Sensorimotor Cortex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal cord transcutaneous stimulation (scTS) has shown its potential for boosting motor, sensory, and autonomic function recovery after a spinal cord injury. Despite the demonstrated benefits, little is known about the exact neuromodulatory mechanisms triggered by scTS and the cortex involvement in the beneficial effects observed. Here, we examine the effects of scTS-based motor training and motor training alone on sensorimotor cortical functional connectivity and corticospinal excitability in able-bodied and SCI participants.Clinical Relevance- The results show preliminary evidence of differential cortical involvement and modulation by scTS-based motor training in uninjured and spinal-cord injured individuals. A better understanding of scTS mechanisms of action could help optimize the intervention design and potentiate its benefits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Devices interfacing with the brain through implantation in cortical or subcortical structures have great potential for restoration and rehabilitation in patients with sensory or motor dysfunction. Typical implantation surgeries are planned based on maps of brain activity generated from intact function. However, mapping brain activity for planning implantation surgeries is challenging in the target population due to abnormal residual function and, increasingly often, existing MRI-incompatible implanted hardware. Here, we present methods and results for mapping impaired somatosensory and motor function in an individual with paralysis and an existing brain-computer interface (BCI) device. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used to directly map the neural activity evoked during transcutaneous electrical stimulation and attempted movement of the impaired hand. Evoked fields were found to align with the expected anatomy and somatotopic organization. This approach may be valuable for guiding implants in other applications, such as cortical stimulation for pain and to improve implant targeting to help reduce the craniotomy size.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Cortical deafness is a rare auditory dysfunction caused by damage to brain auditory networks. The aim was to report alterations of functional connectivity in intrinsic auditory, motor, and sensory networks in a cortical deafness patient.
    METHODS: A 41-year-old woman suffered a right putaminal hemorrhage. Eight years earlier, she had suffered a left putaminal hemorrhage and had minimal sequelae. She had quadriparesis, imbalance, hypoesthesia, and complete hearing loss.
    METHODS: She was diagnosed with cortical deafness. After 6 months, resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) and diffuse tensor imaging (DTI) were performed. DTI revealed that the acoustic radiation was disrupted while the corticospinal tract and somatosensory track were intact using deterministic tracking methods. Furthermore, the patient showed decreased functional connectivity between auditory and sensorimotor networks.
    METHODS: The patient underwent in-patient stroke rehabilitation therapy for 2 months.
    RESULTS: Gait function and ability for activities of daily living were improved. However, complete hearing impairment persisted in 6 months after bilateral putaminal hemorrhagic stroke.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our case report seems to suggest that functional alterations of spontaneous neuronal activity in auditory and sensorimotor networks are related to motor and sensory impairments in a patient with cortical deafness.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Virtual reality (VR) systems have been integrated into rehabilitation techniques for phantom limb pain (PLP). In this case report, we used electroencephalography (EEG) to analyze corticocortical coherence between the bilateral sensorimotor cortices during vibrotactile stimulation in conjunction with VR rehabilitation in two PLP patients. As a result, we observed PLP alleviation and increased alpha wave coherence during VR rehabilitation when stimulation was delivered to the cheek and shoulder (referred sensation areas) of the affected side. Vibrotactile stimulation with VR rehabilitation may enhance the awareness and movement of the phantom hand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electroencephalographic (EEG) neurofeedback could be a promising treatment for forensic psychiatric patients. Increasing evidence shows some patients are unable to regulate cortical activity. Before neurofeedback can be applied successfully, research is needed to investigate the interpersonal mechanisms responsible for patients\' ability to respond to neurofeedback. A single-case experimental design allows for close monitoring of individual patients, providing valuable information about patients\' response to the intervention and the time frame in which changes in clinical symptoms can be observed. Four patients with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR) substance use disorder and various comorbidities participated in a sham-controlled clinical case study. Self-report level of impulsivity and craving were assessed. Results indicate that one patient showed more improvements on behavioral measures after the neurofeedback training than did the others. This patient reported less impulsivity and reduced levels of self-reported craving. However, these findings could not be attributed to the neurofeedback intervention. The findings suggest that there is insufficient evidence for the beneficial effects of a theta/sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) neurofeedback intervention on measures of impulsivity and craving, and that there may be great interindividual differences in patients\' ability to regulate cortical activity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We provide direct electrophysiological evidence that mirror therapy (MT) can change brain activity and aid in the recovery of motor function after stroke. In this longitudinal single-case study, the subject was a 58-yr-old man with right-hand hemiplegia due to ischemic stroke. Over a 9-mo period we treated him with MT twice a week and measured electroencephalograms (EEG) before, during, and after each therapy session. Using advanced signal processing methods, we identified five distinct movement-related oscillatory EEG components: one slow component designated as mu rhythm and four faster components designated as sensorimotor rhythms. Results show that MT produced long-term changes of two oscillatory EEG components including the mu rhythm, which is a well-documented correlate of voluntary movement in the frequency range of 7.5-12 Hz. Specifically, MT was significantly associated with an increase in the power of mu rhythm recorded over both hemispheres and a decrease in the power of one sensorimotor component recorded over the affected hemisphere. To obtain robust, repeatable individual measures of EEG components suitable for longitudinal study, we used irregular-resampling autospectral analysis to separate fractal and oscillatory components in the EEG power spectrum and three-way parallel factor analysis to isolate oscillatory EEG components and track their activations over time. The rhythms were identified over individual days of MT training and were clearly related to the periods of event-related desynchronization and synchronization (rest, observe, and move) during MT. Our results are consistent with a model in which MT promotes recovery of motor function by altering neural activity associated with voluntary movement. NEW & NOTEWORTHY We provide novel evidence that mirror therapy (MT), which helps in the recovery of motor function after a stroke, is also associated with long-lasting changes in brain electrical activity. Using precise measurements of oscillatory EEG components over a 9-mo period in a victim of ischemic stroke, we showed that MT produced long-term increases in the mu rhythm recorded over both hemispheres and a decrease in a sensorimotor EEG component recorded over the affected hemisphere.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a 32-year-old female who presented myoclonus and generalized tonic-clonic seizure since she was 9 year-old. Thereafter, she was diagnosed as Unverricht-Lundborg disease by gene analysis. Although the epileptic seizures were controlled by multiple antiepileptic drugs, her cortical myoclonus remained intractable, which severely interfered her activity of daily living. On admission to our hospital, she presented mild cognitive impairment, dysarthria, severe postural and action myoclonus in all the limbs, severe impairment of coordinative movements, inability of standing and walking by herself, and severe basophobia. After administration of perampanel, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor antagonist, with initial dose of 1 mg/day, and then 16 days later it was increased up to 2 mg/day, the myoclonus dramatically improved and the basophobia also lessened about in 30 days since it started. Moreover, abnormally enlarged amplitudes of short latency somatosensory evoked potentials by median nerve stimulation decreased, which suggested the reduction of abnormal cortical hyperexcitability mainly in the primary sensori-motor cortices. We presented that perampanel is the effective drug for treating the refractory cortical myoclonus and basophobia even with small dosage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motor imagery (MI) with neurofeedback has been suggested as promising for motor recovery after stroke. Evidence suggests that regular training facilitates compensatory plasticity, but frequent training is difficult to integrate into everyday life. Using a wireless electroencephalogram (EEG) system, we implemented a frequent and efficient neurofeedback training at the patients\' home. Aiming to overcome maladaptive changes in cortical lateralization patterns we presented a visual feedback, representing the degree of contralateral sensorimotor cortical activity and the degree of sensorimotor cortex lateralization. Three stroke patients practiced every other day, over a period of 4 weeks. Training-related changes were evaluated on behavioral, functional, and structural levels. All 3 patients indicated that they enjoyed the training and were highly motivated throughout the entire training regime. EEG activity induced by MI of the affected hand became more lateralized over the course of training in all three patients. The patient with a significant functional change also showed increased white matter integrity as revealed by diffusion tensor imaging, and a substantial clinical improvement of upper limb motor functions. Our study provides evidence that regular, home-based practice of MI neurofeedback has the potential to facilitate cortical reorganization and may also increase associated improvements of upper limb motor function in chronic stroke patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep spindles are brief cortical oscillations at 10-15 Hz that occur predominantly during non-REM (quiet) sleep in adult mammals and are thought to contribute to learning and memory. Spindle bursts are phenomenologically similar to sleep spindles, but they occur predominantly in early infancy and are triggered by peripheral sensory activity (e.g., by retinal waves); accordingly, spindle bursts are thought to organize neural networks in the developing brain and establish functional links with the sensory periphery. Whereas the spontaneous retinal waves that trigger spindle bursts in visual cortex are a transient feature of early development, the myoclonic twitches that drive spindle bursts in sensorimotor cortex persist into adulthood. Moreover, twitches-and their associated spindle bursts-occur exclusively during REM (active) sleep. Curiously, despite the persistence of twitching into adulthood, twitch-related spindle bursts have not been reported in adult sensorimotor cortex. This raises the question of whether such spindle burst activity does not occur in adulthood or, alternatively, occurs but has yet to be discovered. If twitch-related spindle bursts do occur in adults, they could contribute to the calibration, maintenance, and repair of sensorimotor systems.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Pseudopheochromocytoma is a poorly understood, rare cause of severe paroxysmal hypertension that mimics the symptomatology of pheochromocytoma in the absence of biochemical evidence of this tumor. Symptoms such as headache, nausea, sweating, and palpitations during hypertensive episodes have been described. In this paper, we describe previously unreported findings of lateralizing sensorimotor deficits in a patient with pseudopheochromocytoma. These changes presented during a hypertensive episode and were concerning for stroke but were not accompanied by acute radiologic abnormalities. The deficits improved over 1.5 weeks as blood pressure stabilized with beta-blockade. We also review relevant literature on the clinical features, pathophysiology, and management of pseudopheochromocytoma.





