Tissue distribution

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) possesses a high potential to isolate organic substances from different sample matrices. In this work, LPME was applied for the first time to investigate the biodistribution of diphenidol in different biofluids, organs, and brain regions using a fatal poisoning case. Since the LPME of diphenidol hasn\'t been reported, the effect of supported liquid membrane (SLM), acceptor and donor phases, and extraction time on LPME performance was investigated first. The solvents of 2-nonanone and 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether (NPOE) were found to be stable and efficient SLMs for LPME of diphenidol from biofluids and tissue samples, respectively. At steady state, the LPME recoveries for different sample matrices were in the range of 87 %-91 %. Due to the clean-up capability of LPME and the relatively high concentration of diphenidol in the fatal poisoning case, the proposed LPME systems were validated with related sample matrices using HPLC-UV for the determination. The methods displayed good linearity (R² ≥ 0.9943), and the limits of detection were 0.30 mg L-1, 0.28 mg L-1, and 2.7 μg g-1 for blood, urine, and liver samples, respectively. Meanwhile, the precision (≤13%), accuracy (90-110%), and matrices effect (±15%) were satisfactory at low, medium, and high concentrations. In addition, the stability, carryover, and dilution integrity met the requirements of ASB Standard 036. Finally, the proposed method was successfully applied to evaluate the biodistribution of diphenidol in five different biofluids, five organs, and six brain regions from a fatal poisoning case. Generally, the distribution of diphenidol in biofluids was lower than that in the organs and brain regions, and the highest concentration of diphenidol was observed in the liver, which is very important for the selection of inspection samples in forensic toxicological analysis. Therefore, LPME was proved to be a powerful tool for the investigation of biodistribution and postmortem redistribution in the fields of forensics.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The aim of the work is to study the nature of the distribution of 2-A-4.6-DNP in the organisms of warm-blooded animals with intragastric administration of a toxicant. The study was carried out using the methods of TLC, UV-Visible spectroscopy, and GC-MS using derivatives of 2-A-4.6-DNP. Male Wistar rats at the age of 4 months were considered as a model of the body of a warm-blooded animal. An oily suspension of 2-A-4.6-DNF was administered intragastrically in an amount of three times the LD50. Extraction of the target substance from the biomaterial was carried out by double infusion (30 minutes each) with a mixture of acetone-acetonitrile (1:1), the amount of the mixture exceeded the weight of the biomaterial by 2 times. Extractions were purified by TLC method using «Sorbfil» plates and acetone-chloroform (7: 3) mobile phase. Preliminary identification was carried out at the same time using a standard substance. Confirmatory identification was carried out by the absorption of dimethylformamide eluates in «SF-2000», as well as by the retention time and mass spectra of the major compound of the corresponding chromatographic peaks after GC-MS analysis. The quantitative content was determined spectrophotometrically, in DMF, by optical density at the analytical wavelength (490 nm). 2-Amino-4.6-dinitrophenol was found unchanged in the blood and in all the studied hollow and parenchymal organs of poisoned rats. The largest amount of 2-amino-4.6-dinitrophenol (mg/100 g) was found in the stomach walls (199.39±25.43) and stomach contents (143.14±22.63), a significant amount of the substance was found in the heart (33.49±3.66), skeletal muscles (30.70±2.64), as well as in the spleen (24.30±1.96).
    UNASSIGNED: Изучение характера распределения 2-А-4,6-ДНФ в организмах теплокровных животных при внутрижелудочном введении токсиканта.
    UNASSIGNED: Исследование проводили с применением методов тонкослойной хроматографии (ТСХ), электронной спектрофотометрии, а также газовой хроматографии-масс-спектрометрии (ГХ-МС) после дериватизации исследуемого вещества. В качестве модели организма теплокровного животного рассматривали мужских особей крыс породы Wistar в возрасте 4 мес. Масляную суспензию (в подсолнечном масле) 2-А-4,6-ДНФ вводили внутрижелудочным путем в количестве трехкратной LD50. Извлечение целевого вещества из биоматериала выполняли путем двукратного (по 30 мин) настаивания со смесью ацетон-ацетонитрил (1:1), количество смеси превышало массу биоматериала в 2 раза. Очистку извлечений осуществляли методом ТСХ, использовали пластины Sorbfil и подвижную фаза ацетон-хлороформ (7:3). Одновременно с очисткой проводили предварительную идентификацию с использованием вещества-стандарта. Подтверждающую идентификацию выполняли по поглощению диметилформамидных элюатов в СФ-2000, а также по времени удерживания и масс-спектрам major-соединения соответствующих хроматографических пиков после исследования методом ГХ-МС. Количественное содержание определяли спектрофотометрически, в среде диметилформамида, по оптической плотности при аналитической длине волны (490 нм).
    UNASSIGNED: 2-амино-4,6-динитрофенол обнаруживался в неизменном виде в крови и во всех исследованных полых и паренхиматозных органах отравленных крыс. Наибольшее количество 2-амино-4,6-динитрофенола (мг/100 г) обнаружено в стенках желудка (199,39±25,43) и содержимом желудка (143,14±22,63), значительное количество вещества найдено в сердце (33,49±3,66), скелетных мышцах (30,70±2,64), а также в селезенке (24,30±1,96).






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Propafenone (PPF) belongs to the class 1C antiarrhythmics and can cause electrocardiogram-associated adverse/toxic effects. Cases of PPF intoxication are rarely investigated. We developed a novel and selective GC-MS/MS method for the determination of PPF and its tissue distribution in an intentional fatal poisoning case, which is applicable to PPF quantification in the range of therapeutic to lethal concentrations in complex post-mortem samples. A simple and effective sample pretreatment was applied to all analyzed samples. PPF was determined without the need for dilution, even in highly complex samples containing a wide range of analyte concentrations. Quantification was performed using the standard addition method, developed and validated according to the ICH M10 guidelines. The obtained results indicated that the PPF concentration in the serum from blood taken while alive, before therapy, was the highest ever reported in the literature. Despite the intensive therapy after the patients\' admission, the PPF concentrations in the lungs, spleen, femoral blood and cardiac blood were fatal or abnormally high. On the other hand, the concentrations in the liver and skeletal muscle were lower or approximately the same as observed in cases with therapeutic doses. To the best of our knowledge, the distribution of PPF has not been investigated in fatal intoxication cases and can be helpful in clinical or forensic toxicology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial intelligence is expected to help identify excellent candidates in drug discovery. However, we face a lack of data, as it is time-consuming and expensive to acquire raw data perfectly for many compounds. Hence, we tried to develop a novel quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) method to predict a parameter more precisely from an incomplete data set via optimizing data handling by making use of predicted explanatory variables. As a case study we focused on the tissue-to-plasma partition coefficient (Kp), which is an important parameter for understanding drug distribution in tissues and building the physiologically based pharmacokinetic model and is a representative of small and sparse data sets. In this study, we predicted the Kp values of 119 compounds in nine tissues (adipose, brain, gut, heart, kidney, liver, lung, muscle, and skin), although some of these were not available. To fill the missing values in Kp for each tissue, first we predicted those Kp values by the nonmissing data set using a random forest (RF) model with in vitro parameters (log P, fu, Drug Class, and fi) like a classical prediction by a QSAR model. Next, to predict the tissue-specific Kp values in a test data set, we constructed a second RF model with not only in vitro parameters but also the Kp values of other tissues (i.e., other than target tissues) predicted by the first RF model as explanatory variables. Furthermore, we tested all possible combinations of explanatory variables and selected the model with the highest predictability from the test data set as the final model. The evaluation of Kp prediction accuracy based on the root-mean-square error and R2 value revealed that the proposed models outperformed other machine learning methods such as the conventional RF and message-passing neural networks. Significant improvements were observed in the Kp values of adipose tissue, brain, kidney, liver, and skin. These improvements indicated that the Kp information on other tissues can be used to predict the same for a specific tissue. Additionally, we found a novel relationship between each tissue by evaluating all combinations of explanatory variables. In conclusion, we developed a novel RF model to predict Kp values. We hope that this method will be applied to various problems in the field of experimental biology which often contains missing values in the near future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Technetium-99m (99mTc)-diphosphonates represent the most common radiopharmaceutical used for bone scintigraphy. Even if the uptake in bone tissue has been widely explored, atypical uptake could be seen in soft tissue malignancies during bone scintigraphy. Increased vascularization and endothelium permeability represent front-row players in the biodistribution of the tracer, albeit other causes have been identified such as trauma, necrosis, the presence of calcification in metastasis, the pH of the tissue and consequently the type of ion concentration.
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of this paper is to summarize the state of art of atypical soft tissue uptake seen in cancer tissues. The research was conducted on PubMed. The analysis of the literature suggests that calcium metabolism and ionic saturation have a pivotal role in the biodistribution of bone tracers. This phenomenon ranks in a complex scenario that includes carcinogenesis and cancer environment aspects. We also report two cases in our Institution in which atypical uptake in cancer tissues was observed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleic acid-based therapies have become a game-changing player in our way of conceiving pharmacology. Nevertheless, the inherent lability of the phosphodiester bond of the genetic material with respect to the blood nucleases severely hampers its delivery in naked form, therefore making it necessary to use delivery vectors. Among the potential non-viral vectors, polymeric materials such as the poly(β-aminoesters) (PBAEs) stand out as promising gene carriers thanks to their ability to condense nucleic acids in the form of nanometric polyplexes. To keep advancing these systems into their translational preclinical phases, it would be highly valuable to gain accurate insights of their in vivo pharmacokinetic profile. We envisaged that positron emission tomography (PET)-guided imaging could provide us with both, an accurate assessment of the biodistribution of PBAE-derived polyplexes, as well shed light on their clearance process. In this sense, taking advantage of the efficient [19F]-to-[18F]‑fluorine isotopic exchange presented by the ammonium trifluoroborate (AMBF3) group, we have designed and synthesized a new 18F-PET radiotracer based on the chemical modification of a linear poly(β-aminoester). As proof of concept, the incorporation of the newly developed 18F-PBAE into a model nanoformulation was shown to be fully compatible with the formation of the polyplexes, their biophysical characterization, and all their in vitro and in vivo functional features. With this tool in hand, we were able to readily obtain key clues about the pharmacokinetic behavior of a series of oligopeptide-modified PBAEs (OM-PBAEs). The observations described in this study allow us to continue supporting these polymers as an outstanding non-viral gene delivery vector for future applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Lu-177 DOTATATE (Lutathera®) is a radiolabeled analog of somatostatin administered intravenously in patients with somatostatin receptor-positive gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Biodistribution of Lu-177 DOTATATE in tumor and healthy tissues can be monitored by serial post-injection scintigraphy imaging. Patient exposure to the drug is variable with the recommended fixed dosage, and hence there is a variable response to treatment. The aim of this work was to study the pharmacokinetics of Lu-177 DOTATATE by a population modeling approach, based on single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/computed tomography (CT) images used as surrogate of plasma concentrations to study the interindividual variability and finally optimize an individual dosage.
    METHODS: From a retrospective study, SPECT/CT images were acquired at 4 h, 24 h, 72 h, and 192 h postadministration. From these images, volumic activities were calculated in blood and bone marrow. An individual non-compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis was performed, and the mean pharmacokinetic parameters of each tissue were compared together and with reference data. Blood volumic activities were then used to perform a population pharmacokinetic analysis (NONMEM).
    RESULTS: The pharmacokinetic parameters (non-compartmental analysis) obtained from blood (clearance [CL] = 2.65 L/h, volume of distribution at steady state [Vss] = 309 L, elimination half-life [t1/2] = 86.3 h) and bone marrow (CL =1.68 L/h, Vss = 233 L, t1/2 = 98.8 h) were statistically different from each other and from reference values (CL = 4.50 L/h, Vss = 460 L, t1/2 = 71.0 h) published in the literature. SPECT/CT blood images were used as a surrogate of plasma concentrations to develop a population pharmacokinetic model. Weight was identified as covariate on volume of the central compartment, reducing the interindividual variability of all population pharmacokinetic parameters.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study is a proof of concept that obtaining pharmacokinetic parameters with image-based blood concentration is possible. Obtaining observed concentrations from SPECT/CT images, without the need for blood sampling, is a real advantage for the patient and the drug monitoring. Pharmacokinetic modeling could be combined with a deep learning model for automatic contouring and allow precise patient-specific dose adjustment in a non-invasive manner.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: A 58-year-old man who underwent surgery for a well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor of pancreatic origin was evaluated with 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT imaging in the follow-up period. After PET/CT findings consistent with disease remission, the patient was started on leflunomide treatment with the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. The patient received leflunomide for 6 months. Then, 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT scan was repeated to evaluate the primary disease outcome. Besides the disease remission, we also observed alterations in DOTATATE uptakes of some tissues and organs. In this case, we present the changes in 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT scan findings after leflunomide use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The appearance of Meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale), which contains colchicine, closely resembles Alpine leek (Allium victorialis), a popular edible wild vegetable in Northern Japan. This often results in the accidental ingestion of Meadow saffron and acute colchicine poisoning deaths. Here, we report on a case of acute colchicine poisoning death caused by the accidental ingestion of Meadow saffron. A man in his 70 s had been given wild vegetables from his neighborhood, which were then cooked and eaten by himself and his wife. Several hours later, they suffered from abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. They immediately went to the hospital and received routine treatment. While his wife made a full recovery, he died at home two days after consumption of the vegetables. A forensic autopsy was conducted five days after ingestion of the Meadow saffron and a lethal concentration (21.5 ng/mL) of colchicine in the peripheral blood sample was detected by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Distribution of colchicine in body fluids, tissues and gastrointestinal contents was also investigated. Some of the plants he had eaten were identified as Alpine leek or Meadow saffron by genetic analysis of his stomach contents. Histopathological examination showed apoptotic cells and cell cycle arrest at the metaphase in the intestinal crypts and testis. In addition, we detected high concentrations of endotoxins and tumor necrosis factor-α in his blood, indicating that intestinal mucosal injury induced by colchicine poisoning had allowed endotoxins to invade the body, causing death by endotoxin shock.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The biodistribution of liposomal ICG and the optimal clinical strategy for PDT using liposomal ICG is unclear because of the lack of clinical evidences.
    OBJECTIVE: This case-series study aimed to evaluate the biodistribution of liposomal ICG in patients with breast cancer undergoing PDT.
    RESULTS: Four patients with breast cancer underwent PDT with liposomal ICG in addition to a transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE)from August 2020 to October 2020. Patients were administered 300 mg liposomal ICG(180 mg intravenously and 120 mg intratumorally via the feeding artery) 24 hours before PDT during a TACE procedure. We used near-infrared fluorescence(NIR)imaging system(LIGHTVISION®; Shimadzu Corporation)to detect the biodistribution of liposomal ICG. The peak intratumoral liposomal ICG uptake was shown 24 hours after liposomal ICG administration in 3 patients. Only 1 patient had peak uptake at 6 hours, with no uptake at 24 hours.
    CONCLUSIONS: NIR-imaging system may be and adjuvant in evaluation of liposomal ICG biodistribution in patients with breast cancer and assisting in the decision-making for the use of PDT with liposomal ICG.





