Standardized Nursing Terminology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using nursing intervention data within the scope of eHealth from a primary system (hospital information system) in a secondary system (electronic patient dossier) requires a common terminology across systems. For this purpose, nursing interventions from the LEP nursing interface terminology widely used in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria were mapped to the international reference terminology SNOMED CT with the support of the National Release Center Switzerland. The completed mapping comprises 467 nursing interventions from LEP Nursing Version 3.5.0 mapped to pre-coordinated SNOMED CT version 2022-12-31 procedures. Moreover, 83 new submissions were included in the international SNOMED CT edition and seven in the Swiss SNOMED CT extension. As a next step, the mapping will be tested to examine the possibilities of semantic interoperability in nursing practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To map nursing diagnoses related to cardiovascular function reported in studies involving patients in primary care.
    METHODS: A scoping review follows JBI guidelines. Literature searches were conducted from March to May 2024. Studies included focused on nursing diagnoses for adults and older adult patients with cardiovascular conditions in primary care settings. Results were systematically presented in tables and narratively.
    RESULTS: Among the 12 included studies, the most prevalent diagnosis was \"noncompliance\" (00079), removed from NANDA-I in 2017. Sixteen other diagnoses were identified, indicating a broader clinical profile of individuals with cardiovascular health issues in primary care. Most studies involved patients with hypertension in Brazil.
    CONCLUSIONS: Key nursing diagnoses for patients with cardiovascular conditions in primary care were identified. Ineffective health management emerged as a common characteristic among this population.
    CONCLUSIONS: Identifying prevalent diagnoses allows nurses to reinforce their commitment to managing cardiovascular conditions, improve care plans, and generate practice indicators for services, thus enhancing the quality of care provided.
    OBJECTIVE: Mapear diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à função cardiovascular relatados em estudos envolvendo pacientes da atenção primária. MÉTODO: Trata‐se de uma revisão de escopo, seguindo as diretrizes do JBI. As pesquisas bibliográficas foram realizadas de março a maio de 2024. Foram incluídos estudos sobre diagnósticos de enfermagem para pacientes adultos e idosos, com doenças cardiovasculares, no cenário da atenção primária. Os resultados foram apresentados sistematicamente em tabelas e de forma narrativa.
    RESULTS: Entre os 13 estudos incluídos, o diagnóstico mais prevalente foi “falta de adesão” (00079), retirado da NANDA‐I em 2017. Foram identificados outros 16 diagnósticos, indicando um perfil clínico mais amplo de indivíduos com problemas de saúde cardiovascular em cuidados primários. A maioria dos estudos envolveu pacientes com hipertensão no Brasil. CONCLUSÕES: Foram identificados os principais diagnósticos de enfermagem para pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares na atenção primária. A gestão insuficiente da saúde emergiu como uma característica comum entre esta população. IMPLICAÇÕES PARA A PRÁTICA DE ENFERMAGEM: A identificação de diagnósticos prevalentes permite aos enfermeiros reforçarem o seu compromisso com a gestão das condições cardiovasculares, melhorar os planos de cuidados e gerar indicadores de prática para os serviços, melhorando assim a qualidade dos cuidados prestados.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study has two objectives: (1) to identify the indicators of the nursing outcome \"Knowledge: Wound management (3209)\" related to the evaluation of knowledge about the care of surgical wounds; (2) to translate and culturally adapt the nursing outcome \"Knowledge: Wound management (3209)\" into Brazilian Portuguese and Colombian Spanish.
    METHODS: This is a methodological study with two steps. Initially, a scoping review was conducted based on the methodology of the Joanna Briggs Institute. Subsequently, the translation and cultural adaptation of the outcome were performed by adapting Beaton\'s recommendations, which included the label, definition, indicators, and measurement scale.
    RESULTS: The review identified 31 indicators to evaluate knowledge about surgical wound care. Of these, 16 are described in the original outcome, and 15 new indicators are proposed to be included in the classification. Following this, the label, definition, indicators, and outcome measurement scale were reviewed, translated, and adapted with appropriate terminology for the cultural contexts of Brazil and Colombia.
    CONCLUSIONS: The outcome \"Knowledge: Wound management (3209)\" for evaluating the knowledge of surgical wounds consists of 31 indicators, all supported by scientific literature. The translated and adapted versions into Brazilian Portuguese and Colombian Spanish were found to be equivalent to the original. It is inferred that the identified indicators and the translated versions of the outcome will provide nursing professionals with an accurate assessment of knowledge about surgical incision wound care in daily practice.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study reviews the scientific literature on the outcome \"Knowledge: Wound management (3209),\" facilitating the comprehensive measurement of specific knowledge about the care of surgical wounds in practice, education, or research. Additionally, it makes available the translated and adapted versions of the outcome in Brazilian Portuguese and Colombian Spanish. PROPÓSITO: Este estudio tiene dos objetivos: (1) Identificar los indicadores del resultado de enfermería \"Knowledge: Wound Management (3209)\" relacionados a la evaluación del conocimiento sobre el cuidado de las heridas quirúrgica; (2) traducir y adaptar culturalmente el resultado de enfermería \"Knowledge: Wound Management (3209)\" al portugués de Brasil y al español de Colombia. MÉTODOS: Estudio metodológico de dos pasos. Inicialmente, fue realizada una revisión de alcance orientados en la metodología de la Joanna Briggs Institute. Posteriormente, se realizó la traducción y adaptación cultural del resultado adaptando las recomendaciones de Beaton e incluyó la etiqueta, definición, indicadores y escala de medición.
    UNASSIGNED: En la revisión fueron identificados 31 indicadores para evaluar el conocimiento sobre el cuidado de las heridas quirúrgicas. De los 31 indicadores, 16 son descritos en el resultado y 15 nuevos indicadores propuestos para ser incluidos en la clasificación. A continuación, la etiqueta, definición, indicadores y escala de medición del resultado fueron revisados, traducidas y adaptados con la terminología adecuada para los entornos culturales de Brasil y Colombia. CONCLUSIÓN: El resultado \"Knowledge: Wound Management (3209)\" para el cuidado de las heridas quirúrgicas está compuesto por 31 indicadores todos sustentados con la literatura científica. Las versiones traducidas y adaptadas al portugués de Brasil y al español de Colombia del resultado fueron equivalentes al original. Se infiere que los indicadores identificados y las versiones traducidas del resultado le proporcionaran al profesional de enfermería una evaluación precisa del conocimiento sobre el cuidado de las heridas quirúrgicas en la práctica diaria. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA DE ENFERMERÍA: Este estudio revisa la literatura científica del resultado \"Knowledge: Wound Management (3209)\" favoreciendo la medición integral del conocimiento específico sobre el cuidado de las heridas quirúrgicas en la práctica, educación o investigación. Además, pone a disposición la versión traducida y adaptada del resultado en portugués de Brasil y en español de Colombia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nursing has proven to be an essential healthcare profession, especially in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. In this chapter, it shows the essential aspects of the discipline of care and its application in the face of the pandemic from an Informatics Nursing approach. The conceptual bases include the conception of care and its historical evolution. Thus, the Personal Care Knowledge Model, the clinical care sequence and its standardized languages allow Taxonomic Triangulation to be developed. Taxonomic Triangulation is a technique created by nurses that allows managing information and that served to extract knowledge from documents and clinical experiences. The application of this vision of care and its knowledge management models have been tested in different situations: from the identification of care diagnoses in a World Health Organization clinical guide to the design of a care plan manual in a hospital. On the other hand, a secondary result is the resilience shown by the nurses. A resilience based on theoretical models centered on the person and on a language that can represent life from care. In addition, nursing includes a comprehensive perspective that addresses the emotional and spiritual area. In conclusion, nurses and their specialization with skills in knowledge management allow giving visibility to care. A professional care whose purpose is to improve health systems through solutions based on care so that people can achieve their best health situation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to develop a mapping table that connects nursing notes with standard terminology, focusing on nurses\' concerns for ICU patients. After extracting nursing notes from a publicly accessible database, a research team, including a nursing informatics professor and researchers with ICU experience, developed a mapping table through a four-step process: initially reviewing literature on nurses\' concerns, then extracting nursing notes from MIMIC IV and filtering the duplicate notes, subsequently defining and coding these concerns, and finally mapping them according to the CCC. Of 11,430,637 unstructured nursing notes from MIMIC IV, 265 unique notes remained after deduplication, with 208 notes reflecting nurses\' concerns and categorized into 15 groups aligned with CCC. This mapping table will be a fundamental tool for predicting clinical deterioration in ICU patients by identifying important lexicons through natural language processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Apply Graph Theory to analyze and map knowledge about nursing diagnoses and interventions, based on records of consultations carried out by nurses, in women\'s health, in primary health care.
    METHODS: Secondary data from a cross-sectional study were used. Records of nursing consultations carried out during the month of October 2016, in 21 health units, in a Brazilian municipality were analyzed. Network analysis was carried out using Graphs from 61 nursing consultations.
    RESULTS: 175 diagnoses were recorded, an average of three per consultation; and 380 interventions, an average of six per consultation. In the analysis, four diagnostic and four intervention network groupings were identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: The mapping allowed reflection on phenomena of interest to Nursing and fostering critical thinking in decision making. The findings are useful for teaching and training nurses, as well as strengthening the use of standardized language systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A range of approaches have been used to develop and evaluate terminology mapping. In seeking to enhance existing methods this exploratory feasibility study examined a small subset of existing equivalency mappings between the International Classification for Nursing Practice and SNOMED CT. To identify potential inconsistencies in allocation, comparisons were made for each concept in each equivalency mapping, through a manual review of a) compositionality and specificity of asserted and inherited relationships, and b) ancestors through to root. There were similarities and several differences across the mappings which were both structural and definitional in nature. In order to demonstrate practical utility, the approach piloted in the present study might benefit from scaling up and a degree of automation. However, the study has demonstrated it is both feasible and potentially useful when evaluating terminology mapping to go beyond the surface language of mapped terms, and to consider the deeper definitional features of the underlying concepts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Review of the ISO 18104 technical standard for a Nursing Categorial structure to best represent nursing practice in EMR/EHRs and digital health ecosystems.
    METHODS: Application of ISO standard review guidelines in consultation with ISO member stakeholders.
    RESULTS: Comprehensive views of the nursing practice knowledge domain are presented as mindmaps. Groups of patients can now be identified using the \'type of subject of care\' category. The collaborative role of nurses is now recognized. This high level structured information model recognises nursing diagnosis, nursing actions and nurse sensitive outcomes relative to other categories and sub-categories known to influence nursing actions and nurse sensitive outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: This nursing practice framework reflects the nursing process. It supports conceptual and logical analysis of patient journey related nursing practice.
    CONCLUSIONS: This updated categorial structure is a good fit with today\'s information technologies. Its adoption enables the value of nursing services provided to be demonstrated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Japan, the excessive length of time required for nursing records has become a social problem. A shift to concise \"bulleted\" records is needed to apply speech recognition and to work with foreign caregivers. Therefore, using 96,000 descriptively described anonymized nursing records, we identified typical situations for each information source and attempted to convert them to \"bulleted\" records using ChatGPT-3.5(For return from the operating room, Status on return, Temperature control, Blood drainage, Stoma care, Monitoring, Respiration and Oxygen, Sensation and pain, etc.). The results showed that ChatGPT-3.5 has some usable functionality as a tool for extracting keywords in \"bulleted\" records. Furthermore, through the process of converting to a \"bulleted\" record, it became clear that the transition to a standardized nursing record utilizing the \"Standard Terminology for Nursing Observation and Action (STerNOA)\" would be facilitated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    EHR Interoperability is crucial to obtain a set of benefits. This can be achieved by using data standards, like ontologies. The Portuguese Nursing Ontology (NursingOntos) is a reference model describing a set of nursing concepts and their relationships, to represent nursing knowledge in the Electronic Health Records (EHR). The purpose of this work was to define a set of correspondences between Nursing Ontology concepts of NursingOntos and other terminologies, which have the same or similar meaning. In this project, we are using the ISO/TR12300:2016 standard on the principles of mapping between terminological systems. Regarding the domain of \"airway clearance\", we can say that Portuguese Nursing Ontology has a good level of mapping with other terminologies. In conclusion, we can say that Portuguese Nursing Ontology can be used in EHR with the purpose of a global digitalization of health.





