
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study provides an illustrated account, a comprehensive update of the systematics, and a bibliography of the 15 species of anurans in five families, eight genera; and of the six species of urodeles in two families, four genera in Iran. Bufonidae, with eight species, is the most diverse family; Salamandridae has five species and Ranidae has four species. This study also presents updated identification keys for the eggs, larvae, and metamorphosed amphibians of Iran. We designated specimen NMW 19855.1 as neotype of Pelophylax persicus (Schneider, 1799) comb. nov.. Along with distribution maps obtained from all the reliable localities and museum specimens known at this time, the modelled habitat of species, and for the first time, the National Red List of amphibians based on the IUCN red list categories and criteria. Based on our evaluation we propose to categorize Bufo eichwaldi, Paradactylodon persicus, Neurergus derjugini, and N. kaiseri as Vulnerable at National Red List, and to move Bufotes (Calliopersa) luristanicus, B. (C.) surdus, Firouzophrynus olivaceus, and Rana pseudodalmatina from the category of Least Concern (LC) to Near Threatened (NT). The National Red List of amphibians that we propose has significant implications for endangered species management and conservation. Forty-one percent of amphibian species in Iran are endemic to the country, and more than forty percent of the Iranian amphibians are at risk of extinction. Zagros Mountain forest and Hyrcaniain forests have more than 80% (i.e. 18 species) of the diversity of Iranian amphibians. A considerable amount of scientific literature published on Iranian amphibians in Persian language is not easily accessible to researchers outside Iran. This monograph attempts to remedy the situation and provides broader access to international herpetology. We recognize that taxonomy is always in a state of flux, and the names and synonymies used here reflect our current view.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Terrestrial salamanders of the genus Salamandra represent one of the most prominent groups of amphibians. They are mainly distributed across Europe but also reach Northern Africa and the Near East. Members of the six currently accepted species have long been known to be poisonous; however, work on their toxins was mostly published in German language, and therefore, many nuances of these studies have remained hidden from the majority of herpetologists and toxinologists. Several Salamandra species are called fire salamanders due to their highly contrasted, black-yellow colouration which probably serves to deter predators, although thorough evidence for aposematism in Salamandra is still lacking. Salamandra skin toxins do not only represent a potent antipredator defence but may also have antimicrobial effects. A better understanding of this dual function of Salamandra skin secretions is of utmost importance in the face of the emergence of a fungal disease causing catastrophic declines of fire salamanders in Central Europe, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans. In this review, we summarize the knowledge on Salamandra toxins, providing a list of the compounds so far isolated from their secretion and focusing on the bioactivity of the major compounds in Salamandra secretions, the steroidal alkaloids. We identify priorities for future research, including a screening of co-occurrence of steroidal alkaloids and tetrodotoxins in salamandrids, chemical characterization of already identified novel steroidal compounds, elucidation of the presence and role of peptides and proteins in the secretion, and experimental in vitro and in vivo study of the interactions between bioactive compounds in Salamandra skin secretions and cutaneous fungal and bacterial pathogens.





