Undescended testes

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) is a rare congenital condition characterized by migration of both testes through the same inguinal canal and often presents with an inguinal hernia. TTE is associated with various genitourinary anomalies.
    METHODS: A three-year-old boy presented with a non-palpable right testis and a palpable undescended left testis in the left inguinal area. Ultrasound (US) indicated the presence of both testes in the left inguinal canal. In surgery, the two testes were found with separated cord and one hernia sac which was dissected and ligated thus the two cords freed. Next, subdartos pouches were created on both scrotum sides, so that testes placed into the left side first, and then a window created in the scrotal septum which allowed the right testis to be translocated and secured in the right subdartos pouch without tension.
    CONCLUSIONS: TTE is a rare condition and the etiology is not definitively known. TTE usually presents with an inguinal hernia and contralateral cryptorchidism. The diagnosis is made during surgery, but some radiological methods can help in diagnosis. Management is usually surgical and involves interventions such as hernia repair, reduction of the testis and orchiopexy. Continuous monitoring is essential for ensuring postoperative testes health and evaluating the risk of malignancy.
    CONCLUSIONS: TTE should be suspected in cases with unilateral empty scrotum and family history of genital disorders. US is critical for accurately localizing the testes, along with surgical exploration, to proceed with the appropriate surgical intervention.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The development of malignant tumors in patients with hydranencephaly is extremely rare. We describe the first case of testicular cancer that developed in the undescended testes of a long-term survivor of hydranencephaly.
    UNASSIGNED: A 32-year-old man with severe cerebral palsy due to hydranencephaly was referred to our department for the evaluation of a subcutaneous lump in the lower right abdomen. He was a long-term survivor of hydranencephaly. After confirming the diagnosis of right testicular cancer originating in his undescended testes, surgical resection was performed. Pathological examination revealed a mixed-type germ cell tumor.
    UNASSIGNED: The decision-making process for treating malignant tumors, like testicular cancer, in adults with severe cerebral palsy can be challenging. Clinical ethics consultation could be helpful in avoiding treatment delays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is a genetic disorder characterized by the persistence of Mullerian structures of fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper two-thirds of the vagina in a normal XY male. It is a rare genetic disorder that has been reported less than two hundred times. More rarely it may be seen in association with transverse testicular ectopia (TTE).
    METHODS: Four patients presented with swelling in the inguinal region and undescended testes. Pre-op ultrasound was done on three of these patients and it showed a hernia with testes inside the hernial sac. Hernia surgery was planned for these patients. One patient presented with a complaint of bilateral cryptorchidism that prompted laparoscopic exploration. In all five patients, on surgical exploration, Mullerian derivatives i.e., fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina were found in the abdomen. Hernia surgery was done and Mullerian structures were excised. For undescended testes, patients had orchiopexy or orchidectomy depending on their respective age group.
    CONCLUSIONS: PMDS is caused by failure of production of Mullerian inhibiting substance. Mullerian structures other than causing inguinal hernia are also at risk of malignant transformation, which is the most important significance of this condition. In light of the risk of malignant transformation, Mullerian structures must be excised.
    CONCLUSIONS: To prevent the risk of malignant transformation in PMDS, the Mullerian structures must be excised. If PMDS is associated with TTE, orchiopexy must be done for pediatric patients and orchidectomy for adult patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cryptorchidism is seen in 3% of fullterm neonates. Rarely, it may cause small bowel obstruction. Knowledge of this presentation of cryptorchidism is essential to treat bowel obstruction arising due to cryptorchidism before the patient suffers complications.
    METHODS: We present a case of a patient who underwent exploratory laparotomy for small bowel obstruction that did not resolve with conservative management. At laparotomy, on initial exploration, this patient had adhesive bands causing the small bowel obstruction. On further exploration, the bands were found to arise from a cryptorchid testis.
    UNASSIGNED: Cryptorchidism is a common finding among newborns and needs to be corrected by 1 year of age. Failure to correct cryptorchidism in a timely manner can result in complications such as bowel obstruction.
    CONCLUSIONS: Thorough intraoperative exploration is key at operation for all cases of small bowel obstruction, so as to find and treat anatomic causes of obstruction. Congenital causes of bowel obstruction should be suspected in all unexplained cases of bowel obstruction and may be revealed by careful physical examination and thorough intraoperative exploration.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pubic bone aplasia is a rare finding that is either diagnosed as incidental finding or associated with various clinical syndromes. It is usually discovered in early childhood, however, there are few reported cases of late discovery during adulthood. We present a case of a 64-year-old male with unilateral superior pubic rami aplasia, discovered incidentally during workup for sustained trauma. Our patient reported treatment for unilateral hip dislocation in his early childhood and had a history of operated undescended testes ipsilaterally. This exact constellation of pubic rami aplasia, undescended testes and hip dysplasia is unique in the available literature. Even though our patient had a normal life and the pubic aplasia was discovered incidentally, it is important to always assess these patients for systemic involvement, either from the musculoskeletal system or other organs, in order to provide better treatment for them.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Prune belly syndrome is a rare congenital malformation of unknown etiology, with the following triad of findings: abdominal muscle wall weakness, undescended testes, and urinary tract abnormalities. In most cases, detection of prune belly syndrome occurs during neonatal or infancy period. In this case report, we describe a 12-year-old boy from Ethiopia with the triad of findings of prune belly syndrome along with skeletal malformations. We are unaware of any previous report of prune belly syndrome in Ethiopia.
    METHODS: A 12-year-old Amhara boy from the Northwest Gondar Amhara regional state presented to our referral hospital with a complaint of swelling over his left flank for the past 3 months. Maternal pregnancy course and medical history were noncontributory, and he had an attended birth at a health center. He has seven siblings, none of whom had similar symptoms. On examination he had a distended abdomen, asymmetric with bulging left flank, visible horizontal line, upward umbilical slit, and absent rectus abdominis muscles. His abdomen was soft with a tender cystic, bimanually palpable mass on the left flank measuring 13 × 11 cm. Both testes were undescended and he also has developmental dysplasia of the hips. An abdominal ultrasound revealed a large cystic mass in his left kidney area with echo debris and a hip X-ray showed bilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip. Intraoperative findings were cystic left kidney, both testes were intraperitoneal, tortuous left renal vein, enlarged bladder reaching above umbilicus, and left megaureter.
    METHODS: bilateral orchidectomy and left nephrectomy were done. He was given intravenously administered antibiotics for treatment of pyelonephritis and discharged home with an appointment for follow up and possible abdominoplasty.
    CONCLUSIONS: In the current report delayed presentation contributed to testicular atrophy and decision for orchidectomy. Furthermore, he will be at potential risk for sex hormone abnormality. Therefore, diagnosis of prune belly syndrome in resource-limited settings requires a high index of suspicion. We recommend further research to determine the optimal management and early diagnosis of prune belly syndrome in resource-limited settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Agenesis of the pubic bone, as evidenced in the world literature, is a very rare clinical and congenital abnormality. Several disorders may occur with hypoplasia of the pubis.
    METHODS: Here, we report a rare longer follow-up case of the congenital unilateral agenesis of the superior ramus of pubic bone with bilateral undescended testes, osteoporosis, cranial malformations, acetabular dysplasia, unilateral shortening of the lower extremity and an abnormal gait pattern.
    CONCLUSIONS: Somatic mutations may responsible for developmental abnormalities of the mesoderm from which the pubic bones and urogenital structures develop.
    CONCLUSIONS: An isolated x-ray finding of ramus pubis agenesis may associate with cryptorchidism or several other urogenital malformations.





