Structural biology

  • 文章类型: News






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of Working Group 3 was to address the influence of both material- and anti-resorptive drug- related factors on clinical and biological outcomes and complications in implant dentistry. Focused questions were addressed on (a) implant materials other than titanium (alloy)s, (b) transmucosal abutment materials and (c) medications affecting bone metabolism were addressed.
    METHODS: Three systematic reviews formed the basis for discussion in Group 3. Consensus statements and clinical recommendations were formulated by group consensus based on the findings of the systematic reviews. Patient perspectives and recommendations for future research were also conveyed. These were then presented and accepted following further discussion and modifications as required by the plenary.
    RESULTS: Zirconia is a valid alternative to titanium as material for implant and transmucosal components, allowing soft and hard tissue integration with clinical outcomes-identified by implant survival, marginal bone loss and peri-implant probing depths-up to 5-years comparable to titatnium. However, most of the evidence for zirconia implants is based on 1-piece implants limiting the indication range. Furthermore, based on expert opinion, zirconia transmucosal components might be preferred in the esthetic zone. In patients receiving low-dose bisphosphonate therapy, the rate of early implant failure is not increased, while the long-term effects remain poorly studied. Although it has not been sufficiently addressed, similar outcomes can be expected with low-dose denosumab. A drug holiday is not recommended when considering implant placement in patients treated with low-dose ARD. However, the specific therapeutic window, the cumulative dose and the administration time should be considered. Access to peri-implant supportive care is mandatory to prevent peri-implantitis-related medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) or implant-related sequestra (IRS). In patients receiving low-dose anti-resorptive drugs (ARD) therapy, the risk of complications related to implant placement is high, and implant procedures in this specific population should be strictly treated in a comprehensive multidisciplinary center. Finally, healthy dental implants should not be removed before low or high-dose ARD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Zirconia implants can be an alternative to titanium implants in selected indications. However, the current state of evidence remains limited, especially for 2-piece implant designs. Administration of low-dose ARD did not show any negative impact on early implant outcomes, but careful follow-up and supportive care is recommended in order to prevent peri-implant MRONJ and IRS. Implant placement in high-dose patients must be strictly considered in a comprehensive multidisciplinary center.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription initiation starts with unwinding of promoter DNA by RNA polymerase (RNAP) to form a catalytically competent RNAP-promoter complex (RPo). Despite extensive study, the mechanism of promoter unwinding has remained unclear, in part due to the transient nature of intermediates on path to RPo. Here, using single-molecule unwinding-induced fluorescence enhancement to monitor promoter unwinding, and single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer to monitor RNAP clamp conformation, we analyse RPo formation at a consensus bacterial core promoter. We find that the RNAP clamp is closed during promoter binding, remains closed during promoter unwinding, and then closes further, locking the unwound DNA in the RNAP active-centre cleft. Our work defines a new, \'bind-unwind-load-and-lock\', model for the series of conformational changes occurring during promoter unwinding at a consensus bacterial promoter and provides the tools needed to examine the process in other organisms and at other promoters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) take up the neurotransmitter glutamate in the brain and are essential to maintain excitatory neurotransmission. Our understanding of the EAATs\' molecular mechanisms has been hampered by the lack of stability of purified protein samples for biophysical analyses. Here, we present approaches based on consensus mutagenesis to obtain thermostable EAAT1 variants that share up to ~95% amino acid identity with the wild type transporters, and remain natively folded and functional. Structural analyses of EAAT1 and the consensus designs using hydrogen-deuterium exchange linked to mass spectrometry show that small and highly cooperative unfolding events at the inter-subunit interface rate-limit their thermal denaturation, while the transport domain unfolds at a later stage in the unfolding pathway. Our findings provide structural insights into the kinetic stability of human glutamate transporters, and introduce general approaches to extend the lifetime of human membrane proteins for biophysical analyses.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Rationally engineering thermostability in proteins would create enzymes and receptors that function under harsh industrial applications. Several sequence-based approaches can generate thermostable variants of mesophilic proteins. To gain insight into the mechanisms by which proteins become more stable, we use structural and dynamic analyses to compare two popular approaches, ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR) and the consensus method, used to generate thermostable variants of Elongation Factor Thermo-unstable (EF-Tu). We present crystal structures of ancestral and consensus EF-Tus, accompanied by molecular dynamics simulations aimed at probing the strategies employed to enhance thermostability. All proteins adopt crystal structures similar to extant EF-Tus, revealing no difference in average structure between the methods. Molecular dynamics reveals that ASR-generated sequences retain dynamic properties similar to extant, thermostable EF-Tu from Thermus aquaticus, while consensus EF-Tu dynamics differ from evolution-based sequences. This work highlights the advantage of ASR for engineering thermostability while preserving natural motions in multidomain proteins.






