Terrestrial laser scanning

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transmission pipelines belong to technical infrastructure, the condition of which is subject to periodic monitoring. The research was to verify whether aerial measurement methods, especially UAV laser scanning, could determine the geometric shape of pipelines with a precision similar to that of terrestrial scanning, adopted as a reference method. The test object was a section of a district heating pipeline with two types of surfaces: matte and glossy. The pipeline was measured using four methods: terrestrial scanning, airborne scanning, UAV scanning and the structure from motion method. Then, based on the reference terrestrial scanning data, pipeline models were created, with which all methods were compared. The comparison made it possible to find that only the UAV scanning yielded results consistent with those of the terrestrial scanning for all the pipes. The differences usually did not exceed 10 mm, sometimes reaching 20 mm. The structure from motion method yielded unstable results. For the old, matte pipes, the results were similar to those of the UAV scan; however, for the new, shiny pipes, the differences were up to 60 mm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Habitat structure strongly influences niche differentiation, facilitates predator avoidance, and drives species-specific foraging strategies of bats. Vegetation structure is also a strong driver of echolocation call characteristics. The fine-scale assessment of how bats utilise such structures in their natural habitat is instrumental in understanding how habitat composition shapes flight- and acoustic behaviour. However, it is notoriously difficult to study their species-habitat relationship in situ.
    METHODS: Here, we describe a methodology combining Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to characterise three-dimensional vegetation structure and acoustic tracking to map bat behaviour. This makes it possible to study fine-scale use of habitat by bats, which is essential to understand spatial niche segregation in bats. Bats were acoustically tracked with microphone arrays and bat calls were classified to bat guild using automated identification. We did this in multiple LiDAR scanned vegetation plots in forest edge habitat. The datasets were spatially aligned to calculate the distance between bats\' positions and vegetation structures.
    RESULTS: Our results are a proof of concept of combining LiDAR with acoustic tracking. Although it entails challenges with combining mass-volumes of fine-scale bat movements and vegetation information, we show the feasibility and potential of combining those two methods through two case studies. The first one shows stereotyped flight patterns of pipistrelles around tree trunks, while the second one presents the distance that bats keep to the vegetation in the presence of artificial light.
    CONCLUSIONS: By combining bat guild specific spatial behaviour with precise information on vegetation structure, the bat guild specific response to habitat characteristics can be studied in great detail. This opens up the possibility to address yet unanswered questions on bat behaviour, such as niche segregation or response to abiotic factors in interaction with natural vegetation. This combination of techniques can also pave the way for other applications linking movement patterns of other vocalizing animals and 3D space reconstruction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Owing to the recent proliferation of inventory works on roads and railways, bridge acceptance tests have increased exponentially. These tests\' results are often misinterpreted owing to the use of various measuring equipment types, rendering integrated interpretation problematic. It is also problematic that adjusting the measurement method is difficult when the structure\'s response to load is uncertain. Therefore, it is important to observe the largest possible range of possible deformations. For this reason, the present study suggests a novel approach to bridge non-destructive measurements using a laser scanner during acceptance testing. The main advantage of our method is the ability it affords to observe all points of the structure during testing, an ability that is extremely important is the absence of unambiguous data regarding the bridge\'s condition. To significantly increase the scanning accuracy (up to 0.5 mm), measurements from a limited number of linear sensors are used (whose accuracy is up to 0.1 mm). To achieve optimal accuracy, we performed the following steps: first, we adapted the precision requirements to the numerical project. For this purpose, we used potentiometric sensors to measure linear deformations. Next, we performed laser scanning measurements from two scan positions. Finally, we filtered the data for the selected cross-section and modelled the points into polynomial deflection. The performed tests confirmed that the structure\'s response was as predicted by the FEM model, and the object was approved for use. Our future tests will be based on the selection of a structure with minimal measurement errors, and the results will be compared using a total station, ensuring the highest possible quality of service, which can be repeated in simple steps. As study objects, we presented two items: the first without proper calibration on a linear sensor and the second using linear sensors to present the highest possible accuracy of our experiment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Straightforward sediment transport is not common in nature and material is storage during transport and reworked by the same processed that lead to initial mass erosion. Despite the development of quantitative assessment by application high accuracy topography measurement, lack of conceptualisation and combination with precise elevation model changes is still missing. This paper presents a field-based channel-bluff connectivity study based on a sediment cascade approach. A TLS (terrestrial laser scanning) time-series database was generated by systematic monitoring of cut-bluff slope surface of the braided-wandering Belá River. The database was used to estimate volume changes and allowed to develop the conceptualisation model of coupling of cut-bluff slope based on spatial and temporal analyses of channel hydrology, gravity conditioned transformation of matter and a detailed of sediment budget calculations. Historical analyses have shown that a flow direction perpendicular to the slope is crucial to activate cut-bluff slope material movement and initiate a sediment cascade, as significant contributors of sediment into the river. Sediment supply to the channels correlates with the magnitude of flood events (maximum discharge, cumulative discharge, cumulative discharge higher than RI1.5, and duration of discharges higher than RI1.5) and lateral migration as a main factor controlling the behaviour of the cut-bluff slope-channel system. During the survey from March 2016 to November 2018, were transported 10,103 m3 (25,964 t) of fine-grained sediment into the river channel.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in timber construction have led to the realization of complex timber plate structures assembled with wood-wood connections. Although advanced numerical modelling tools have been developed to perform their structural analysis, limited experimental tests have been carried out on large-scale structures. However, experimental investigations remain necessary to better understand their mechanical behaviour and assess the numerical models developed. In this paper, static loading tests performed on timber plate shells of about 25 m span are reported. Displacements were measured at 16 target positions on the structure using a total station and on its entire bottom surface using a terrestrial laser scanner. Both methods were compared to each other and to a finite element model in which the semi-rigidity of the connections was represented by springs. Total station measurements provided more consistent results than point clouds, which nonetheless allowed the visualization of displacement fields. Results predicted by the model were found to be in good agreement with the measurements compared to a rigid model. The semi-rigid behaviour of the connections was therefore proven to be crucial to precisely predict the behaviour of the structure. Furthermore, large variations were observed between as-built and designed geometries due to the accumulation of fabrication and construction tolerances.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cliff recession is a combined result of wave action in the shore zone and geomorphological processes in the transformed cliff. As several processes usually take place simultaneously or consecutively, so distinguishing between the impact of each one of them individually on cliff erosion is impossible. Jeziorsko Reservoir is characterized by large fluctuations of water level in the annual cycle (several metres), hence in winter, when the water level in the reservoir is the lowest, the exposed cliff is not directly influenced by wave erosion. Sediments resulting from freeze-thaw action are accumulated at the bluff toe. However, in early spring, when freeze-thaw processes are continued, the water level in the reservoir is elevated, reaching the bluff toe. Wave erosion in that period causes removal of the material accumulated at the bluff toe and, consequently, cliff degradation. These processes interact. In 2015, the normal water level in the reservoir was lowered by 0.5 m leaving the bluff toe unaffected by wave erosion also in spring and summer months. These conditions enabled us to distinguish between the effects inflicted by freeze-thaw action and other sub-aerial geomorphological processes and wave erosion on cliff recession. This paper summarizes a series of detailed terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) measurements of morphological changes in an active cliff developing in coherent deposits in the temperate zone, resulting from freeze-thaw processes. Field research was conducted in 2014-2015 and 2018. The results of this study indicate that in coherent deposits in the temperate zone freeze-thaw action plays an important role among sub-aerial geomorphological processes such as wetting and drying of the surface sediments, linear erosion or mass movements causing cliff recession.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changing climate is increasing the amount and intensity of forest stress agents, such as drought, pest insects, and pathogens. Leaf water content, measured here in terms of equivalent water thickness (EWT), is an early indicator of tree stress that provides timely information about the health status of forests. Multispectral terrestrial laser scanning (MS-TLS) measures target geometry and reflectance simultaneously, providing spatially explicit reflectance information at several wavelengths. EWT and leaf internal structure affect leaf reflectance in the shortwave infrared region that can be used to predict EWT with MS-TLS. A second wavelength that is sensitive to leaf internal structure but not affected by EWT can be used to normalize leaf internal effects on the shortwave infrared region and improve the prediction of EWT. Here we investigated the relationship between EWT and laser intensity features using multisensor MS-TLS at 690, 905, and 1,550 nm wavelengths with both drought-treated and Endoconidiophora polonica inoculated Norway spruce seedlings to better understand how MS-TLS measurements can explain variation in EWT. In our study, a normalized ratio of two wavelengths at 905 and 1,550 nm and length of seedling explained 91% of the variation (R2) in EWT as the respective prediction accuracy for EWT was 0.003 g/cm2 in greenhouse conditions. The relation between EWT and the normalized ratio of 905 and 1,550 nm wavelengths did not seem sensitive to a decreased point density of the MS-TLS data. Based on our results, different EWTs in Norway spruce seedlings show different spectral responses when measured using MS-TLS. These results can be further used when developing EWT monitoring for improving forest health assessments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cadastral system provides land ownership information by registering and representing land boundaries on a map. The current cadastral system in Korea, however, focuses mainly on the management of 2D land-surface boundaries. It is not yet possible to provide efficient or reliable land administration, as this 2D system cannot support or manage land information on 3D properties (including architectures and civil infrastructures) for both above-ground and underground facilities. A geometrical model of the 3D parcel, therefore, is required for registration of 3D properties. This paper, considering the role of the cadastral system, proposes a framework for a 3D underground cadastral system that can register various types of 3D underground properties using indoor mapping for as-built Building Information Modeling (BIM). The implementation consists of four phases: (1) geometric modeling of a real underground infrastructure using terrestrial laser scanning data; (2) implementation of as-built BIM based on geometric modeling results; (3) accuracy assessment for created as-built BIM using reference points acquired by total station; and (4) creation of three types of 3D underground cadastral map to represent underground properties. The experimental results, based on indoor mapping for as-built BIM, show that the proposed framework for a 3D underground cadastral system is able to register the rights, responsibilities, and restrictions corresponding to the 3D underground properties. In this way, clearly identifying the underground physical situation enables more reliable and effective decision-making in all aspects of the national land administration system.





