Uniparental disomy

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Inherited glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) deficiency is an autosomal recessive disease and a set of syndromes caused by different genes involved in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylinositol characterized by severe cognitive disability, elevated serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels, and distinct facial features. This report presents a patient with inherited GPI deficiency caused by a homozygous frameshift variant of PGAP3 due to uniparental isodisomy (UPiD) on chromosome 17.
    METHODS: Clinical characteristics of the patient were collected. Microarray analysis followed by adaptive sampling sequencing targeting chromosome 17 was used for the identification of variants. Sanger sequencing was used to confirm the variant in the target region.
    RESULTS: The patient was born at 38 weeks of gestation with a birthweight of 3893 g. He had a distinctive facial appearance with hypertelorism, wide nasal bridge, and cleft soft palate. Postnatal head magnetic resonance imaging revealed a Blake\'s pouch cyst. The serum ALP level was 940 IU/L at birth and increased to 1781 IU/L at 28 days of age. Microarray analysis revealed region of homozygosity in nearly the entire region of chromosome 17, leading to the diagnosis of UPiD. Adaptive sampling sequencing targeting chromosome 17 confirmed the homozygous variant NM_033419:c.778dupG (p.Val260Glyfs*14) in the PGAP3 gene, resulting in a diagnosis of inherited GPI deficiency.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of inherited GPI deficiency caused by UPiD. Inherited GPI deficiency must be considered in patients with unexplained hyperphosphatasemia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ovarian mature teratomas (OMTs) originate from post-meiotic germ cells. Malignant transformation occurs in approximately 1-2% of OMTs; however, sebaceous carcinoma arising from OMTs is rare. This is the first report of a detailed genomic analysis of sebaceous carcinoma arising from an OMT. A 36-year-old woman underwent evaluation for abdominal tumors and subsequent hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy. Pathologically, a diagnosis of stage IA sebaceous carcinoma arising from an OMT was established. Eight months post-surgery, the patient was alive without recurrence. Immunohistochemically, the tumor was negative for mismatch repair proteins. A nonsense mutation in TP53 (p.R306*) and a deletion in PIK3R1 were identified. Single nucleotide polymorphisms across all chromosomes displayed a high degree of homozygosity, suggestive of uniparental disomy. Herein, the OMT resulting from the endoreduplication of oocytes underwent a malignant transformation to sebaceous carcinoma via TP53 as an early event and PIK3R1 as a late event.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Herein, we present a case of mosaic trisomy 6 detected by amniocentesis.
    METHODS: Amniocentesis (G-banding) was performed at 17 weeks of gestation; the results were 47,XY,+6[3]/46,XY[12]. Fetal screening ultrasonography showed no morphological abnormalities, and the parents desired to continue the pregnancy. The infant was delivered vaginally at 39 weeks\' gestation. The male infant weighed 3002 g at birth with no morphological abnormalities. G-banding karyotype analysis performed on the infant\'s peripheral blood revealed 46,XY[20]. FISH analysis revealed trisomy signals on chromosome 6 in 1-4 out of 100 cells from the placenta. The single nucleotide polymorphism microarray of the umbilical cord blood revealed no abnormalities. Methylation analysis of umbilical cord blood revealed no abnormalities in PLAGL1. No disorders were observed at one year of age.
    CONCLUSIONS: When amniocentesis reveals chromosomal mosaicism, it is essential to provide a thorough fetal ultrasound examination and careful genetic counseling to support the couples\' decision-making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Uniparental disomies (UPD) refers to the inheritance of both homologs of a chromosome from only one parent with no representative copy from the other parent. UPD was with an estimated prevalence of 0.15‰ in population. Current understanding of UPD was limited to subjects for which UPD was associated with clinical manifestation due to imprinting disorders or recessive diseases. Segmental UPD was rare, especially for a segmental UPD with a combination of hetero- and isodisomy. This paper presents a couple with reciprocal translocation 46,XY, t(14;22)(q32.3;q12.2) for PGT-SR. Among 8 biopsied blastocysts, one euploid blastocyst (No.4) with segmental loss of heterozygosity (LOH)(22) [arr[hg19] q12.1q22.3 (28,160,407 - 35,407,682)] was detected by B allele frequency. We found the chromosome contained both UPiD(22) [arr[hg19] q12.1q22.3 (28,160,407 - 35,407,682) ×2 hmz mat] and UPhD(22) [arr[hg19] q22.3qter(35,407,682 - 51,169,045) ×2 htz mat] by haplotype analysis. UPDtool software confirmed the result. What\'s more, the segmental UPD and reciprocal translocation shared the same breakpoint, chr22q12.1 (28,160,407), while the breakpoint between iso- and heterodisomy was chr22q22.3 (35,407,682). We reported the first segmental UPD with a combination of hetero- and isodisomy, which may result from aneuploidy rescue. This case emphasizes the importance of the combination of comprehensive chromosome screening and haplotype analysis to reduce the risk of misdiagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In paternity testing, when there are Mendelian errors in the alleles between the child and the parents, a slippage mutation, or silent allele may not fully explain the phenomenon. Sometimes, it is attributed to chromosomal abnormalities, such as uniparental disomy (UPD). Here, we present the investigation of two cases of suspected UPD in paternity testing based on short tandem repeat (STR) detection (capillary electrophoresis platform). Case 1 involves a trio, where all genotypes detected on chromosome 6 in the child are homozygous and found in the father. Case 2 is a duo (mother and child), where all genotypes on chromosome 3 in the child are homozygous and not always found in the mother. At the same time, Mendelian error alleles were also observed at specific loci in these two chromosomes. Furthermore, we used the MGIEasy Signature Identification Library Prep Kit for sequencing on the massively parallel sequencing platform, which included common autosomal, X and Y chromosomes, and mitochondrial genetic markers used in forensic practice. The results showed that the genotypes of shared STRs on the two platforms were consistent, and STRs and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on these two chromosomes were homozygous. All other genetic markers followed the laws of inheritance. A comprehensive analysis supported the parent-child relationship between the child and the alleged parent, and the observed genetic anomalies can be attributed to UPD. UPD occurrences are rare, and ignoring its presence can lead to erroneous exclusions in paternity testing, particularly when multiple loci on a chromosome exhibit homozygosity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Kagami-Ogata syndrome (KOS) is a clinically recognizable syndrome in the neonatal period. It is characterized by specific skeletal anomalies and facial dysmorphisms. It is typically caused by paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 14, while epimutations and microdeletions are less commonly reported causes. In the pediatric setting, KOS is a well delineated syndrome. However, there is a dearth of literature describing the natural history of the condition in adults. Herein, we describe a 35-year-old man, the first adult with KOS reported due to paternal uniparental disomy 14, and review reports of KOS in other affected adults. This highlights the variability in neurocognitive phenotypes, the presence of connective tissue abnormalities, and the uncertainties around long-term cancer risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to perform a prenatal genetic diagnosis of a high-risk fetus with trisomy 7 identified by noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and to evaluate the efficacy of different genetic testing techniques for prenatal diagnosis of trisomy mosaicism.
    For prenatal diagnosis of a pregnant woman with a high risk of trisomy 7 suggested by NIPT, karyotyping and chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) were performed on an amniotic fluid sample. Low-depth whole-genome copy number variation sequencing (CNV-seq) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were used to clarify the results further. In addition, methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MS-MLPA) was performed to analyze the possibility of uniparental disomy(UPD).
    Amniotic fluid karyotype analysis revealed a 46, XX result. Approximately 20% mosaic trisomy 7 was detected according to the CMA result. About 16% and 4% of mosaicism was detected by CNV-seq and FISH, respectively. MS-MLPA showed no methylation abnormalities. The fetal ultrasound did not show any detectable abnormalities except for mild intrauterine growth retardation seen at 39 weeks of gestation. After receiving genetic counseling, the expectant mother decided to continue the pregnancy, and follow-up within three months of delivery was normal.
    In high-risk NIPT diagnosis, a combination of cytogenetic and molecular genetic techniques proves fruitful in detecting low-level mosaicism. Furthermore, the exclusion of UPD on chromosome 7 remains crucial when NIPT indicates a positive prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 7.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among aneuploidies compatible with life, trisomy 22 mosaicism is extremely rare, and only about 25 postnatal and 18 prenatal cases have been described in the literature so far. The condition is mainly characterized by facial and body asymmetry, cardiac heart defects, facial dysmorphisms, growth failure, delayed puberty, and variable degrees of neurodevelopmental delay.
    The scattered information regarding the condition and the dearth of data on its natural history and developmental outcomes restrict genetic counseling, particularly in prenatal settings. Moreover, a prompt diagnosis is frequently delayed by the negative selection of trisomic cells in blood, with mosaicism percentage varying among tissues, which often entails the need for further testing. Purpose/topic: The aim of our work is to provide assistance in prenatal and postnatal genetic counseling by systematically delineating the current knowledge of the condition. This entails defining the prenatal and postnatal characteristics of the condition and presenting novel data from three cases, both prenatally and postnatally. Additionally, we report the developmental outcomes observed in two new patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The study aims to report a rare case of a novel homozygous variant in the LRBA gene, originating from uniparental disomy of paternal origin. This case contributes new clinical data to the LRBA gene variant database.
    The study details the case of a 2-year-old child diagnosed in May 2023 at our center with a homozygous LRBA gene variant. Detailed clinical data of the patient were collected, including whole-exome sequencing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, with parental genetic verification.
    The child presented with recurrent respiratory infections and chronic neutropenia, progressing to pancytopenia. Imaging showed splenomegaly and enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary and abdominal regions. Peripheral blood lymphocyte count revealed reduced B cells and NK cells. Elevated cytokine levels of IFN-α and IFN-r were observed. Whole-exome sequencing revealed a nonsense homozygous variant in the LRBA gene, specifically c.2584C>T (p.Gln862Ter). The father exhibited a heterozygous variant at this locus, while no variant was found in the mother. Sample analysis indicated characteristics of uniparental disomy. According to the guidelines of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), this variant is preliminarily classified as \"Likely pathogenic\". Currently, there are no reports in academic literature regarding this specific variant site.
    LRBA gene variants can lead to a rare inborn error of immunity disease. The c.2584C>T (p.Gln862Ter) variant in exon 22 of the LRBA gene is a newly identified pathogenic variant, and the homozygous variant caused by uniparental disomy is exceedingly rare. This case represents the second global report of an LRBA gene function loss due to uniparental disomy abnormalities.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Trisomy 8 syndrome, also known as \" Warkany syndrome type 2 \", was first reported in 1971. Complete trisomy 8 are mostly aborted spontaneouslyinthe first trimester. Trisomy 8 mosaicism (T8M), predominated in the current cases reported. Itisahighlyheterogeneous Chromosome disorder. We know little about its effects on fertility. In this case, a patient with T8M combined with phenylketonuria was diagnosed. She\'s mentally retarded. After evaluating the anatomy and function of the reproductive system, the patient conceived through preimplantationgenetictesting-intracytoplasmicsperminjection-embryotransfer (PGT-ICSI-ET) and obtained a healthy fetus, which is the first report. The study focuses on the maintenance of fertility in patients with T8M, the effects of phenylketonuria and genetic counseling.





