RNA splicing

RNA 剪接
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fidelity of splice site selection is critical for proper gene expression. In particular, proper recognition of 3\'-splice site (3\'SS) sequences by the spliceosome is challenging considering the low complexity of the 3\'SS consensus sequence YAG. Here, we show that absence of the Prp18p splicing factor results in genome-wide activation of alternative 3\'SS in S. cerevisiae, including highly unusual non-YAG sequences. Usage of these non-canonical 3\'SS in the absence of Prp18p is enhanced by upstream poly(U) tracts and by their potential to interact with the first intronic nucleoside, allowing them to dock in the spliceosome active site instead of the normal 3\'SS. The role of Prp18p in 3\'SS fidelity is facilitated by interactions with Slu7p and Prp8p, but cannot be fulfilled by Slu7p, identifying a unique role for Prp18p in 3\'SS fidelity. This fidelity function is synergized by the downstream proofreading activity of the Prp22p helicase, but is independent from another late splicing helicase, Prp43p. Our results show that spliceosomes exhibit remarkably relaxed 3\'SS sequence usage in the absence of Prp18p and identify a network of spliceosomal interactions centered on Prp18p which are required to promote the fidelity of the recognition of consensus 3\'SS sequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a heterogeneous genetic neuromuscular disorder characterized by rod bodies in muscle fibers resulting in multiple complications due to muscle weakness. NM patients and their families could benefit from genetic analysis for early diagnosis, carrier and prenatal testing; however, clinical classification of variants is subject to change as further information becomes available. Reclassification can significantly alter the clinical management of patients and their families. We used the newly published data and ACMG/AMP guidelines to reassess NM-associated variants previously reported by clinical laboratories (ClinVar). Our analyses on rare variants that were not canonical loss-of-function (LOF) resulted in the downgrading of ~29% (28/97) of variants from pathogenic or likely-pathogenic (P/LP) to variants of uncertain significance (VUS). In addition, we analyzed the splicing effect of variants identified in NM patients by clinical laboratories or research, using an accurate in silico prediction tool that applies a deep-learning network. We identified 55 rare variants that may impact splicing (cryptic splicing). We also analyzed six new NM families and identified eight variants in NEB and ACTA1, including three novel variants: homozygous pathogenic c.164A > G (p.Tyr55Cys), and homozygous likely pathogenic c.980T > C (p.Met327Thr) in ACTA1, and heterozygous VUS c.18694-3T > G in NEB. This study demonstrates the importance of reclassifying variants to facilitate more definitive \"calls\" on causality or no causality in clinical genetic testing of patients with NM. Reclassification of ~150 variants is now available for improved clinical management, risk counseling and screening of NM patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) can modulate pre-mRNA splicing. This offers therapeutic opportunities for numerous genetic diseases, often in a mutation-specific and sometimes even individual-specific manner. Developing therapeutic ASOs for as few as even a single patient has been shown feasible with the development of Milasen for an individual with Batten disease. Efforts to develop individualized ASOs for patients with different genetic diseases are ongoing globally. The N = 1 Collaborative (N1C) is an umbrella organization dedicated to supporting the nascent field of individualized medicine. N1C recently organized a workshop to discuss and advance standards for the rigorous design and testing of splice-switching ASOs. In this study, we present guidelines resulting from that meeting and the key recommendations: (1) dissemination of standardized experimental designs, (2) use of standardized reference ASOs, and (3) a commitment to data sharing and exchange.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    RNA analyses are a potent tool to identify spliceogenic effects of DNA variants, although they are time-consuming and cannot always be performed. We present splicing assays of 20 variants that represent a variety of mutation types in 10 hereditary cancer genes and attempt to incorporate these results into American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) classification guidelines. Sixteen single-nucleotide variants, 3 exon duplications, and 1 single-exon deletion were selected and prioritized by in silico algorithms. RNA was extracted from short-term lymphocyte cultures to perform RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing, and allele-specific expression was assessed whenever possible. Aberrant transcripts were detected in 14 variants (70%). Variant interpretation was difficult, especially comparing old classification standards to generic ACMG guidelines and a proposal was devised to weigh functional analyses at RNA level. According to the ACMG guidelines, only 12 variants were reclassified as pathogenic/likely pathogenic because the other two variants did not gather enough evidence. This study highlights the importance of RNA studies to improve variant classification. However, it also indicates the challenge of incorporating these results into generic ACMG guidelines and the need to refine these criteria gene specifically. Nevertheless, 60% of variants were reclassified, thus improving genetic counseling and surveillance for carriers of these variants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein arginine methylation occurs on spliceosomal components and spliceosome-associated proteins, but how this modification contributes to their function in pre-mRNA splicing remains sparse. Here we provide evidence that protein arginine methylation of the yeast SR-/hnRNP-like protein Npl3 plays a role in facilitating efficient splicing of the SUS1 intron that harbors a non-consensus 5\' splice site and branch site. In yeast cells lacking the major protein arginine methyltransferase HMT1, we observed a change in the co-transcriptional recruitment of the U1 snRNP subunit Snp1 and Npl3 to pre-mRNAs harboring both consensus (ECM33 and ASC1) and non-consensus (SUS1) 5\' splice site and branch site. Using an Npl3 mutant that phenocopies wild-type Npl3 when expressed in Δhmt1 cells, we showed that the arginine methylation of Npl3 is responsible for this. Examination of pre-mRNA splicing efficiency in these mutants reveals the requirement of Npl3 methylation for the efficient splicing of SUS1 intron 1, but not of ECM33 or ASC1. Changing the 5\' splice site and branch site in SUS1 intron 1 to the consensus form restored splicing efficiency in an Hmt1-independent manner. Results from biochemical studies show that methylation of Npl3 promotes its optimal association with the U1 snRNP through its association with the U1 snRNP subunit Mud1. Based on these data, we propose a model in which Hmt1, via arginine methylation of Npl3, facilitates U1 snRNP engagement with the pre-mRNA to promote usage of non-consensus splice sites by the splicing machinery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In eukaryotes, mRNAs are synthesized in the nucleus and then exported to the cytoplasm where they are translated into proteins. We have mapped an element, which when present in the 3\'terminal exon or in an unspliced mRNA, inhibits mRNA nuclear export. This element has the same sequence as the consensus 5\'splice site motif that is used to define the start of introns. Previously it was shown that when this motif is retained in the mRNA, it causes defects in 3\'cleavage and polyadenylation and promotes mRNA decay. Our new data indicates that this motif also inhibits nuclear export and promotes the targeting of transcripts to nuclear speckles, foci within the nucleus which have been linked to splicing. The motif, however, does not disrupt splicing or the recruitment of UAP56 or TAP/Nxf1 to the RNA, which are normally required for nuclear export. Genome wide analysis of human mRNAs, lncRNA and eRNAs indicates that this motif is depleted from naturally intronless mRNAs and eRNAs, but less so in lncRNAs. This motif is also depleted from the beginning and ends of the 3\'terminal exons of spliced mRNAs, but less so for lncRNAs. Our data suggests that the presence of the 5\'splice site motif in mature RNAs promotes their nuclear retention and may help to distinguish mRNAs from misprocessed transcripts and transcriptional noise.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Splicing assays are commonly undertaken in the clinical setting to assess the clinical relevance of sequence variants in disease predisposition genes. A 5-tier classification system incorporating both bioinformatic and splicing assay information was previously proposed as a method to provide consistent clinical classification of such variants. Members of the ENIGMA Consortium Splicing Working Group undertook a study to assess the applicability of the scheme to published assay results, and the consistency of classifications across multiple reviewers. Splicing assay data were identified for 235 BRCA1 and 176 BRCA2 unique variants, from 77 publications. At least six independent reviewers from research and/or clinical settings comprehensively examined splicing assay methods and data reported for 22 variant assays of 21 variants in four publications, and classified the variants using the 5-tier classification scheme. Inconsistencies in variant classification occurred between reviewers for 17 of the variant assays. These could be attributed to a combination of ambiguity in presentation of the classification criteria, differences in interpretation of the data provided, nonstandardized reporting of results, and the lack of quantitative data for the aberrant transcripts. We propose suggestions for minimum reporting guidelines for splicing assays, and improvements to the 5-tier splicing classification system to allow future evaluation of its performance as a clinical tool.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessing the impact of variants of unknown significance (VUS) on splicing is a key issue in molecular diagnosis. This impact can be predicted by in silico tools, but proper evaluation and user guidelines are lacking. To fill this gap, we embarked upon the largest BRCA1 and BRCA2 splice study to date by testing 272 VUSs (327 analyses) within the BRCA splice network of Unicancer. All these VUSs were analyzed by using six tools (splice site prediction by neural network, splice site finder (SSF), MaxEntScan (MES), ESE finder, relative enhancer and silencer classification by unanimous enrichment, and human splicing finder) and the predictions obtained were compared with transcript analysis results. Combining MES and SSF gave 96% sensitivity and 83% specificity for VUSs occurring in the vicinity of consensus splice sites, that is, the surrounding 11 and 14 bases for the 5\' and 3\' sites, respectively. This study was also an opportunity to define guidelines for transcript analysis along with a tentative classification of splice variants. The guidelines drawn from this large series should be useful for the whole community, particularly in the context of growing sequencing capacities that require robust pipelines for variant interpretation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a defective function of the copper-transporting ATP7B protein. This results in progressive copper overload and consequent liver, brain, and kidney damage. Approximately 300 WD-causing mutations have been described to date. Missense mutations are largely prevalent, while splice-site mutations are rarer. Of these, only a minority are detected in splicing consensus sequences. Further, few splicing mutations have been studied at the RNA level. In this study we report the RNA molecular characterization of three consensus splice-site mutations identified by DNA analysis in WD patients. One of them, c.51 + 4 A --> T, resides in the consensus sequence of the donor splice site of intron 1; the second, c. 2121 + 3 A --> G, occurred in position + 3 of intron 7; and the c.2447 + 5 G --> A is localized in the consensus sequence of the donor splice site of intron 9. Analysis revealed predominantly abnormal splicing in the samples carrying mutations compared to the normal controls. These results strongly suggest that consensus sequence splice-site mutations result in disease by interfering with the production of the normal WD protein. Our data contribute to understanding the mutational spectrum that affect splicing and improve our capability in WD diagnosis.





