
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The benefits of physical activity (PA) in breast cancer are currently recognized in primary prevention. The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and then the National Cancer Institute (INCa) have reported conflicting results regarding the impact of post-diagnosis PA on breast cancer outcomes. The aim of this systematic review is to assess the association between PA after breast cancer diagnosis and overall mortality, specific mortality and risk of breast cancer recurrence in the literature.
    METHODS: Randomized trials, prospective cohorts and meta-analyses studying post-diagnosis PA and overall mortality, breast cancer mortality or risk of recurrence after breast cancer published between January 1, 2014 and October 1, 2019 were included. The articles selected by the INCa report prior to 2014 were included in the literature review.
    RESULTS: Eighteen articles have been selected. Studies unanimously concluded that overall mortality was reduced by post-diagnosis PA practice. For specific mortality, 5 meta-analyses showed a significant decrease in breast cancer mortality and 2 found a decrease in the risk of recurrence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Post-diagnosis PA reduces overall mortality and appears to impact specific breast cancer mortality and risk of recurrence. However, these results need to be confirmed by larger randomized trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer in women in France with 4714 new cases in 2017. More than 70% of patients whose disease is initially locally advanced will present locoregional or distant recurrence. Therapeutic options in this situation are not consensual. They are based on chemotherapy possibly associated with an iterative cytoreductive surgery when it is bearable by the patient. The place of radiotherapy in the management of the disease is hidden in the vast majority of national or international standards. We conducted a general review of the literature to clarify the role of irradiation in the global management of ovarian cancers, particularly in recurrence.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ligneous conjunctivitis is a rare and poorly understood pathology. Infections and repeated microtraumas are often involved in acute disease flare-ups. This masquerade may lead to misdiagnosis and delayed treatment. We report two cases of ligneous conjunctivitis, describing various presentations of its natural history and focusing on the treatment of this rare disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amiodarone, a benzofuranic iodine-rich pan-anti-arrhythmic drug, induces amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) in 7-15% of patients. AIT is a major issue due to its typical severity and resistance to anti-thyroid measures, and to its negative impact on cardiac status. Classically, AIT is either an iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis in patients with abnormal thyroid (type 1), or due to acute thyroiditis in a \"healthy\" thyroid (type 2). Determination of the type of AIT is a diagnostic dilemma, as characteristics of both types may be present in some patients. As it is the main etiological factor in AIT, it is recommended that amiodarone treatment should be stopped; however, it may be the only anti-arrhythmic option, needing to be either continued or re-introduced to improve cardiovascular survival. Recently, a few studies demonstrated that amiodarone could be continued or re-introduced in patients with history of type-2 AIT. However, in the other patients, it is recommended that amiodarone treatment be interrupted, to improve response to thioamides and to alleviate the risk of AIT recurrence. In such patients, thyroidectomy is recommended once AIT is under control, allowing safe re-introduction of amiodarone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ranula is a pseudocyst of the sublingual gland, often of unknown etiology. In few cases, it can extend to the neck when passing through the mylohyoid muscle. Diagnosis is not always easy as other cervical cystic lesions may have the same clinical aspect. Some ranulas recur after removal. The aim of our study was to conduct a review about plunging ranulas, with a focus on the most useful paraclinical exams and the most effective treatment.
    METHODS: A review of the literature has been conducted in the PubMed database between 2015 and 2010 using following keywords: plunging ranula, recurrent plunging ranula.
    RESULTS: Thirteen articles reporting 37 cases of plunging ranulas have been selected. Among these cases, 3 recurred. Paraclinical exams consisted in US, CT scan and MRI. Main reported treatment was sublingual gland removal, sometime associated with marsupialization.
    CONCLUSIONS: The most useful paraclinical exam is CT scan. Total sublingual gland removal is the most efficient treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Condylar resorption after orthognathic surgery (CROS) represents a progressive alteration of shape and volume of the mandibular condyle. It is a known factor of surgical relapse. The aim of this systematic review was to discuss the physiopathology, mechanisms, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
    METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was performed on the Pubmed database from 1970 to 2014, using following terms: (\"orthognathic surgery\") AND (\"condylar resorption\" OR \"progressive condylar resorption\" OR \"idiopathic condylar resorption\" OR \"condylar atrophy\" OR \"condylolysis\"). Papers were included according inclusion and exclusion criterias.
    RESULTS: The search leaded to 32 articles. Seventeen were included. CROS was a condylar remodeling secondary to an imbalance between mechanical stress applied to the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and the host adaptive capacities. It mainly occurred in 14 to 50years old women with pre-existing TMJ dysfunction, estrogen deficiency, class II malocclusion with a high mandibular plane angle, a diminished posterior facial height and a posteriorly inclined condylar neck. Mandibular advancement superior to 10mm, counterclockwise rotation of the mandible and posteriorly condylar repositioning were associated with an increased risk of CROS.
    CONCLUSIONS: Treatment consists in re-operation in case of degradation of the occlusal result after an inactivity period of at least 6 months. Condylectomy with allogenic or autologous reconstruction is an alternative. Prevention is crucial and requires at-risk patient information.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The clinical surveillance of a patient treated for breast cancer involves many specialists: a surgeon, an oncologist, a radiotherapist, a gynecologist, and a general practitioner. The patients diagnosed with breast cancer will require regular clinical examination in order to identify possible recurrences. In our team, fat grafting has been used since 1998 for breast reconstruction because its results are natural breasts. Usually used as an adjuvant for flap or implant breast reconstruction, the lipofilling increases the aesthetic result and has a high satisfaction rate among patients. Despite of this advantage, some teams do not use lipofilling in patients with breast cancer history, because of doubts about oncology safety and screening difficulty. We performed an extensive review of the literature available regarding this subject. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the oncology safety of lipofilling in breast reconstruction after breast cancer.
    METHODS: A literature review was undertaken using PubMed. The key words searched were: breast lipofilling, breast reconstruction, breast cancer, and recurrence.
    RESULTS: The results of the literature review showed a reduced number of articles reporting recurrence after lipofilling. The retrospective studies included few patients and searched for multiple variables: histological type, stage, surgery, marginal invasion, distance between cancer surgery and lipofilling. In our research, we found no correct control group, except the series of Petit. The follow-up is relatively short (between 1 and 3years), except for the series of Rigotti. The recurrence cases after lipofilling in patients with extensive in situ carcinoma, in the series of Petit, raised the problem to be cautious with lipofilling after extensive in situ carcinoma. Other factors involved are the age of the patient and the distance between the cancer surgery and the lipofilling.
    CONCLUSIONS: Breast cancer is a disease that is well managed regarding treatment and follow-up. After reviewing the available literature, we consider that the lipofilling does not have a negative impact on the recurrence of breast cancer. There are however several precautions that must be taken into account in the sequelae of the conservative treatment (image exam before and after surgery, 3years delay of the procedure after the oncology treatment) and in the extensive in situ carcinoma. For this particular case of breast reconstruction using lipofilling, a multidisciplinary discussion of the reconstruction options might be a reasonable approach. It is important that the patients treated for breast cancer continue a clinical and imaging exam regardless of the breast reconstruction method, in order to identify a possible relapse as early as possible.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Cancer Committee of the French Association of Urology (CCAFU) conducted a literature review concerning the follow-up of urothelial carcinomas and provides recommendations for monitoring.
    METHODS: A bibliographic research in French and English using PubMed was carried out from 1990 to 2014 using the keywords \"urothelial carcinoma\", \"follow-up\", \"prognosis\", and \"recurrence\".
    RESULTS: Rhythm and tools of follow-up (cytology, endoscopy, CT-urography) for non muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) have to be adjusted to the recurrence and progression risk defined by the EORTC tables. After radical treatment of muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), follow-up is based on endoscopy, cytology and CT-urography. Monitoring of the urethra must be adapted to the recurrence factors and continued for at least 5 years. The monitoring of upper tract should be continued for life. In case of conservative treatment for MIBC, early endoscopy and imaging reassessment is required. After radical treatment of upper urinary tract tumour (UTUC), cystoscopy and cytology are essential because of the frequency of bladder recurrence in the first three years. Conservative management of UTUC requires strict monitoring including flexible ureteroscopy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Oncologic follow-up of urothelial carcinomas is adapted according to tumour stage and grade, location and treatment modality thus defining the risk of recurrence over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the main prognostic factors with an impact on survival of patients diagnosed with upper tract urothelial carcinomas (UTUC).
    METHODS: A systematic review of the literature has been performed using Pubmed without timeline restriction with the following keywords (MeSH): urothelial carcinoma; ureter; renal pelvis; prognosis; recurrence; survival; predictive models; nomogram.
    RESULTS: The level of evidence was low (3) in every available studies. There were 4 categories of prognostic factors in UTUCs: clinical (patient and tumor characteristics); surgical; pathological and molecular. The most important pre-operative prognostic factors were: size>3cm, grade (biopsy and cytology); multifocality; important hydronephrosis; co-morbidity (ASA), ECOG status, and a surgical delay of no more than 3months. After surgery, the most important prognostic factors are: stage, grade, carcinoma in situ, lymphovascular invasion and lymph node involvement. Serum markers from inflammation (CRP) could be useful for the prediction of advanced stages. Molecular markers are still under evaluation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The identification of prognostic factors in UTUC has improved over the past years. These prognostic factors can be considered alone but also as a panel or inside predictive tools to predict accurately patient\'s survival.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The role of nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) for breast cancer is controversial as there is concern regarding its oncological safety and complication rate. We carried out a review of the literature to quantify the incidence of occult nipple malignancy in breast cancer, identify the factors influencing occult nipple malignancy, quantify locoregional recurrence rates and quantify NSM complication rates.
    METHODS: A search of the literature was performed using PubMed. Keywords used were \"mastectomy\", \"nipple involvement\", \"nipple-sparing mastectomy\", \"skin-sparing mastectomy\" \"occult nipple malignancy\" \"occult nipple disease\" \"breast cancer recurrence\". Articles were analyzed regarding incidence of occult nipple malignancy, potential factors influencing the incidence of occult malignancy and recurrence/complications following NSM. The incidence of occult nipple disease was compared between groups using Chi(2) or Fisher\'s exact tests for categorical variables and Student\'s t-tests for continuous variables. P values were considered significant<0.05. We identified nearly 30 studies compiling nearly 10 000 cases examining the rate of occult nipple malignancy and 23 studies compiling 2300 cases providing information on the rate of local recurrence after NSM.
    RESULTS: The overall rate of occult nipple malignancy was 11.5 %. Primary tumour characteristics influencing occult nipple malignancy were tumour-nipple distance<2cm, grade, lymph node metastasis, lymphovascular invasion, HER2 positive, ER/PR negative, tumour size>5cm, retro-areolar/central location and multicentric tumours. The overall nipple recurrence rate following NSM was 0.9 %, skin flap recurrence rate was 4.2 %. Full and partial thickness nipple necrosis rates were 2.9 % and 6.3 % respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: NSM for primary breast cancer is appropriate in carefully selected patients. All patients should have retro-areolar sampling. There is strong evidence to suggest that suitable cases are well circumscribed single or multifocal lesions that have a TND>2cm. Tumours should be graded 1-2 and not have LVI, axillary node metastasis or HER2 positivity.





