
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF), extensive ablation for substrate modification, such as linear ablation or complex fractionated atrial electrogram ablation in addition to pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) remains controversial. Previous studies investigating extensive ablation have demonstrated its varying efficacy, suggesting the possible heterogeneity of its efficacy. Aging is a major risk factor for AF and is associated with atrial remodeling. We aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of the extensive ablation strategy compared with PVI alone strategy between young and elderly patients.
    METHODS: This study is a post-hoc analysis of the multicenter, randomized controlled, noninferiority trial investigating the efficacy and safety of PVI-only (PVI-alone arm) compared with extensive ablation (PVI-plus arm) in patients with persistent AF (EARNEST-PVI trial). We divided the overall population into 2 groups based on age and assessed treatment effects.
    RESULTS: In the young group (age < 65 years, N = 206), there was no significant difference in the recurrence rate between the PVI-alone group and PVI-plus group [hazard ratio (HR): 1.00, 95%CI: 0.57-1.73, p = 0.987], whereas the recurrence rate was significantly lower in the PVI-plus group compared to the PVI-alone group in the elderly group (age ≥ 65 years, N = 291) (HR: 0.47, 95%CI: 0.29-0.76, p = 0.0021) (p for interaction = 0.0446). There were no fatal procedural complications.
    CONCLUSIONS: In patients with persistent AF, the extensive ablation strategy was more effective than the PVI-alone strategy in elderly patients, while the effectiveness of both approaches was comparable in young patients.
    BACKGROUND: URL:; Unique identifier: NCT03514693. URL: Unique ID issued by UMIN: UMIN000019449.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Motor difficulties are common in many, but not all, autistic individuals. These difficulties can co-occur with other problems, such as delays in language, intellectual, and adaptive functioning. Biological mechanisms underpinning such difficulties are less well understood. Poor motor skills tend to be more common in individuals carrying highly penetrant rare genetic mutations. Such mechanisms may have downstream consequences of altering neurophysiological excitation-inhibition balance and lead to enhanced behavioral motor noise.
    METHODS: This study combined publicly available and in-house datasets of autistic (n = 156), typically-developing (TD, n = 149), and developmental coordination disorder (DCD, n = 23) children (age 3-16 years). Autism motor subtypes were identified based on patterns of motor abilities measured from the Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2nd edition. Stability-based relative clustering validation was used to identify autism motor subtypes and evaluate generalization accuracy in held-out data. Autism motor subtypes were tested for differences in motor noise, operationalized as the degree of dissimilarity between repeated motor kinematic trajectories recorded during a simple reach-to-drop task.
    RESULTS: Relatively \'high\' (n = 87) versus \'low\' (n = 69) autism motor subtypes could be detected and which generalize with 89% accuracy in held-out data. The relatively \'low\' subtype was lower in general intellectual ability and older at age of independent walking, but did not differ in age at first words or autistic traits or symptomatology. Motor noise was considerably higher in the \'low\' subtype compared to \'high\' (Cohen\'s d = 0.77) or TD children (Cohen\'s d = 0.85), but similar between autism \'high\' and TD children (Cohen\'s d = 0.08). Enhanced motor noise in the \'low\' subtype was also most pronounced during the feedforward phase of reaching actions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The sample size of this work is limited. Future work in larger samples along with independent replication is important. Motor noise was measured only on one specific motor task. Thus, a more comprehensive assessment of motor noise on many other motor tasks is needed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Autism can be split into at least two discrete motor subtypes that are characterized by differing levels of motor noise. This suggests that autism motor subtypes may be underpinned by different biological mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart arrhythmia worldwide and is linked to a higher risk of mortality and morbidity. To predict AF and AF-related complications, clinical risk scores are commonly employed, but their predictive accuracy is generally limited, given the inherent complexity and heterogeneity of patients with AF. By classifying different presentations of AF into coherent and manageable clinical phenotypes, the development of tailored prevention and treatment strategies can be facilitated. In this study, we propose an artificial intelligence (AI)-based methodology to derive meaningful clinical phenotypes of AF in the general and critical care populations.
    METHODS: Our approach employs generative topographic mapping, a probabilistic machine learning method, to identify micro-clusters of patients with similar characteristics. It then identifies macro-cluster regions (clinical phenotypes) in the latent space using Ward\'s minimum variance method. We applied it to two large cohort databases (UK-Biobank and MIMIC-IV) representing general and critical care populations.
    RESULTS: The proposed methodology showed its ability to derive meaningful clinical phenotypes of AF. Because of its probabilistic foundations, it can enhance the robustness of patient stratification. It also produced interpretable visualisation of complex high-dimensional data, enhancing understanding of the derived phenotypes and their key characteristics. Using our methodology, we identified and characterised clinical phenotypes of AF across diverse patient populations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our methodology is robust to noise, can uncover hidden patterns and subgroups, and can elucidate more specific patient profiles, contributing to more robust patient stratification, which could facilitate the tailoring of prevention and treatment programs specific to each phenotype. It can also be applied to other datasets to derive clinically meaningful phenotypes of other conditions.
    BACKGROUND: This study was funded by the DECIPHER project (LJMU QR-PSF) and the EU project TARGET (10113624).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stratified films offer high performance and multifunctionality, yet achieving fully stratified films remains a challenge. The layer-by-layer method, involving the sequential deposition of each layer, has been commonly utilized for stratified film fabrication. However, this approach is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and prone to leaving defects within the film. Alternatively, the self-stratification process exploiting a drying binary colloidal mixture is intensively developed recently, but it relies on strict operating conditions, typically yielding a heterogeneous interlayer. In this study, an active interfacial stratification process for creating completely stratified nanoparticle (NP) films is introduced. The technique leverages NPs with varying interfacial activity at the air-water interface. With the help of depletion pressure, the lateral compression of NP mixtures at the interface induces individual desorption of less interfacial active NPs into the subphase, while more interfacial active NPs remain at the interface. This simple compression leads to nearly perfect stratified NP films with controllability, universality, and scalability. Combined with a solvent annealing process, the active stratification process enables the fabrication of stratified films comprising a polymeric layer atop a NP layer. This work provides insightful implications for designing drug encapsulation and controlled release, as well as manufacturing transparent and flexible electrodes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analysis of the restricted mean survival time (RMST) has become increasingly common in biomedical studies during the last decade as a means of estimating treatment or covariate effects on survival. Advantages of RMST over the hazard ratio (HR) include increased interpretability and lack of reliance on the often tenuous proportional hazards assumption. Some authors have argued that RMST regression should generally be the frontline analysis as opposed to methods based on counting process increments. However, in order for the use of the RMST to be more mainstream, it is necessary to broaden the range of data structures to which pertinent methods can be applied. In this report, we address this issue from two angles. First, most of existing methodological development for directly modeling RMST has focused on multiplicative models. An additive model may be preferred due to goodness of fit and/or parameter interpretation. Second, many settings encountered nowadays feature high-dimensional categorical (nuisance) covariates, for which parameter estimation is best avoided. Motivated by these considerations, we propose stratified additive models for direct RMST analysis. The proposed methods feature additive covariate effects. Moreover, nuisance factors can be factored out of the estimation, akin to stratification in Cox regression, such that focus can be appropriately awarded to the parameters of chief interest. Large-sample properties of the proposed estimators are derived, and a simulation study is performed to assess finite-sample performance. In addition, we provide techniques for evaluating a fitted model with respect to risk discrimination and predictive accuracy. The proposed methods are then applied to liver transplant data to estimate the effects of donor characteristics on posttransplant survival time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In Huntington\'s disease clinical trials, recruitment and stratification approaches primarily rely on genetic load, cognitive and motor assessment scores. They focus less on in vivo brain imaging markers, which reflect neuropathology well before clinical diagnosis. Machine learning methods offer a degree of sophistication which could significantly improve prognosis and stratification by leveraging multimodal biomarkers from large datasets. Such models specifically tailored to HD gene expansion carriers could further enhance the efficacy of the stratification process.
    OBJECTIVE: To improve stratification of Huntington\'s disease individuals for clinical trials.
    METHODS: We used data from 451 gene positive individuals with Huntington\'s disease (both premanifest and diagnosed) from previously published cohorts (PREDICT, TRACK, TrackON, and IMAGE). We applied whole-brain parcellation to longitudinal brain scans and measured the rate of lateral ventricular enlargement, over 3 years, which was used as the target variable for our prognostic random forest regression models. The models were trained on various combinations of features at baseline, including genetic load, cognitive and motor assessment score biomarkers, as well as brain imaging-derived features. Furthermore, a simplified stratification model was developed to classify individuals into two homogenous groups (low risk and high risk) based on their anticipated rate of ventricular enlargement.
    RESULTS: The predictive accuracy of the prognostic models substantially improved by integrating brain imaging features alongside genetic load, cognitive and motor biomarkers: a 24 % reduction in the cross-validated mean absolute error, yielding an error of 530 mm3/year. The stratification model had a cross-validated accuracy of 81 % in differentiating between moderate and fast progressors (precision = 83 %, recall = 80 %).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study validated the effectiveness of machine learning in differentiating between low- and high-risk individuals based on the rate of ventricular enlargement. The models were exclusively trained using features from HD individuals, which offers a more disease-specific, simplified, and accurate approach for prognostic enrichment compared to relying on features extracted from healthy control groups, as done in previous studies. The proposed method has the potential to enhance clinical utility by: i) enabling more targeted recruitment of individuals for clinical trials, ii) improving post-hoc evaluation of individuals, and iii) ultimately leading to better outcomes for individuals through personalized treatment selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adverse life course events associated with unemployment can negatively affect individuals\' future labor market prospects. Unauthorized status, and subsequent unauthorized employment, may operate similarly, marring immigrants\' labor market prospects even after they change legal status. However, it is unclear how and why any durable disadvantage associated with prior unauthorized status operates differently by gender. This is an important shortcoming given that legal status and gender overlap to influence both migration and stratification. Using longitudinal data from a nationally-representative sample of lawful permanent residents, we find durable disadvantage associated with prior exposure to unauthorized status, especially among women. Men with prior exposure to unauthorized status experience persistent occupational disadvantage over time relative to men who were never unauthorized. However, women with exposure to unauthorized status experience widening occupational disadvantage over time relative to women who were never unauthorized. Human capital and legal processes help to explain this pattern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most hostile marine habitats on Earth is the surface of the South Pacific Gyre (SPG), characterized by high solar radiation, extreme nutrient depletion, and low productivity. During the SO-245 \"UltraPac\" cruise through the center of the ultra-oligotrophic SPG, the marine alphaproteobacterial group AEGEAN169 was detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization at relative abundances up to 6% of the total microbial community in the uppermost water layer, with two distinct populations (Candidatus Nemonibacter and Ca. Indicimonas). The high frequency of dividing cells combined with high transcript levels suggests that both clades may be highly metabolically active. Comparative metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses of AEGEAN169 revealed that they encoded subtle but distinct metabolic adaptions to this extreme environment in comparison to their competitors SAR11, SAR86, SAR116, and Prochlorococcus. Both AEGEAN169 clades had the highest percentage of transporters per predicted proteins (9.5% and 10.6%, respectively). In particular, the high expression of ABC transporters in combination with proteorhodopsins and the catabolic pathways detected suggest a potential scavenging lifestyle for both AEGEAN169 clades. Although both AEGEAN169 clades may share the genomic potential to utilize phosphonates as a phosphorus source, they differ in their metabolic pathways for carbon and nitrogen. Ca. Nemonibacter potentially use glycine-betaine, whereas Ca. Indicimonas may catabolize urea, creatine, and fucose. In conclusion, the different potential metabolic strategies of both clades suggest that both are well adapted to thrive resource-limited conditions and compete well with other dominant microbial clades in the uppermost layers of SPG surface waters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbial communities, which include prokaryotes and protists, play an important role in aquatic ecosystems and influence ecological processes. To understand these communities, metabarcoding provides a powerful tool to assess their taxonomic composition and track spatio-temporal dynamics in both marine and freshwater environments. While marine ecosystems have been extensively studied, there is a notable research gap in understanding eukaryotic microbial communities in temperate lakes. Our study addresses this gap by investigating the free-living bacteria and small protist communities in Lake Roś (Poland), a dimictic temperate lake. Metabarcoding analysis revealed that both the bacterial and protist communities exhibit distinct seasonal patterns that are not necessarily shaped by dominant taxa. Furthermore, machine learning and statistical methods identified crucial amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) specific to each season. In addition, we identified a distinct community in the anoxic hypolimnion. We have also shown that the key factors shaping the composition of analysed community are temperature, oxygen, and silicon concentration. Understanding these community structures and the underlying factors is important in the context of climate change potentially impacting mixing patterns and leading to prolonged stratification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Danjiangkou Reservoir is a critical water source for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, which harbors a diverse bacterioplankton community with varying depths, and the understanding of its nitrogen and phosphorus cycle and associated driving factors remains limited. In this study, we selected five ecological sites within Danjiangkou Reservoir and conducted metagenomics analysis to investigate the vertical distribution of bacterioplankton communities in the surface, middle, and bottom layers. Furthermore, we analyzed and predicted the function of nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, along with their driving factors. Our findings revealed the dominance of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Planctomycetes in the Danjiangkou Reservoir. Significant differences were observed in the structure of bacterioplankton communities across different depths, with temperature (T), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), and Chla identified as primary factors influencing the bacterioplankton composition. Analysis of nitrogen cycle functional genes identified 39 genes, including gltB, glnA, gltD, gdhA, NRT, etc., which were involved in seven main pathways, encompassing nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction. Phosphorus cycle function gene analysis identified 54 genes, including pstS, ppx-gppA, glpQ, ppk1, etc., primarily participating in six main pathways, including organic P mineralization, inorganic P solubilization, and regulatory. Cluster analysis indicated that different depths were significant factors influencing the composition and abundance of nitrogen and phosphorus cycle functional genes. The composition and abundance of nitrogen and phosphorus cycle functional genes in the surface and bottom layers differed and were generally higher than those in the middle layer. Deinococcus, Hydrogenophaga, Limnohabitans, Clavibacter, and others were identified as key species involved in the nitrogen and phosphorus cycle. Additionally, we found significant correlations between nitrogen and phosphorus cycle functional genes and environmental factors such as DO, pH, T, total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), and Chla. Furthermore, the content of these environmental factors exhibited depth-related changes in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, resulting in a distinct vertical distribution pattern of bacterioplankton nitrogen and phosphorus cycle functional genes. Overall, this study sheds light on the composition, function, and influencing factors of bacterioplankton communities across different layers of Danjiangkou Reservoir, offering valuable insights for the ecological function and diversity protection of bacterioplankton in this crucial reservoir ecosystem.





