  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To study the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission characteristics of industrial enterprises in China, 6 typical chemical industries in Yuncheng City were selected as research objects, including the modern coal chemical industry (MCC), pharmaceutical industry (PM), pesticide industry (PE), coking industry (CO) and organic chemical industry (OC). The chemical composition of 91 VOCs was quantitatively analyzed. The results showed that the emission concentration of VOCs in the chemical industry ranged from 1.16 to 155.59 mg/m3. Alkanes were the main emission components of MCC (62.0%), PE (55.1%), and OC (58.5%). Alkenes (46.5%) were important components of PM, followed by alkanes (23.8%) and oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) (21.2%). Halocarbons (8.6%-71.1%), OVOCs (9.7%-37.6%) and alkanes (11.2%-27.0%) were characteristic components of CO. The largest contributor to OFP was alkenes (0.6%-81.7%), followed by alkanes (9.3%-45.9%), and the lowest one was alkyne (0%-0.5%). Aromatics (66.9%-85.4%) were the largest contributing components to SOA generation, followed by alkanes (2.6%-28.5%), and the lowest one was alkenes (0%-4.1%). Ethylene and BTEX were the key active species in various chemical industries. The human health risk assessment showed workers long-term exposed to the air in the chemical industrial zone had a high cancer and non-cancer risk during work, and BTEX and dichloromethane were the largest contributors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The structural, electronic, and nonlinear optical properties of Verdoocridone A (Ver A) and B (Ver B) are examined theoretically in this study. The results showed that Ver A and B exhibit good electronic properties and can be used as new materials in NLO applications. According to their maximum absorption wavelength, Ver A (λmax = 313 nm) enables production of vitamin D, while Ver B (λmax = 319.55 nm) can help skin pigmentation.
    METHODS: All calculations were performed at the DFT/B3LYP-D3/6-311 + G(d,p) level of theory using the Gaussian 16 software package. Excited states were simulated using the TD-DFT method at the CAM-B3LYP combined with 6-311 + (d,p) basis set. Also, the solvent effect was studied in water and benzene phases by the solvation model based on density (SMD) method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This work analyzes the isomerization effects and solvent contributions to the stability, electronic excitations, reactivity, and non-linear optical properties (NLO) of resveratrol molecules within the formalism of the Density Functional Theory. The findings suggest that resveratrol solvatochromism is significantly influenced by solvent polarization. The electronic and free energies (E and G) indicate that trans is the most stable conformer. The system is classified as a strong nucleophile. However, the analysis of the Fukui functions and the Mulliken charges indicate that cis-trans isomerization jointly affects the reactive indices of the carbon and hydrogen atoms. The results also suggest that solvent is relevant to solvatochromism and the NLO response. Both cis and trans conformers present strong π - π ∗ excitations that undergo a visible hypsochromic change when the polarity of the solvent increases. Once the absorption spectra are connected to the first hyperpolarization ( β ) by the Oudar and Chemla relation, the hypsochromism of resveratrol is the reason for the drop in the generation of the second harmonic when the ambient polarity decreases. The CAM-B3LYP DFT results suggest that resveratrol is interesting for NLO applications. Depending on the choice of solvent, values ∼ 50 times those observed for urea ( β = 0.34 × 10 - 34 esu), which is a standard NLO material.
    METHODS: The optimized geometries of cis and trans isomers of resveratrol in vacuum were obtained using Density Functional Theory (DFT) with the hybrid exchange-correlation function (CAM-B3LYP) and Pople basis set functions, specifically 6-311++G(d,p). The solvent effect on the geometries of both isomers was included using the polarizable continuum model (PCM) with the same level of QM calculation. Vibrational analysis was conducted to confirm that all optimized geometries correspond to the minimum energy. Various electronic properties, including dipole moments, molecular orbitals, transition energy, dipole polarizabilities, and global reactivity parameters, were calculated using both continuum and discrete solvation models based on the sequential QM/MM methodology. All QM calculations were performed with the Gaussian 09 program and the MC simulations with the DICE program. All NLO analysis was carried out using the Multiwfn code.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electronic structure of carbon suboxide, C3O2, has been recently described as OC→C←CO having two lone pairs at the central carbon atom, thereby called as \"Carbones\". Although it has a linear geometry, the presence of two lone pairs comes to fore when its reactivity is analyzed with two protons. However, no attention had been paid on its alternating reactivity with hydride ions. Herein, detailed quantum chemical calculations predict that carbon suboxide can also have significant hydride ion affinity. This reactivity is in tune with σ0π2 carbene character of carbon suboxide. This study also shows that such a σ0π2 carbene character is also prevalent in carbodiphosphorane, C(PH3)2. This bonding situation has been hitherto unexplored in \"Carbone\" chemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In this article, we adapt a recent proposition to use a Fermi-Dirac-type population scheme on Kohn-Sham molecular orbitals to the case of an interaction with a thermalised electrode. This allows to derive a fundamental non-linear equation linking the chemical potential of the electrode and the amount of charge transferred to the system under study, hence allows to quantify the propensity to charge transfer (philicity). This methodology is applied to a large set of common electrophiles and nucleophiles, showing decent relation with more standard philicity descriptors. Chemical hardness is also revisited by this approach.
    METHODS: All calculations were performed using the Gaussian 16 software package at the M062X/aug-cc-pvtz level of theory. Data analysis was then performed through a Python3 dedicated program (relying on the fsolve numerical solver from the SciPy package), using Gaussian output files, and available as supplementary material.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sulphotransferases (SULTs) are a major phase II metabolic enzyme class contributing ~20 % to the Phase II metabolism of FDA-approved drugs. Ignoring the potential for SULT-mediated metabolism leaves a strong potential for drug-drug interactions, often causing late-stage drug discovery failures or black-boxed warnings on FDA labels. The existing models use only accessibility descriptors and machine learning (ML) methods for class and site of sulfonation (SOS) predictions for SULT. In this study, a variety of accessibility, reactivity, and hybrid models and algorithms have been developed to make accurate substrate and SOS predictions. Unlike the literature models, reactivity parameters for the aliphatic or aromatic hydroxyl groups (R/Ar-O-H), the Bond Dissociation Energy (BDE) gave accurate models with a True Positive Rate (TPR)=0.84 for SOS predictions. We offer mechanistic insights to explain these novel findings that are not recognized in the literature. The accessibility parameters like the ratio of Chemgauss4 Score (CGS) and Molecular Weight (MW) CGS/MW and distance from cofactor (Dis) were essential for class predictions and showed TPR=0.72. Substrates consistently had lower BDE, Dis, and CGS/MW than non-substrates. Hybrid models also performed acceptablely for SOS predictions. Using the best models, Algorithms gave an acceptable performance in class prediction: TPR=0.62, False Positive Rate (FPR)=0.24, Balanced accuracy (BA)=0.69, and SOS prediction: TPR=0.98, FPR=0.60, and BA=0.69. A rule-based method was added to improve the predictive performance, which improved the algorithm TPR, FPR, and BA. Validation using an external dataset of drug-like compounds gave class prediction: TPR=0.67, FPR=0.00, and SOS prediction: TPR=0.80 and FPR=0.44 for the best Algorithm. Comparisons with standard ML models also show that our algorithm shows higher predictive performance for classification on external datasets. Overall, these models and algorithms (SOS predictor) give accurate substrate class and site (SOS) predictions for SULT-mediated Phase II metabolism and will be valuable to the drug discovery community in academia and industry. The SOS predictor is freely available for academic/non-profit research via the GitHub link.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skin sensitization is a key endpoint for safety assessment, especially for cosmetics and personal care products. The adverse outcome pathway for skin sensitization and the chemical and biological events driving the induction of human skin sensitization are now well understood. Several non-animal test methods have been developed to predict sensitizer potential by measuring the impact of chemical sensitizers on these key events. In this work, we have focused on Key Event 1 (the molecular initiating step), which is based on formation of a covalent adduct between skin sensitizers and endogenous proteins and/or peptides in the skin. There exists three in-chemico assays approved by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development-(1) Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay (DPRA), (2) Amino Acid Derivative Reactivity Assay (ADRA), and (3) Kinetic Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay (kDPRA) to quantify peptide/amino acid derivative depletion after incubation with test chemicals. However, overestimated depletion of the cysteine-based peptide/amino acid derivatives is known in such assays because of the dimerization of the thiol group. In this present work, we report the synthesis and structural confirmation of the dimer of N-(2-[1-naphthyl]acetyl)-L-cysteine (NAC) from the ADRA assay to allow simultaneous determination of (a) peptide depletion by quantifying NAC monomer and (b) peptide dimerization by quantifying NAC dimer thereby eliminating the overestimation. We present a case study with three chemicals to demonstrate the importance of this approach. Thus, this simultaneous assay gives a more informed view of the peptide reactivity of chemicals to better identify skin sensitizers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reactive astrocytes are known to exert detrimental effects upon neurons in several neurodegenerative diseases, yet our understanding of how astrocytes promote neurotoxicity remains incomplete, especially in human systems. In this study, we leveraged human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) models to examine how reactivity alters astrocyte function and mediates neurodegeneration. hPSC-derived astrocytes were induced to a reactive phenotype, at which point they exhibited a hypertrophic profile and increased complement C3 expression. Functionally, reactive astrocytes displayed decreased intracellular calcium, elevated phagocytic capacity, and decreased contribution to the blood-brain barrier. Subsequently, co-culture of reactive astrocytes with a variety of neuronal cell types promoted morphological and functional alterations. Furthermore, when reactivity was induced in astrocytes from patient-specific hPSCs (glaucoma, Alzheimer\'s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), the reactive state exacerbated astrocytic disease-associated phenotypes. These results demonstrate how reactive astrocytes modulate neurodegeneration, significantly contributing to our understanding of a role for reactive astrocytes in neurodegenerative diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Manganese complexes exhibit a rich redox chemistry, usually accompanied by structural reorganization during the redox processes often followed by ligand dissociation or association. The push-pull ligand 2,6-diguanidylpyridine (dgpy) stabilizes manganese in the oxidation states +II, +III, and + IV in the complexes [Mn(dgpy)2]n+ (n = 2-4) without change in the coordination sphere in the condensed phase [Heinze et al., Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61, 14616]. In the condensed phase, the manganese(IV) complex is a very strong oxidant. In the present work, we investigate the stability and redox activity of the MnIV complex and its counterion (PF6-) adducts in the gas phase, using two modified 3D Paul ion trap mass spectrometers. Six different cationic species of the type [Mnx(dgpy)2(PF6)y]n+ (x = II, III, IV, y = 0-3, n = 1-3) could be observed for the three oxidation states MnIV, MnIII, and MnII, of which one observed complex also contains a reduced dgpy ligand. MnII species showed the highest relative stability in collision induced dissociation and UV/vis photo dissociation experiments. The lowest stability is observed in the presence of one or more counterions, which correlates to a lower total charge n+. Gas phase UV/vis spectra show similar features as the condensed phase spectra only differing in relative band intensities. The strongly oxidizing MnIV complex reacts with triethylamine (NEt3) in the gas phase to give MnIII, while MnIII species show little reactivity toward NEt3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Significant efforts have recently been exerted toward construction of singlet oxygen (1O2)-dominated catalytic oxidation systems for selective removal of organic contaminants from wastewater, with peroxides serving as the chemical source. However, the relevance of 1O2 in the removal of pollutants remains ambiguous and requires elucidation. In this study, we scrupulously exclude the significant role of 1O2 in contaminant degradation in various peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation systems. Multiple experimental results indicate that the activation of PMS catalyzed by CuO, MnO2, Fe-doped g-C3N4 (Fe-CN), or N-doped graphite does not predominantly follow the 1O2 pathway. More importantly, the reactivity of 1O2 is remarkably overestimated in the literature, given its inferior capacity in degradation of a range of heterocyclic contaminants and aromatic compounds possessing electron-withdrawing groups. In addition, the strong physical quenching effect of water, coupled with the low oxidizing ability of 1O2, would notably reduce the utilization efficiency of peroxide, which is particularly apparent in the degradation of micropollutants. We reckon that this study is expected to end the long-running dispute associated with the relevance of 1O2 in pollutant removal.





