Ribulose-Bisphosphate Carboxylase

核酮糖 - 二磷酸羧化酶
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measures of respiration in the light and Ci* are crucial to the modeling of photorespiration and photosynthesis. This chapter provides background on the equations used to model C3 photosynthesis and the history of the incorporation of the effects of rubisco oxygenation into these models. It then describes three methods used to determine two key parameters necessary to incorporate photorespiratory effects into C3 photosynthesis models: respiration in the light (RL) and Ci*. These methods include the Laisk, Yin, and isotopic methods. For the Laisk method, we also introduce a new rapid measurement technique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hornworts are a deeply diverged lineage of bryophytes and a sister lineage to mosses and liverworts. Hornworts have an array of unique features that can be leveraged to illuminate not only the early evolution of land plants, but also alternative paths for nitrogen and carbon assimilation via cyanobacterial symbiosis and a pyrenoid-based CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM), respectively. Despite this, hornworts are one of the few plant lineages with limited available genetic tools. Here we report an efficient biolistics method for generating transient expression and stable transgenic lines in the model hornwort, Anthoceros agrestis. An average of 569 (±268) cells showed transient expression per bombardment, with green fluorescent protein expression observed within 48-72 h. A total of 81 stably transformed lines were recovered across three separate experiments, averaging six lines per bombardment. We followed the same method to transiently transform nine additional hornwort species, and obtained stable transformants from one. This method was further used to verify the localization of Rubisco and Rubisco activase in pyrenoids, which are central proteins for CCM function. Together, our biolistics approach offers key advantages over existing methods as it enables rapid transient expression and can be applied to widely diverse hornwort species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growing demand for sustainable, plant-based protein sources has stimulated interest in new ingredients for food enrichment. This study investigates the nutritional and digestive implications of enriching wheat dough with RuBisCO, in comparison to pea protein-enriched and gluten-enriched doughs. The protein quality and digestibility of these enriched doughs were analysed through dough characterization, in vitro digestion experiments and biochemical analysis of digesta. Our findings indicate that an enrichment at 10% of RuBisCO or pea proteins improves the chemical score and the in vitro PDCAAS (IV-PDCAAS) score of wheat dough as compared to the control dough. Digestibility assays suggest that RuBisCO introduction modifies the protein hydrolysis kinetics: the nitrogen release is lower during gastric digestion but larger during intestinal digestion than other samples. The analysis of the protein composition of the soluble and insoluble parts of digesta, using size-exclusion chromatography, reveals that the protein network in RuBisCO-enriched dough is more resistant to gastric hydrolysis than the ones of other doughs. Indeed, non-covalently bound peptides and disulfide-bound protein aggregates partly composed of RuBisCO subunits remain insoluble at the end of the gastric phase. The digestion of these protein structures is then mostly performed during the intestinal phase. These results are also discussed in relation to the digestive enzymatic cleavage sites, the presence of potential enzyme inhibitors, the protein aggregation state and the secondary structures of the protein network in each dough type.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leaf gas exchange measurements are an important tool for inferring a plant\'s photosynthetic biochemistry. In most cases, the responses of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation to variable intercellular CO2 concentrations (A/Ci response curves) are used to model the maximum (potential) rate of carboxylation by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco, Vcmax) and the rate of photosynthetic electron transport at a given incident photosynthetically active radiation flux density (PAR; JPAR). The standard Farquhar-von Caemmerer-Berry model is often used with default parameters of Rubisco kinetic values and mesophyll conductance to CO2 (gm) derived from tobacco that may be inapplicable across species. To study the significance of using such parameters for other species, here we measured the temperature responses of key in vitro Rubisco catalytic properties and gm in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv. Sicot 71) and derived Vcmax and J2000 (JPAR at 2000 µmol m-2 s-1 PAR) from cotton A/Ci curves incrementally measured at 15°C-40°C using cotton and other species-specific sets of input parameters with our new automated fitting R package \'OptiFitACi\'. Notably, parameterisation by a set of tobacco parameters produced unrealistic J2000:Vcmax ratio of <1 at 25°C, two- to three-fold higher estimates of Vcmax above 15°C, up to 2.3-fold higher estimates of J2000 and more variable estimates of Vcmax and J2000, for our cotton data compared to model parameterisation with cotton-derived values. We determined that errors arise when using a gm,25 of 2.3 mol m-2 s-1 MPa-1 or less and Rubisco CO2-affinities in 21% O2 (KC 21%O2) at 25°C outside the range of 46-63 Pa to model A/Ci responses in cotton. We show how the A/Ci modelling capabilities of \'OptiFitACi\' serves as a robust, user-friendly, and flexible extension of \'plantecophys\' by providing simplified temperature-sensitivity and species-specificity parameterisation capabilities to reduce variability when modelling Vcmax and J2000.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) from alfalfa is a potentially climate-friendly alternative protein with a promising amino acid composition. The balance between yield and purity is a challenge for alternative plant proteins, partly due to the naturally occurring antinutrients. Therefore, measuring the in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) of RuBisCO with various purity levels is of interest. It was hypothesized that the digestibility of RuBisCO from alfalfa might vary with different processing histories and levels of refinement. To test this hypothesis, RuBisCO from alfalfa with 4 different processing histories were subjected to the INFOGEST IVPD protocol and measurement of free N-terminals and peptidomics. The result showed that the digestibility of RuBisCO was high regardless of the processing history and purity, as demonstrated by 77-99% sequence coverage in the gastric phase. In intestinal phase, increase of free N-terminals and lower sequence coverage (< 10%) indicated that the proteins were hydrolyzed to smaller peptides.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The responses of CO2 assimilation to [CO2] (A/Ci) were investigated at two developmental stages (R5 and R6) and in several soybean cultivars grown under two levels of CO2, the ambient level of 370 μbar versus the elevated level of 550 μbar. The A/Ci data were analyzed and compared by either the combined iterations or the separated iterations of the Rubisco-limited photosynthesis (Ac) and/or the RuBP-limited photosynthesis (Aj) using various curve-fitting methods: the linear 2-segment model; the non-rectangular hyperbola model; the rectangular hyperbola model; the constant rate of electron transport (J) method and the variable J method. Inconsistency was found among the various methods for the estimation of the maximum rate of carboxylation (Vcmax), the mitochondrial respiration rate in the light (Rd) and mesophyll conductance (gm). The analysis showed that the inconsistency was due to inconsistent estimates of gm values that decreased with an instantaneous increase in [CO2], and varied with the transition Ci cut-off between Rubisco-limited photosynthesis and RuBP-regeneration-limited photosynthesis, and due to over-parameters for non-linear curve-fitting with gm included. We proposed an alternate solution to A/Ci curve-fitting for estimates of Vcmax, Rd, Jmax and gm with the various A/Ci curve-fitting methods. The study indicated that down-regulation of photosynthetic capacity by elevated [CO2] and leaf aging was due to partially the decrease in the maximum rates of carboxylation and partially the decrease in gm. Mesophyll conductance lowered photosynthetic capacity by 18% on average for the case of soybean plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High abundance proteins like ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) impose a consistent challenge for the whole proteome characterization using shot-gun proteomics. To address this challenge, we developed and evaluated Polyethyleneimine Assisted Rubisco Cleanup (PARC) as a new method by combining both abundant protein removal and fractionation. The new approach was applied to a plant insect interaction study to validate the platform and investigate mechanisms for plant defense against herbivorous insects. Our results indicated that PARC can effectively remove Rubisco, improve the protein identification, and discover almost three times more differentially regulated proteins. The significantly enhanced shot-gun proteomics performance was translated into in-depth proteomic and molecular mechanisms for plant insect interaction, where carbon re-distribution was used to play an essential role. Moreover, the transcriptomic validation also confirmed the reliability of PARC analysis. Finally, functional studies were carried out for two differentially regulated genes as revealed by PARC analysis. Insect resistance was induced by over-expressing either jacalin-like or cupin-like genes in rice. The results further highlighted that PARC can serve as an effective strategy for proteomics analysis and gene discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper we describe analyses performed by Real-Time Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (real-time RT-PCR) on RNA of 12 samples, carried out for forensic purposes to investigate a correlation between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration in Cannabis and the tetrahydrocannabinol acid synthase (THCAS) gene expression. Samples were obtained from an experimental cultivation of declared potency Cannabis variety seeds and from seizures. The Rubisco gene and the 26S ribosomal RNA gene were used as internal control genes for their constant expression and stability. As results we found minor gene expression in samples from leaves of young plants. Further, grouping results for cannabis samples with similar characteristics, we have found an increased relative expression in samples with the highest percentage of THC coming from seized sample and adult plants.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Climate change is affecting high-altitude and high-latitude communities in significant ways. In the short growing season of subarctic habitats, it is essential that the timing and duration of phenological phases match favorable environmental conditions. We explored the time of the first appearance of flowers (first flowering day, FFD) and flowering duration across subarctic species composing different communities, from boreal forest to tundra, along an elevational gradient (600-800 m). The study was conducted on Mount Irony (856 m), North-East Canada (54°90\'N, 67°16\'W) during summer 2012. First, we quantified phylogenetic signal in FFD at different spatial scales. Second, we used phylogenetic comparative methods to explore the relationship between FFD, flowering duration, and elevation. We found that the phylogenetic signal for FFD was stronger at finer spatial scales and at lower elevations, indicating that closely related species tend to flower at similar times when the local environment is less harsh. The comparatively weaker phylogenetic signal at higher elevation may be indicative of convergent evolution for FFD. Flowering duration was correlated significantly with mean FFD, with later-flowering species having a longer flowering duration, but only at the lowest elevation. Our results indicate significant evolutionary conservatism in responses to phenological cues, but high phenotypic plasticity in flowering times. We suggest that phylogenetic relationships should be considered in the search for predictions and drivers of flowering time in comparative analyses, because species cannot be considered as statistically independent. Further, phenological drivers should be measured at spatial scales such that variation in flowering matches variation in environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herbivory leads to changes in the allocation of nitrogen among different pools and tissues; however, a detailed quantitative analysis of these changes has been lacking. Here, we demonstrate that a mass spectrometric data-independent acquisition approach known as LC-MS(E), combined with a novel algorithm to quantify heavy atom enrichment in peptides, is able to quantify elicited changes in protein amounts and (15)N flux in a high throughput manner. The reliable identification/quantitation of rabbit phosphorylase b protein spiked into leaf protein extract was achieved. The linear dynamic range, reproducibility of technical and biological replicates, and differences between measured and expected (15)N-incorporation into the small (SSU) and large (LSU) subunits of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) and RuBisCO activase 2 (RCA2) of Nicotiana attenuata plants grown in hydroponic culture at different known concentrations of (15)N-labeled nitrate were used to further evaluate the procedure. The utility of the method for whole-plant studies in ecologically realistic contexts was demonstrated by using (15)N-pulse protocols on plants growing in soil under unknown (15)N-incorporation levels. Additionally, we quantified the amounts of lipoxygenase 2 (LOX2) protein, an enzyme important in antiherbivore defense responses, demonstrating that the approach allows for in-depth quantitative proteomics and (15)N flux analyses of the metabolic dynamics elicited during plant-herbivore interactions.





