Task sharing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: For primary healthcare systems to bring care closer to the communities, the availability of appropriate human resources is crucial. The primary care workforce in the world is expanding to include non-physician health workers (NPHWs) to increase its capacity. Also, NPHWs as mid-level health providers (MLHPs) are currently being employed in high- and low-income countries to assist doctors and specialists to make up for the scarcity of health professionals. Given the wide prevalence in the deployment of NPHWs as mid-level health providers, this article collates recent evidence on the role of MLHPs in improving access to primary healthcare services, and their enablers and barriers in integrating them in primary care teams. The article also presents gaps in evidence and recommendations for the way forward.
    UNASSIGNED: A systematic search of contemporary literature published from January 2012 to September 2022 was undertaken using two bibliographic databases (PubMed and Cochrane) and hand searching the reference list of retrieved papers. Duplicates, papers older than ten years, and whose focus was not on primary healthcare were excluded. The papers finalised for appraisal were scrutinised for key themes and their summaries were collated for analysis. The papers comprised of twenty-four quantitative, twenty-three qualitative, and nine mixed approach study designs (n = 56) due to which a narrative approach was conducted as per guidelines.
    UNASSIGNED: The review identified and presents the following themes - task shifting and its effectiveness in service delivery, quality of care, enablers and barriers of NPHWs in primary health care in both HIC and LMIC settings.
    UNASSIGNED: Task-shifting interventions need effective engagement and constant coordination with relevant stakeholders. For this, policymakers, public health researchers, healthcare professionals of all cadres and community members need to be involved across all stages of introduction and absorption of the cadre into the primary healthcare delivery system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mental health needs and disparities are widespread and have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the greatest burden being on marginalized individuals worldwide. The World Health Organization developed the Mental Health Gap Action Programme to address growing global mental health needs by promoting task sharing in the delivery of psychosocial and psychological interventions. However, little is known about the training needed for non-specialists to deliver these interventions with high levels of competence and fidelity. This article provides a brief conceptual overview of the evidence concerning the training of non-specialists carrying out task-sharing psychosocial and psychological interventions while utilizing illustrative case studies from Kenya, Ethiopia, and the United States to highlight findings from the literature. In this article, the authors discuss the importance of tailoring training to the skills and needs of the non-specialist providers and their roles in the delivery of an intervention. This narrative review with four case studies advocates for training that recognizes the expertise that non-specialist providers bring to intervention delivery, including how they promote culturally responsive care within their communities.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The current medical shortage and increasing healthcare needs lead to the overcrowding of primary care services. In an effort to cope with this, task sharing models of care have been implemented between healthcare professionals. Varied terms are used to describe these models. In France, “cooperation protocol” pathways have been established between general practitioners and physiotherapists.
    The aim of this narrative review is to define the terms used to describe models of task sharing involving physiotherapists for musculoskeletal care and to describe these models and their impact in order to suggest evolution prospects of French experimentations.
    Delegation, task shifting, substitution, supplementation and advanced practice terms were found in the literature. A clear distinction is suggested between substitution and supplementation. Advanced practice physiotherapy is internationally defined and recognized. Advanced practice physiotherapy models of care seem to improve care access and quality of care without increasing costs. In France, two cooperation protocols have been implemented between general practitioners and physiotherapists for musculoskeletal disorders. Regarding the obstacles to their deployment, these models could evolve considering the international and formally defined framework of advanced practice physiotherapy.
    Task sharing models of care involving physiotherapists could be promising strategies to improve access to care for patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Further studies are needed to better define the models, their objectives and to evaluate their impact in the French context.
    L’engorgement des services de soins primaires et l’augmentation de la demande de soins conduisent à des difficultés croissantes d’accès aux soins de premier recours pour les patients souffrant de troubles musculosquelettiques. Pour y faire face, plusieurs modèles de partage de tâches entre les professionnels de santé sont mis en place. Dans la littérature, différentes notions sont employées pour décrire ces modèles. En France, ces expérimentations peuvent prendre la forme de « protocoles de coopération » établis entre les médecins généralistes et les kinésithérapeutes.
    Cette revue narrative vise à définir les notions employées pour décrire les modèles de partage de tâches impliquant les kinésithérapeutes dans la prise en charge des troubles musculosquelettiques à l’international, puis à décrire ces modèles et leur impact pour aboutir à des perspectives d’évolution des expérimentations françaises.
    Les notions de « délégation », de « transfert », de « substitution », de « supplémentation » et de « pratique avancée » sont employées dans la littérature. À la différence des termes « délégation » et « transfert », une distinction claire est retrouvée entre la substitution et la supplémentation. La pratique avancée en kinésithérapie est quant à elle, définie et reconnue à l’international. Elle permettrait d’améliorer l’accès et la qualité des soins, sans augmentation des coûts. En France, deux protocoles nationaux de coopération entre les médecins généralistes et les kinésithérapeutes existent pour les troubles musculo-squelettiques. En tenant compte des freins à leur déploiement rencontrés sur le terrain, ces modèles gagneraient à être repensés en s’inspirant du cadre international de la pratique avancée en kinésithérapie.
    Les modèles de partage de tâches impliquant les kinésithérapeutes en soins primaires semblent être des leviers d’amélioration de l’accès aux soins pour les patients souffrant de troubles musculosquelettiques. Davantage d’études permettant de mieux définir les modèles, leurs objectifs et d’en évaluer l’efficacité dans le contexte français restent nécessaires.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have reported task shifting and task sharing due to various reasons and with varied scopes of health services, either task-shifted or -shared. However, very few studies have mapped the evidence on task shifting and task sharing. We conducted a scoping review to synthesize evidence on the rationale and scope of task shifting and task sharing in Africa. We identified peer-reviewed papers from PubMed, Scopus, and CINAHL bibliographic databases. Studies that met the eligibility criteria were charted to document data on the rationale for task shifting and task sharing, and the scope of tasks shifted or shared in Africa. The charted data were thematically analyzed. Sixty-one studies met the eligibility criteria, with fifty-three providing insights on the rationale and scope of task shifting and task sharing, and seven on the scope and one on rationale, respectively. The rationales for task shifting and task sharing were health worker shortages, to optimally utilize existing health workers, and to expand access to health services. The scope of health services shifted or shared in 23 countries were HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes, mental health, eyecare, maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, surgical care, medicines\' management, and emergency care. Task shifting and task sharing are widely implemented in Africa across various health services contexts towards ensuring access to health services.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    There is a striking disparity between the number of individuals with significant mental health concerns and those who are able to access care globally. One promising solution to expanding the mental health taskforce is task-sharing, or employing nonspecialists in the delivery of evidence-based interventions. Behavioral activation (BA), a brief intervention that focuses on scheduling rewarding activities into one\'s daily life, may have promise for delivery using task-sharing approaches due to its straightforward, flexible nature. The aim of this systematic review was to examine the current state of the literature on non-specialist-delivered BA and evaluate the evidence base of this approach. Three databases (Pubmed, PsycInfo, and Cochrane) were searched, and all articles were screened for inclusion criteria by two research assistants, included the review of titles, abstracts, and full-text. The final dataset consisted of 13 research studies, represented through 15 articles. A meta-analysis was conducted to examine the overall pooled effects of peer-delivered BA on depressive symptoms (the most widely examined clinical outcome). Studies reported on effectiveness and implementation outcomes of non-specialist-delivered BA for depression, substance use, loneliness, trauma survivors, and individuals with comorbid physical health conditions. Results provide initial support for the effectiveness of BA utilizing a task-sharing approach, and highlight the feasibility and acceptability of using nonspecialists to deliver BA in a variety of contexts, including low-resource settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early detection of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) through echocardiographic screening can facilitate early access to effective treatment, which reduces the risk for progression. Accurate, feasible approaches to echocardiographic screening that can be incorporated into routine health services are needed. The authors hypothesized that offsite expert review could improve the diagnostic accuracy of nonexpert-obtained echocardiographic images.
    This prospective cross-sectional study was performed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of health worker-conducted single parasternal long-axis view with a sweep of the heart using hand-carried ultrasound for the detection of RHD in high-risk populations in Timor-Leste and Australia. In the primary analysis, the presence of any mitral or aortic regurgitation met the criteria for a positive screening result. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for a screen-and-refer approach based on nonexpert practitioner assessment (approach 1) and for an approach using offsite expert review of nonexpert practitioner-obtained images to decide onward referral (approach 2). Each participant had a reference test performed by an expert echocardiographer on the same day as the index test. Diagnosis of RHD was determined by a panel of three experts, using 2012 World Heart Federation criteria.
    The prevalence of borderline or definite RHD among 3,329 participants was 4.0% (95% CI, 3.4%-4.7%). The sensitivity of approach 1 for borderline or definite RHD was 86.5% (95% CI, 79.5%-91.8%), and the specificity was 61.4% (95% CI, 59.7%-63.1%). Approach 2 achieved similar sensitivity (88.4%; 95% CI, 81.5%-93.3%) and improved specificity (77.1%; 95% CI, 75.6%-78.6%).
    Nonexpert practitioner-obtained single parasternal long-axis view with a sweep of the heart images, reviewed by an offsite expert, can detect borderline and definite RHD on screening with reasonable sensitivity and specificity. Brief training of nonexpert practitioners with ongoing support could be used as an effective strategy for scaling up echocardiographic screening for RHD in high-risk settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Expanding access and use of effective contraception is important in achieving universal access to reproductive healthcare services, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), such as those in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Shortage of trained healthcare providers is an important contributor to increased unmet need for contraception in SSA. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends task sharing as an important strategy to improve access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services by addressing shortage of healthcare providers. This study explores the status, successes, challenges and impacts of the implementation of task sharing for family planning in five SSA countries. This evidence is aimed at promoting the implementation and scale-up of task sharing programmes in SSA countries by WHO.
    RESULTS: We employed a rapid programme review (RPR) methodology to generate evidence on task sharing for family planning programmes from five SSA countries namely, Burkina Faso, Cote d\'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Nigeria. This involved a desk review of country task sharing policy documents, implementation plans and guidelines, annual sexual and reproductive health programme reports, WHO regional meeting reports on task sharing for family planning; and information from key informants on country background, intervention packages, impact, enablers, challenges and ways forward on task sharing for family planning. The findings indicate mainly the involvement of community health workers, midwives and nurses in the task sharing programmes with training in provision of contraceptive pills and long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC). Results indicate an increase in family planning indicators during the task shifting implementation period. For instance, injectable contraceptive use increased more than threefold within six months in Burkina Faso; contraceptive prevalence rate doubled with declines in total fertility and unmet need for contraception in Ethiopia; and uptake of LARC increased in Ghana and Nigeria. Some barriers to successful implementation include poor retention of lower cadre providers, inadequate documentation, and poor data systems.
    CONCLUSIONS: Task sharing plays a role in increasing contraceptive uptake and holds promise in promoting universal access to family planning in the SSA region. Evidence from this RPR is helpful in elaborating country policies and scale-up of task sharing for family planning programmes.
    UNASSIGNED: INTRODUCTION: L\'élargissement de l\'accès et de l\'utilisation d’une contraception efficace est important pour parvenir à l\'accès universel aux services de santé reproductive, en particulier dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire, comme ceux de l\'Afrique subsaharienne. L’insuffisance de prestataires de soins de santé qualifiés est un facteur important de l\'augmentation des besoins non satisfaits en matière de contraception en Afrique subsaharienne. L\'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) recommande le partage des tâches comme stratégie importante pour améliorer l\'accès aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive en s’attaquant à la pénurie des prestataires de soins de santé. Cette étude explore l\'état des lieux, les réussites, les défis et les impacts de la mise en œuvre du partage des tâches pour la planification familiale dans cinq pays d\'Afrique subsaharienne. Ces données factuelles visent à promouvoir la mise en œuvre et l\'extension des programmes de partage des tâches dans les pays d\'Afrique sub-saharienne par l\'OMS. MéTHODOLOGIE ET RéSULTATS: Nous avons utilisé la méthodologie de la revue rapide des programmes (RPR) pour générer des données sur le partage des tâches pour les programmes de planification familiale de cinq pays d\'Afrique subsaharienne, à savoir le Burkina Faso, la Côte d\'Ivoire, l\'Éthiopie, le Ghana et le Nigéria. Cela impliquait la revue documentaire des documents de politique nationale de partage des tâches, des plans de mise en œuvre et des directives, des rapports annuels sur les programmes de santé sexuelle et reproductive, des rapports des réunions régionales de l\'OMS sur le partage des tâches pour la planification familiale; et des informations provenant des informateurs clés sur le contexte du pays, les programmes d\'intervention, l\'impact, les catalyseurs, les défis et les voies à suivre pour le partage des tâches pour la planification familiale. Les résultats indiquent principalement l\'implication des agents de santé communautaires, des sages-femmes et des infirmières dans les programmes de partage des tâches avec une formation liée à l’approvisionnement de pilules contraceptives et de contraceptifs réversibles à longue durée d’action (LARC). Les résultats indiquent une augmentation des indicateurs de planification familiale pendant la période de mise en œuvre du partage des tâches. Par exemple, l\'utilisation des contraceptifs injectables a plus que triplé en six mois au Burkina Faso; le taux de prévalence de la contraception a doublé avec une baisse de la fécondité totale et des besoins non satisfaits en matière de contraception en Éthiopie; et l\'adoption du LARC a augmenté au Ghana et au Nigéria. Certains obstacles à la réussite de la mise en œuvre comprennent une faible rétention des prestataires de niveau inférieur, une documentation inadéquate et des systèmes peu performants de gestion des données.
    CONCLUSIONS: Le partage des tâches joue un rôle important dans l\'augmentation de l\'utilisation de la contraception et dans la promotion de l\'accès universel à la planification familiale dans la région Afrique subsaharienne. Les données de ce RPR sont utiles pour l\'élaboration des politiques nationales et l\'intensification du partage des tâches pour les programmes de planification familiale. Correct and consistent use of contraceptives has been shown to reduce pregnancy and childbirth related maternal deaths and generally improve reproductive health. However, statistics show that many women of reproductive age in SSA who ought to be using contraceptives are not using them. As a result, high rates of maternal deaths from pregnancy or childbirth-related complications have been recorded in the region. One of the key barriers to accessing family planning in SSA is the shortage of healthcare providers. To address this problem, WHO recommends task sharing as an intervention to improve access and use of sexual and reproductive health services including family planning. While task sharing guidelines have been developed and disseminated in many SSA countries, limited evidence exists on their adoption, implementation and outcomes to promote scale-up. This study undertook a rapid programme review of evidence from policy documents, implementation plans and guidelines, annual sexual and reproductive health programme reports, regional meeting reports and key stakeholder reports on task sharing to explore the status, successes, challenges and impacts of the implementation of task sharing for family planning in five SSA countries: Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Nigeria. We found that task sharing programmes mainly involved community health workers, midwives and nurses. The intervention led to increased modern contraception access and use and general improvement in family planning indicators during the implementation periods. Some barriers to successful implementation of task sharing include poor retention of lower cadre providers, inadequate documentation, and poor data systems.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    General practitioner (GP) shortages and increasing demand for care led to the introduction of nurse practitioners (NPs) to primary care. Many concepts for task sharing among health professionals feature complexity. The aim of this narrative review was to examine how complexity is used as a factor for task allocation between GPs and NPs.
    According to the PRISMA statement, PubMed and CINAHL were searched systematically, and eligibility criteria were applied to detect literature concerning GPs and NPs in primary care and complexity in the context of task allocation. Relevant information was extracted, and a narrative analysis was performed.
    Thirty-seven studies from seven countries were included, comprising quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Complexity was used to describe patients, their needs, and health professionals\' tasks. The understanding of the use of complexity as a factor for task allocation between NPs and GPs was based on the patient population (specific vs. unspecific), the setting (specific vs. unspecific), the numbers of health professionals involved (two vs. more than two), and the NP role (distinct model of care vs. no model). Despite similarities in these areas, the tasks which NPs perform range from providing minor to complex care. However, there is a slight trend towards NPs treating socially complex patients and GPs focusing on medically complex cases.
    Complexity as a concept is prominent in primary care but remains broad and inconsistent as a factor for task allocation between NPs and GPs. This review can be used as a point of reference when practitioners are seeking methods for task allocation in a collaborative primary care setting.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Task shifting of Caesarean-sections to non-physician clinicians (NPCs) has raised concerns over NPCs\' competences and rationale of using them in facilities where medical doctors (MDs) are scarce to provide mentorship. We conducted a scoping review to provide an update on NPCs\' contribution to C-sections including barriers and enablers to task shifting. Using the PRISMA Flow Diagram, we identified 15 eligible articles from Google Scholar, PubMed and Africa Index Medicus using specific search terms and a pre-established inclusion criterion. All 15 studies characterised NPCs: their names, training, challenges and enablers to task shifting. NPCs performed 50%-94% C-sections. Outcomes of such C-sections were comparable to those performed by MDs. Enablers included supportive policies, pre-existing human resources for health shortage, well- resourced health facilities and supervision of NPCs. Weak health systems were major barriers. While NPCs make a significant contribution to accessing C-sections services, there is need to address challenges to fully realize benefits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the potential strategies to improve health care delivery in understaffed low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is task sharing, where specific tasks are transferred from more qualified health care cadre to a lesser trained cadre. Dyslipidemia is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease but often it is not managed appropriately.
    We conducted a systematic review with the objective to identify and evaluate the effect of task sharing interventions on dyslipidemia in LMICs.
    Published studies (randomized controlled trials and observational studies) were identified via electronic databases such as PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, and CINAHL. We searched the databases from inception to September 2016 and updated till 30 June 2017, using search terms related to task shifting, and cardiovascular disease prevention in LMICs. All eligible studies were summarized narratively, and potential studies were grouped for meta-analysis.
    Although our search yielded 2938 records initially and another 1628 in the updated search, only 15 studies met the eligibility criteria. Most of the studies targeted lifestyle modification and care coordination by involving nurses or allied health workers. Eight randomized controlled trials were included in the meta-analysis. Task sharing intervention were effective in lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-6.90 mg/dL; 95% CI -11.81 to -1.99) and total cholesterol (-9.44 mg/dL; 95% CI -17.94 to -0.93) levels with modest effect size. However, there were no major differences in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-0.29 mg/dL; 95% CI -0.88 to 1.47) and triglycerides (-14.31 mg/dL; 95% CI -33.32 to 4.69). The overall quality of evidence based on Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation was either \"low\" or \"very low\".
    Available data are not adequate to make recommendations on the role of task sharing strategies for the management of dyslipidemia in LMICs. However, the studies conducted in LMICs demonstrate the potential use of this strategy especially in terms of reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and total cholesterol levels. Our review calls for the need of well-designed and large-scale studies to demonstrate the effect of task-sharing strategy on lipid management in LMICs.





