  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Managing patient with suicidal thoughts and behaviours presents significant challenges due to the scarcity of robust evidence and clear guidance. This study sought to develop a comprehensive set of practical guidelines for the assessment and management of suicidal crises.
    METHODS: Utilizing the Delphi methodology, 80 suicide clinician and research experts agreed on a series of recommendations. The process involved two iterative rounds of surveys to assess agreement with drafted recommendations, inviting panellists to comment and vote, culminating in 43 consensus recommendations approved with at least 67% agreement. These consensus recommendations fall into three main categories: clinical assessment, immediate care, and long-term approaches.
    RESULTS: The panel formulated 43 recommendations spanning suicidal crisis recognition to continuous long-term care. These guidelines underscore systematic proactive suicide risk screening, in-depth medical and toxicological assessment, and suicide risk appraisal considering personal, clinical factors and collateral information from family. The immediate care directives emphasize a secure environment, continuous risk surveillance, collaborative decision-making, including potential hospitalization, sensible pharmacological management, safety planning, and lethal means restriction counselling. Every discharge should be accompanied by prompt follow-up care incorporating proactive case management and multi-modal approach involving crisis lines, brief contact, and psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study generated comprehensive guidelines addressing care for individuals in suicidal crises, covering pre- to post-discharge care. These practical recommendations can guide clinicians in managing patients with suicidal thoughts and behaviours, improve patient safety, and ultimately contribute to the prevention of future suicidal crises.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suicide continues to pose a significant global public health challenge and ranks as one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Given the prevalence of suicide risk in the community, there is a significant likelihood of encountering individuals who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or plans, creating an opening for non-health professionals to offer support. This study aims to culturally adapt the original Australian Mental Health First Aid Guidelines for suicide risk to the Chilean and Argentine context.
    A two-round Delphi expert consensus study was conducted involving two panels, one comprising individuals with personal experience in suicide thoughts/attempts or caregiving for those with such experiences (n = 18), and the other consisting of professionals specialized in suicide assessment and support for individuals at risk (n = 25). They rated a total of 179 items mainly derived from guidelines developed by Australian experts and translated into Spanish (168), and new items included by the research team (11). The panel members were requested to assess each item utilizing a five-point Likert scale. During the second round, items that received moderate approval in the initial round were re-evaluated, and new items suggested by the local experts in the first round were also subjected to evaluation in the next round. Inclusion in the final guidelines required an 80% endorsement as \"essential\" or \"important\" from both panels.
    Consensus of approval was reached for 189 statements. Among these, 139 statements were derived from the English-language guidelines, while 50 locally generated statements were accepted during the second round. A significant difference from the original guideline was identified concerning the local experts\' reluctance to discuss actions collaboratively with adolescents. Furthermore, the local experts proposed the inclusion of an entirely new section addressing suicide risk in older individuals, particularly focusing on suicide methods and warning signs.
    A Delphi expert consensus study was conducted to culturally adapt mental health first aid guidelines for assessing suicide risk in Chile and Argentina. This study involved professionals and individuals with lived experience. While many items were endorsed, some related to inquiring about suicide risk and autonomy, particularly for adolescents, were not. An additional section for older individuals was introduced. Future research should explore the implementation and impact of these adapted guidelines in training courses. This is vital for enhancing mental health support and implementing effective suicide prevention strategies in Chile and Argentina.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have been conducted globally to assess the compliance level of newspapers with the World Health Organization\'s media guidelines for responsible suicide reporting. To identify and review such studies conducted in Muslim-majority countries between 2014 and 2022, we searched PubMed and Google Scholar databases. We identified 12 eligible studies from Pakistan (n = 4), Bangladesh (n = 2), Malaysia (n = 1), Indonesia (n = 1), Iraq (n = 1), Iran (n = 1), Nigeria (n = 1), and Egypt (n = 1). These studies indicated an overall lack of adherence to the guidelines. However, the level of nonadherence was particularly high in Pakistan. Effective suicide prevention programs may help in promoting responsible reporting of suicide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suicide and unintentional overdose are leading manners of preventable death during and within a year of pregnancy. Recently, the Utah Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC) developed 10 criteria to guide pregnancy-related classification of these deaths. Our objective was to (1) evaluate if consensus could be reached across experts in maternal mortality review when applying criteria to the determination of pregnancy-relatedness in mock MMRC case evaluation and (2) assess how additional case information shifted participants\' determination of pregnancy-relatedness in these mock cases. We used a modified Delphi process to evaluate criteria for pregnancy-related suicides and unintentional overdose. The study team developed base case scenarios to reflect the 10 proposed criteria. Base scenarios varied in timing of death (prenatal or delivery, early postpartum (<6 months), late postpartum (6-12 months)) and level of additional information available (e.g., informant interviews, social media posts). Consensus in favor of a criterion was met when ≥75% of participants identified a case as pregnancy-related in at least 1 scenario. Fifty-eight participants, representing 48 MMRCs, reviewed scenarios. Of 10 proposed criteria, 8 reached consensus. Overall, participants classified 19.4% of base case scenarios as pregnancy-related, which increased to 56.8% with additional information. Pregnancy-related classification changed across timing of death and with availability of additional information (prenatal or delivery 27.7% versus 84.6%; early postpartum 30.0% versus 58.3%; late postpartum 0.0% versus 25.0%, respectively). We identified consensus supporting the application of 8 standardized criteria in MMRC determinations of pregnancy-relatedness among suicide and unintentional overdose deaths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Young people use social media to communicate about self-harm and suicide and this is associated with both potential risks and protective effects. The #chatsafe guidelines were originally developed in 2018 to equip young people to communicate safely online about suicide. They were shown to be safe, acceptable, and beneficial; however, they do not provide guidance on self-harm, and social media is constantly evolving. This study aimed to update the #chatsafe guidelines to reflect new evidence and current social media affordances, and to include guidance on self-harm.
    A Delphi expert consensus study was conducted, comprising six stages: 1) A systematic search of peer-reviewed and grey literature; 2) A series of roundtables with key stakeholders including social media companies, policymakers, and young people; 3) Questionnaire development; 4) Expert panel formation; 5) Data collection and analysis; and 6) Guideline development.
    A total of 191 items were included in the new #chatsafe guidelines. These were organised into eight themes, which became the overarching sections of the guidelines: 1) General tips; 2) Creating self-harm and suicide content; 3) Consuming self-harm and suicide content; 4) Livestreams of self-harm and suicide acts; 4) Self-harm and suicide games, pacts, and hoaxes; 6) Self-harm and suicide communities; 7) Bereavement and communicating about someone who has died by suicide; and 8) Guidance for influencers.
    The new guidelines include updated and new information on online communication about self-harm, livestreams, games, pacts, and hoaxes, as well as guidance for influencers. They will be disseminated via a national social media campaign and supported by a series of adult-facing resources. Given the acceptability of the original guidelines and the ubiquitous use of social media by young people, it is hoped that the new guidelines will be a useful resource for young people and adults alike, both in Australia and worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The importance and value of involvement of people with lived experience of suicide has been recognized in suicide research and prevention. Nonetheless, clear guidance on research collaboration and co-production is lacking. This study aimed to address this gap by developing a set of guidelines on active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide studies., i.e., conducting research with or by people with lived experience, rather than to, about or for them.
    The Delphi method was used to determine statements on best practice for the active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide research. Statements were compiled through a systematic search of the scientific and grey literature, and reviewing qualitative data from a recent related study conducted by the authors. Two expert panels: people with lived experience of suicide (n = 44) and suicide researchers (n = 29) rated statements over three rounds of an online survey. Statements endorsed by at least 80% of panellists of each panel were included in the guidelines.
    Panellists endorsed 96 out of 126 statements in 17 sections covering the full research cycle from deciding on the research question and securing funding, to conducting research and disseminating and implementing outcomes. Overall, there was a substantial level of agreement between the two panels regarding support from research institutions, collaboration and co-production, communication and shared decision making, conducting research, self-care, acknowledgment, and dissemination and implementation. However, panels also disagreed on specific statements regarding representativeness and diversity, managing expectations, time and budgeting, training, and self-disclosure.
    This study identified consensus recommendations on active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide research, including co-production. Support from research institutions and funders, and training on co-production for researchers and people with lived experience, are needed for successful implementation and uptake of the guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    Rates of nurse mental health and substance use disorders are high. Heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses are challenged to care for patients in ways that often jeopardize their own health and increase risks for their families. These trends exacerbate the epidemic of suicide in nursing underscored by several professional organization clarion calls to nurses\' risk. Principles of health equity and trauma-informed care dictate urgent action. The purpose of this paper is to establish consensus among clinical and policy leaders from Expert Panels of the American Academy of Nursing about actions to address risks to mental health and factors contributing to nurse suicide. Recommendations for mitigating barriers drew from the CDC\'s 2022 Suicide Prevention Resource for Action strategies to guide the nursing community to inform policy, education, research, and clinical practice with the goals of greater health promotion, risk reduction, and sustainment of nurses\' health and well-being are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense clinical practice guideline on the treatment of veterans at risk for suicide recommends considering caring contacts interventions after a psychiatric hospitalization for suicidal ideation or suicide attempt. This quality improvement project examined the implementation of the recommendation at a large VA health care system. The project enrolled 29% of hospitalized veterans (N=135 of 462). Enrollment barriers included lack of staff availability and veteran ineligibility due to homelessness or housing instability. Opportunities to improve the reach of the intervention in future quality improvement processes are discussed, especially because acceptability of the intervention was high among veterans.






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    文章类型: Journal Article





