
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the Old Testament book of Genesis, Chapter 32, Jacob wrestled with an angel. After that encounter, Jacobs limped. Through careful understanding of the original meaning of the words in Verses 25, 31, and 32 of Genesis 32, we seek to learn what type of injury the angel might have inflicted on Jacob. At the time Genesis was written, the difference between tendon and nerve was not understood. While wrestling, when the angel\'s hand grabbed Jacob, it was most likely Jacob\'s hip that was affected, not his thigh. Most likely, there was a posterior dislocation of the \"socket\" (hip joint), and the \"sinew\" that was damaged was the sciatic nerve. Today, this biblical description is manifested by the sciatic nerve being removed for beef to be considered Kosher. LAY SUMMARY: In Genesis Chapter 32, Jacob wrestled with an angel, after which Jacob limped. Most likely, Jacob had a posterior hip dislocation with a sciatic nerve stretch injury. Today, this Biblical description is manifested by the sciatic nerve being removed for beef to be considered Kosher.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The formation of abscesses with necrosis within large, striated muscles leads to pyomyositis, a condition relatively rarely encountered outside the tropics. Intravenous drug users and other immunocompromised individuals are predisposed toward this infection, which may occur due to local or haematogenous spread of infection to skeletal muscles previously damaged by trauma, exercise, or rhabdomyolysis.
    METHODS: We report a young male intravenous drug user with rhabdomyolysis due to use of a synthetic opioid, in whom disseminated pyomyositis was detected following evaluation for sciatic and radial neuropathies and Horner\'s syndrome and review available reports of peripheral nerve dysfunction in the setting of this uncommon infection. We searched online databases to identify all published reports on adult patients with pyomyositis complicated by peripheral nerve dysfunction.
    CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral nerve dysfunction may rarely occur via local spread of infection or compression from abscesses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Based on recent advances in tissue engineering and stem cell therapy in nervous system diseases treatments, this study aimed to investigate sciatic nerve regeneration using human endometrial stem cells (hEnSCs) encapsulated fibrin gel containing chitosan nanoparticle loaded by insulin (Ins-CPs). Stem cells and also Insulin (Ins), which is a strong signaling molecule in peripheral nerve regeneration, play an important role in neural tissue engineering.
    METHODS: The fibrin hydrogel scaffold containing insulin loaded chitosan particles was synthesized and characterized. Release profiles of insulin from hydrogel was determined through UV-visible spectroscopy. Also, human endometrial stem cells encapsulated in hydrogel and its cell biocompatibility were assigned. Furthermore, the sciatic nerve crush injury was carried out and prepared fibrin gel was injected at the crush injury site by an 18-gage needle. Eight and twelve weeks later, the recovery of motor and sensory function and histopathological evaluation were assessed.
    RESULTS: The in vitro experiments showed that the insulin can promote hEnSCs proliferation within a certain concentration range. Animals\' treatment confirmed that developed fibrin gel containing Ins-CPs and hEnSCs significantly improves motor function and sensory recovery. Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) images provided from cross-sectional and, longitudinal-sections of the harvested regenerative nerve showed that regenerative nerve fibers had been formed and accompanied with new blood vessels in the fibrin/insulin/hEnSCs group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated that the prepared hydrogel scaffolds containing insulin nanoparticles and hEnSCs could be considered as a potential biomaterial aimed at regeneration of sciatic nerves.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of a perineural injection of dexmedetomidine combined with ropivacaine for reducing postoperative methadone requirements in dogs after tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO).
    METHODS: A prospective, clinical, randomized and blinded trial.
    METHODS: A total of 58 client-owned dogs.
    METHODS: Ultrasound-guided midfemoral sciatic and inguinal femoral nerve blocks with ropivacaine (1 mg kg-1 per nerve block) combined with either dexmedetomidine (0.5 μg kg-1 per nerve block; group DEX) or the same volume of saline (group CON) were performed in dogs undergoing TPLO. Pain was assessed 30 minutes, 2 hours and then every 4 hours for 24 hours after surgery with a validated pain scale (4AVet). Meloxicam (0.15 mg kg-1) was administered intravenously (IV) at recovery. Rescue methadone (0.2 mg kg-1 IV) was administered if a score ≥ 6 (maximal score 18) was recorded and the number of postoperative doses was analysed by Fisher exact tests. The study was performed in parallel at a Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) and a private Veterinary Referral Centre (VRC).
    RESULTS: Dogs received a total of 22 and 31 postoperative doses of methadone in groups DEX (14 doses at VRC, eight doses at VTH) and CON (28 doses at VRC, three doses at VTH), respectively. Overall, there was no difference in the postoperative rescue analgesia requirements between groups (p = 0.244). At the VRC, dogs received less methadone (p = 0.026) in group DEX compared with group CON, whereas at the VTH, there was no difference between groups (p = 0.216).
    CONCLUSIONS: Perineural dexmedetomidine combined with ropivacaine did not reduce postoperative methadone requirements in dogs after TPLO, but results may differ from one centre to another. This discrepancy might be linked to variations in clinical practices and questions the validity of results obtained from single-centre randomized controlled trials but applied to different clinical settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regional anesthesia is an integral component of successful orthopedic surgery. Neuraxial anesthesia is commonly used for surgical anesthesia while peripheral nerve blocks are often used for postoperative analgesia. Patient evaluation for regional anesthesia should include neurological, pulmonary, cardiovascular, and hematological assessments. Neuraxial blocks include spinal, epidural, and combined spinal epidural. Upper extremity peripheral nerve blocks include interscalene, supraclavicular, infraclavicular, and axillary. Lower extremity peripheral nerve blocks include femoral nerve block, saphenous nerve block, sciatic nerve block, iPACK block, ankle block and lumbar plexus block. The choice of regional anesthesia is a unanimous decision made by the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the patient based on a risk-benefit assessment. The choice of the regional block depends on patient cooperation, patient positing, operative structures, operative manipulation, tourniquet use and the impact of post-operative motor blockade on initiation of physical therapy. Regional anesthesia is safe but has an inherent risk of failure and a relatively low incidence of complications such as local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST), nerve injury, falls, hematoma, infection and allergic reactions. Ultrasound should be used for regional anesthesia procedures to improve the efficacy and minimize complications. LAST treatment guidelines and rescue medications (intralipid) should be readily available during the regional anesthesia administration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This sourcebook update describes a variation of a previous sourcebook experiment that used isolated extensor digitorum longus muscle from mouse to teach skeletal muscle properties (Head SI, Arber MS. Adv Physiol Educ 37: 405-414, 2013). Gastrocnemius-sciatic nerve preparation in an anaesthetized rat was developed and muscle contractions were recorded in a computerized data acquisition system using an isometric force transducer. Teachers and students in physiology or biology can use this preparation to demonstrate skeletal muscle properties like simple muscle twitch, quantal summation, wave summation, superposition, incomplete tetanus, complete tetanus, treppe, fatigue, and length-tension relationship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sciatic notch tumors are rare and have numerous etiologies. Tumor presentation varies widely and no uniform recommendations exist for approaching resection. Most studies on the topic have been small case series, with the approach dictated by surgeon experience and comfort. We provide an overview of surgical approaches for resecting sciatic notch tumors reported in the literature, as well as a conceptual framework for application of these approaches based on standard oncologic principles. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are described on the basis of anatomic location of the tumor. For tumors that span the notch with intra- and extra-pelvic extension, notchplasty is a novel technique that provides superior visualization and access for en-bloc excision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A lot of options have been tried for bridging the two ends of the injured nerves. Researchers have used decellularized nerve grafts, artificial materials and even nerve growth factors to augment functional recovery. These materials are either costly or inaccessible in developing world.
    UNASSIGNED: The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the silicone conduit in a rat sciatic nerve injury model.
    UNASSIGNED: 24 healthy Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (250-300 grams; 8-10 weeks) were used and right sciatic nerve was exposed; transected and re-anastomosed by two different methods in 16 rats. In control group, n = 8 (Group I) the sciatic nerve was untouched; Group II (reverse nerve anastomosis, n = 8): 1-centimeter of nerve was cut and re-anastomosed by using 10-0 monofilament suture; Group III (silicone conduit, n = 8) 1-centimeter nerve segment was cut, replaced by silicone conduit and supplemented by fibrin glue]. Evaluation of nerve recovery was done functionally (pain threshold and sciatic functional index) over 3 months and histologically and electron microscopically.
    UNASSIGNED: Functional results showed a trend of clinical improvement in Group III and II but recovery was poor and never reached up to normal. Histopathological and electron microscopic results showed an incomplete axonal regeneration in Groups II and III. Psychological analyses showed that no outwards signs of stress were present and none of the rats showed paw biting and teeth chattering.
    UNASSIGNED: The silicone conduit graft may be an economical and effective alternative to presently available interposition grafts, however for short segments only.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: It is compulsory to make a tension-free, end-to-end repair in transected injuries. However, when it comes to longer defects, placement of an autograft or nerve conduits is required. The present study was designed to assess regenerative potential of silymarin nanoparticles loaded into chitosan conduit on peripheral nerve regeneration in a transected sciatic nerve model in rat.
    METHODS: In NML group left sciatic nerve was exposed through a gluteal muscle incision and after careful hemostasis skin was closed. In TSC group left sciatic nerve was transected and stumps were fixed in adjacent muscle. In CTN group, 10-mm sciatic nerve defects were bridged using a chitosan. In CTN/NSLM group, 10-mm sciatic nerve defects were bridged using a chitosan conduit and 100 µL silymarin nanoparticles were administered into the conduit. The regenerated fibers were studied 4, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery. Assessment of nerve regeneration was based on behavioral, functional, biomechanical, histomorphometric, and immuohistochemical criteria.
    RESULTS: The behavioral, functional, electrophysiological, and biomechanical studies confirmed significant recovery of regenerated axons in CTN/NSLM group (P < 0.05). Quantitative morphometric analyses of regenerated fibers showed number and diameter of myelinated fibers in CTN/NSLM group were significantly higher than in CTN group (P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: This demonstrated potential of using chitosan-silymarin nanoparticles in peripheral nerve regeneration without limitations of donor-site morbidity associated with isolation of autograft. It is also cost saving and may have clinical implications for surgical management of patients after peripheral nerve transection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diagnosis of sciatica mainly relies on pain reproduction by stretching of the lumbar roots since neurological examination and medical history are usually not sufficient to guarantee diagnosis. The Lasègue test is the most popular method, which starts with the straight leg-raising test (SLR). However it is not perfect, and is not always well performed or interpreted. Passive ankle dorsiflexion at the end of the SLR (Bragard test) is more sensitive, but can also remain normal in some cases of sciatica. Other stretching tests can help to recognise lumbar root damage in patients with poorly defined pain in a lower extremity: firstly, the Christodoulides test, i.e. reproduction of L5 sciatic pain by a femoral stretch test; secondly, the Slump test, performed on a patient in a sitting position, by slowly extending their painful leg then passively bending their neck (or the opposite); and thirdly, the Bowstring test, which requires, at the end of the Lasègue test, once the knee has been slightly flexed, pressing on the course of the peroneal and/or tibial nerves in the popliteal fossea to try and reproduce the exact pain felt by the patient. The combination of all these tests takes less than 2minutes, and could improve both the sensitivity and specificity of the physical examination for the diagnosis of sciatica. This article is a review of the limitations of the Lasègue/SLR tests and of the efficacy of these other tests for stretching the lumbar roots.





