Tiapride Hydrochloride

盐酸 Tiapride
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of tiapride compared to topiramate as a prophylactic in chronic migraine.
    The study was conducted under randomised and double blind conditions. A total of 56 patients aged 18-65 years with chronic migraine were assigned to two treatment arms: tiapride, 100 mg twice daily, or topiramate, 25 mg twice daily, for 12 weeks. The primary endpoint was the change in the monthly average number of migraine days. In addition, measurements were performed to determine the change in the monthly number of headache days, the percentage of subjects with >50% and >75% decrease in their monthly migraine days, and the change in headache impact as measured by the Headache Impact Test-6.
    The intention-to-treat population included 39 subjects (tiapride = 21; topiramate = 18), 35 of whom (tiapride = 18; topiramate = 16) completed the trial. The tiapride group had a mean reduction of 7.2 ± 7.5 migraine days per month compared to 7.6 ± 5.8 for the topiramate group (p = 0.86). As with the other efficacy variables measured, no differences were found between the two groups. Adverse side effects were mild in both groups.
    In patients with chronic migraine, tiapride was found to be an effective, safe and well-tolerated prophylactic treatment when compared to topiramate.
    Comparación de la tiaprida y el topiramato en el tratamiento profiláctico de la migraña crónica: estudio piloto, aleatorizado y doble ciego.
    Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia y la seguridad de la tiaprida en comparación con el topiramato en la profilaxis de la migraña crónica. Pacientes y métodos. Es un estudio aleatorizado y doble ciego. Un total de 56 pacientes de 18 a 65 años con migraña crónica fueron asignados a dos brazos de tratamiento: tiaprida, 100 mg dos veces al día, o topiramato, 25 mg dos veces al día, durante 12 semanas. El criterio de valoración principal fue el cambio en el promedio mensual de días de migraña. Además, se midió el cambio en el número mensual de días de cefalea, el porcentaje de sujetos con disminución > 50% y > 75% de sus días de migraña mensual, y el cambio del impacto de la cefalea medido por el Headache Impact Test-6. Resultados. La población por intención de tratar incluyó a 39 sujetos (tiaprida = 21; topiramato = 18) y completaron el ensayo 35 participantes (tiaprida = 18; topiramato = 16). El grupo con tiaprida tuvo una reducción media de 7,2 ± 7,5 días con migrañas por mes en comparación con 7,6 ± 5,8 para el grupo con topiramato (p = 0,86). Al igual que en las otras variables de eficacia medidas, no hubo diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos. Los efectos adversos fueron leves en ambos grupos. Conclusión. En pacientes con migraña crónica, la tiaprida demostró ser un tratamiento profiláctico eficaz, seguro y bien tolerado, al compararla con el topiramato.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report upon a case of a 55 year old patient with a bipolar affective disorder, presenting herself with a depressive symptomatology in addition to a severe motor perturbation. The main emphasis upon admittance was perfecting and improving her latest medication. Four weeks prior to her stay at our clinic a thorough neurological examination had taken place in terms of an invalidity pension trial which did not result in any diagnostic findings. Therefore a neurological disease seemed at first highly unlikely. Even though the prior testing was negative, the ensuing neurological examination at our clinic resulted in movement disorders very much indicative of Huntington\'s Disease. A detailed investigation in regards to the particular family history of the patient was positive for Huntington\'s Disease. However, whether the patient\'s mother had also been a genetic carrier of Huntington\'s Disease was still unknown at the time the patient was admitted to our clinic. It was nevertheless discovered that her mother had also suffered from a bipolar affective disorder. A genetic testing that followed the neurological examination of the patient proved positive for Huntington\'s Disease. Neuro-imaging resulted in a bicaudate-index of 2.4 (the critical value is 1.8). In a clinical psychological test battery the ensuing results were highly uncommon for patients with solely a bipolar affective disorder people. Under the medical regimen of Quetiapine, Citalopram and Tiaprid the patient\'s mood could be stabilized and there was some improvement of her motor pertubation.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article





