.24, -0.01], P = 0.031 ); COVID-19 infection rate (β = -0.370, [95% CI: -0.66, -0.08], P = 0.012 ); and prevalence of obesity among adults aged 18 + years (β = 0.128, [95% CI: 0.06,0.20], P = 0.0001) were statistically significant. SARS-CoV-2 infection rates were strongly linked to median age of the national population (β = 0.118, [95% CI: 0.02,0.22 ], P = 0.024); population density per square kilometer, (β = -0.003, [95% CI: -0.0058, -0.00059], P = 0.016 ) and UHC for service coverage index (β = 0.089, [95% CI: 0.04,0.14, P = 0.001 ) in which their relationship was statistically significant.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study shade a light that UHC for service coverage, and median age of the national population, population density have significant effect on COVID-19 infection rate while COVID-19 infection rate, median age of the national population and prevalence of obesity among adults aged 18 + years were associated with COVID-19 case-fatality rate. Both, UHC and GHS do not emerge to protect against COVID-19-related case fatality rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Access to affordable, quality healthcare is the key element of universal health coverage (UHC). This study examines the effectiveness of the neglected tropical disease (NTD) mass drug administration (MDA) campaign approach as a means to deliver UHC, using the example of the Liberia national programme.
    METHODS: We first mapped the location of 3195 communities from the 2019 national MDA treatment data reporting record of Liberia. The association between coverage for onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis treatment achieved in these communities was then explored using a binomial geo-additive model. This model employed three key determinants for community \'remoteness\': population density and the modelled travel time of communities to their supporting health facility and to their nearest major settlement.
    RESULTS: Maps produced highlight a small number of clusters of low treatment coverage in Liberia. Statistical analysis suggests there is a complex relationship between treatment coverage and geographic location.
    CONCLUSIONS: We accept the MDA campaign approach is a valid mechanism to reach geographically marginal communities and, as such, has the potential to deliver UHC. We recognise there are specific limitations requiring further study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 2021 Resolution on Oral Health by the 74th World Health Assembly supports an important health policy direction: inclusion of oral health in universal health coverage. Many healthcare systems worldwide have not yet addressed oral diseases effectively. The adoption of value-based healthcare (VBHC) reorients health services towards outcomes. Evidence indicates that VBHC initiatives are improving health outcomes, client experiences of healthcare, and reducing costs to healthcare systems. No comprehensive VBHC approach has been applied to the oral health context. Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV), an Australian state government entity, commenced a VBHC agenda in 2016 and is continuing its efforts in oral healthcare reform. This paper explores a VBHC case study showing promise for achieving universal health coverage that includes oral health. DHSV applied the VBHC due to its flexibility in scope, consideration of a health workforce with a mix of skills, and alternative funding models other than fee-for-service.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted lives across all countries and communities. It significantly reduced the global economic output and dealt health systems across the world a serious blow. There is growing evidence showing the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact it has on health systems, which should help to draw lessons for further consolidating and realizing universal health coverage (UHC) in all countries, complemented by more substantial government commitment and good governance, and continued full implementation of crucial policies and plans to avert COVID-19 and similar pandemic threats in the future. Therefore, the objective of the study was to assess the impact of good governance, economic growth and UHC on the COVID-19 infection rate and case fatality rate (CFR) among African countries.
    METHODS: We employed an analytical ecological study design to assess the association between COVID-19 CFR and infection rate as dependent variables, and governance, economic development and UHC as independent variables. We extracted data from publicly available databases (i.e., Worldometer, Worldwide Governance Indicators, Our World in Data and WHO Global Health Observatory Repository). We employed a multivariable linear regression model to examine the association between the dependent variables and the set of explanatory variables. STATA version 14 software was used for data analysis.
    RESULTS: All 54 African countries were covered by this study. The median observed COVID-19 CFR and infection rate were 1.65% and 233.46%, respectively. Results of multiple regression analysis for predicting COVID-19 infection rate indicated that COVID-19 government response stringency index (β = 0.038; 95% CI 0.001, 0.076; P = 0.046), per capita gross domestic product (GDP) (β = 0.514; 95% CI 0.158, 0.87; P = 0.006) and infectious disease components of UHC (β = 0.025; 95% CI 0.005, 0.045; P = 0.016) were associated with COVID-19 infection rates, while noncommunicable disease components of UHC (β = -0.064; 95% CI -0.114; -0.015; P = 0.012), prevalence of obesity among adults (β = 0.112; 95% CI 0.044; 0.18; P = 0.002) and per capita GDP (β = -0.918; 95% CI -1.583; -0.254; P = 0.008) were associated with COVID-19 CFR.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that good governance practices, favourable economic indicators and UHC have a bearing on COVID-19 infection rate and CFR. Effective health system response through a primary healthcare approach and progressively taking measures to grow their economy and increase funding to the health sector to mitigate the risk of similar future pandemics would require African countries to move towards UHC, improve governance practices and ensure economic growth in order to reduce the impact of pandemics on populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colombia\'s universal health coverage programme has enrolled 98% of the population, thereby improving financial protection and health outcomes. The right to participate in the organisation of healthcare is enshrined in the 1991 Colombian Constitution. One participatory mechanism is the legal and regulatory provision that citizens can form user associations. This study examines the functionality of health insurance user associations and their influence on citizen empowerment and health insurance responsiveness.
    The mixed methods study includes document review (n=72), a survey of beneficiaries (n=1311), a survey of user associations members (n=27), as well as interviews (n=19), focus group discussions (n=6) and stakeholder consultations (n=6) with user association members, government officials, and representatives from insurers, the pharmaceutical industry, and patient associations. Analysis used a content-process-context framework to understand how user associations are designed to work according to policy content, how they actually work in terms of coverage, public awareness, membership, and effectiveness, and contextual influences.
    Colombia\'s user associations have a mandate to represent citizens\' interests, enable participation in insurer decision-making, \'defend users\' and oversee quality services. Insurers are mandated to ensure their enrollees create user associations, but are not required to provide resources to support their work. Thus, we found that user associations had been formed throughout the country, but the public was widely unaware of their existence. Many associations were weak, passive or entirely inactive. Limited market competition and toothless policies about user associations made insurers indifferent to community involvement.
    Currently, the initiative suffers from low awareness and low participation levels that can hardly lead to empowered enrollees and more responsive health insurance programmes. Yet, most stakeholders value the space to participate and still see potential in the initiative. This warrants a range of policy recommendations to strengthen user associations and truly enable them to effect change.





